Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Apr 1996, p. 21

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West Lynde Puýblic School edged Bayvi.îew 35-33 te win the Durham elementary schools' boys' basletbal championship last week at Durham College. Slo-pitch couples are wanted Couples aged 30 and over can still join the Whitby Mixed Slo- PItchi Le ewhichbegins the season inaMay. The regi*stration fee is $175 per couple for the season and playoffs. Caîl Sharon at 668-6711 or Monica at 430-9063. Mike Morrison poured in 20 points te, lead West Lynde. Andy Methven had 11. West Lynde outsoered Bayview 10-3 ini the third quarter to overcome a Bayview lead and thon held on in the fourth quar- ter for the victory. Other members of the West Lynde team are Rory Damihor, Matt Langer, Dorek Robertson, Daryl Cain, Bapti e ullerton, Joe Stevens,MVarvin Ishxnael, Darren Miller, Lincoln Blades, Deroek Morine and coach Kent Clark. RH. Cornish edged Glen Dhu 23-20 in the girls' final. Taryn Izatt-Galloway scored 17 points for Cornish while Jaùmie Dickson had 12 for Glen Dhu. Whitby Free Prees, Wednosday, April 10, 1996 Page 21 Te Tension is topie of golf seminar . ...... .. e m . le Canadian, GAan uroea tour stars, lncluding Cnian tour pro Scott Hood who will be at thfe somninar. Smith will dis- cus how to master tension, the bivgest problem in golf. Iiis son, chiropractor Dr. Phil Smith, who has provided care te PGA stars such a Pyne Stewart, Chip Bec an ill Glasson, wil also be at the semi- Juniors raise fund Durham Region members of the Canadjan junior field lacrosse team will hoid a fun- draising monte carlo and silent auction night on Frida«hApril 26 at the Masonic Hall in itby Tickets, for $5, are available from teamn members or by calling 430-8794 or 427-3025. Funds raised will help defray the cost of competing in the world championships. The team recently won threo of four games -- their loas (12-10) was to, the Fborida state senior men's champions -- at a tourna- ment in Florida rocently. The toam is aiso seelding cor- porate sponsorship. Sports pychol tD.Dou- glas SmthofWhtb ilpro- sent The. Pro Mmnd folf senunar on atuday Apil 3sat Divots Indoor Gof Centre, 1375 Hop- kins St., Whitby. (A free introducto session will be held Thursday,'Xril 4, at Divots). Smith, a director of the Smith Institut, for Performance Enhancement, has worked with TRAFALGAR CASTLE SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL Hope you ail enJoyed your long weekond and are well rested to finish off the sehool year. Go sailing with Sinclair for five veeka in May. Earn your CYA certificate. Sign up in room 221. Hurry! There la a maximum of 20 students. Grade 10 te OAC interim reports viii ho distributed Friday, April 12. Also Grade 9 communications and MST report cards vili also ho given out. Parents, look over the reports and prepare te meet with toachers next Tuosday and Wednosday. Sinclair's final semiformai bash wiii ho held May 14. SAC and the reut of the studont body are depending on you te purchase a ticket. We need a decent turnout at our final dance this year in order te even have a dance next year. If ail the debated board cues fail inte place, there May not ho enough funds or teacher avaiiability te hoid a dance. If ve can say that students support their dancos, vo may ho able te swing another one next year, and even our snirprom. This is defimiteiy enough notice te start earning that oxtra cash, se lack ofmoneyocannoe ho an excuse. Tickets coot $9 per person or $15 per couple. SAC has hired one of the best video dance dise jockeys in Canadji. Even if you don't vant te dance, come on out and vatch the videos on elther of the tvo big screen TVs. Austin chariots LARRY URTIAGA guides his chariot -- Colin Pattison - as Father Leo J. Austin students re-enacted activities of ancient Roman and Greek cultures. Wrestling matches and a Roman feast were among orner activities at the Whitby hi gh school. Photo by Jeremy DresarWltbyFree Presa Musiec theatre festival underway Ad*udications have bgnfor the 