Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Jun 1996, p. 11

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Arrive early for pancakes Those who plan te attend mne WhitbyRotary clubs" pancake breakfat on Saturday mo- during carnival weekend,7h"u get to Rotary Park earlyS Last year, about 700 people - far more than expected - turned out for th. pancakes. And even greater numbers may turn out tins year to enjoy breakfast before heading off té the numerous activities on tii. Saturdayeschedule. Servedfup by Rotary club and Rotary-Sunrise club membere, they suggest early attendance to ensure they get served. ii. breakfast, $3 for aduits and $2 for kida,- wil begin at the. park at 8 a.m. and continue until- te pancakes are gone, or i a.m., wiiichever cornes firet. Proced go te support Rotary prnjects, ail of them mr Whitby. Rotary-Sunrise membere alo have an entry -- "NASA-deslg- ned» -- i the Saturday afternoon outhouse race downtewn. Defribi*lation fundraiser During the. County Town Car- nival,ftii. Whitby Fire De part- ment will launch their fun4rais- Ingcapagoto ri.$100.,000 for tie lbaonprogram. An open houa. and funidraising barbecuie wlli b. held at the, downtown firehaîl on Saturday, June, 29,ý 10,.a.m. te 4 p.m., te raise funds -for the j>rograr n h wiiich a mechanical procedure ailows an intervention te tiie heart when it requires a jump start to function effeciveiy. Tii. Wbitby Ambulance Ser- vice and the, Oshawa General Hospital program base rep, Marty Epp, wil1 help firefighters show thi. defribillation equip- ment required for the. program. M'le run Tii. WMhy/Adidas Mass Mile event will'ha heid asp art of tiie County Town Carnive on atur- dayJüne 29. 7emile run, organized by the Whitby Ti'er nIlng Club, will beinat 4 .m. a Registration ($6) gisa8 a.m. at -Rotary Park (Bock and Burns etreete), the, finish lin. for the event. lhere are prizes for top tiiree finishers m eaIh of the male.and female divisions (awards given out at noon at the four corners i Dreams of a Whitby Grand Prix go-kart race will remainjust that - dreame.- Organizers had hop.d te stage the, event tiirougii tii. downtewn in corunction witii the County Organizing onmttee chaih Treor ardna mysthere were a lot of loistcproblemsmi clos- mng off the downtown. for the. race. downtown Whitby). For al entrants there i. a free pancake breakfast at the park. For more information, cal Ian Barron at 666-4801. Just for .Kds. As part of the. downtiown enter. tainmient on Saturdýay, 'Terr Crawford and Rick Jobnson will erflorm song from theïr new M, ust for Kids, etarting at noon at the four corners. Bongo cover many styles, from rock te, jazz te folk te country. Sponeors of the show are tii. "Y timist Club of Brooklin and Markborough Properties Ltd. The. cost of insurance. -- "you need a vaut amount of insurance for sometiiing lie that» -- and the. huge number of volunteers needed te run such an event were otiier probleme that- came te, ligit after taika witii organi- zers of the annuai Barrie race. Borne businesses, especiaily Town Funeral ChapeL wee also, concerned about th. noise the. karts would generate. lthby Freeo . P a W echesdy, June 26,19 6 ei l Sisters' relationShip is 'Challenging9, educating' By Vioi D PM There are 30 young girls on a waiting lit for Big Sisteri NOW (Northiumberland, Oshawa, Whitby).-- That'. one reason why Shiley Clermont became lnvolved with the. group i 1994. "l'y. alwaye worked wltii chfdren. I thougiit It would b. very IntereSting, a way ofiielping a young girl if sh. needed advioe," maya CIoront. Being a big master la typlcally a Iong-term connitment - the. relationaébip may tsat until the. litti. sieter la age 18. "You get attaciied, juat 11k. ah. was your aiter - you're there for her if siie needa you," aaye Clermont. Clermont and bar littie sister enjoy shopping, doing crafta, and even spent Chrietmas together. "It's very warm to my heart te know I can iielp bar. It'. qit chal.enging, eclucating. rm there to reassure ber, and