Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Mar 1996, p. 6

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Page 6, WNtby Free Pros, Wednesday, March 13 19M6 The only Nespaper owned a nd operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents! MEMBER 0OF: ®4A< CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY VR IDCOMMUNITY NEWSPAPER CRUAIN NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION'ASOITN ISSN#0844.i3 98X ASOITN Phonhty ePess668-61 il Outfeeton: 1-800-668-0322i WhibyDroiu Andtesn Pli sherspbian commecia aurlt i PifO hawrja,-cetrin otPry D800 OnadGPIno-SaES ManagRD erKY ACanda MarGti- osd Ctinaa ger Pulse rintedonnesntwitymin6um20% naioIc 900 yclHo cotns t usoxg06vegetabbased in N5 'There goes-1 a lot of our. tax dollars .. To heediB r,, Hydro wages below benchmark 0 AIl wnitten materfal, illustrations and advertislng contalned herein ls protected by copyright. Any reproduction by an y means for commercial purposes wthout the express permission of the newspaper is prohiblted and isa violation of Canadian copyrig ht law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credît lune to the Whltby Free Press. the d. or. Check the tacts To the idftor Re: Ler, Stop thesgougîng,' Fise Piossa, Fb. 28., 1< -wouid be nias If Je" yVerle wouid chock tho f ms belore vltn sucli an lnsulllng leter. Aith h dosn' menion-whlch Fidro ho le refsrrlng Io, rM assme ia Ontarlo iIydro due Io mntlon of <ho 1ldonltknew whero lhs got the ldoa thlt they get a rase erSy wsel Ontarlo Hydroe smloyoos (non managemnent) have net had a ras. foi at lemnth<re years and do* net oem anmeany lme sean. 1fho -hnstiyare ovorpaid, perhaps ho would bs Wlng todo tliu«Job for iman- Wauld hho w<vlng toa'work <ho s 1fslo woek (lndclng Christmas da 1ri 8 a&m. ta 84,.m.) and aise --ose hlrns o to ho sk cf radiation xpsro? Alec Ontado Hydre lias kopt <loir rates theie mfor seoral ypars an anyons whe *>iows <le nemwshould know.lf hies-Hydro rates ame golng up, that la thanks ta WhltbyHydre. Ho#*" kOntarl Hydre should bs privalely owned? ates lier. are about'33 per cent clisaper <han ln tle U.S. wlisrs uMmes are privaiely owned. Can ho aclually bo nalve enough ta thlnk thai a primae ownsr would docios rates? Tley V0N ho ln 1< purelyta, make a profit. Their objective wil ho ta encourage Industry usera wtli Iwor rates and theyll compensi. fer <lis by raising privai. esidsnce raies& Tliy aise woulhave loss concein fer s whlch could ho pretty scr. Tlir employea may make a losa manoy .but <lai certalnly wouldn't moan rates would cornedown. . Aie ho sculd reaize, that most Ukely <tho buyei fer Ontarleý Hydre would not ho a Canadien. Doos le isally want a.,fo)rsgn owner fer Ontale Hydre? Frenly 1 scares msl Why wouki >vu sel a utiuty, <lati ater al tho downslzlng la startINg ta make money, fer a ane-tims cash grab. Hosshauld do researchi (or al Ieast road a pae rw th <e news) bofors li falelyacusespopleof' agouglng. B. Clouthîer Whltby Faith rstored" To1 <ho editor: in laie December,,I was dIrMng clown my streo and ,neticed a tesnago boy runnlng dlown rny drivway. Thers was anethe boy on thie SkdW«alc wl a dag. When <lo saw my car pull, Into the ddtveway, th"Y cek f nJnnlng clown <ths SOUst. J tok a qulck look around àni notlcSd laimsanie MY Christmas iglitswesmlsslng. f backed UP<he»car and lisaded Mesn, «<#eM I flgurod <li lo mie ýr, isoke Io <leufaur Who wuwey dsapanted ln <le Ioo Want.d 'wn88<le IjLIe biUtwUlflIn'tWo stock. il romombor In 'My youth l<aook a Ihtub or two mysenf. I got an ba*...endcof soy or n 1 h On Mardi 5j I etuinod lmofrm wor xr't sovel tesnow dons. My wife sal <ai two boys knocked ait<liedoor and sald #We wsis the boys who teok my Ights ai Chrfstmas lime and <loy wanted ta shovel-my ddvewey n <heu way of sayng heywero sorry. 