Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Jun 1996, p. 25

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WhlÃŽby Fiee Pres, Werhiesday, June 19, 19M, Page 25 OMSAPARMENTS APARTENT ..O...... FO SLE FO RNT FOR RENT FR A.TIC1A ChsfORd uteSoALEd WANTED TO buy; Otter Creek seml for young couple wsith one child. Ask for Ullan North, Remax Summît, 668-3800, res. 668-7479. WANTED: WHITBY. 4 BEDROOMI 3 bathroam home with double garage and inground pool. Ask for Lilian North, Remax Summit, 668-3800, res. 668-7479. COUNTRY UiVING IN TOWN. 90x177 lot. Ranch bungalow, 24 x 24 -insulated garage With hAydia. Asklng $197.000. Ask for Lillan North, Remax Summit, 668-3800, res. 668-7479. FAX YOUR AD 668-0594 AUCIONS 2 DAY UNRESERVED AUCTION lOarn June 22. Boats, RlVs, Unreserved repas! June 23 shoplofflce 0 morent. Krllnd arIn, Brri..y 400 exit Essa Road 5Wrlght AraS reelg)t First Street, foliow signs. Aera ?Manne ACi S .05-734-4777 BUSINESS OPPS. GOVERNMENT FUNOS. Gavemment assistance pro- ams information avalable. For your new or existing cushis. Talce advanae aofte goverrnent granta and boans. Cal 1400-915.65. SQUARE BOY PIZZA SUBS AND WINGS franchise opportunities evailable. Currenti over 30 successfuî locatinh Ontario. Established t~79. Full trainig and head office support pravtded. Cali collet Dave or Ted 906-433-1333., HAWAII- RETURN AIRFARE $150. T Iis is 1ust one exa le of.the travel benefits avallab e ta RAVEL AG CY owners. Now y ou cen own your own travel busiess-$12,5W0. Pull 1rainIný and su f.Pl d PET LOVERS, BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Boomlng pet food cornpany lu now offerlng llmted distrlbutorships. WorIc iifrom hmefllofp-t ne. Excellent eamnhig palan. liai.C 3XVEt6. REVOLUTIONARY, ESTABUSHED COMPANY expand. Ing I Ontario. We are teaehhig housands haw 10 build successful home.besed businesses. Frmncial, personal, freedom. Own your lie. (705)748-6421. HOTI HOTI HOTI VEND-A.MINT. Hhst prfis in the vendig Industry. Canadian manufacurer.Ea full ime inrne woflckonlyons day a week. Exclusive areas availlebk. For afREE brochure, phon: 1-800661-1832. AMAZING 7 DayMoney Baclc Guaranteed STOP SMOK: ING PROGA. North American Laune. Proven pod uctlcempany/ieadership (8.000 Doctors>. Business builders/dîstrlbutors needed. Excellent sales, refrrau/rsiduals,1.888746420. USING REBILLER AGREEMENT WITH BELL CANADA, Glennet Independenti Associae seelcs distributors ta haIp Save long ditance custorners 20-0% e ýmonth. Uts.- trne conmmission Incarne potential. 1«80 .997. CAIRTRA ING LEARN AUCTIONEERING et the Sauthwestemn School af Auctioneer&n. NexI ciass August 17-23»6. Contact:' Soufthwterni tario School of uctloneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519)537.2115. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with aur great home. study course. Cal lodey for yaur FREE BOOK. 1-800- 267-1829. The Wrlting Sehool, 2576-38 McArthur Avenue, Ottawa,ON, KI L 6R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Instituts - Ontario Extension offers correspndnce courses for te Dipioma i Coun- Uselin Pa "se e nniý tismonth. For a brochure EMPLOVUENT OPPS. LOOKING FOR A NEW CHALLENGE? Northemn News Services, publishers ai 5 weeklynewsaprs, is. ooling for an experlenced Advertising