Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Jun 1996, p. 12

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:7, 7-- 777î -- . Page 12, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, June 26, 1M9 Town attue 'could jeopadz ihay FROM PAGE 1i «W. neod. to speak wlth a unified voico. Tho inisiisue has to ho dealt with, but not dealt with now.» Although plans sitili caîl for the highway tW stretch from 111gh- way403in Oav*Ille tW Highway 15in Claringtort, Flaherty fears this could soon change. «Studios now don't jusmy the 407 to,115/35," ho sald. «t probably will hob some day in the future and I don't want Whitby t o some'day in the future." While it has nover objected to the 407, the Town has been at lpggorhoads with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation ever sinco the connectmng link route was announced six years ao. The minlstry wan ta the ik to whtaZ4 run hotween Halls and Corona- tion roads. Council prefers that it ho built along Lake RidIge Road, thus causing the least.diéruption Wo residents and allowlng more land W o efreed up for develop- ment. Whitby has submitted several alternatives Wo the ministryi reetyears and aIl have beon Earlier this month, council again reafffirmed its opposition. 'le motion was prompted by rcit of letters from Transpor- ttiotnfMixuster AI Palladini and Environment and Energy Minis- ter Brenda Elliott. Neither would support Whitby's bid for funding Wo con- tinue its fight should the project ho subjected Wo a full environ- -mental assessment. Flaherty, however, insista the -~ - - i WhiUy or have a aubstantW Whby menmberUt may Pa"e ut no cot tranporation minlstry «l not saylng our minds are made up and go away.» fliere is a solution Wo the impasse between the Town and mmnistry, he said, and that would ho aubjectmng councll's concerna Wo the Higway 407 Est trans- portation planning and environ- mental assesement study. T7his study i. holng undertaken at "arma's length» fromn the miinis- try by the private sector consor- tium building the' highway, Fla,- herty explained. It could accept, rejeet or moid.fy either aide'. position, ho Flaherty said council has been aware of this "solution» for some time and on Monday hoe again put fward this suggestion in a letter Wo Mayor Tom Edwards. 'The Town i. stili keenly inter- ested in the 407 comm g W, Whitby," Flaherty acknowledted. "The problemi. i the mixed signale coming from Whitby," hoe Flhert Mid the. minisry has comiete itsown internisu dies of the Town's concerna and now there la another «mechan- ism" available. «The minlstry has agreed Wo it and I hope the Town will" Flaherty's optimlsm was- not shared by Town counilîlors after Edwards.read the MPP's letter Wo hlmi durlng Monday's council meetin. Readinýg from the letter, Edwards said that if council was Wo express its. support for the 407, ho (Flaherty) was confident that Palladini would gi*ve "con- sideration» tW Whitby'BTpositio and that there wlll ho "full public participation»"in the procesi. Edwards tWhd cuncil that as recently* as May 30, ho sent Flaherty a lettor outlining the Town's position on both the 407 and lin issues and could flot understand the reason for the latoat loUter. "It asks council Wo indicate ita support and w. have don. 50 on numerous ocsions,» ho salid. «It gives some suaestion that we don't support 407 and that's mont unfortuniate.» Anm angry councillor Dormis Fox accused Flaherty of tbrowlng up a 'amoke ecreen» with bis, interpretation of Wbltby's con- cerna. "Our position goos back a long way," said Ff Mr. Flaherty la truly in Wouch with the com- mnit% he should have known cucla9 position a year ago, two years, five years ago., "Tis man should b. ashamned of himself. If ho underatood and knew the Issue, we wouldn't ho standing here Wonlght talklng about thiis.» Edwards repliedl that it was not bis intent W insult Flaherty by bringing the matter forward. 