Page 12, WhItby Fr.. Ptess Wednesday, JuIy 31,9lm Purpie weed pull in:Whitb lb. Whitby .Envfronxnental Youth Cos n rgniina rple loosesrife lb. weed, which desry elands, will be pulled at Thickson's Woods where ithas inivaded. Since very ew Canadian birds, mam- mals orfsi feed on the tallish, purpie- flowered plant that was firet nported years ago from Europe for plantmng ini flower gardens, purpie loosestrife haeu no predators. Biological 'control (European insects that feed only on the weed) is a longterm solution, so handa-on'removal i, now considered the most, immediate, effective metiiod of controlling the problemn., lbe Wiiitby corps, seeks volunteers to help- witii e we.d pull. Caîl Scott Fleminget 427-3300, .et. 222. PREVENINMG PROBLEM IN THE COMPOST HEAP As a resuit of-MY last column on composting, I was asked if I wouldýdo an article on trouble-shooting. A well-maintained compost unit should flot experionce any probleme and will yield a good natural fertîlizer in several- months. For tiiose unfamiliar witii the prosu, the following will address probleme, probable caues and solutions. BAD ODOUR may be cauSd bYr too many green from your kitchen. Tii. solution ie to add iots ofbrown materials such as twigs, brusii and dried leaves. Turu the, pile and top witii Soil. A RO'ITEN EGG SNELL means t hat flot enougii air in going tbrough. Turn the pile for several days until the odouri i gone and top with soil.'You can add air to the pilé by poking boes through witii a broorn handie or loosening the pile witii a pitch fork. Twigs and bruali througiiout provide air space. On. can also make a typeof vientilating stack by placing three sticks loosely tied together vertically into the. pile.- ,>, NOT COMIPOSTING can he the resuit of your pile being too dry. Moisten' it witii water until damp. On. way to add additional moisture in to include the grey water from rinaing out cooking pots, pop cana, leftover tea, etc., into your container that you can use to collect the. kitchen acrape. Your pile siiould be as damp as a weflâwrung sponge. FLIES- will be more prominent if food is exposed. Always try te, add a iiandful of brïowns or yard waete after you deposit the. contents from your kitchen pile. UNWELCOE ANIMAL VISITORS appear if thi.i, is, too much exposed food or the wrong items added sucii as meat, bones, peanut butter, fats or dairy producte. Just lik. us, a composte r needs food, water and air. The. key in te feed your bin an equal amount of greens (materials high in nitrogen) and browns (materials higin l carbon). Bmry your food ecraps in the. centre of the pile and add soil periodically. Add diveraity by including scraps of cotton, wool, rope, and string,côoled wood asiies from a fireplace, hair and pet ui,, wilted flowers an& dried out houseplants, dryer lint, sawdust from untreated wood, and feathers. Avoid putting in oils, dairy productsand fats as tiiey do not break down eaily. By being a subeciber te tthe U.S. publication, Worm Digest (on. year, $22), you can be informed of thie- latest composting Mtories, tipe, product-rlated innovations and upcoming events. Write: Worm Digest, Box 54, Eugene, Oregon 97440 U.S.A., or cal 541-896-9058. EasY xil IM _ 50JoPICKUP. PIZZA Dare to. compalre 701 ROSSLAND'RD. E. WHITBY I i t 1 SiO OFFADDITIONAL SAVINGS