1 a< Wehow.muai this lias iested my failli ln god iparotlng and ln <ho yautli of teday. Those-<we yaung mon- shauld ho qplaudd, theytaak rspn li o rlr actonsani mads Il right and <ho riglt lsa it1IwIIl always romenuber. * *WNhy To <h. edito: Re: Letter, 'Stob the gouging,' Free Piess, Feb. 28. Jerry Verdrthas a unique way cd extencing a humomous cutlaok on whet could be a verybla future for ail Ontailans. In compMln' of ^past Injustices In <he way slect officais lave influencd0blc 8dstopped and just plan ms1dlin <le operatianof a corporation of which lhoy knsw nothlng, Ontario Hydro was ferced ta Increase rates' ta accmmodats these imposed excessive coats. AJIlthis was dons ln, the Interest of the ratepayers of Ontario, ta ensuis they were getting fui valus for their bard earned money and dieathels sstein they were buylng was Indeed needed. Verdet ls posslbly correct ln his assumptions that aur rates aretoo high. More Mkslythough, Is <bat when he wakesup, ho WHl Und that the curont rates are, nothlng ln compadison towhatlioy coulboiYt the. pissent -govemment and governmsnt ap ,ine Hydre preient, C EO etc!hvethoir way. Our pissent hydre rates aie quite a bit les han aurnelghcurs te o sauth (approxlmaelye 33 per cent) and aithg thoy are hlgher) <han moMat etle( rates ln Canada, tliey are very cofmpstitivs witn <ne ,wono * rates fer somethlng lms <han aur curont service. Jerry, iVs apparent, deDights ln Iampoonlng the hydre empk>yee. I wonder If ho thouglit that peihapa' these people are underpald for the services they perform. Ther wages used ta b. comparable ,ta <the <benchmark comparator ln the utllty busiess duoo nei raisos In last two contrac-s, wages are currontly below 1tho benchmark). fer <lie mest part, thoyliave nons cf the 'benefits (perkS) -afferod ta athor types etf employmsnt *whereas- <hsy are frcdbypblcwcntny, ta manan a Nghorstandard c"f work piacilce, oducation and workethic then- most othor forms of empicyment Theonly people iOntarlo Hydre who have rocédlved sgnifcant ralsos ln the .pastAves years are tho manges. Teyhave manageci ta vM temsevesbonuses and'pay lncreasos up Io 15 per-cent wlth the blesping of the goeomont, and <lus for Con M Mclng the employeses thai If dm~ work for lesa <boy rngh< ksop jhi obs. ln eth- orcds If <ho employees get on board and mako the rostnücturng of tis corporato ock*û>s happen. wltheu an Incisas. ln coMt t ho consumer, then perhaps <ter. would -b. enheo f furthsr job cuts. ,Skwnceb,<lis ros u ~lootak nl make R< work. ThiIs is borne out b the fact that Ontarlo Hydro fer the Ilidm (aibeit no ons couid ses the bocks bofors Froodom of lfraoe) hasmade u proms same employée are zero per cent, rote hics Io consumners zero per cent wage Nike te <ths managers plus 10Q per cent(?). i happen <o be one cf those = bos as 9 yau hadnguesss.d, ,hv bean prorridee lsorts of #*MM,~as worsil Ontailans, la n osworwe doig down and thew" environment. iould improvo etcm, etc.' f <lis govemment was siectod. *éd WsIl - nat laoking ta purchase a swamp ln Fbrfda, 'm aionot on -te edgs cf my sea waltlng for that choque ln <ths maiL W. are ad saddled with