'Tm not playkng games, I aup- ported hlmn on 'theêhospital issue,» smmd Edwards. "But.this in not going to help matters, It wll create confusion. "We're, not opposing the 407, were in favour of it. W. just don't want W sS. the community sliced up.w An unrepentant Fox made no apologies for bis remarks. Fox said the proposed routlng «will have a sermous effect on the town. «Aftor hearing that letter P'm fearful that a decialon bas aireadyhooen made.» Fox said council was hopeful that with a change ini govern- ment thee woldhoa «fresh approach» Wo the probhem, but council bas been disappointed. PABl<EWUDUPARmB Parents With out Partners Chapter #204 will meet Thursday, June 27, 8 p.m., at St. Georgell. Church (upairs), 51 Centre St.S., Oshawa. Guest speaker Wo ho announced. 'For information, cali Debbie at 571-5452 or Bon at 723- 1699. ONE PARENT FANMLE The One Parent Faniilies Association of Oshawa will meet Tuesday, July 2, 8 p.m., at the Adria Cultural Club, 432-Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, for a general meeting. Ail single parents, custodial or flot, are invited to attend. For more information, cal Debbie at 404-0629 or Doug at 728-1011. DEAF The annual general meeting of Durhanm Deaf Services (DDS) Inc. wiil be held at - 50 Klng St. E., Oshawa Gjuet west of Harmony Road), Thursday, June 27, 7:30 p.m. Guest speakers wiil include MPP Jerry Ouellette and Clifton Carlin, author and membor of the doaf community. Ail are welcome. TALK ON FRAUD A sergeant from Durham Regional Police wiJl discus frauds and scams against seniors in a presentation at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S. on June 28. Cost i. $1. ANTIQUE & CRAYFTSL The -Whitby Seniors, Actvity- Centre at'801 Brock St. S. will hold an antique and craft sale on Saturday, June 29, 10 a.m. to 4 P.m. BREAST CANCER The Oshawa and district breast cancer support group will meet on Thursday, June 27, 7:30 p.m., at Kingsview United ChurchWilson Road and Adolalde Street. For more information, caîl 725-5349. Alzheimer Durham will hold the next Ajax family support group meeting (Wednesday), 7:30 p.m., 487 Westney Rd. S., units 19 and 20,4Aax (Community Car. respite program offices). AUl caregivers are welcome Wo attend. For more information,- caîl the Alzheimer Durham office at 576-2567. BIRTHING CIRCLE Birthing Circle and Hel ping Hands Labour and Postpartum Support Services wiil present Fearless Childbirth: How Wo have a positive blrth experience,' on Tuesday, July 2, 8 W 9:30 p.mý., at the Knights cf Columbus Hall, 108 Bloor St. W. (between Simcoe and Park) Oshawa. For more information, cail 576-0562. YMCA PPR0GRAMS Preschoolers can take classes in dance, gymnastics, advexiture, reading readiness or tots in action begiining July 2 and runming for eight weeks at Whltby Baptist Church. Youth aged 6to12 can register for a Mad Science clams Wednesdays, 9:15 Wo 10:15 a.m., working with dry ice, lasers, rockets and proporties cf matter. Cali 1668-6868. WOMEN 1NDEED The Women Indeed Resource Centre offers the followlng at 70 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa: June 26,7 p.m., "Introduction Wo Wellness," with facilitator Cassandra Das.; June 27, 7 p.m., study session; June 29,' look for mcm and ida eventa in July; JuIy 3, workShop on forgiveness, 7 p.m.,, facilitator Cassandra Dass; July 10, at 7:30 p.m.9, Pearl Castie,. author of Diw4dpine WWwhut Tearr Her Wopic for the evening will ho "What Makes Us Tick?' FLASH___ AUTrOMOTIVE REPAýIR INC. ~K T.N. #, HIBY Open., Mon. & Thurs8-8 "d'44 Tue, Wed& Frf8730 ~II 3-1 ~~ Sat. 8-5, Sun AptOyL ~ ~BROOKLI1}v. New equipment for park By Steve Leahy Official opeming ceremonies were held last week at Myrtle Station Parkt4o honour the efforts of the Brooklin and District Kinsmen who raised $20,000 Wo purchase an array of new play equipment for the park. Town and Kirsmen