Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1996, p. 33

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Whitby Fiee Preas, VWednosday,,AprIl, 1996M, Pme 3 .ARTI~LUS FOR SALE j ARTIcLES >*T$I~ftAFT.$ FOR SALE aioBiims ELECTROHOME ANRcondltloner, 6,000 BTUI1 15V, $300, used pang2 summers/4 mas) 1-.11X1 8kw. Calil668-9426. FIREPLACE FIGH tech Bi 5 waod bumlng unit. Zero clearance style, uses autslde air duot. $300.a.b.a. (have gas). Rick 668-7171. jDIMNG ROOM set, Rayai Abert dlishes, washer & dryer, fridge, mrror- 12X6, slverware, ktchen table, free 86 4X4, parachute, crocheted blanket, omaments. 655-3597. MEMORY BRAND new Mipn SIMMs wth 1 year warr. 4/8/16 MB $79$159/$329. Phane: 665-1296, CelluIar: 76-4471, Fax: 430-1334. 7 PIECE walnut dlnlng raom $250. Cal atter 5pm 686-1390. CEDAR TREES for hedglng 3'ta 81 hi gh. Pick-up ar délvered. 1-705-432-2237. WEDDI4G RIIG set beautitul value approx. $4200 sarfce wAlI seli $1600. Weddlng dress, lvory lace wth accessorles size 10-11 $450. 436-1330. FREEZER UPRIGHT $95; starage cabinets warth $1200 sali far $150 each; pin g pong table $120. ion table saw $275. Cal 430-0643. DRESSERS $5-60 Iol amp $12; mirror $10; set TV trays $5; boys w an $10; cedar chest $90: chram e table, chairs $20, rallaway bed $12. 668-3975. FOR SALE dehumIdifier electric lawnmower, apartment size dryer, vacuum 725-1937. GARBAGE BAGS whalesale, 250 qualty bags per case 26OX36m $18 tax included. Free delive ta y aur hame or business. Other éIzes avallable. Cail (905) 668-3013. RED OAK LUMBER lu, 2m, 3 & 4n thtrkness 9 year air dried, 1$2.5 board foot tram outdoor &container. Phone (905) 619-2003 Pickering Village. MOVING NORTH SAL Antique wood bedroom suite $150. Carpets. lamps, waIi unt1eulu cauch, ofeée table, maple dresser, Indian rug, kitchen tbeand chairs, wamens size 7-71h new shaes, fur coat, dresses, turquoise sofa, etc. 725-9161. FOR SALE fantastic exercise machine. Aisa cuts grass reel goad ma rreel *1cean, your lawn ac bodywU'rme" redate lt. Reel Usmanwer. ~C. Sharpening WEDDING GOWN sale. Large selection of discontlnued new gowns. Also you can order yaur wedding and brides, prama mather of gawns. Oshawa BiJal 562 Simae St S., Oshawa 721-2425. DUPIONNE S11K weddJng dress, size 10 talit neyer warn. Classcal sleeveless style wfth cape coller and drappodwatt $400. 905-725-4335. FROST FREE white Westinghause f rld ge far sale. Only six manths aId andistil under warrnty. Asklng $500 for lt, call naw 905-665-1304. FRDGE & STOVE, WASHER & d rypr, beds, kitchen sets, safas, calfee sets, dinlng sets, large selectian new & used. Befare yau buy give My Dad's a try. 116 Brock St. S. 430-0561. JUDYS'S BRIDAL RENTAI - affardable weddlnUgogwns ta buy ar remit. Large selecton af sizes and styes. For appalntment cali Judy aÉ PIANO, APARTMENT sieurght. Great saund, made ln C lntn Ontaio 30 years aga. $600 flrm. Cali 430-2206. 1987 BWICK SKYLARK, $600 as Is, body gaad candition. 1984 Plymouth Reliant $400, as Is body gaod canditian. Bath neei motar wark. 666-4279 leave message. 1986 DODGE CARAVAN LE, 7 passenger, 4 cyl., auta, inint conditian air tit crulse, P/S, / 1rssfram factory, $4747 certified. 