Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Mar 1996, p. 3

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mhat Ronald Bowers, Gaordon FaIllisand Susane Pltchforth be appolnted ta fid-vacanctes on the Local Architectural Conservation'Advis»ory Commitee. WVhtby Free Pree, Weckieday, Mrch 13, 199, Page 3 i. b MeTeague miffed by GST omizssion 1 1 Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) Monday, March 11, 1996 Recomedations frmthe Planning and Development Committee mhat a staff recommendation to apprave the red-lined revised draft plan ai subdivision tram the Ministry of Govemment Services >(MGS) for the Lynde Shores housing deveiopment flot be approved and only be received for Information. Commlttee did flot reach agreement on the proposai iast week and sent Rt on to councli Without a recommen- dation. mhe change would have seen MGS revis. its plan ln order to provide the same design as In the nearby Rose Corporation plan,, thereby allowing a consistent, approach ln street pattem, urban desgn, entrance ta the subdivision are and lot sizes facing one another. Council agreed flot to take action on the staff recommendation, since the request did not emanate tram MGS. Carried m.at planning staff hold a public rUetng.ta consider eiiminating the minimum required distance of 7.5 metres between driveways. mhe requirement was instltuted ln 1960 and does nat recognize sm'aller lots and changing building styles. Caýrred Recommendation s frmOperations Com>ittee mhat the Town treasurer be authorized ta apply to Durhamn Region for approval ai the issuance ai debentures up ta $2.2 million ta finance the construction of a Whitby Hydro stubstation ln Brooklin, conditlonal upon Ontario H-ydro appraval of the debenture financing. mhe substation Is needed ta Meet, future power requirements In' the village. Cmrried mhat a $45903 tender tram By Mike Kowalkl An Onitaria Ministry of Labour adudicatar wiil determmine if for- mer Oshawa Times employves are entitlod ta, more mon. frm their ono-time employer. A hoainhas been scheduled for miMa on an application for severance and temiation pay from the union representing about 65 former employees of the Thomson-owned daily newspa- Pori T'h. Communications Energy * & Pperwokers(CElý) union contends that Thomson Newspaà- Pm Cr. wsthe workers lara in bock pay,, aoeording toaa CEP Officiai., The union ch urge. that the newsupaper giant is trying ta take- advanitage of a "léophole in Ontaria labour law wluch allows business.. that close during a strike ta avoid their financial obrigations if oconomic lasses reuit fram the dispute., T'h. 123-year-old Oshawa Times closed for good in Decem- ber 1994, almost one montl after omployes struck for a botter contract. AIthough the company will dlaim the strike caused economic hardélip), the union intends ta argue teat the paper was lasing money for y.ars and- that the strike merely hastened its dem- ise. "Our position wil l e that it was a well-known fact that Thomson was thinking cf clasing Tih. Times long before the strikte legan,» said former Times repor- ter Phil Rab& "People 1o the (Durhamn) Regfion and the police knew that Thamson was shopping around the building » le said. (Durham Rgonal Poice lave been ront- ingthe twa-storey downtown Oshawa building for te past several montha whilo their own neit door headquarters under- go.. renovatians.) "It's a complote farce that they (Thomson) are claiming it was because of the strike," said Raby. "Not once did tley tlreaten ta close during negotiations. Thom- son's strategy may lave'been ta .force the strike ta. usetle loop-, hale," ho chargod. "A lot of people e a lot of their lives ta, the company and ta get thrown out on the street was a roal slap in the face.» Raby, wlo workod at the Osih- awa Times for almost eiglt years, ia on. of the fow editorial depertmont employes.wlo lave managed ta, find work in the media field. Hle i. currently an, on-air, reporter for CHEX tele- vision s Durlam PRepion bureau. >While on strîke Times om woees produced tiîeir own twice-wekly ewspaper thé Oshawa Independent, an< thon triod ta, keop it oig after l'h. Times fole. AltIaugI there wero grandiose visions of turnig 'he Indepen- dent it a dailyý paper, it too ceasod publication lest August bocause of financial problems. Thoumn officiaIs did not return teleplone calls from l'h. Pro. Pro.. Lerne Slotnick, a staff repro- sentativo with CEPs Soutlorn Ontario Newspaper, Guild divi- sionl said five days lave been set asde in May for theloearing. «I don't know if it willbe flnished tIen-. Thero's a good Chargèd after Chase An alert Broughton's tow truck driver chased a suspect in a Whitby ht-and-run accident into Oshawa Saturday ývmorning, ena- bling police to make an arrest. Tho chase occurred after the driver witnessed -a redp'Ic -kup truck run mnto the bockofa. van stoppod at Thiickon and. Dundas stràets- around. 9:50 a.m. and thon époed off. Ho 1 aé chias., keepmng Police advis.on lis wleroabéauts by oeil phno nanajed to, stay wlth the pickup, despito the dri- vor's beut efforts to, las. him by driving- through sideotreets on bis way- south to, the 40 1. was stopped by police. A 39-yveer-oldi Oshawaý man who police later discovered had stèenplaeson lis truck, was arrested and charged with failing to romain- at thé scene of an accident, driving without a license, insurance or'valid -license plates, carelees driving, drivi* hi.probibited -and brh o prbton. No one, was iriured in the accident and subeequent chas.. lThe uset vehicle drove east oni the 401 xiting at Park Raad end headinig nàirth John'8tret -ansduthonrit chance it won't bocause itsaa fairly complei case,»"lesaid. As Slotnick eiplainod,' the soverance and termination pay aspects of CEP'. last collective agreement with Thomson did not apply sice there was no contract M place. Under other circuinstances, Times employees would be covered b y the provincial Employments Standards Act, but thero ta a catch, Slotnick noted. 