Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 May 1996, p. 27

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Whitby free PrmesWeÃ"IsdY, May 29, 1M9, Page 27 CAUS A CALL A PROPESSIONAL CRLD CAKE _____________ PROIPESSIONAL PROPESSIONAL I I CALL A URVICES WOOD RENEWERS. Make your docks, fonces wood sldlng, log j structures look Ike new agar. paint Sealer stain W11i not pool or chip. Work guaranteed. 665-7768. FLOOR REFISING- wood reriowors lIdo a professionaiMJo f 665-7768. SPANKY'S COMMERCIAL& rsdentiai roperty maintenance. rosi tete lwnmaintenance& r"r. osoit dellivery. soddlng. Cti -Jlm eai905-668-6803. Toit frèee pager 416-550-0337. CLEANING: HOME or office, weekly bi-weekly, monthly or one lime on»ý. Roasonabie rates. 7 yeams expert once. References avallable. Cal for free estimato today. 571-0500. HENK KARELSEN Patnflng & Homo Repair. Quailty work, Interior/exteri or. Ovor 20 yearS experlence. No lo too smati. Free estimates. i1-800-423-0823. STUDENT WINDOW cteaning: esinlqualty and low rices. râd ke for a f ree estmate. 434-7142. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING US MONDAY AT NOON 'PAINTING & PAPERING "LET George Do It". Reliable expenenced, quatitywork. Special rates for seniors. lexible hours, p rompt service, free estimfates. PoeGeorge 666-1168. HOME RENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, inspections, specifcations, carpentry, piumbing, etectrical, windows, energy conservation. CatI Jacques of Alil Trades, 'ASHRAE, #2053385, 666-0993. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS - Came see us for ail your sewlng needs. avaabl es-FI.10-5:30, S 10-3, 133 Byron St. N. Pearson Lanês 430-6550. OLYMPIO PAINTING - professionai pntng & war I'nterlor/exteilor. No job toc Sma]t. 3yrs. guarantee. For goad prices & good work, cati George ad 725-7870. Free estimates. gea £ a /s a 44 . aQa Ferry Ho use Child Care Services 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-97 REUABLE DAYCARE. Heafth prafossianai, mother of 2. Gardon & D ryden. Close ta Ormiston & st. MattheWs. Meals snacks & lndoor/outdoor aMvies. Fenced yard, jungle gym. Expeienced, non-smoker, reelts- references. FulVpat-lime. Cati Peri 668-7872. QUALITY CAREALBE IN my home. Fenced yard & frtendiy faces. Lunch & snacks Erovtded. Fuît-lime & part-lime. Alsowsummer cars ont avallable. Pisase oeil 430-7611. CHLDCARE AVALABLE ages 2& up. Toddiers $125 per -week pre-schoat $120 par week, school ag e $75 per week Betiwood & Sawdon. Meats & snacks Included. Cait 728-8845. MOTHER WULL pmiAd relable sale care foryor chi In myhome. âose ta sohoots and parks. Recelpts availabie. Near Gardon and Dryde 668-7223. NAWNNWHOUSEKEEPER requtred immedlatol for 2 girls, 6Gyears and 8 months aid live-In or out. 721-0793. DO YOU NEED CIULDCARE for the summorfSeptember? Lots af toys, fenced yard with swingls indoar/outdoor ptay Close ta t Matthews 668-0178 TAUNTON & Gardon' reilable daycare avaitable ln. my home, snacks provldod. Outdoor & indoar actMlltes. On a quiet court, near park Cati Angle 666-0799. CLASSbàffluIED ADS GET RSWTS Whether you're buying*or setiing, put the ctassifieds ta work for yout Ta place your ad, cati 668-6111 iiiMe V1'11M . 1i ' Interlock, retaining watts, decks & fences. Specializing in Pisa stone. ICati (905) 718-1008 or (905) 985-4626 ELECTRICIAN Metro License #E-2268. Renovations, service upgrades, basement wiring, atarm systemsi &24 hour service. For a free estimate cati Frank at 666-0193 . - à Ih'uta GRMrAT oFI SH LWayn Lowe 4307664.- Pager 416-554-552] Care Specialists -Lamn Cutting & Maintenance a Edging a De-thatching1 e Aerating . Fertilization 1 *Sn9 & Fa1 Cleanup -Vacation Mantenance1 *Shrub & Hedge Pruning1 No job too big or too smai Reasonable pnices Free estimates Phone Paul at: (905) 579-4129. ACCURATE CONTRACTING " Home Improvements " Basements A > *Building Maintenance " Drywall - Stucco - Painting FREE ES TIMA TES 905-666-2185 Il! You have Losewenigk nathing ta Iose but No dieting! Sharry-Lynn 1 ()o434618 i 096 o~u~1665-0585] I n ing stone eretaining waisl I * woodfencing & decks IWriten Guaranteel EREUABLE CIILDOARE lnrn home. Fenced yar, meais and snacks. Lots or indoar/outdoor actMtldes. Experlenced, non-smoking and references. BrodkManning. 668-2159. WEEPLAY DAYCARE offers your chitd everything youd hope for and much more. Mntriàu meals, aÊiis craits, storylime. Exp~encerforences avAatle. MannlglGarden. Cal Madnn 665-704 NEEDEDI IWO toddlers (2-3) to finish fiiting a youn rammaâs nest. Qua4t, reliab, LVING daycare. Snacks & exc. lunches, cuddtes, affltes and exorcise. Close ta park and downtown. Nan-smoker. C. P.R exp. Ref. 668-9891 ,Sandl. QUALITY CHILDCARE avallable ln my ctean, safe, non-smoking homo, (Belwood schoot area). Fenced yard, lot af toys, snacks/unches poided. Shiftworkems wecoeme. Ec. referonces. Cal Carmeila, 432-1107. PERSON TO SHAIRE LARGE house. Furnished bedraom, fuît use of ail facilites. Smoker welcome. $450/mo. Rosstand/Ancferson area. 666-3900. WANTED: MATURE' resnsible femnale ta sharo a 2 bedroom fumnishod basemont apartmen Non-smokor. $380 per month. For dletails cati 430-2984. FURNISHED ROOM for romt, $80/week. Share bathroom & Iitchen. Worker preferred. Waik ta ail amenities. Please cati 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. ROOM FOR RENT FULL kitchen, Pnrondpool price negollable. LARGE, EXECUTIVE home, bedroom &full use of most of the bouse. Must b. worldng fuîtllime. Cabl & Bel inctuded. $500/mo. C all Debbio 666-0200. WHITIBY. FURMSHED quiet, clean roam. Newty deorated. itchen, lfaundryfâcUlieès, air conditianed. close ta ail amenhlles. $375/mno. Smokerwebmed. Worklngperson. Avaitabie June 3/%.430-0385. FCBITRAL OSHAWNA Fumished including refnigerator. Dead boit iocks. Pnivate cable for TV. Share kitchen, 2 stoves. 2 washrooms.j Parking from $75. to $95. Cati 434-11457e* 576-2287 or 432-7907, I Whtby r.-ee, P"ress. *681i. Office Hours 'odytçriyQQant5:pn Fx66$4J Speciatizing in Eariy Chiidhood i Education. For Peace of Mind. The systemn that provides... *Unscheduted home visits ensure quaiity care for your child - Fultyý trained providers receive ongoing Agency support - Reliabte local back-up covers Provider iitness or holidays - Comploete insurance coverage - inoome tax receipts -ChUdren six weeks and up *Fuît or part-time For more Information cail: 686-3995 a li'ensed Agency 0 Il > . r

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