Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Jun 1996, p. 19

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. .. ... . .. ... .. Whftby FmeoPros. Weckwsdy. June 19,19M. Pag e Under- i 7s put hait to'streak Whltby's under-17 premier boys' socer team continued their recent winning streak by defeating Thornhill in recent league plav. Thornhill had not lost a game until meeting the Wolves who have been devouring opponents. Mark Engelage, Dwayne Plkeyer and Dan Sadler scored for Whitby. Whitby's defence of Dan Hesp, .Nick Defreitas, Jeremy Mount -and Antonio Scalla were able te contain the Thornhill strikers who otherwise thwarted by Brandon Cedar. Midfielders Sadier, strong were goalie Erick Whitby men's slo-pitch WL YTP BLUEDI'/IN VlageofBarooMin 9 2 O 18 Malgl C ugr9 3 0 18 AdanaoTiea7 5 1 15 C "W T, PC a 5 1 13 MenaPtpls .8 5 O 12 RelMu-PaulBbrd 5 4 0 10 Ion Bron 2 8 0 4 BLUEUGHTOIVSKON D~s7 6 0 14 "AÇn-$ods 6 ý4 1 13 HuhsHuw 4 8 1 9 4 0 0 8 AtOm 3 S 2 a Macsk1IRqaprt 2 8 0 4 June 12 -Dolphirms 1Z CircbeTad 13 Jun. 11 - Melanle PungleePlay R Again Sports 1 il DiiWarren), Hanet Plastics 5 Jun. 10 - Maste Bedroor 5 (Bill* Wllamm, Mdvuitag. Tel.com 10 (Sow Meleboumne); Hughes Hawks 5. 'Mage ao Broclrlin 6 (Bruce ThPo) Jun. G - Hughes Hawks 4 (Scoftit <lby), Ian Barron 5 (Bob Sunwrmirtd); Melani., PrlngIes/Pl Again Sports 9 (Mike Healy), Marlgold Cougaru 5; lan Barron 3 (Jim Stelinga). Metanle PringheslPay It Again Sports 13 (0ae. Comacho); Dophins 8 (Mke Outka), AMvariag TelecSm 3; C. Dawklns 4. VUag ci Broolkis 5; Master Bedroom 4<John Midwesloci>. Haneot Plastics 5 (Rab Palm.)e; Apollo Sportswear 11. Ciri. Taxi 12 (John Th") Serfinals - Vilaigo ci Broolin 8, Advanago Tlsom 2; M"elai.PrngleuPly i Again Sporls 6. Cîrd. Taxi Finals --Vila" ai Broalin 7,. Ovle Taxi 8 Whitby mixed slo-pitch msoiJune 16 W L T P Cnse's Grilhouse 7 1 0 14 Sashys 6 1 0 12 TaiýgabeChaaties 4 3 1 9 WiVInn Mates 4 3 1 9 &a rrtheBRandit 4 2 0 8 Adaç 4 40 8 rmy m 3 4 0 6 BMW oCar"d 3 5 0 6 RES Asphalt Main. 2 7 0 4 Ato Zone 1 8 0 2 Gamss June 16 Sassys22. WhIby Inn Mates 12; SassWs 211, Tailgate Chalms20.; Gaseys Guihouse 12. Admtg.;Whiby Inn Mates 11. Auto Zone 8; Casqs Gulihous 10. RES Aphait Maienana .-;AutoZone 15. AMvantag. 9 Rodriguez, Stefan Dipinto, Kyle Mucidan, Rosa HamilI, Plalcmeyer and Kevin Pope provided many of the Whitby scoring opportunities for forwards Engelage, Scott McDavid and Marcus Joseph.