govemment Intervention, In airneat ail of Our dey efforts te earn an Income. W. are surraunded by bureaucrats who have ne idea how -thoir particular bureaucracy even operates. Tro.t<ho.editor: Re: ArtJoie, 'Raglon officils discas straiegy i Briars Reoat,' Fies, Piess, Feb. 28& It la lnterssting <lai <ho Ragion car pstbeggers faund it nessary ta spend a couple cf days, ai taxpayera' expense, ta iïveit Up ai a coat of <housanda cf -dollars. ibIs.so-calldIe necessarym- got- <ags<hoi âtai, posh reoat la yet another exem ple of com plets disdain and centemp< towards the taxpayers as was<theso-caied *nocossay"get- <ogetor at anetihor pea si t jut menths ago at tho Nattawasaga I nn, again coating <housanda cf dollars. .One :.caroe.-recycied ..Raglan councillor valiantly trlod <o justly <he Importance of fis attendande, wtlI <lie othor Raglan counclîlor made a febecipher-coiebrai attemp< <o compare -<le Raglan Ita.<ho, cororaion0fGensial Matois. Case In peint: Goneral Motors ltre manaMers who know whafth<ly are dalngandlIf<ley donith<ey are- gonG. Goneral Motars aiea muai answor <o <loir alarehoidors, unlike tle Raglan' cf' whîch 1I am a shaishoider. 1Genorai Motera of laie lias isloèved Itself cf a bloatod management staff un" th <e Reglan.- And General Moters 1make an effort ta show a profit 'and generally' pioduces a ~uiyproduciagan unlike hoth Theso are <ho peeple <lai Jerry Vorio woul have dismentie Ontario Hydre and reassomble it Ino a vlable, cost-effocilve, manapeablo campeny, <liai, would provWe ou wth low raMies.Thss? same» peeple cen hardly Uind t<lohir way te tho eusslds of<teir offce btildlng withaut armap and anavigator. The reaity Is that when mos< other coats for gcods and serices me rlsing, se were aur hydre rates. PorharPs 9heoe oesslve,. but the average Hydre empioeo las as mucli contraI over tbose happenings exorcise eny contrai is <fhe ballot box. This oosn'me an Itasay <liai tho outcome wouid hoan different but if thoy we<obk* lnthoWr dod pursut cof their sponsors, Peohape wcould Injec oiee sinotIls rance- e puùgestons <laiwould bene*i us ail, net just,,the members of the club. Anoth e".d-p Whftbyft. &S. Rosis heels of *Raglonan nd municipal counellôs spswlnig <loir dung as <o the mismanagmont of Tarante politiciens with <li affaira. Peihaps DurhamnRe Rgion pelihciansglven the same responslbllty ta manage 'a world cilasa clty, ýwould lave farodi worso especiailwhen you seesome 0if <ho performances of aur loca& yokel politiciens, wth <hlr $1 0,000 etwinnng partyn dinners. Whsn -it cornes <o rths management'cf pioperty. taxes, I would ,b-ho ël rd issed te congratulate aur municipal, or reglonal.. poilticlans for, being respe'nsibîs , 'or ac countabie, especiav _when <loy 00,uld Se. the witing on <o*a. Raglan councllors ..gave <-sselvea a $1 0.000 seeranco deal, and. meiely meonths'aWfte ho1994, éeoction doubled R Io $20.000 even-ý 'Ift<héy decldod net-taIoekM ro-elocdn. Weuldn'tIl ho nio U any resident dscldod net ta go ta work anymare, end could ho handed $20.000? The Region muai go, or ai <ho vsrY least cut <ho exlstng 32 touncilors. by et oeM 75 p rit. ,R.ls rdculous Io ha"e 32 pollclnste manageonhy sigIt,,munipaities, nd aven -more rlculous <to have il Raglon councllora ropresentOsWe.& 1A <wo-torm-,in*itshauld ho lmposed on si poltalns.- Any longer. tliey sonuehow gsI <ho ldoa #M ~ a bm<landtlsuanuy, -"r ..k v.a.. Councillors ýlive it UP

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