Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1996, p. 19

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- - - - - -~ - t s ~ F Whtby Fie Prou, WeIesday, May 22,1996, Page 19 Jon Iow scoed four goals and added two assiste as Owem Mound e aeeatea Osnawa tireer Oais 11-8 ini Ontario junior E~ lacrosse Monday night. Wh1- it-eby men's slo-pitch m of y21 W L T P BLUEDMVSI Ckls Tai- 3 1 1 7 RelAma- Paül BWg 2 2 0 4 MaIIdgdCOIJp 1 1 0 2 VIt Bmooldn 1 1 0 2 BLUE UGHT DIVISION Ap~tser 3 1 O O D)owumn 2 2 0 4 Mamur Beidroom 1 1 2 4 H:csHM"Ie 1 11 ScooesuMW OMVM May 12 RalMax-PauI Bkd 18 (Dan Jennhngs). lan Bwron 6; Do*hIns 8 (Dam, Sorley). Apollo Sporlswear 7; Ma9ier Beroom 6, Melani. PdngWe/PIay à Again Spoda 6 (Bruc Didnson); C. DmWjans <Reed Unuln). MwcAsJciifRuppoe 4; Cici Taxi 5 <Marc Lalonde>. AdvanflTgelecIsom 5 Mayl13 Crdle Taxi 18. RooMax-Paul Bird 5 May 14 Ian Baur=n10 <ChiliYoung), AdvagWe Telacni 19 (John Bradley); Hughe s wo 9. C. kis John Fox) Mast eBdrom6. Dophlns 7 <Wayne Tmffor*), Apok oSpodtswear 14, Melanli PainglesiPay IlAgain Spods 10 Whiltby mixed slo-pitch 91 D aY luREtIO W L J P WI*lslds 2 0 O 4 Vlksey Elsochic 1 0 1 3 Ca ea 1 0 1 3 = HssMl. 1 1 0'2 Tam DveO0 2 O00 BdC. O2 O O M&y 12 WWk*2, Sed Movls;Whltby HOgs 16, BdalC1;usvO7. Br.Coewl; Vki. Ekctk le.6TamDim 11 Whiltby girls OPEMMNO GMES JensenAsia Body 15. WNIIIby Knsmon 14;- Saab?. MIk 18. Emlsm C9W CIeu*1g4; Paki Skre Plus 17 DDS MaksUng 16 Bu*dMagl 11. Ash nd ii16;Hw u8M ISeliu K wnm18; Vuî Nenim nTire M0 Qun.n.A* Gk. 13hnsen Aid.Body 18. Acm MbI. Wauh18' -'E M Whitby roUler skating FIGBRE URUES WORLD CLASSulot Rebeoca Woodhouss; FREIIA L3rd Andra MCon.4h Kisten Nakanwre. M iJunnir Caukusl; NOVICE LADII -lut T«a Cannlng. 3rd Jenier DeHetre, 4th UMiheS.Evans SdStaouy Laing, I1h Sarah i G>g,7th Kiluton MoCron; NOVICE NEàklutMoths91w PRadical, 2nd James Ma»,; B.EMEAY: di Liduey Ra&dl OPEN LOOPS: 3,d A. MoCron, Sdi Naumxura, 11h Del4efre,?th J. CaukweI, OIh Canning. MhKig; ELEMENTARY LOOPO: 2nd Radard MAUBUEA- EE SUMG VJ.DCLAMot PiSahnli-Hanuen.2nd Woodos.; FRESIIIAN: 2nd A. MCron, NOVICE LADIE: lut Canning. Siai Kig. 41h Ei.s, Sdi ekeNOVICE IEN: lat Radicl, 2nd Macs; ES:BIrARY: 3rd Radical MUIN111AU -DANCE AINAL SET PATIHIN: 2nd J. Caureli, 11h N@kanusra, 1h K. McCron, 7th Laing; LEVEL' IAOLOlut J. Cmau. 2Md NakuwuSdi Lalng. 7th K. MCron; 9OLO INIEIREUVE4th A. McCron, liii Megan Oaahuk, 7th K. MCran, SMiShaunaHokm, 10th SandrCaulove JUNOR DI.MMIC GURES LEVE 8 DrIISION klet Oochuh, 2nd S. Caukwel; LEVE. I DIVISI11ON k 2nd Staci Evnu 1h Ca* afrPtesn, .71h Caidin Bandmo, M hLeA"mMmc JUNIOR OLYMPC- FREEUCATIN LEVEL 3 DIVISION8: 2nd J. Caukwil, 3ud Lang LEEL3 ISION A.-lut Dodiulg, 3rd S. Caikarel.41h ie. ;LEVELI IVISON. A: let Bandmanrd S.Evas,4 4h Pue.,« 11h Mams JONOYCM-DANCE LEVR.EIISMON 9: lut Cannuig-,LEVELI8 DIAISION SIk leti9, 3d M. Evans; LEVEL 1 DIVISON& let S. Cmi, &Sud BSana, 4&IL Evars. 