Whkby Fros Prea, Weckiesday, July 3,1996, Page>S Areement paves way or townhouses 011 obi silte By Mike Kowalild sgroed, saYmng 'I don't think the now this hascrne ujp solely as a poetal hurdie to develop- taxpayers should be expected to resuit of provnia oernment0 Dp ingAtheC2'i Foode site has been pavanother $16 O0. action,» said councillor Don it- clesrd 4h dv _oe stands te malce choul, now willing te be fleible Town council laa week a substantial profit. and the extra after expressing misgivings te red uce the deve sare of $16,000 shouldn't b. a problem about River Qaks request at the> the $68,0 cost of installing for them ho said. committoe meeting. 1 traffic lihbts at Brock and Maple Fox als criticized Townsend- Mitchell pointed out that the streeta. Robertson for her romark about Brock-Maple intersection' does Councils approval of the sub- t±he taxes Cobi Foods pays te the not- yet meet provincial criteria divis9ion plan paves the way for a municipa]ity. te warrant ýTaffic signaIs, but PUT ITONYOUR 130-unit -,tewnhouse coplex. to «I don't look at *$670,000 as a iver Oaka is cognizant of the GAS- BILL AS LOW AS be built on. the former canning handout te the Town of' Whitby, safety aspect. factory propet on the north- that's their share," he said. Mitchell joined councillors west coner cf tthe intersection. "If thoy're going te be penny- Gerry Emm and Shirley Scott-in 4 m0ehOO But just one week earlior, the pchnICan be, too. Frm pre- spotng Drumm's amend-- per mnhOAC developers refusai te pay any Pard say that if youre notmet porton o the $40000O initially wm t»y, you don't develop in Myo demadeby the Town had li en ao Tom Edwards, council- throatoned te scuttie the ontire "They played under the oId lor Judi Là ongfild'and Fox were Proet. rules and paid their share and opposed. Authorized Deer River Oaks Group, feit it- was being penalized because the INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Ontario government no longer Eeti subsidizes the cost of traffic lighta. eRETIREMENT PLANNING Basebardat Lyn Townsend-Robertson, soli- * TAX / ESTATE STRATEG 1 ES -- aseCovrsiton citer for River Oaks told coun- a ovrin cils planning and âevelopmlent CALTDYFO £RFE NATURAL GAS committee that hor client had P* £ A j O 'COSAVES65%O already paid its share .throqgh AE65 development carges (lot levies) 666-8245 over electrîc heatlng and would net pay more. But commttee members didHatn ndlcdfolgLt. 0 flot want Whitby taxpayers foot- F0 TUN tin'g adArodîô1gLd ngthe bill and warned the FO T N development was mn jeopardy if DEBBIE MORGAN. o s a River Oaks did net co-operate. Fortune Financial Group Imc.> "The only reason r'm ber. is te talk about one outstanding isu the cost of traffic ligKhts3,' saiJ To)wnsend-Roberten in urgng council te overturn the commit- tees recommendation that River Oaka pay the $40,000. Àccording te Townsend-Rtobert- son, the impasse over the traifflc tthswas the ony issue remain- ing te be reolvedaince housing Was firat proposed for the site nearly four years ago. Once ownied by Stekely Van Camp the factory0ws ecsd b Cobi mooDeceimber 198 and eventually dem olished. Orignallyplannod teconsiat of apartment buildings and town-j hu.,the rooal has under- gene substanitial change due te area residents'- concerne aboutJ traffc, density and noise. Toned-Robertson, in addi- tion te pointing out -theéeelp ment cham paid by . El... Oaks, notfcrtat durnîç he last CoiFo-ad aid muierVaIle that contribution recognized, she aaid. Howoverralzn that the E D~ <~ situation hd h r angeRvrII1MN U aa liti or, onsend-Riber- 10KNG poieafter the developer' apparent "change of heart" since the committee mèeting. vle o$50 Drumm aIse noted that tho lp lights will b. located outeide the actual development and this10 would weaken theTownWs caseif muin te, the Oftarie Municipal ( EI ID T Itsmy sense that threisneT*7Oi obigtion for the, developer te put sie ollars there,» ho said. "If we went te the board, the devloer would. walk away values t7 of $24 000 richer7vle o 1 00 C;unci1lor Dennia ]Fox is ROTARY CASH CAWAR$