Sales anager. Salqfe"bnfl package commensurate with experience. Submit resume by June 21st, 1996 ta: Deve Marnaiot, Box 2820, 5108-SOth Street, Yeliowkcnife, NT, XIA 2R1. Fax: (403)873-857. GOOD OWNER OPERATORS REQUIRED. General frslght or open declc, sigle or teïzn, 1990 or newer hwy traclor, 2 years experience, good abstract, nsw rate packcage. Co. Colours white or other colour choices, low coul license, super low coul insurance. No admissions charges,.fue plan and home *nme too. Reputable, secure comauy. Inquiries 905-405-0411, 1-00-567-3656. 8-5 HELP WANTED MEAT CUTTER Wanted. An-bitiaus persoabl meat cul- tig famlly for N.W Britishi Columba Unique opPortunity for under financed but ambillous family. Shouîd have extenive bacground imkn and sausage maling. Twi City Meals, 4545 aelse ve., Terrace, B.C. V8G 1P7. (604)638.1312. WANT A HOME? ONE bedroom. Renovated. Private deck. parking, walk ta GO. Now rentlng.Rs last. $575 + hydro. Caîl40-6152. ONE BEDROON basement apartment for rent. Please ask for Junior or Lee. Close ta Dawntown Whitby. $700. f lrst & last. 666-8589. LARGE, MODERN 2 bedroom. Central Whitby. Quiiet and clean. Covered paring. 3 applances, laundry, $795. Av able .July 1lst. 668-4 643. 1 BEDROOM. 214 MARY St. N., Oshawa. Walk ta GM & Oshawa General Hos"ia.ExepIonally cdean &quiet. Evryhn + ciable included. Available immediately. Small pets welcome. 668-3840. WANTED: FULL AND PART TIME LINEHAUL and city company drivers. Must have 2 years experlence,* good abstract. Ability la run U.S.A. A.Z lcense. Please oel 905-405-0411.1-800-567-3656. Hep contribute to y aur famity incarne. JOCUS'EDUCA- TIUNAL TOYS. A fun home busiess. 250+i quallly loys, garnes crafts Home Parties fundralsers. Consultanits needed. 1400.61.4W87 x 931. SALES HELP WANTED: $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Malce a lot of monley selling chocolate bers. New productsaeveilable. Nothig ta pay ln advance. Faslt deiivery 1.800.383-.359 FORSALE' "GfE¶SR anR for i2nho h MEDICAL 20/0 WITHOUT GLASSESI Saes rapid non-sur bl, peinnent rsstoratonn 6 -we8 s. jrke plot c vet ae, doctor approved. Fee Information by mail: 406- 951-5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961-5577. E-mail: Vision@Mantana.con.o httpi/www.visiontreedom.corn. Satisfactonguaranteed. MISCELLANEOUS BIOGREEN - GREEN Barley grass and lulce powder with ashitaba. Factory fresh direct tramn Japan. BuIk super saver for badey users. 1500g and (1 -gai) jar. 1 -1 3M2. VISA«M. PAY TELEPHONE SMR. COUNSELLING HELPLINE. New, unique tellpo heIliril24 hours, quaîied counslsWe cen.îofiou Iret ail 9/min., VISA or Mestercerd. CAI w 1re tdy188970.666 HEAVENLY OSYCHIC Answers serving over 50 million readers and multltalented psyehles. Frie astrocharltwilh your irai readkigî Relaoins,s Future, Cameer. $2.991 min. 18 + 24 Haurs 1-90ff45-3Ï83. CANADAS MOST GIFTED psychic's have answers ta your prablems or questions about heafth love relation. ship, nons, ltumbers. $3.49lmInute: 18+,, 24 PERSONALS, ARE YOU A MAN WHO HAS sex wth bath men and women? We'd Ike ta talk with lou. Malce yourself heard by taking part in this Universllyoa Toronto survey. lils aeo u and confidential. CeI for frse from anyr e n O. :1 -800-9-Bi-MALE. NEW TO TOWN? Nat comfortable with the bar scene? Newfdivorced? Whatever thm reason you're swgnle - oel MiS3M RIVER INTRODUCTIONS, the matchrnaRk ser- vice thal workls 613-257-3531. ADOPTION A WARM LOVING COUPLE IS ANXIOUS ta adopt and f rovd: a home for vour expected child. Working with l i c n s e p r f e s i o n i s .C o n f l e n t ia lit y a s s u r e d . C a tI 1 - PETS LEARN HOW TO GROOM DOGS part-lime, corrasln deedportion, shoçe ec.Serous enquirlsÃ"nl ilnedenralint 75.789.9181. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membershipftimeshare? Well take III Arnria largest, aîdest resale clearinghause. Resort Sales International 1-800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. CaII 24 haurs a day. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDING SALE... Manufacturer Direct. 20 x 30 $2,998.00. 25 x 40 $4,488.00. 30 x 44 $59660040 x 56 $6,85600. 40 x 66 $7,988.00. 44 x 70 $9,449.00. 50 x 90 $14,944.00. Other sizes. Ends optianal. Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422 BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Tvpe - not quonset.- 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14»23, 50x9$20,443, 60x126 $31,314 - other sizes available- misc. cleafiance. Paragon -.24 hrs - 1-80-26348499. WHITBY, ONE BEDROOM apartment available August 1 st. $575/manth. Includes heat and parking for one car. Please caîl 40059. LUXURIOUS 2 large bedrooms apartment. Downtown Whltby. Avallable July lst. Hardwood floors corner vlew. $650 plus hydro. Cal 686-5553. DOWNTOWN WHITBY 2 bedroom ne*t renovated applances, air & hydro lncluded. $5 01mo., first & last, references required. No pets. Available now. Cali (905) 623-1013. 2 BEDROOM. Paiking, laundry Utifles extra. lst and last. $600. Available now. Whitby West. 430-6109. VERY LARGE, MODERN 2 bedroom. Central Whitby. Quiet and dlean. Covered parking. 3 a las68 6laundry, $795. Available LARGE, MODERN 2 bedroomn. Centrai Whitby. Quiet and clean. Covered parng.3 apllances, laundry, $795. Available J uly 1lst. 668-4643. VERY LARGE, MODERN 2 bedroom. Central Whitby. Quiet and dlean. Covered parking. 3 appianeslaundry, $795 . AVailable WHITBY DUPLEX, balcony, laundry, gareage fridge & stove. References. Cali atter 3pm (416) 633-5131. TWO BEDROOM APT. FOR rent. Stove, frc e, washer/dryer. Over 1,000 sq. %. Close ta 401 & GO train. ýAvailable July 905-723-0670. 1/96. Cail. NORTH 0F THE OSHAWA Centre, very quiet & dlean 2 bedroam apt. Parking, heat & storage Inclusive. $655/mo. Call 428-7677 ask for Tom. 1 BEDROOM BASEMENT APT. ln Whty. Separate entrance, livingraom, kitolien, stove, frldge 3 pc. bathroom. Central air. Mo smnoking. No pets. Ilst/last. $550. WHIBY- 192 & 3bedroom apts. for rent. 668-7196. BROOKUN; SELF contained bachelor apt. Pnivate entrance. Avallable JuIy 1. 655-5539. BASEMENT STUDIO for rent. Bright and modern. Available Immediately. Located in Whitby $ Brockç & Taunton). Includes cable, ildge, stove, laundry & parking. Price: $560.00/mth (frst & iast). Looklng for asingle warkIng peisan. No pes and wauld like reference. Please cail in the evening cl 905-668-4373. 3 BEDROOM townhause ln Oshawa. Near schools, churches and Oshawa Shopping Centre. $830 par month plus hydro. 