1989 DODGE RAM PICK-UP, 2.6L wth cap, autamalc transmissian, AM/FM cassette radia, excellent condition 571-7360. 1988 TOYOTA CAMRY. Lots of K's (342000? but stili runs welI. Nat cetfed (same rust an bad'y). Best off er. 3 Carroll St. 430-4881. 1992 BUICK LESABRE LTD. ane owner maraon clath Interlar 6 way Î wer seats, surraund sound 15500. Alil new Ires. Shauld be sean. 723-3731. 1984 AUDI 5000, FULLY Ioaded, recently safetied, $2,250 ab.a. Cal 723-5852 after 5:00pm. N..d a car - Crodit Probleme? Bankrupt - Undlchargd? " We have le tae-ovetu (repossesslons) " Leametao i any mfake or model Cashfor trade e Cal now for fre quoted LEASEGUÈDE AUTO LEASING Cali JeIf (905) 683-6230 TwoS100 ACPT -ure t.31,guy1s i. (9 05)68-66 x. 6 BISQUE-fT CERAMIOS tram VIctorlan ta Gathlc and native ta seasanal. Every Saturdlay tram 10 until 3. 15,Jacab Drive, Whltby. 668-8267. - tiiiurMAN 0 CINDUEMELLA a *WHITE RANGER .1 *also Red, Green and Pink I*Birthdays, Company Picnics Etc. e eNOVIOLENCEI - DOUG (416) 439-8133 PSONALIS EVANLY RAYS servlclng ovar 20,000 Ontario househalds. Ratad #1 ln Canada. Police, politidians & corporations use us. Concerns about lave, heath, reiationshlps monoy. Just call 1-900-451-4055, 24 hrs $2.99/min., 18+, i-960-451-4055. THERAPIST: CARROL Campbell focusing on making women whole sain by daling with fear, angarco- dpendiency, abusive relationshîps, ta buIld seif-esteemn, confidence & positive self-Image. (905) 576-3805. WHUTBY FESTIVAL Today's treasures & esterd s memories. May 34&5 lquaPark arena. Fetuln llecor bears, bunnies, dalls, fakarts &woadwark jewellery, floral arrangements, home decor & a wlde varlaty of other crafts. VendorsAmm avallable. 7:00 pm & 10:30 pm Mon. - Sun. 1:00 Pm Sat. & Sun. 12:30 pm Mon., Tues. & Wed. 5 Points Mail Ritson & Taunton, Oshawa (behind A&P) Charities 945371 ALJ. SAT ORN 9: 0 .M SUPER JAKPTs PT TO WHOU It may cancemn: if the pe mon ar persans who rerflaved 1 Mnsmen past presidents ring and 4 Manin Cup rings dated 1985-,1987, 1989, l191and ather Jewelleîy which bears the awners name and ather articles tram a hame an Lakeridge Raad an the evenlng of Wednesay, arh 12, 1996 please samehawquietly retumn the Iewellery - no questis asked - this Jewellery cannot be replaced. Name withheld -the thief knaws (whol). LET IlT BE KNOWN that an Arab Pao named Crystal standing at Sprngfeld Farm belanglng ta Mr. and Mrs. Clarke will be sald at public auctian under the Imnkeepers Act. BUSINESS OPPS. »".1 ' GOVERNMENT-FUNDS. Govemment assistance programs Information avaleable. For your new or existing business. Tae advanags of the govrr> ment grants and boans. Cati 1-800-915-3615. BE VOUR OWN BOSS and bulld your own busi- ness from your home In the Health and weliness industry. For Info package catil 1-800-352-2850. RAISE CHINCHILLASI Fuil or part-Urne, Guaran- teed income. Direct purchase or joint venture. Quallty N.C.B.C. graded stock. Cali Tom or Greg Rtedstra, 905-457-4660; fax 905-457-5327. NOW IN ONTARIO. NEW SPACE AGE ROOF COATING. Exclusive Roolsaver deaiership avait- abie ln your ares. THERMO 2000 an elastorneric seamtless