dignitaries were on hand for the 'hot dog supper" and ribbon-cutting ceremonies. The park ha. also been newly landscaped and is micely situated in the heart of Myrtle Station. insmen are also hoping for a "phase two" expansion of the park that would include a emal basketball court. The Town ofWhitby is a partner in the joint effort with Kinsmen who drove the project forward. CELEBRAION Theres plenty Wo do around own this Canada Day weekend, not least of which i. Whitby's l4lst anniversazy and the County Town Carnival which promises W Wtp last years very successful oelebration. It *all starts this Fmiday and runs through until the big fireworks show in Brooklin on Sunday. Once again a massive fireworks display will light up the sky on Sunday, Ju2ne 29 at Brooklin Memorial Park, otherwise known as the fafrgroundsa. It'. quito an event, 50 expoct a lot of people. Bring a blanket some VOLUNTEERS Durham-', Deaf Services. (DDS) seeks volunteers to help in. a number of areas. Cail 579-3328 (voice), 579- 6495 MMY., 728-1183 (fax). lawnchairs and eérUjoy a "ight- fantastic" summer ovening. CORRECTION The Brooklin 'United Church Women's "Strawberries in Grass Park" social is hoing héld this Thursday, June 27 starting at 7 p.m., net Wednesday as reported in thls column hast week. Strawberries, ice cream, entertainmont by the Oshawa- Whitby Fiddle Club costa only $4 for adulte and $2 for kids under 12. Preschoohers are fre. Tckets are availablo the evenlng cf the social. Grass Park le located at - the corner cf Cassels Road- East and Hlghwyay 12, and if it's- raining that evoming, the whole shebang will ho relocatedd W th'chÈurch hall. VANDALS The eplurge cf break and enter crimes seems tW have passed as spring bas become summer but now there's vandalism. The police did make some arresta regarding the break and enters but rarely do when it comes Wo vandalism. It's probably because they figure local youth are involved and can easily disappear inWo their homes when the police ýshow up. Or it may ho that the police expect parents cf these ids Wo deal wlth it themeelves. No doubt the vandalism caused by a few local kids couhd largehy ho taken care ofb4y parents.« On. fed-up Brooklinite wants parents Wo answer this question when if's late at nlght: '"Do you know where your kd are?' And if you think you -do, sometimes it S~rooklin Village Shoppe fine ladys' clothiers prmprietimss ConnieJ-eron, 57 Baldwin St. P.O. Box 459 BroDokiin, Ontario LOB iCO Tel. (905) 655 - j474 &whSifiggyb s an The 7W4>cuouir Hom.: Mom. Wod 905:30 &PuiFi 9:30 - : a9..30. SM doesn't hurt to verify their whereabouts once in a while. OPTIMIST TENNIS - The Optimiet youth' prog ram will- be held fromn 7 to 8 bp Jul ., 49,10o and il' for youths aged 9 to 18. Cost is only $5. Applications are available at Brooklin Bulletin Signe on Way Street at Baldwin, or at Video Image., ANNIE &,MO - Friday, June 28 at the Brooklin Branch library. This musical delight'for children aged three and over will get started at 12:45 and conclude at 1:30 p.m. Itfs fre, but register in advance. SUMRMHOURS Starting June 29, the library, will be moving Wo its summer hours. That means it will ho closed saturdays until the end of August, And 80 will the Dumdas (main) branch. Neyer fear,, desperate bookiovers, the Rossland branch romains open Satuirdaysi in the summer exoept for June 29, Aug. 3 and 31. Just when -is the Brooklln library open ini the summer? Write this down somewhere: Tuesday and Wodnesday, noon Wo 8 p.m.; Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m-.W 5 p.m. Steve Leahy's colwnn appewM eveuy week He arn be reached at 654398 or 655-5888 (fax) Frésh Fruits - & Vegetabesj (Wholesale & Retail) ~N Fresh Bread. & Buns (Each Day>, .DalyIn-Store Special RE HOURS: Mon di' uTlmrs77it.-9ana l7pm Ên'duv. Pami loSpm Mrl,èrna' &Sîds, 9 ans t , wn

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