8oshava -and WhtbyKvanis Music and Theatre Festival talc- hi g place at various locations in OshawL. Profossional musician. and actera are appramg area, stu- dents in ail as oQVmusic. Avards and schoiarships viil ho given te top performors and a 'Concert of Stars,' April 30, 7:30 p.m., at Eastdale CVI in Oshawa. vicos. the festval. Last week was Spirit Week at Trafalgar Castie School. Our athletic association came up with crazy ideas for ýeach day and overyone, students and staff alike, was expocted to dress according to the themes ofoeacli day. Monday, April 1 was 'Crazy Dresa Day.'We ail came te achool wildly dreased. Some "colour blinded" students came in outfits of ail combinations of colours; others dressed as a man or an animal (weil, aren't they the same?>. Ashley Bryant won firat prize, Sonia Klessling took second and Alexa Begy third. On that same day during "Feed A Friend" lunch, we were asked te oit with our friends and feed each other hot pasta. It was hard te cooperate with everybody else laughing, but the idea was good and it was, after ail, a fun experience. On April 2, students were te dress in their own house coiours. That means red for Carter, green for Farewell, yellow for Hare and blue for Maxwell. Some student.s even had their hair and faces painted in their house colour. It was amazing to see the four houses sit together in chapel and at lunch for it' very rare that we do not have uniforme on. The dining room looked like a pie with yellow, blue, red and green wedges. Sitting as houses istead of the regular sitting plan vas a better way te lift Our school spirit, for when we see ourselves and Our housemates dressed ini the same colour, we feel more together. On April 3, ail students came te school in their pajamas. Have you ever tried te concentrate whenj your teacher is wearing pajamas? They should- have called it "zoo daY~ because of ail the huge animal alippors and teddy bears studonts brought te clasm. The school vas a massive sleepover scelne. I pretended to ho irod and it was easy becauso I iooked the W. had "backward lunch" which began with announcements, then our desserts and aftor sweetoming our mouths, the croissants, ham and salad were served. After oveaything, vo utood and ui grace. 'Our prayervas change nrm Tank YOU Lod forth. food-' we're about te reeive" te 'Thank you Lord for the food we've juat received." It vas a wonderful change fr-om the normal routine - fun and ezciting. Apzgl4 was a normal dresa down day. For a treat, Mrs. Smiith and her staff gave us bowîs of Easter candies and a vonderful parent donated two enormous stuffed' rabbits which were rafiled at the end of the meal. Rose and Sarah- Jane ver. the luek.y ones this time. Our food drive continues into neit week and I urge ail of you to empty your cupboards for this worthy cause. Collier HENRY ST.> Students are buckling dovn in preparation for upcoming exame. The cast and crev of Henry Street's production of 77te Boyfriend continue te rehearse as performance dates near. ickets are on ýsale nov in the library for performances runming from April 25-28. On Friday, April 12, Henry vii hold its first dance featuring live bande. Core, Gmi and Out of Order wiil perform and D.J. Cue vil provide a st;orm of iight and sound. TIckets are $6 with a student card and $7 vithout. Mlost people think there's only one way to help the developing world. We have 26. Cali us at 1-800-661-CODE for more information. &UuU*Imkec CO h.DEvdu., For more- information about tomorrow's introductory session~ and the Aprill13 seinar ($75 cost), eall 430-2656. Jamboree for girls' lacrosse A 'Girls' Lacrsse Jamboree wiIl be held in Oshawa April 19 and 20. The eventa Donevan Col- legiatentituteincludes in- srtinand cmptiion, and contesta that include hads shot and most accurate shot. Fifty rizes will also be awar- ded and lacrosse equipment will be sold. Cost is $12 per person or $125 perCtam. Fo more information, cal Barb Boyes at 728-7315. suppotp cancer canbe fflFNM beaten. 1WLcmfi

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