WhitbY Free Prosa, Wednoaday, Aptil 3, 1996Page 10 Whit cilub akes MusialMeniorie Whitby Figure Skating Club held their biannual skating carival March 23 at froquois Park. This year's show wasi called Musical Memories. Club coaches Diane Cornelissen, Monica Connors to run marathon in France A Whitby couple will compete' in a marathon in Paris, France April 2 1. Hugh and Gisele Connor are members of the Whitby Tigers Running Club. They ran thoir first marathon i Toronto last May, then took part in the Montreal marathon in September and later a haif- marathon in Peterborough. Hugh has been a runner for 10 years, Gisele eigrht. They spent ail winter runnin7g in preparation for the Paris event. Club to-hold annual meeting Tho Whitby Figure Skating Club will hold the annual Sneral meeting on Tuesday, nI 16, 7:30 p9 h Whitney alat Iroquois Park. Johnston, Roxanne KMes and Sandra Moloney choreographed skating routines for every level of skaters at the club. The show started i the twenties and thirties with three- and four- r year-old kinderokaters depicting Charlie Chaplin. Gangsters were played by Dominique Boileau, Jesse Gravelle, Jeff Koeslag, Androw Nicholas, Geoffrey Russell and Sean. Terry. -Flappers on the sthl1 strong in Gretzky's head the nea year whon the IOllrs dld wln. The message is that great achievements do flot corne from spectacular rushes or saves, they corne from sustaineci hard work. Il has also been my experience that: the greatest plays corne f rom the athietes who work hard ail the lime. This past weekend Whitby's house beague play came ta an end anod very f0w Whitby rep teams romain in the hunt. The toams that are stili contenders share a common work ethic and hopefully are ready ta pay the price at the show. They are the midget AAA, atom AAA and atom AA teams who have made Rt ta the final four for their respective divisions and the minor and major bantam AA teams W66 are competing for top spot in the York Simcoe beague champIonshIps. Congratulations ta the minor novice AAA and mldget AAA teams, who have already won OMHA lities. To any big klds (aduits) out there who are Intorested in playlng In an established Sunday evenlng mixed recreationai sb- pitch laque, you can oeil Mike at 430-6077. Joe Mllage of Whftby 19 head coach of the Seneca Collège mfen's hockey team and program dire cor for Varly Village. ice with the gangsters were club skaters who competed at sectionals ini 1995: Candi Gravelle, Christina Janseni, Lindsay Moloney and Melissa Pearson. There was rock and roll with senior B skaters in the fifties and sixties' hippies and flower power were revived, and there was linedancing with the junior skaters in the nineties.. Feature club skaters* were Ià ndsay Moloney, Jeif and Michelle Koeslag, Candi Gravelle, Nicole ies, Sarah Cook and Erin Cameron. Over 300 skaters from the recreational learn-to-skate programs participated ini Musical Memories, as well as test and competitive skaters. Whitby precision teams entertained, and guest skaters were Sean Kelly, 1996 novice men's -Canadian champion, and Teri Ninacs and-partner Kevin Cheshire, 1996 Canadian bronze, Petes finish slecond The Whitby petite C major ringette team finiehed the season i second place in Central Region. Their first game in the playoffs was a 6-4 win over third-place Oshawa. Meghan Rodger scored two goals and had two assists, Lindsey ILily, one goal and two assists; Danielle Morrison, one goal and two assists; Là indl3ey Matsumura, three assists; Hayley Fallis, one goal; Cindy Johnston, one goal and Erin Mclntosh, one assist. .Manvers