ý Wolves are coached by Steve Hamill, assisted by Mike Sookdeo and managed by Sandra Hamili. Wolves wfil be particxpating in the US. Sooeer Cup in Minnesota next month.. WOLVES ADVANCE Whitby advanoed after defeating West End United on penalty shots in the ffirat round of the Central Ontario Soccer League cup. Engelage and McDavid . each sinred two goals as the teame were tied 4-4 after regulation and overtime. Sadier, Ross Hamill and Erick Rodriguez scored on penalty kicks while Cedar allowed only oeto give Whitby the win. Win 11-0 The Whitby under-13 boys' rep sooeer tearn oened Central Soc- cer League Cup play with an 11-0 decision. over W est Rouge recently. Jainie Del Mastro and Crutis Emo each scored three goals, Kristian Haîkias and Robert Peternel two each, single by Rob Shannon. Other team members are Jamie- Bishop, Scott Chowen, Mario Cupelli, Matthew Darling, David Grýeis;a, Paul Gruchala, Ontario youth soccer UNDEO-18 W LT 0F -GA'.P Caleda 3 0 O 6 2 9 Oakvle 1 0 0 4 2 3 1 O 0 3 1 3 ce -1 1 0 5, 3 3 Dbioe 1 10 -43 3 Thombil 1 1 0 2 3 3 Malvm O I 0 1 2 O Whitby 04 0 615 0 ~ow I ~ - ..~ ~.~ - John Harte Paul Kolobutin, - David Middleton;, David Price and Bon Sandhaus, coaches Peter Kolobutin and Sergio Peternel. Shutout win Lucas Kwapisz scored twice and Nathaniel Allard got the shutout as the Whitby under-12 teamn won 4-0 in a Central Soccer League elite division conteat in downtown Toronto last Friday. Eric Shah and Ciaran Thom- son- also scored while stea y defence was provided by Eamon Sommerville, TIyler Mattin, MIke Denning,« Matt Edmonds, Mike Sheehan and Matthew Whibley. Lose in fmal The Whitby United under-14 rep soccer tearn lost 4-1 te AjaLx in the finals of the Peterborough soccer tournament. In preliminary group play, Whitby beat North Scarborough Scorpions 1-0 with Eric Worsley pickIng up the goal and Neil Hubley and David Crabbe sharing the shutout. The teamn then faced Waterloo and won 3-2,, Mike Roumneliotis, Lucas Sandhaus and Mike Hall scoring, and defeated Oshawa Turul 2-1 with Robbie Reid and Stuart Thomson providing the offence. Solid, defence was provided by StutTurpin, Michael Shea,, Scott Powell, Nick Kolobutin and Sandhaus. The playoff round saw United face Markham and win a closely fought 1-0 game before meeting Turul. again in the semis. The result was another 2-1 win for Whitby setting up the final game against Ajax Warriors. Chris Priest, Reid, Thomson and Sandhauà provided the scoring in the playoff round while solid nildfield play from Alex Richardson, and pressure up front from Tyler Martin and Crabbe provided United with good opportunities. In CSL cup play, Whitby Ibat 3-1 te York Jets from the elite under- Whitby m inor lacrosse HOUSE LEAGUE IMMREIWATE Juri. 13 - Whitby Free Proe s8 (J. Johnison 3. G. Fisz T. DorlS). Legion Br. #43 8 (P. Bruce Z. R. Ford Z. D. Tarrnca 2. R. Thornin. D. MuUouh); Whitby Kinsmen il (R. Douglas 2Z R Hars 2. W. Richard Z.S. Delotinville Z. M. 