Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1996, p. 31

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Whilby Free Pmss, Weckwsday, June 12, 1996 ,Page 31 Blair Niblett Ut ANDERSON CVI Jason Collier HENRY ST. H.S. Howdy for the last time this year, Anderson! Yes, as you may have guessed, this is my last columu ofthe year. As I look back, I recail ail the wonderfui thinga that have happened this year at Anderson. Fundraising, Christmas Assembly, airband, and Spirit weeks - ail of tiiese thinge have served te help us cope with ail the deadjines and assigumenta that corne along with acadernic life. Ezarns are fast approaching, and to help us ail ont a littie, let's review some simple study tipsjust te make sure eveiyone is prepared. Just about evezy pamphlet eveiy published teils you te flnd a quiet place te study, and te study there ail the time. The kitchen table is okay for everyday homework, but for exam review I prefer te flnd a lesa active place te study (outaide, if possible, but that's juat my preference). Books say that you should get rid of distractions sucli as~V or radio, but I flnd it di.fficult to study iii complote silence, so I listen to the radio. When iii doubt, go with what makes you comfortable. The worst mistake I make when studying for ezama is te not study certain things because I don't think they're exam-worthy. Much to mysurprise, these thinge are almost always on the exam (math exama are the worst for this). The worst method ofstudying is ta stay Up until 3 a.m. the night before the exam. My advîce is that, if you don't know whaV's golng on by that time, you are wasting your time. The moat valuable piece ofezam advice I can give out is to attend dassrightuptotheîastday.'p~5 is when teachers give out the best review material. Lu previous years, I have had teachers disclose what was going te be covered on the ezam on the last day of class te about three students. I hope I have been ofeome help to you and I hope that everyone erijoys a relaring and fun summer. College seeks commentators The Durham Coilege athietic department seeka two individuais to b. colour cominentators for the college's home basketball and volloyball events. A volunteer position on Rogers Community 10 teiecasts, those interested shouid contact Ken Babcock at the Durham Coilege athiotic dopartment at 721-3047. READ Aduits looking for heip with reading and writing skiils can oeil the READ hotiine at 725- 4786. years 0f age and have a touchtone phone. - Wes Brown wili ho presidont of student council next schooi year, after elections were heid recentiy. Vice presidents are Derek Blanchard and Marianne Dixon, treasurer Phil Greenen and secrotary Lisa Zibons. We iook forward te another great year of activities and events p}anned and executed by our new council. On June 10, Hemy held its co-op luncheon for ail students who participated in the co-op program. The luncheon, hoid at Heydonshore Pav-llion, was a chance for students and staff alike te show their appreciation te the employers who participate in the program. The end-of-the-year issue of Henry's newspaper, Hawk TaIk, should ho hitting the streets in the near future. Deadiino for articles were last week, so we should ho seeing the resuits of the staffs hard work shortiy. Kier Moulton and David Vu have dono an outstanding job this year, along with the advice and assistance of Mr. Fuke. We Iook forward te another great issue. The Henry basebail team successful defended their LOSSA chanxpionship titie and have once again advanced te the Bine Jay- Cup. To date, ail games have been rained ont, so as soon as Mother Nature co-operates, soties piay wiii begin. Listen te tho announcomonts for details of upcoming gaines and get ont and support your team as they attempt te wîn the soties again. Let's go, Hawks. As the sehool year winds