11k Dadwk ltHaines d It was the third ls of the ri season for Gais who have five ri wins. Wane McNutt 1;Ryan Huxter a ve Stabie each sored two goals for Oais. Squirts-winl2 Whitbhy bashed Ajax 32-2 and then no-bit Oak Ridges' in the opning ome f the squirt fast- Ail Whitby* team members had at least one hit, Amenda Otter Ieading the way with four, in the gam laginetAiax gashIeyMDnald struck out 16 -of te 27 Oak Ridge batters she faced. Laura Campbell had three hitsl.in the 4-1 win. Durham men's lacrosse Mry l6 Lhtt8 <Guy Moeey 3, &mgi SfM Zh2,Dan MoCombl, Brian Sheioon. John Senga), NiSoni1il(Mak Alnswath 3. Kevi Taylor3, Jason Rkchads 2Z Jon Mkcheli*ni, CM.i Laeins, Chuil Modouigarns star - Alsworth) Lion à the Unlcoora5 <Kvi Hayes 2Z Ed Mbe% Shae.Bya, CM.i Calons). Reebok 7 (Jona el. 4. John Waddell 2. Dan MCVhk. *Sgamnestr- WaddWll omission In. last week's Free Pres, there were omissions in an ari- cle about the provincial relier skating championships. It should have beeni mentioned that StaoeY Laing and Michelle Evans aise will go te the national championships, as fourth-and flfth-place salters eat the provin- ciale- also qualify for ' the nationéls. Some resuits were also omitted in lastý weekefs article. See full resuits below. TORONTO BLUE JAYS pitcher Paul Quantrili (holding son Cal) meets a you ng fan at the launch of the- Grandview Children's Centre. Quantrili, who attended the launch alter pitching only hours earlier in a Jays' win, is the officiai patron of te foundation that was begun to "actively. encourage and administer charitable gifts" for the centre. Photo by M"rkReoa, WhIIb Fiee Pess Gaisbumped by Owen'Sound r Pitchîng superbinbantam opne htabaan fthe miner ban- tambaebýllseason with a 3-1 win over Pickering lest Thurs- da',ers by Pickerng were the difference'in th? gaine bih- kghed by gréat pitching on both, M[ike Dunford throw, fivo no-bit inninge, stiking eut eight, for the win. John Barr followed, allowing four bits -in four inninge and stikng eut six, te, get the save. Luke ýHarden scored two rune for Whitby,. talding. advantage cf defensive misues that wrScked a combined four-hitter by three Pickeringhurlers. Other team members 'are Wayne Wickens, who had the other run, Shawn Hubbard, Adam Bal!n Dana Bloom -Dar-, ren Walker, IRyan Mitchell, Wil Bright, Pat MeM and Steve Misievaki. The coaching'staff consista cf Rtich Rick ing. Hubbard, Rick Dunford, Marmmon and Gary,-Hard- Mosquitoes win opener Wbitby doubled Pickering 10-5 ia miner mosquito basebIl league conteet on S-aturday. A combination cf walks, errors, stolen bases sud timely hitting accounted for the Whitbyr offenoe. Anthony Noyia had a double sud a single .sad -dro>ve ln tworus wbile Jonathan Thiebaud' bit a rýu-scri double. sud sMole a few bss Mike Melissis aise had two steals, including a, steal home, sud Femi'-Amurawaiye, aise had a run-scoring double. Ini exbibition play, Whitby defeated Barrie 8-5 ' as -Craig Hannan drove in two rima, and 'in a wild 28-17 win over North York, Wbitby stelen 41 bases. Thiebaud