coating that totaliy seais and protscts a roof from the elements wtth no nee to reshingie. Hait the cosi of rerooftng. Excellent for motel, con- crets, watts and other surfaces. Proven effective n residentiai and commercial Installations. Invest- ment of $12,950 Inctudes tnventory. protsctsd tar- ritory, full Company upor and training. Cati col- lect (416)398-M& or fa(416)398-7899. Sertous Inquties only. BUSINESS SERVICES *FREE ADVERTUStNG FOR 1 FULL VEAR ON THE tNTERNETI PLUSI FREE Computer software inctudedi Dont pass up this amazlng advetsing offeri Cati (416)391-4955. Fax (416391-0211. EDUCATIONAL OPPS,' BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our grot home-study course. Cati today for your FRE E BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writing School, 2551-38 McArthur Avenue, Ottawa,ON, KI L 6R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Instituts - Ontario Extension offers correspondance courses for thes Dipioma ln Counsstiing Practise 10 begin March 30. For a brochure phone TotI-free 1-800-665- 7044. COMPUTERS. No previous computer expeulence necessary. Excltlng opportunities now avaltabie In computer prog ramming - We wtii train suitabte applicants. CM% 1-800-477-9578. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. INTERNATIONAL AGRtCULTURiAL EXCHANGE - Agas 18-30 wtth agriculturat sxpsrlencs 10 livelwork with famity ln Australie, New Zeeand, Europe. Japen. Costsldsieis.- 1-800-263-1827: 01105. 7710-5 St. S.E.. Calgary, AS. 12H 2L9. EXPERIENCED EMBALMER/FUNERAL Dlrec- tor/Manag su rsqulrsd In Bermuda. Generous saiery and benefts plus large one-bedroom apart- ment, no taxes; Piesse fax rssums 10 B8 Graham 809-292-5589. FORSALE SAWMtLL $4895. Saw logs Int boards, ptenks. bearns. L.arge cepeclty. Boat sawmritl value any- whsre. FREE Information. 1-800-566-6899. Sil- vecraft Sawmllsà. 6625 Crdan Dr., B-2, Misais- sauge. Ontario L5T 1X2 gàARD)ENING ATTENTION GARDENERS; Frss guide bock on »How t0 Select The RightHobby Grsenhousea. Cati Easy Living Producte, 24 hours. 1-800-661- 4026. SALES. HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money sstling chocolats bars. New producta avallabis. Nothing to, psy n edvance. Fat detivsuy 1-800- 383-3589. MEDICAL ARE YOU A MAN WHO HAS sex wfth boih men and wornsn? Wsd like to teik with you. Mae or self heard by laklng part ln thîs Unlvesry of Toronto suvsy. Ira anonymous and confidetiel. Ca% for f rfti frorqnWtis ln Onte.lo:1-600.-Dl. MALE. DONOGHUE,GElE and SyMa are plesdtoa arnounce the salie arrivai ai Mark Garrett on March 27, 1996. A brather far Edeo. Speclal thanks ta Doctor Wai-Plng ad the staff et A$ax-Pickering Ho-soai. THANKS TO ST. JUDE far favaurs recelved. S.E. 11IANKS TO STr. JUDE &hSacred heai af Jesus far foeoem recledM. May the Sacred heart af Jesus be aiiared, gbried, baved & proservednA thrughaut the warki now &-tamve. O Sacred heart af Jesu, rafar us. St Jude, warker of miraclepray for us. St.- Jude, hefper af the ho'eleasmpra fru.Say Mprqer 9 limres a d. By pur siuation seemns. Publcfio must be romsM.MJ»S.D. 