te a close, the annuai Henry athietic banquet signais the ond of schqoi sports for another semoster. Tins yoar's banquet, run by the Henry athiotic council, was heid on June 5 in the cafeterium with a delicions meai te start things off, foilowed by the team and individuai athietic awards. To cap the evening off, thore was a super slide show dopicting the Henry tearns and their many fans in action. Tain Bnrnet±is the winner ofthe Bruce Melanson Award, presented te a competitor at the provincial level who representa t.he true spirit of a Hawk. The Langevine Award, given te the athieto who has made tho moot significant contribution te athietics at Henry Street, was won byJen Morino. Kate Ellis was tho recipiont of the Boyer Award forfiveyears 0f contribution te the rugby program. Midget athietes of the year were Jeu Cassidy and Dan Eveieigh; junior athietes, Kiiri Morine and Andy Lundy; senior athietes, Leanne Bullough, Josh Miller and 7 Da The WNtb Prees Ken Caiway. studying. ys A . . ~ Fret P1~W~t$Z . ~ 24 Hours A Day! To Place Your Free Ad & Get- Your Free Majibox ~'74~ j/tyW Vy To Listen & Respond To Ads Cali v Cail 1-800-763-7138 Ext.11 1-900-451-4552 Ext.11 This is a free phone cali. Callers must be at ieast 18 Honry is sad te announce that Mrs. Wallace, a driving force behind the Henry athletic council, wiil ho ieaving for a now position in Port Poriy. She will bave a void that will ho hard te fil. Port Perry's gain is our loss. Word has it that a group of Hawks are planning a Enropean vacation (hopefully not like the movie of the same naine) for neit June. The tnp is pianned te incindo vsts te Germany, France, Austria and Switzeriand. Anyone who missed the information meeting yesterday shouid seo Mr. Bouiten. Que of the Grad Week activities was tho soiection of the vaiedictorian - Jen Morine. The Henry Street Prom 1996 was a hugo success. The evoning's festivities, held at tho Royal York Hotel, were presided ovor by prom king Mike Thomas, prom queen Barb Zibons, prom prince Wes Brown and prom princess Julie Rowiand. The theme for the magicel evening was "Once Upon a Time," with studenta and chaperons alike erijoying an enchanted eveuing that wili ho remembered fondly in years te corne. Exams are jnst around the corner, so time te hit tho booka aud prepare. Until next time, keep The cost ai this service is only $2.29 per minute. Females Seeklng M~*Ies GOOD CONVERSATION SWF, 35, lau & very attractive, blonde hair, tookin9 for tait, intelligent & attractive maie who knows how 10 carry a good conversation. ADa 1128 VERY ATTRACTIVE SWF, 25, very attractive, tait, siim, intelligent, educated, 100k good ina miniskirt, seeking good iooking, educated maie over 25 yrs. & 5'9". AD# 1150 PETITE & ATTRACTIVE SWF, 5~4", 110 lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, petite, attrac- tive, independent, compassion- ate & witty, seeking tail, dark & gorgeous maie. ADa 1153 SEEK & YE SHALL FIND SWF, 28, attractive, br. hair, hazel eyes, athletic build, enjoy romantic walks, comedy clubs & movies, seeking athletic, romantic SWM. AD# 1155 ROMANTIC FEMALE SWF, 30's, professional, 5~5,, slim & fit, long red hair, big br. eyes, seeking maie over 5~9", confident & great sense of humour. ADa 1168 SEEKING SUMMER PERSON SWF, 29, 57", 135 lbs., busty physique, in search of man who is over 6', over 30, ~rjm- mer person, honest & open, not inhibited. AD# 1217 LONG BLONDE HAIR CARING & HONEST SWF, attractive, 5'5", br. hair, sexy, romanîic, fun-loving, car- ing, honest, great sense of humour, enjoy romantic dinners & massages, seeking maie to be a good friend. ADa 1237 ARTS & TRAVEL SWF, 35, 5'6", 155 tbs., light br. hair & eyes, professional, animal lover, enjoy music, sports & oui- doors, seeking educated & inde- pendent mate. ADa 1239 GREAT SMILE SWF, 34, 56", blonde hair, blue eyes, great