1 The Employment Standards Act las a section wlich says that severance (and termination) Pay i. not peayable wlen otonomic damage is caused by a strike,» le said. "Thomson will lave ta argue tîat there was economic damage as a result of the s3trike.ý Slotnick estimated the ter- mmnation pay allogedly owed -tc6 the former employeos ta be about $120,000 and severance pay ta le aseyeral hundred tlouiand dol- lars » He did not lave a procise figur for the latter catopy u ta the number of pr-a.gr- u kers nd vaing years cf experience for aIl employees. By Mke KowaiskI Last WookVs federal budget las not reoeived the overwlelm ing endorsement of on. local Iberal MP. Whitby representative Dan MeTeague fs disappointed that the budgt contained scant refer- once ta the future of the goods and services tax. Aithough ho will vote for the budget because of what it dom. contain McTae admits ta bei~ 'rusrat" b~y Finance Minîster Paul Martins failure ta confront the issue when le deli- vered the budget last Wodnes- day. Not even Martin's Friday plodge ithe Houa. of Gommons ta work ta, replace the GST before the neit election did little tasootle MCTeAgM's ire. &Thinot Wýaing easy at aIl,» the Ontario ridi NP declared. "PaulMartin las got-a lot of explaining ta do about wly we have gone thre. budgets wîthout it being addressed," said MTague, refering ta one of the FORTUNE SF 1NAÀN CIA L INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT *RETIREMENT PLANNING *TAX I ESTATE STRATEGIES m o il *mi oi El For blanket coverage of ALL the homes anci/or businesses in WNhy OR to selected areas only, oeil the Whitby Free Press - 668-6111. If you did not get a ffyer which is listed for ful distribution, give usa oeil *The Prince Restaurant (select) *Metro-East Homfe & Garden Show,(select) *Kira, Cope-ElliottI Royal LePage (select) *Pringle Cre Dundas Centre Guardian Drugs (select) ageda ILierals major 1993 election .apromises.»* 'eI"pleased that the budget las no new taxes and is on target with the deficit, but my support of the budget is tom- pered by not malUnggoodon thatpronise,» liesid "We're runnig out of time on tIis one and I wiTl be telling Paul Martin in caucus exactly wlat my feelng are on this.» SWhile Toronto MP John Nun- ziata, for one, intends ta vote agan'et the budt desite Mar- t fn ledge M agewill not gol ttfar tinL ie Ha& gtwice bucked lie party on MIPs pensions and the hate crimes «provision of last yoar's sentencmng bill, the outspoken freshman doe. not want'ta tempt fate. 1"1 believe ithe tlree-strikes thooryle explaiod. «Having testedl the government twice, Fin not prepared ta test it again. There' a pit wlere YOU have ta stopbea our lead against a stane walc. Forife Tiwes w kersseck Severance McTeague added that by not dealing- with. the G, Martin effectivolysqulched any possibi- lity ofan early élection thie fal as ame p undits have predicted. Yet,clsite lis uinhappinesa about theZGT, McTeague las no problem witl the general thrust of wlat le termed a «sleeper» bUl:etbreathing a sigh of relief that there were no new taxes," le reiterated. "And above all, the budget is fair and compassionate, unlike the placebo-tp medicinie (Pre- mier Mike)Harris is'doling out ta, Ontario.-7 Although the government's deficit'is projected ta, drap from $82.7 billion wn 1995a-96 ta $17 billion i 1997-98., Reform Party Leader Preston Manning clast- ized Martin for not "comning ta grips with- CanadWéa'saloat $600-billion debt. McTeague,- not surjrsig1 rejects criticism that Martindicf not ~ far enough witl lis cost- euttîng masures. "W. understand the différence between the debt and the deficit, but you don't do it by throwing people out of work lie said. Durham riding KU> Alei Slep- lord ould not; be reacled for comment. reaction by chamber lastleks fedieral budget "tries to provide comfort ta Canadians and foielgn markets that Canada ls Weil on Ita way ta achlevlng a yearly doficit cf $17 billion for fiscal year 1997-98,U smys Allan Faux, chair cf the Whltby Chamber cf Commerce. "However'it trios ta downplay that our accumnulated. government debt la over $600 billion -and continues ta grow. "T'h. federal government muet not be ailowed ta reet on its laurels or place additional financial burdens on their provincial' counterparta," says*Faux. "W. are plemued "kl budget dos flot, contain any new incroases in excis, corporato or personal taxes although -certain Ininor a4uaznents; willcause individuals to pay mâore tai," says Debra Fillp, chambor general manager. "We are disappointod ttis budget do.. not; contain any relief from higl payroll taxes. "Payroll taxes are a barrier ta employment and the government must take measures ta reduce the. burden of, unemployment insurance and other payrell taxes on employers ta stimulate job, creation," she Baya. <'The annou 1neement that the' government will undertake 'a fundamental revlew of business taxation 'wltl an, orientation towards economtc growtl and Job creation ta positive," saysLrnne Woods, ca-clair cf the chaInbers. government relations committ. "Anotler positive trend la the comtmnt ta stroamllne federal mpovernent policies and programa. W. look fobrward ta new, and Innovative ways of enaurlng deflveyof needed servies ta the "W. applaud these -Initlatives, but rest assured we will î; rêlentlessI our monitoring of bow thes announcements are actually implemented," adds Woods. 1 L

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