it bas more tha met my» expectations," itates' Clermont. What bas especially touciied Clermont bas been 7... teaching her te iielp otiiers who are ne.dy." Clermont taugiit her littie aiter Basketbal competition There'll b. a shooteut in tewn Saturd b he.on variety, as in-baske>tball, mwlî replace the or*g*mally scheduled three-on-three teurnament. For the. shootout, there will b. three age categories: 13 and 14, starting at 10 a.m.; 15 and 16, at 1a. 17 and 18, at non. For ïkosnE ad 10 te 12, there will b. a foui-s ootn contest. nhe ehooteut takes p1aeh downtown Whitby, nex to te i firehail. For more information, cail 668- 6955. Annie & Mo on the lawn- As part of the County Town Carnival, local perforinere Annie & Mo will prent a musical show for children on the lawn of the Whitby Public Librazy, 405 Dundas St. W., on Frday, June 28, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. There la no registration required and it je free. There will also b. a childrene book swap, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Summertime Songe and Stories from 2:30 te 3:30 p.m. Ciii ~ ti.lbay at 668-651 for more ditaili. Bingo At the, Whitby Seniors' Actvity Centreon Saturday, June 29, 7 p.M., there wiil b. a "como and go, car'nival-style bingo." AUlagoS are webcoe.mair wiil b. cash prizes and refreehmenta available. For More information, caU 668-1424. SHIRLEY Clerrnont of Whitby is shown with littie sister Shayna. Big Sisters is Ioking for more volunteers to establish relation- ships wth young girlésnthe waiting ist. Cai 725-9300 for more information. Photo by Mm*k Reesor. VWyFr.. ProU HOME PROG&AM TIl, Oshawa and District Association for Community ailnr famlily home program bas opportunities for families andfor individuels to shar. their homo, on an ongoing lbasis, with a person who lha a developmental disblity. Ciii Petina Peyten at 576- 3261. RossiandiGarden Plaza 701 Rossland Rd.E Unît #207, Whitby *New Patients Welcome *lnsuranoe Claims Prooessed. *Days*Evenings* audy A duý a Chidren,@* Seniors *Urgent Cails Accepted Elevator entrance near IDA Pharrnacy AI I 1~le'oe~ 7~c~~yc~ le I th~ ta 73êWa5~ ~oe7.. I - I how toknlt and nowthe youn-gf" 18 able to give to n.sdy hnuit children iDavis Inlet labrador through the. Big Sitors 0porimn Afghan initlative <kniting f-han for the noedy ciiidren). "Th. coordînators, (of Big Siater) are fantastîc,'they oere about tii.. chfdren. If eveirybody was like tbatwould'tIt boa ýwonderfulworldr Bsaye Clermont. The threeto four houri of trne per week upent with ber- littie sator iantIn no way an inconvemience for Clermont who relaye, -W. just include her in the thinge that w. do." There are 70 Big SMater relationihipe in the NOW chapter, and there te alwaye a waitlng let Big Buitors NOW hbèii h operationfur 24 years, and mout of their firnding ta provdd b.y'tii. United Way and fruôm their own fizndraislng., efforts, including Nevada ticket sales. For more information, eaH 725- 9300. 'RENT "ME'. SPECIAL' 300kmi Per Day Free! (withi this ad) July Rentai1 - OnIy. 3 Left Ail the comforts of a motor home. Ail the ease and efficiency of dri vi ng a van. Discover why Roadtrek is the best selling North - Amenican camper van. Roadtrelç ý The Moior Home That.. Dri ves Like a Van'* by Àr/' HOME & PARK-' OWASCO* RECREATIONAL CMJ Provvn 0 sevÇ1ou&ST sînce 1972. An I CARE" and CM award wfnner 1425 Dundas St East, Whitby T 4«IAN 4M«N/ Grecz Cui5ine t2ut more Vhan Greck F006, Fý.r esrviýnn Pivte Pýl e . iD)ý -bSm ) tN Speckfidng ini Fine Mediterranean Cuisiýw and the Best of Greek and Canadian Food T"'ý00N ý<ýTAVKAN_1 Lamb Beef 0 Porlç 0 C!Ü,ëkèn,"' > 7ý é _Quail le -,Steak e 'Seafood _> ' . Lunch SW ials ll-,,e3Oý am to 3:00, PM Dinner Reservations -R'elcommended Open 7 Da"'a Week LWO 1101 Býoëk St Se rr 00- ** ý ;' 'il ýjj hltvk- rinrtk% M Wt",, -Irtt'V d to the. buey for ,» notes àmr. hirdi àb rige and. les. Ire" Dow ntown .kart race plan dropped by ,N 'Up-- i

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