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSESI Saes.rapid, non-sur- gicai, permanent restoretion Un 6 - 8 wselcs. Airlins plotdeveioe. Doctor spprovsd. FrieeInformation g mi: 406-961-5570, ext. 253;. fax 406-961. 577. E-mai: VisionO0 Montana.com. Satisfaction guerantsed. iMS CÊLLANEOUS - BRING HOME THE WORLDI - EF Foundation Us looking for volunteer hoat farytliis for eludents from 20 countrles srrlving ln September. Pisse caI, lotI-Iree, 14800-263-2825. 'iLi-È L MARKET. CREATE INCOME IN A JOBLESS WORLDI Baby Boomers. Seniors'.. Start Home Business, Flexible Hours. Esrn Caribbesn Cruts, Car Program, Devstop Rettrement Securly. Informnation Package $4.00. Cal 905-275-1643<(24 hrs.> HEAVENLY PSYCHtC Answers serving over 50 million readers and muiti-talented psychlc. Frea astrochart wlth your firet readingi Relattonehipa, Future, Carser. $2.991 min. 1 8 + 24 Hours 1-900-, 451-3783. CANADA'S MOST GIFTED psychlcs have answsrs 10 your probîes or questions about h9alth, love, rsiationshp, monsy, lucky numbers. $3.49/rmlnuts, 18+. 24 hours, 1-900-451-4336. LIVE, ACCURATE, PROFESSIONAL PSVCHICS tell you where your future lies: love, marriege, rota- tlonships, career, reunits y ou with ioved ones. $2.75rninute, 11-900-451-2787, 18+. 24 hours. IMPOTENCE? SHYNESS? ANGER? TROUBLED CHILDÎTEEN? ANXIOUSIDEPRESSED? Private, professionàI recordngs. «Ait you do le fisten". 18+. S2.99/minuts. Rscordings approximely 3 min- utes. 1-900-451-0080. PERSONALS MISTV RIVER INTRODUCTIONS. MATCHMAK- ERS who speclalîze ln rural and smaîl town Ontario. Reasonable Rates. -Comptetey confiden- lial. P.O. Box 325. Carleton Place, Ontario K7C 3P4. 613-257-3531. THE KEY Counsellors - hghiy qualified counsel-, lors essiat you twlih ait types of Issues, relation- uhipe. fsmlly, work, socil, etc. Confidentt el,18yrs *. .99min 1-900-451-3030. ADOPTION ADOPTEESIBIRTH PARENTSFAMILY MEM- BERS. Canada VWde National Registry and search, assistance 1-800-871-8477. Information lins 1 - 800-871-8477. E-mail - ffcwnr@georglan.net, REAL -ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND memberahip/tmsshare? Wsl taesin Amsniceastargeat oidsst resalesqsear- Ingh ou"e esr Sales International 1-800-423- 597. Tkieshr rentais nseded. Cai 24 hours s day. STEEL BUILDINGS ALL STEEL BUILDINGS ...»Rockc Boftom Pricesl* Manufacturer Direct. High SIdewatls. 25 x 30 $2,588-00- 30 x 44 $4.96600. 35 x 50 $7.977,00. 40 x 64 $9.888-00- 46 x 78 $14.444-00. Others. Ends Optionul. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. CARDINAL A raspsctsd nems ln the Buidin Industry. We have Mhe Krowisdge. the OualityMn the People for fast and efftident service. Cai AL0 905-477-4388. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Stratwal Type.- not quonset - 32X54 $9460, 40x72 $14.233, SOX90 $2.443, 60xt26 $31.314 - other sizes avaflbe . mlsc. clearance. Paregor, - 24 hre - 1-800-263- 8499. WANTED HUNTER GREEN sola chair tram . ..... set, must salI, $175. Call 665-0165. "ArpPY M h FOR SALEBATMAN FOREVER~ CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertlse A cross Ontario orA cross tle Country% IBINGO COUNTRYJ 1$452OOmOC FAX YOUR ADI 668-0594 )

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