'ý'rro K Kfner, S. Dolan), Oshawa Lions Club 8 (M. Bilch3ZC. Shannon Z F. Ford, S. Rocholaau. Z. Racholeau) June il - Whitby Fr.. Proes 5 (Derks 3. Ellis. J. Houston), Whitby Kinsmnen 10 (Richard 5. Detiotinîvile 2, J. Crystal. B. Culen. R. Carvaiho); Legion Br. #43 13 (J. Billicb 3, McCullough 3, D. Tarrenae 2, P. Blake, B. Ford, R. Ford. J. Nah. T. Dedis), Oshawa Lions Club 6 (B. Ryan 2, S. Roche"es, J. Bagemnan, J.* JankowskL, C. Bradley) Final standIngs Whrtby Kinsmen Legion Br.$43 Oshwa LionsClub Whitby Fr.. Pross T P 1 23 1 13 2 10 2 6 *NOR PEEWEE Jun. 10 - Oakwoad Mechanical il (Michael Cystal 3, Adami Bartil3. JoshuaO'D.a 2. Bradley Taschuk Z Mi"chJs), Crow Sports 6 (Brennan Halsey 3. Aaron Maguire 3); amorHmeIng 8 <Mike Haley 3. Devan Brick 2. Joel Garile 2. Tommy Wildock)..Whitby Masters Lacrosso 6 (Matthew Carrai 2, Shane Sargeant 2. Steme Seedhouse, Matt Doherty); Blades 5 (Craig McDonald Z. Ian Crashley Z Colin Caihoun), H.G. RfughW2 (K.vin Renrp.l, Kyle Vandeloo) Ramnorea. 6 1 2 76 oakmwM. 5 2 2 65 Stades 4 0539 WhiL Maiters 3 2 4 49 Crow Sport 3 1 5 58 H.G.Roughlsy 2 2 5 44 L4aingscomm, Joshua O'Deà MichaelCrsa Adam Berd ZacthoryGrd Tommy Waldock I~ c~ II cbow for you -no exta gel )UmjuIatddhe yrast) IlIl 11Iiue AIacho $1IO Fý oae IIwn raa * ~RIê1IT~AILTERED WC Tbr~V Wlew fr oy-noextraCharge INC . fONLYI, *(you jus addlheycast> - * o u L i ie d t i m e c o f B- - - - - - - - I I We brw for yc -no exim awge !NC, WE SEI Not ahdwth ny oher pecal o brecar * ~ ~ ~ VN Llltdtieofe 14 division, Turpin picking up the marker. United travels te East York tiiis weekend for Ontario Cup play. Awon Magur. 8 13 21 UMORNOVICE June 12-CRCS3(R. Cocker2, D. Barrie)., Beave Lwnter7 Chrl Hom 4. Aaron Balcooni2, Nelson Langmnad);Ratay Sunuse 8(Luka Camsp 4. Nc Carson ?h D. P"ry Braces 5 (MatbWm Savoie 2, Matth.w Goodiw, Col>y Atkdnson. John Van *NOR NOVICE June 13.- FIddIne Choppers 12 (Andrew Dynt 4. Todd Colins 4, James Neal 3, Mark Mizzl), Leaoom Consultlng 6' (Jay Shiler'2. *Ts;e«r Feiguson, Scott Stewart, Justin Fox); Bmoodin Kinsinen89(Son Sayer 3, Stephen Bath. Z Eric Regan Scoatt Freernan, John Hughes). Whitby Trophy Houe. 6 (Alex Hendeuson 2. Chris Boyce, Jason Cassidy, John Ireland, Derlck Gay) June 12 - Webco Crane 3 (Zadiazy Eriterson, Ryan Web, Ryan Kerr). Brooldin Kinsmen 6 (Sean Sknmoan, Regan, Bath.. Sawyer, Hughes, Deuka) June l'- Prngle Creek IGA 10 (Brian onsalves 2. Jimi Provenzamo 2 Chris Wood 2. Bryan McDonald, Andrew Murphy. Stephen Baker, Kyle Amarim). Leaoom Consulng 10 (Adam Johnston 3. Siglor 3. Fox Z. Franols Masse, Ferguson); Fiddlers Chopper, 8 (Colins 3, Dyment 2. Dean Bigwoo. Mià2i. Cary Upshaw). Whitby Traphy House 13 (Cassidy 3. Armstrong 3, Baya.e2. Jordan Beaudrie, E. Armstrong, Bryan GUI, Henderson, John lreland) MAOR TYKE June 13 - H.G. Ro ughley Insurana. 