432-6629, lave message. WANTED. HOUSE WANTED for rent. 3 bedroom, Whltb, Biock North aiea. Needed lmmedlately. Cail FUNSEad bl ocs rOOM calforrT $80/week. Share bathroom & kitchen. Worker preferred. Walk to ail amrenities. Please cail 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. LARGE FURNISHED roomn close ta downtown Whitby, cable included. $904$100 week. Close ta buses. 666-4279 leave message. HOUSE, APARTMENT FOR RENT? If you had advertis ebre, '.0009 1" oyou would b. roadlng this now. LARGE 4 bdrm. home ta share. Prngle Creek aiea. Furnished. Laundry, parking. 430-8590 afiter 5:30. WHITBY. ONE bedroom. Use of facilies. Parking avallable. Close ta bus. Non-smokers. OnIy $350 per month. Leave messwe at 666-8388. PERSON TO share large bouse. Furnished bedroom, full use of ail facilities. Smoker welcome. $450/mo. Rossland/Anderson aiea. 686-3900. FOR RENT MASONIO HALL, 203 Cochrane St.,* Whltby avallable for banquets, weddlngs and other occasIons. Cateutng avallabie. For more Information, leave message at 668-0776, 24 hrs. . ...OT....T....E........ CONFORTABLE 3 bedroom lakefrant family cottage for rent. Includeseulipeed kitchen, 3 plece bathraom, 00 cod running watei, dock, row boat &beach. $375 per week. 666-5836. WANTED UPRIGKI STRING bass. Open ta trades. Cali 430-2075. SANDBLAST CABINET prefeiably wlith reclilmer and dust callector. Cal 666-0200, ask for Bradair leave name and number. BUYWG OLD toys. Looklng for tays fram 1960's ta 1989s. Star Wars, Super hero, Captain Action, G.I. Joe etc. Cali 665-8162. 1IWILL BUY YOUR unwanted items & contents. Cai 728-8485 leave a message. i~A5I1 SEMI ORGANIC FREEZ rER DEEI#F BUY DIRECT! rKnowwhat you get fight trom the family faim. SPLIT FOR WHOLE SI DE. $1.99 Lb 9105-655--49661 BOX TRAILER, 5 X 8 X 2, $150. 668-1276. ANTIUE PIANO, Smith and Sans. Apartment size $500. 3 plece couch & Chair, $50, belgelbîown. ideal for cottage. Cail Maîy, 728-9430 ater 4:30 p. m. SWVING SElr. GOOD CONDITION. $50. 1 set of god/aluminium Jeep rlms and tires. $400. Cal 668-0890. HOUSE WVINE, RED & white, 1 72.40 for 16 litre. Chardonay or Cabernet Sauvignon $84.40 fir .16 litre.- Also 10 vendIng machines. Good Investment. Open 7 days a week. 728-5207. 2 COFFEE TABLES. 1 oak finlshed, $65, 1 mahagany, $40. Bath ln excellent candition. 432-7473. 14 Fl. ALUMINIUM SPRINGBOK boat with custom fit tarp plus extras. 15 hp. Johnson matai. Low hours. AIl in godcondition. Whitby,4306976. $1,500. TWO 3-STEF ladders for lnground P.001 stalnless steel, 2 for $325. Leal skmmertelescopic pale, $25. Same chemnicals included. Best offers consldered. 579-1320 leave message. WANTED: GOOD used wood furniture, applances, stereos, tv's. My Dad's Store, 116- Brock St. S. JUDY'S BRIDAL RENTAL - affoîdable wedding gowns ta buy or rent. Large selection 0f sizes and styles. Fô or ntmenitcall Judy et 9 PIECE. Kaufman 0f Calllngwood dînîng roam suite.. Solid- walnut. Excellent condition.. $900. Cail 430-8413. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE *Advertise Across Ontario or Across the. Country" i iI h'os Affordable e Its Fast e R'. Easy a One 8111 Does It Al -Nodther Ontarlo $76 a Eastemn Ontarfo $138 *Western Ontado $130 a Central Ontano $134 a Ait Ontario $384 eNatIona Packages Avalabls Cali this paper for detaltal- i 1

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