"Wh tby Froepros, We iesday ., May 15,1996, Page 3 L *%g*nda Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) Monday, May 1 9f Recommendam tions from the Planning and Development Committee That a rezoning and site application from Ragetti Corporation to permit a gas bar and i 68-square-metre convenience store on the northeast corner of Baldwin Street (Highway 12) and Taunton Road be approved. Although staff supported the application for a gas bar and store, they were opposed ta the store portion exceeding the 75 square metres permitted under the zonlng bylaw. Staff feit there were sufficient convenience commercial shopping opportunitieselsewhere in Whtby. However, commlttee feit the location did not warrant strict adherance ta the bylaw.. That a rezoning and site plan application from Dan Shlsko ta permit a golf driving range and ciubhouse on the south side of Victoria Street~ west of the Lyncie Shores Conservation Area, be' approved. Both the Save Lyncle Marsh citizens' group and ContraiLtake Ontario Conservation Authority had expressed concemn about mnis-hit golf balis ending up ln the marsh. The tee-off platform was reaiigned ta recluce balis hit into the marsh. Carrl.d That a site plan application from Cleamet Inc. ta permit construction of a 180-foo telecommunicationstower and assoclated 270- square-foot mechanica equipment sheiter on ON rail lands, near Victoria and Grand Twunk streets, be aPProved. Cleamnet is leasing the site from ON. Carried Recommenda- tions from the Operations Four fee categories wiii not change, but there wililbe Increases for animal disposai, imunding unwanted animais and wiidife plckup and relocation. A proposai ta charge $5 per day for a wlldlfe tmap rentai was referred back ta PAW. Carrfrd 'Summer campl'in August, parents say Ey Mark Reesor The modified cabendar pro- gram, schedubedto begn Aub.- at the new C.E. Brou _a ub- lic School in Whitby, will b. used simpby as a free day care/sum- mer camp with an a.cademic edge by norne. That's the accusation from several Whitby parents who say they know ýof at least four fami- ilies int.ndn to send their chul- dren to Broughton in Auguat and then switch them back to their home schoob in September. Broughton principal Jack Smyka tobd them that can't be dons, though, says Carol Robin- son, one of t he parents. Sh. says Smyka told parents heà erased the.children's Positions ini their home schools on the board computer system. «I don't recail any kind of conversation that discussed that,» Smyka tobd .The. Free There'. nothing preventing out-of-boundaytdnts rom, returnin oteir home schoobs corne September, he says, but he notes. students within the Broughton boundary would have to stay. Smyýka admits itfs been sugges- ted te hlm parents would tae advantage ofitiie modified calen- dar for Auguat, <"but the only way I can protect against that isto, provide -a lie detector test for everyone that registers. "'At thia point we!re up to 125 students (Who have registered for modifi.d), so if we boa. on. or two, that's on their conscience that they haven't been forth- BtI'm assuming that .veryone that has r.gister.d has ail the boat intentions. Smyka says the. number of out-of-boundary students who've signed up for modified has *tayed at around 50. <'What w."re e.ing right now la a number of students in the. FORTUNE F i N A N C i AIL " INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT " RETIREMENT PLANNING " TAXI ESTATE STRATEGI1ES Rate 9 Lo FlSILDO S b- A o 666-8245 About 50 out-of- boundary students are registered reguar calendar that are being toldnow that they have to corne to the new achool switching over to modified,» he says. He's confident that nwnber will increase, not decrease, by the time the school opens, adding Meven if we loat five or six or 10, were 8h11l well above the... 102 kids registered when the calen- dar was approved." A "prehiminary plans» circular for August issued by the school reada 11k. a summer camp pro- gram, Baye Robinson. Planned activities include an 'Olympie Day Passig on the Torch and cebebration picnic at a conservation ares, three days at Pickering Museumn Village, in- cbudinq a corn roaat; outdoor education and ebective programs such as-swimming, skating,, pot- tery art and croning. E2a of te weeks bas been qiven a theme: week one is the Obyrmpics, week two ila hf. sciences, w.ek three pioneering and week four conservation. Th.re's abso time alotted for "buildn ofaschool spirit and new rebationèhips" and <seeing our- selves as 'Pioneers' in educa- tionalprgrmg,» in addition tclassroo study and <'core subjects.» ROTARY CO HCALB)A$ PÉÉ.NumesoPiyÛ. 1327 1370 0198 ýý:2236* 1449 2381 048Ù DEBBIE MORGAN LANDSAIGNW * Unique Designs ...xertnce and *b Quaiity Nursery Stock Vpation since 16 (905 6863869oww tProfsoAIshbÃ-O'ta