3 (Shane Daideffn2Z Mark Burnett), Whltby Warrlors Junior A 2 (Andrew Mokedanz, Grog Leydan) June il - Panda FundraWsng 10 (Lucas Labelle 4. Lucas Bear. 3. Joshua Merzbacher Z. Michael Anderson). Broolin Redmnen Alufmi 4 (Michael Turesld 2. David Cannelly, Grog Long) June 6 - H.G. Raughley lnsurance Davidsom6 Ryan PW»ler, Broaklin Redmen 5 (Turesld 2. Nlck Savoie 2 Tyler Jkmm); Panda Fundralslng 7 (Menibacher 3. Bear., Anderson. A.J. Marasco, Steven Kurysh). Whitby Warniors Junior A 2 (LysykGrog Le"dan) W H.G. Roughloy 7 WhIt. Wanlars 5 Parida Fund. 4' Brook. RedmenO0 Stham w idson, HAG.Rooh. 24 Siaykw Lysyk. Warrior Jr. A. 1 Andrew Molcdanz, Warrl» o*s1 Lucas Boa,.. Panda Fund. 9 1uaatome Lle. Panda Fund. 9 Ryan Pitcher, .G. Roulsy 7 coli Do"eo. PamdaFund. 8 Make your own premium wmes. European, Californian, WINE Itaian, Australian. Ready li Improves with prxiaey4w ks age. Start apoiaey4wes your batch Batch size equivalent to Early! 30 botties of 750 ml. - Pinot Chardonnay ~ Chablis -Riesling ~ Bordeaux~- Zinfandel ~ Chianti - Chenin Blanc Cuveée Spéciale ~ Cabernet Sauvignon -Chenin*~.Valpolicella -Burgundy Gewurztraminer Blanc -Liebfraumilch ~ Pinot Noir A L 50WBNE COXJLERSl& SPA RXLJENG WB NES -l" îh u 1u ha I 11IR i ~ Optimum carbonation ~ Triple cold filtering ~ Over 50 recipes or create your own ~ Specialty grains & copper ketties ~ No additives or preservatives ~ 10 minutes brewing timre Or ~ Min batch size 48 litres 10 mi S to br -Ready in two weeks batc -Kegs available for parties b ew Works We brew for you - no extra charge IC (you just add the yeast) ".**,We ac cept c<c Boewing CALL 6667BREW Hus -1130-Hpkiis t. Hours:,. 1390 opkis St IM11-9. Unit #6,Whitby \Sat. 9.5,5/ Durham men's lacrosse June 15 - Lian & t" Unlcom 9 (Shane Bruton 3. Ed Mabee2Z Roeidy Brown 2, Chris Colins, Steve Hineaul). Labant 14 (Guy Moray' 4, Todd Popper 4. Dan Floyd 3, John Scanga, Dan MoCorab. Poaer Wynne); Natioal10 (Markc Anmorth 4. 0"re Jones, Todd Wilson 2. Bob Englobert). 1Lbati 9 (Floyd 3., Pepper 2, Moay, Wynne. Brian Sheffoon);. Lion & the Uniaom 10 (Maybee 5. Bniton 3, Collins. Morey'). National 14 (Jones4. Aisworh 3Jason Richards 3. Wilson2. Stan Blanfleld 2>:;Lo1aIil (Mrev 3. Scanga 2Z Floyd 2. Pepper 2 Dan MoCorri, Sheloon). Natinal 8(Joas 3. RichadsAinsworth, EnUMater Lion Cup champion: 1Lobat Tp sommu: Dan Flayd. ebaftt 14 pts.; Jason Richard. National 14 pis. Mot vMlue lplyerChrs OR@illy (goal) Heidi Schempp Audimizrd Cadracter ccogsuwas GAS L L325 Hop4dns St., Whfiby Ll N 2Cl 668-2252 686-1853

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