smile, very sexy, wortc oui, seeking mate, mid 30~s, attractive & has a good sense of humour. AD# 1268 HIGH ENERGY PERSON SWF, 24, 56", blonde hair, blue eyes, athietic buiid, enjoy ail sports, dancing, movies. I am a highenergyperson & i like to be oulside ail the time. AD# 1275 SWEET & ATTRACTIVE SWF, 39, blonde hair, green eyes, 5~2", petite, sweet & attrac- tive, seeking a partner & friend, must be open minded & kind. ADa 1255 NICE MUSCLES SWF, 35, seeking maie 5'10"-6~ who likes sports & has nice mus* des. i like 10 stay active & am interested in mostly anything. AD#1111 DOWN TO EARTH ~WF, 30, br. eyes, br. hair, 5'7" iiedium build, attractive, inteili- lent, enjoy music & movies, seeking maie who s honest & down to earth, must enjoy long walks & movies. ADal 114 AFFECTIONATE & CARING SWF, 37, 5,5", br. hair, br. eyes, sincere, honest, caring, enjoy country drives, dancing, flea mar- kets, seeking honest & compatible maie. AD#1120 TRADITIONAL WOMAN SWF, 38, lovable, enjoy dancing, movies, & relaxing at home, seek- ing hardworking, good natured & intelligent maIe. ADal 139 SHARE LIFE WITH ME SWF, 30, long black hair, big br. eyes, sîncere, emotionai, honest, humorous, seeking one woman man. AD#1178 ENERGET1C FEMALE SWF, 36, 51", 100 ibs., blonde hair, green eyes, petite, young looking, attractive, enjoy ouldoors, music, seeking reiationship but friends is fine 100. AD# 1185 VERY FEMININE SWF, 32, 5,10", very feminine, br. hair, hazel eyes, very attractive, confident, ouî9oing, not shy, love dancing, seeking SWM, who is honest & tail. AD N 1233 SINGLE MOTHER SWF, blonde hair, hazel eyes, medium build, seeking SWM, must be honest & sincere. I enjoy walks, drives & going up north. ADN 1250 HONEST FEMALE SWF, 30, 5~, 1201bs., br. eyes, be motivated. AdN 1020 ROMANTIC FEMALE SWF, 27, 5,5", red hair, blue eyes, down 10 earth, caring, romantic, enioy going out and staying home. Ada 1072 ENJOT DANCING SWF, 26, 5'4", petite, long blonde hair, blue eyes, confident 0f appearance, enioy dancing, movies, & physical activities. Ad# 1041 BLUE EVES SWF. 25, 5~2", blonde hair, blue eyes, enjoy theatre, dining, seek- ing good looking, well dressed maie, 5,9" over 30 years old. Ad# 1135 SEEKING ADVENTIJRE SWF, 40, professional, no chu- dren, seeking maie for adventure and friendshîp. Ad# 1084 SEEKING MALE SWF, 34, 5~8", blonde hair, hazel eyes, enjoy travelling, reading, tennis, love music and dancing. Seeking spontaneous maie. AdN 1087 ATTRACTIvEA CHARMING SWF, 50's, attractive, charming, 5~2", 130 lbs., hazel eyes, blonde hair, enjoy music, movies, dining out, seeking SWM, 36.43, mature. Ad# 1085 UNIVERSITY EDUCATED SWF, 32, 5,10", 100 lbs., universi- ty educated, seeking SWM, 28- FRE! FOR head games. Ad# 1204 activities. AdN 1095 AdN 1050 attrac- ,~, ~ UdIft uuriy nair, enjoy oancing, RETIRED MALE SWF, 35, 110 lbs., very maie. ADa 1206 cookin , movies, ouldoors, seek- ""'~58EN SEEKING OUTGOING MALE SWM 50's, retired, well adjust- ~EKING SOUL MA M,30,6', l8OIbs., tive, professional, long blonde ing maTe for friendship first SWF, 5,8", 135 lbs., dark br. hair, ed, enjoy dining out, quiet complexion, blue grec hair, blue eyes, enjoy theatre, STRAWBERRY BLONDE ADa 1264 Women may retrieve br. eyes, active person, jog & evenings aI home, seeking seeking slim, attractiv working out, seeking dean cut SWF, 35, long strawberry blonde cycle, enjoy travel, bed & break- female 45-53 for lasting rela- not a partier. Ada i o~ SWM. ADa 1226 hair, blue eyes, sensible & car- GREAT PERSONALITy messages for frea fasîs. Seeking maie who is inter- tionshîp. AdN 1140 NO HANGUPS ing, attractive, love the country, SWF, 31 years old, brown hair, ested in travei, mature, & wiIl treat seeking SWM, 30-40 who is brown eyes, love animais. once per day by calhng me well. AdN 1107 LIKE TO HAVE FUN? GOOD TIMES SWF, 46, 5,7", blonde hair, funny & laid back. Ada i 134 1-8O0-763-713~ i ROMANTIC FEMALE working year old son, lîke 10 h SWM, 39, s~îî", enjoy SDM, 31, european, hazel eyes, slim, very active & ADal 112 ~ ext.1 ouI, playing squash, pool 50, must be lau, active have a LONG WALKS SEEKING TALL MALE SWF. 46, blonde hair, blue eyes, movies, music, seeking Fwho good time. enîoy movi SWF, 23, 5~9". 