had a single, double and triple d BrynLeva two double in the lilg-swerng con- test. Oshawa After winningtheir season opener, Whitby lest 7-5 te, Osh- awa mnmagor mosquito baseal action lest week. K yle Branson, Kyle Simpon and Derek Junkrin combneýd te limit Oshawa te only four bits but errors led te ou unearneJ runs and victory for Oshawa. Speedster îJeif freeman stele lR0~~Summner Soccer Camp.JuIy 22 -26,199 ,Whitby Iroquois Socoer Cl ub Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club 15 proud to announce that its first annual Summer Soccer Camp wiII be held-during the week ofiJuly 22 - 26, 1996. The camp is designed toprovide ail players from,4 to 13 years.of age writh the opportunity to Iearn and improve skjtls, together with an widerstanding ofthé prnilsof systemrs of play ail within a l'un'Ieaming envimonment. Gakeepers will receive special instructions. The camnp w ilI take place under the watchfihl eye of Stan Bombino, Club Head Coach of W.1.S.C. who is an Ontarlo Socceèr Association licensed coaching instuctor and mnember of the Cauiadian Profèssionial Coaches Association.Ges coaches wilt include formner professiona] players Duncan Wilde, Robbie Megraw & Rick Pinte. LOCATION: VICTORIA FIELDS, WHITBY.' HOURS: FULL CAMP 9:3OAM TO 3:3OPMI MINI CAMP 9:OOAMW TO'NOON (New playr ages 4to 6) COST: FULL CAMP $110.O MINI-CAMP $8.o (Deduct.$ 10.00 per player if two or more from one family) TO REGISTER: Contact STAN BOM O 668-5657'or contact Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club, 1380 Hopkins St, Unit e iWib yLIN 2C3. Telé: 668-2009 FAX: 666-2431- Jays' pitcher is patron KFUD event on Sunday Many cf Nortb Amerlca's top karate, kung, fu and te kwon-do fighters will b. competing at this yoais KFD Nationals open martial arts tournament on Sunday, May 26 at the Plckerlng Recreational Complex. The charlty event aime te rais. funde for resoarch into acure for diabetes. More t1han « 900 cempetitors,. ranglng.In-age from five te 65., ar expectedlte k Part The event la sponsored by tuie Sunray Diabetes Foundation, *a volunteer fundraising or ganization made up of people in the:martial arts. Ail proceeds will b. ùused te fund research, into mioeoencELpsuated oell transplants at the University of Toronto. Dr. Anthony Sun, head c f the University cf Toronto project, sud an internationally- renowned research scientist, will b. presented with a cheque at the tourndment. Sinoe its inception six years ago, Sunray Diabetes Foundation has donated $445,500 te the project, and le aiming for an additional $90,000 this year. This year's tournament features 139 divisions, including self defence, weapons, forme sud fighting cempetition for: ail ages and ranks from 'white to black boît. <Spectators' admission la $6 for adults sud $2 for those aged 12 and under. Competition begins at 8 a.m. and is expected to end at 5 P.m. For fur-ther information, oel Evelyn Wong at 576-1571.

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