won the final championship game 6-5. Halfway througli the final period, Whitby was down by two goals but neyer gave up and managed to tie the game with just over a minute left ini regulation time. The game went into overtime with Manvers scoring to win. Scoring in the game were Johnston, two goals; Morrison, Durham indoor soccer, M"m 31 - Trderis 10. OuhnaJif= 2; WhlIby Inn 3. Red R-.g-re2;Ouh.vaWN»m E u g I e 9 , O m g .Cl h 3 M"rd 31- Rudlws5. Oshona Kiaa 1; Bicycle. Plue S a eln- 7, Wallzlng Wesl15. PaubronUnh4 Matsumura and Lilly, one goal each and Rodger, Jenna Smnith and Erin Fraser one assist each. Other team members are Lynsie Arts, 'Emily Mountjoy, Joanna Tellis and Jessica Yan. Whitby will meet Manvers, Port Perry and Oshawa i their division at the Central Region tournamont hosted by Mariposa this weekend. S E E Ai e Pi "n" >L a heaIiauo FOUM~DATION 165 Bloor S4cî et Frî, Suife zoo. CITIonîo. Ontario M4W 31.4 canaam ýtnartbI Regl*stration No. o167151-13 thruwa muffe rkecnreY- When the golng gets tough Whitby men s hockey VWL T wm p tkUMlo 3 0 2 15 5 8 &~8 r'Pm 2 2 1 15 12 ô Ç ; avc 2- 2 1 13 10 5 Ab"cLM a 0 3 2 il 27 2 SILVER DIVoIM RWsEMmw 4 1 0 28 18 8 NoWW TIUi 3 2 0 19 17 8 BhaftML 2 3 0 21 22 4 MkgulyT 1 i 4 0 il 20 2 Mem DM R.L PhIIlp 4 0 1 28 14 9 Dodd & oubw 1 1 3 15 19 5 CJL Aub os 1 3 1 17 22 3 Omn'sHaIi 1 3 1 18 22 3 Ri" 27-m Elipeuà eni 4 Pi Sheehen, lav Srnith, JIm MaIroW, Jkn FWngîa. Bmdmh%' Pizza 0 SeMAs Mmer 7 (AMuh Thoqrieo 3. ReI Unwln 2 GR uîId Binei6P&u Weir). Meakle Niane Tst ô(DRv IMeâ--g-2. Tre" Kelly. John HalerJo. Fery). Bih. à Moteln 2 (JIM iBruionDon D@ = MsE".rle 4 (Gr Asmuekmn. Nul Fuqmduan~Dugg.im John L.nwDum. Aoleru lyT3 (.Ma mmay 3)' RJ. PhMix eAb 8 (Non Roem 4.Bob DeBkol 4Cken'e HaI4 (Don Ranc ,8w lt H"Mwzbeihu) Dodd à Soute'3 (80ev. SanrdEug Aid., G.y Lm. WiCCAAJIBody 3Pee Bih.. Ken Roi& Tmny Beko. Gold *hk - John èMa-hlE, uuch, shutous* SUber dbidm- Dae Fbumb, Nionel Tmi, 2 ou&u. 2 emots;Brome do- hmeruRoum, RJ. P04» Auto. 4 g9u" "uthIuuulut Poys Egux 8 10 18 Nu PfloueRjPIpsAjg, 10 5 15 Jim &ftNhuUo &,UA0l.j. 9 2 il NduiFuhmog Ayu Euu -7 2 ,9 ChudueBlequluruauugtsrPim S 3 9 T"&iim XA m 4 5 9 Don Wuihura.no's EnI. 2 7 9 1 ----r CI) CHIN c FI)IIR KMID by Joe Millage 1 There are a lot of different cliches that we often hear around piayolff lme. They are each lied ta a story that has become a iegend. They are usualiy attrlbuted ta a famnous coach or athiote who rose ta the occasion and slnglehandodly won the game. Logends such as Maurice nThe Rockçet* Richard who defined terms such as %tenacltyn and udetermlnationn or goalies such as OGUn Worsiey, Ken Dryden, or Patnick- Roy who refused ta lose and performed great accrobatios ta defy the opposition. My favourite is, in Wayne Gretzky's blography and Rt isn't when he won. . t takes place after the llrst lime the Edmonton Ollers made t ta the Stanley Cup final. They were playlng the New York Isianders ln a classic battie and Wayne tells of how they looked forwaid ta the ceiebrations if they won, but they didn't.-- He notes that when they were ln the dressing room atter the game they feft down and thought of ail the fun the Isianders wouid be haýAng. Howover, when ho loi! the rfnk ho passed by the New York dressing roomn and saw players wfth bce packs on bruises whlle the trainers looked alter cuts and othor injuries. The'Great One goes on ta say that ho knew lmmediately the strong New York Islanders team were- champions because thoy pald the price, they wanted it more and they knew what had -ta be dons to wln. Thatimage was