123 lbs., indepen- enter option 2. attractive, enjoy old movies, enjoys life. Ada 1073 ing female with same sense of humour, & have no SWF, 37, 57", blonde hair, br. dent, love going up forth, honest, Customer Service camping, long walks on the for long- term relatiom beach, seeking maie who 15 kirid LONG TERM RELATIONSHIp Ada 1030 hangups. ADN 1231 eyes, medium build, attractive, seeking lau, dean cul maie, must 416-236-6644 & consuderate. Ada i 105 SWM, 39, 5,7" 180 lbs., brown 37, who has a good moral back- ground. Ada 1083 NOT INTO HEAD GAMES SWF, 34, 100 lbs., easy goirîg, adventurous, social drinker, love music, looking for maIe, 30.40, not into head games, who can make me laugh. Ada 1071 LONG WALKS SDF, 38, brown hair, brown eyes, young looking, 5'3", slim, petite, enjoy dining ou? & long walks, seeking 35-45 year old stable maie. Ada 1058 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 36, 5~2", br. hair, green eyes, great legs, enîoy movies, musîc, candlelight dînners, & long walks. Seeking SWM, 34-45, must be honest, romantic, nice smile. AdN 1182 NO HEAD GAMES SDF, 5~1", 115 lbs., short darl< hair, no mental baggage, seeking dean cul maie who loves chu- dren. No head games please. Ada 1027 FUNNY MOVIES SWF, 57", red hair, green eyes, enjoy funny movies, roilerblading, seeking M who has a sense of humour & enjoys pets, children 0K. Ada 1091 COUNTRY MUSIC SWF, 57", blue eyes, red hair, love country music, dancing & sports, seeking gentleman, 58-70, with good sense of humour. No Maies Seeking Females HANDSOME MALE SWM, 43, 6', 200 ibs., br. wavy hair, br. eyes, handsome, seeking F, 30-45, nice, caring, kind, & attractive. ADN1O64 GOLFER SWM, seeking a lady for friendship & possibiy more. A golfer would be a plus. ADa 1200 SPONTANEOUS MALE SWM, 49, 5'6", part lime dad, interested in boating, movies, flea markets, dinner & cooking, seeking female for long terni relationship. ADN1 037 SENSE 0F HUMOUR SM, 35, seeking SWF, 25-45, for friendship. Must have sense 0f humour, be outgoing & like to have fun. ADN 1210 GIVE ME A CALL SWM, like 10 g o oul 10 dinner. Givemeacali. ADN 1113 CUTE MALE SWM, 5', brown eyes, brown hair, humorous, considered very cule, seeking blonde female, 5'-5'4. ADN1O62 ROMANTIC WALKS SWM, 20, blue eyes, blonde hair, attractive, enjoy walks on the beach, sports & ouldoor hair, brown eyes, enjoy dining and dancing, pets, seeking F for long term reIationship. AdN 1136 LONELY SWM, 23, 6'1", 220 lbs.;dad< hair, brown eyes, muscular build, intelligent, seeking F, funny & kind hearted. AdN 1148 MUST ENJOY LAUGHING SWM, 36, 6'2", 225 lbs., enjoy skiing, cottage life, dining oui, movies, theatre, seeking F 28 1038. AdN 1057 SEEKING RELATIONSHIp SDM, 5~8", 175 lbs., brown hair, green eyes, seeking serious relationship with a romantic woman who likes to cuddle. Ada 1097 ATTRACTIVE MALE SDM, attractive, 37, 5,11,, 230 lbs., blue eyes, blonde hair, enîoy cooking, outdoors, romance, movies, animaie, seeking female 28-38, no head games. AdN 1031 ARTISTIC MALE SWM, 43, 6~, hazel eyes, anis- tic, open minded, enjoy dining ouI, camping, seeking single female, 36-45, must be sincere andhonest. Ad#1021 WIDOWED MALE SWM, widowed, 52, 5,10", brown hair, blue eyes, enjoy ouldoors, fishinp, seeking nice, siim lady with nîce personality. TE iight tan m eyes, e female, ,ave a 12 ive a es, seek- Interesîs ;hîp. new friends are only a phone cail away!

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