1 GTA IN ID Hre sver vxmn Sehool board OPSEU: IS back to work pae9 pagel1 AnothertB itic for Whitby mael6 Nodecision yet on Possible Hutc.hison. closing - ,v aw eeur A re iô on closing seven Dur- ham eIf>entary sehools, includ- igR.A. Hutchison in, Whitby and four in Oshawa, was tabled bDurham public'board trustees Monday ht. Standing committee also voted to suspend, until it can b. reviewed, a board poiicy under which staff are required to form sehool committees to further in- vestigate closing the schoois. The report envisions siending Hutchison's 174 students to C.EK. Broughton, now under construc- tion and scheduled to oM m August behind Anderson ,as a way of saving an estimated $191,000 a year -- although there would -b. a one-time cost of 4331,000,* larlylï to purchase po rtables and $15 4000 in "avoi- ded short-term buifding renewal backlog coots." (Closing ail seven schools would save an estimated $1.1 million ini operatg costa and $1.37 million in bi)wlng renewal coat avoidance, the plant depart- ment estimates, but the board would have to spend $1.5 *million i one-time capital coste.) Eight portales would b. neee immediately to houa. th. extra students at Broughton. The echool, which the board says has a capacity of 397,, would have à Garbage collection Pri va tizatýion plan trasheýd Be MikeKowalsi A proposai to, privatize W .t8s abg collection ser- vice appears headed for the trash bin. STown counc!il's operations com- mittee has given a resounding endorsement to a- joint manaâge- ment-union proposai that wil not oniy save jobs, b ut an addi- tional $183, 701 on Whitby's annuai rarb age collection bill. Combin ed wit h neariy $280,000 in savings previouasly identified by the public woks department, the recommenda- tion if*approved by council next Tusd, Ili hop mre than $460,000from the owns waste management budget. The recommendation ensures that garbage collection will remamn Mi municipal .control for at ieast the next two yéars and that the jobs of Whitby's waste management ernployees wiil b. Oniy four i&eeks ago it.seemed as if Most, if not aIl, of the il workers would b. gone. 'Tm pleased with the proposai and ri like to go on record as gvng thanks to management," a delighted Karen Wilson told ýcom- mittee members Monday. "This has. brought us together and brought about job pride,:" Wilson, president of Loal 53 of the, Canîadian Union of..Public Employees (CUPE), said of the co-operation shown by workers and management in preparing the, report 'during the past. month. "But rmn worried that at the end of the meeting someone will say April Fool's » Wilson replied after councillor' and, committee chair Dennis Fox said she muât b. thrilled sinoe the report coin-- cided with the demis. of Ontario's social contract legisia- tion. (Imposed bjy the former New DemocrÊatiec-Party overnment the legisiation which expires Sunday, cut public sector wages over the past three-yeýars.) Wilson was one. of seven union omfcials and - Town employe who a peared bfr omte toseits çupport of the pro- Measures 'that' modify or'ieli- minate 'commercial and in*dù- trial waste collection and impose ne* stipulations on rural resi- dentsare part1 of the proposed pkage ane to the cur- rent s"stem. The boss of two fuil-time waÉte management positions and.*'thié reduction of a third topart-time statue are also am!ong . ýthe changes scheduled for implemen- tation on Juiy 2. Yet, despite the. downsizing of the .Towns environmentai sec-. tion, the ýrecommendation was hailed by' laiwut management and co'uncihi rsal e hi res new director 1