Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 May 1996, p. 20

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Page 20, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, May 1. 1996 ... ... .. lAiiýPARTNS PATMN HOME CLEANER: expertenced, honest, rellable ,wlth terrifie references and Incredible ratesi (Even dust free house plantsl) Please cal John at (905) 718-9580. END VOUR housecleanlng nlghtmares. Cali Patricia for: Immaculate resuits, low prices, efficient, dependable service, mature responsIble Individual. Free estimates. 430-3383. "IHANDYMAN VWTH a van*" il do household moving & storage clean-ups and removal, general repairs and electrical work. Calil Doug, (905) 434-7874. HOUSECLEANINI BOur specl atty. Dons by two women, rellable, hardl worklng,' reasonable rates. Cali Bonnie 666-8639 or Maggle 430-8769. HENK KARELSEN Painllng & Home' Repair. Quality work, intsnforfexterlor. Over 20 years exgsnience. No lob toosmali. Free UCENCED ELECTRICIAN service upgrades, baement & renovation Wliring. 24 hour:service cails. Cail Tom 668-7852 for fres estimnates. HILLCOURT CONTRACTI1NGG mc. sPring specials on docks. Any snpany size, stairs & ralllngs. 430-1466. OLY MPIC PAiN11NG - professional enllng elr/extenlor. 0JOo s l.3yms. guarantee. For. good prices & godworK, cal George e9 725-7870. Free estimates. FLOOR REFISIUNG- wood renewers %il do a professlonai job of Msedi refnsednd staini n needs.AI work guarantee. 665-7768. JJ LYN Sewlnq Services. Dressmaking, ateralions includinq bridai. I-home service avallable. Cali Janet 666-9607. STUDENT WINDOW cleaning: professional qualty and low pnces. CaJItAks for a free estim aIe. 434-7071. COMING EVENTS Calil668-6111il ROOII BOARD- suit acive senior. Steps ta seniors centre, Ibrery & doWntown. Furnished or unfumlshed room. Weshraom, kitchen on main floor excelent cook, Ciean, quiet house. Based on .Income& requirements. 668-3640. NE WHUTBY Rossland/ Anderson area. Clean, furnished room, shared kitchen, câble & parking Non-smoksr. $375 monthlyaalbe now. 430-8380. W1UTY QUIET pla-ce for quiet, mature edut.Absokte ynosmo.lng. Kitchen ,& Iaundry feclties, Par*ing, caieehone. Near alil menities, downtwn &PO, air. firsI ls PerryHo use Child Care» Services 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 MOTHER WITH 10 YEARS ECE sxperienceofferlng bving home cars large brlght playroom set -up as kindéergren ciass with ongoin edcational acvl1ies poile Fenced backyard W tplay equpmet, nutrillous mealé, nonsmkr Manning & Thickson. Cail 436-7857. EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE babys igvlal nmy home, O90/eek. Meals & snacks provided. eferences. Buins/Garden, close to 401. Please cati 430;-2274. GARDEN AND TAUNTON. Childcare wanted in our home or yurs. 3- 12 hour days per week. Y300d working conditions. Non-smoker. Required ASAP. Calil 430-6642 with references. CARING MOTHER wlIl provîde a hap' *er*Irnment for your chlld. Nttous lunches & snaclsLosf acilvides (waks, crafts, atones).. Ages 6 mnos. & up. 404-0815. The systemi that provides.i. *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child *FuIiy trained providers receive ongoing -Agency support. " Reliable local back-up covers Provider iliness or hoiiday " Comprete insurance coverage " Income tax receipts " Chddren six weeks and up " Full or part-lime For more information Sili: 686-3995 a ioensed Agency WANTED: MATURE responsible tomais to share a 2 bedroomn fumnishod basement ,apartment. Non-smnoksr. $90,weekly. For dotails cali 430-2984. WIUBY CENTRAL 1a efurrished bed-slttlng rmom. Quis peaceful, sivaei 0parkng,, mlcrowave, fddme as i728-669 655-5719 or lae message aftsrlprn.. CENTRAL OSHAWA Fumished indluding refrigrator. Dead boit locks. Pfivte cable for TV. Share kitchen, 2 stoves. 2 washrooms. Paring from $15. to $95. Cali 434-1457 or 576-2287 UPPER LEVEL. 0F 2 storey primeI home, suitable for single worklng persan, non-smoker. f bedroom, own kitchen, living roomn & sllUi rvom, $550 per monith Includes hè F hydro, cable & parking. 666-2127 WHITBY DUPLEX, dock,, 3 bedroom aplances, bus route, sohools, cloe downtown, Avallable Juàne lst. $875/mo. First, last and referonces. Catialter 6pm. 434'-2325. MBM PROPERTY management WhItby apartment buildingqs. On. bedrooms starting at s585 ail inclusive. Frst and last months. Good bcpations. 668-6700 days only. 905-986-0480. HOUSE PRIVATE entranice, Whitby, Harris St, one bedroom apt., Iaundr facilitles & parkin 9, avallablo May, evorything inclusive. To vlew phono John 665-7759 alter 5pm. ONE BEDROOM APT. IN exucoplonal buiding 4years old $620 ail Inclusive. 428-7677. ONE BEDROOM basoment firat lime. renting $700 Inclusive first LasI 3 plece bath avaliable immediately. 69-8589. FAX VOUR AD! 668054J BUSINESS-,OPPSI.' GLENTEL'S AGREEMENT WITH BELL CANADA requires distributors to help save Bell long dis- tance custorners 25-40% every month. Lifetime commissions paid on customer base. Caî,l 1-800- 364-6997. EDUCATIONAL. OPPS.. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute - Ontario Extension offers correspondence courses for the Diploma in Counseiling Practise to begin April 30. For a brochure phone Toli-free 1 -800-665-7044. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. FRANCHISE SALES FRANCON CONSULTING LIMITED., Selîs Franchises for National accounts. Earn $1 00,000+ potential income seîîing and sit- tingi If you can seil, we want you! Fax resume (416)236-0894. FULL TIME large appliance service technician required. Vehicle and some tools supplied. Apply' to' Walter's Home Furnishings, Box 238, Shau- navon, SK, SON 2M0. Fax 306-297-3400. FOR SALE SAWMILL. $4895. Saw logs mbt boards, planks, beams. Large capa'city. Best sawmiil value any- where. FREE information. 1-800-566-6899. Sul- vacraft -Sawmills, 6625 Ordan Dr., B-2, Missis- sauga, Ontario L5T 1X2 SALES,.HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money seliing chocolate bars. New products avallabie. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast deiivery 1-800- 383-3589. MEDICAL ARE YOU A MAN WHO HAS sex with both men and women? We'd like to talk with you. Make your- self heard by taking part in this University of Torornto survey. It's anonymous and confidential. Caîl for free from anywhere in Ontario: 1 -800-9-Bi- MALE. PAY. TELEPHONE SERV. CANADA'S MOST GIFTED psychics have answers.to your probIems or questions about heaîîh, love, relationship, money. Iucky numbers. $3.49/minute, 18+, 24 hours, 1-900-451-4336. LIVE, ACCURATE, PROFESSIONAL PSYCHICS tell you where your'future lies: love, marriage, relar- tionships, career, reunite you with'Ioved on-es.- $2.75/minute, 1-900-451-2787, 18+, 24 hours.. NORTH 0F OSHAWA CENTRE v7r quiel & dlean 2 bedmoom apt. $65.5 Includes storage., heat & parking 428-7677. 2 BEDROOM PARING & aundry, utilies extra. First & last. $600Imo. 430-6109. OSHAWA MODERN, new 1 bedroomn apt. ln exceptional buildin $620 per month. Avallable MayI Inclusive. Tom 427-8677. DOWNTOWN WHITBY 2 bodroom newly renovated aplances, air & hydro Included. $750/mo,., first & ast, references requIred No pets. Avallabie now. Cati (905) 623-1013., HEAVENLY -PSY.CHIC Answers serving over 50 million'readers and multi-taiented psychics. Fiee astrochart with your first readingl Relatlonships, Future, Career. $2.99/ min. 18 +,24 Ho.urs 1-900- 451-3783. IMPOTENCE? SHYNESS? ANGER? TROUBLED, CpHILD/TEEN? ANXIOUS/DEPRESSED? Private,. professional'recordings.. "Ail you do Is listenm. 18+. $2.99/minute. Recordings approximately 3 lmin,-» utes. 1-900-451-0080. PERSONALS ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. For compaýn- ionship* or marriage,. Ages 18-85. Single, wid-. owed,divorced. Canada, USA, global on Intemiet. Write Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1 MO. Free information. 1-604-679-3543. MISTY RIVER INTRODUCTIONS congratulates Laurel and Brian, Doreen and Wayne-and Sarah and Craig on their re.cent engagements. Confiden- tial, professional service for singles seeking long-. term relationships. 613-257-3531. 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSESI'Safe, rapid, non-sur- gical, permanent restoration ln 6 - 8 weeks. Airline pilot developed. Doctor approved. Free information by mail: 406-961-5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961 - .5577. E-mail: Vision @Montana.com. Satisfaction' guaranteed. ADOPTION ADOPTEES/BIRTH PARENTS/FAMILY MEM- BERS, Canada Wide National Registry and search assistance 1-800-871-8477. Information une 1 - 800-871-8477. E-mail - ffcwnr@georgian.net REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/timeshare? We'll take itl America's Iargest, oidest resale clear- inghouse. Resort Sales International 1-800-423- 5976. Timeshare rentaIs needed. Cal 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS ALL STEEL BUILDINGS. .Rock Bottom Prices!R Manufacturer Direct. High Sidewaiis. 25 x 30 $2,588.00. 30 x 44 $4,966.00.-35 x-50 $7,977.00. 40 x 64.$9,888.00. 46 x 78 $14,444.00. Others. Ends Optional. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. BESI BUILDING PRICES_--SteeI Straitwall Type, - flot quonset - 32x54- $9460, 40x72 $14.233, 50x90 $20.443, 60x1 26 $31.314 - -other s izes availabie - misc. clearance. Paragon'- 24 hrs - 1-800-263- 8499. VACATIONITRAVEL WHITEWATER RAFTING IN EASTERN CANADA, on the famous Ottawa River based from beautiful outdoor resort. High adVenture and, family pack- ages. No experience necessary.- 1-800-264-7238:- *its Affordabie a ts Fast Its Easy *-On. Bill Does.It Ail eHortheno nt&ario $76e E* Euer arlo $138 p Western Ontario $130 0 Central 0ntarIo $134e Ail Ontarlo $W8 *National Packages Avaîlable * -Cali (bis paper for details! Speciaiizing in Early Chiidhood . Education. For Peace of Mind. CLASSIFIE-D MARKETPLAC. E 'Advert/se A cross Ontario orA cross .the Countryý"

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