Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Mar 1996, p. 26

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Page 26, Whltby Free Prou., We<kiesday, March 13, 1996 L an D MOWING, specializing in iawn mowving, sprnngclean-ups and r5ub damaged [awn., Repairs. eekly and seasonal rates. For free estimates call 436-7833. PRUNING 0F fruit trees, shrubs and evergreens. Free estimates. Dutchwa4 Landscaping. (905) WELL SEASONED firewood for sale. Dry, hardwood, kindiing, haîf face cords, face cords, bush cords. Pick up or deliver. (905) 649-3183. Chesterfield suites, sofabeds, mattresses & much more I 1 11 PRw McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 725-5181 ARMOIRES WARDROBES, jam cupboards à chimney cupboards, antique . replications, reasonable .gnesoîid pine construction. View by appoiniment 430-3554. FABRIC CLEARANCE sale chiîdrens pnints, cartoon characters, craft pieces, somne at cost. 10-4 pm, M-F. 10 Sunray Street, Whitby, Unit 11. 668-7387. NEW KING size duvet/comforter cover and pîllow cases, 220 threadcount. Emeraldgreen strIpes, cost $240, selI $100 o.b .o. Affer 6pm 666-9870. FULL SIZE-WASHER & dryer, apt. size washer & dryer very clean & excellent working conditfion. Cal 434-8705. NEARLY NEW CHILDS BIRCH twin bookcase headboard, bed & *mattress $220. BeautifuilIaminated Talbot print picture $50. New percale comforter rosa/ cream stripe $50. 430-1606. PIANO, MASON and Risch urhf, in excellent condition. Asking $190 Cmli evenings 666-3558. BEDROOM SUITE colonial, dining roomn, chandelier, mirror, drapes customed, marbie tables, Royal *Albert. Negotiable. (905) 655-3597. MOVING SALE soîid wood table & chairs, couch & loveseat & much more including car. Everythinq must go by March 2Ofh. Cmli 665-1268 for SATELLITE DISH Star-Trek system with 10 fi. dish, $1000. Pîayground equîpme,,nt, Eagles Nest and 4 swing set, bot h made of wood, $125 each. 655-3566. -FOR SALE - dehumidifier, apart ment sîze dryer, electric iawnmower, Kenmore vacuum. 725-1937.. ARTICLES IATSIUCK. ~~~~~~.FO A E O .h.B. . .AP.$.. .P.S NA. EVE EXAMS ARRANGED. 2 for 1. Buy one air at $199, get second pair of SV.o r contact lenses free. Discount for seniors and chitdren. Tille Opticians, 102 Byron St. S. MARCH BREAK SALE March 8th-23rd at the Book Between, corner ol Brock à Manning. Books - buy tfiree, get one fe. Most comics 1/2 pnice. 666-2442. YORK HOME GYM 2001 fitness sysfemn $100. Bedroomn fumniture mpecolour, excellent condition, 6 drwr, desk, chair, 2-3 drawer, n pt table bookcase selI set for . -7683. ROTARY CLUB 0F WHITBY Easfer hamn sale top qualit Schneiders 21/21b 0 $10 and 51lb @ $20 hams available March 25/96 from club mem~bers or phone Dave 668-3579, Grant 668-2179, Barrme 430-7683 f0, place yoitr order. Proceeds f0 community projects. FRIDGE & stove, washer & dryer from $99, kitchen, dining, bedding. Large selection new & used. Before - b M Dad's àa f :My Cads to'reé, 11ý6 Brock St. S.. Whitby 430-0561. WATEDP i WILL BUY YOUR unwanted items & contents. Caîl 728-8485 leave a message. LADIES, CHILDREN & mafernity spning ciothing now being accepteyd Asu prom dresses & communfion dresses wanfed. The Wardrobe Exchange, 856 B3rock St. N. 666-922-5. ARTICLES WANTED: good used fumniture, appliances, TV, VCR, stereos. We pay cash. My Dad's Store, 116 Brock St. -S., Whitby 430-0561. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING US MONDAY AT NOON &SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL CAT and dog grooming, de-mattingciipping, flea baths, complt o r.808 Sice St.S Cal Citina 728-0203. DALMATIAN TEN months oîd maIe, ail shots etc. Smart, good with kids, good nature , 125. 668-2674. PETS IST PET SITTING and do walking. For seniors or for the pet lefi alonie ail day. Reasonable rates. 430-1591. '86 FORD COUGAR, as is, best offer. Cali 430-2601. '85 BUICK SKYHAWK 2 new tires, rad altemator, timing chain. Needs bociy work. $300 o.-b.o. 655-4025 leave message. 1987 DODGE CARAVAN MINIVAN 7 passenger, 4 cylinder, auto, air, AM/FM, ?34,000km, very clean, $3495 certified. 433-1787. 1986 DODGE RAM, NEW exhaust, new brakes, 360 motor runs great, $1650 o.b.o. Cali Paul 666-5tf29. TRUCK CP yRoe Industries, factor diretfulI colour available. 655-731oré55-1014. Need a car - Creclit Problems? Bankrupt - Undlscharged? *We have lemsetake-overs(mpossesiom)s *Lease to own any make ormnodlel *Cash for trae o CalNnowtfor freequotes LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING Cmli Jeff (905) 683-6230 SNOWMOBILE FOR SALE '82 Yamaha ET300 twin cyl extra bogie wheeis, à,00Okm. âônginal owner. Excellent condition. Cover included. $1595. (905) 576-7879. 14' ALUMINUM BOAT & engine, ideal for fishing. Asking $1000. Cal 430-7227. I LOVE COUNTRY CRAFT & Quiît Tour Fniday, May 3- Sunday, May Sf h.- We start with a welcome reception at our first class hôtel in Kitchener. After a buffet breakfast we de part for Elora f0 visit the "I Love Country Crafts & Collectable Show with over 80 craffspeople taking p art. Then it's on f0 Reichards Quiîts in Elmira then on ta Miler's Decorating for Country Inferior at St. Agatha. Dinner and a relaxing evenuîng await you back at our hotel. After a leisurely moming we depart for home with a sftop at fhe famous Mary Maxim's Craft Outiet Store . OTTAWA TULIP FESTIVAL FnidayMay1I7th f0 Monday, May 261h. Ogui 4 day package includes a weîcome reception, two dinners, -a waiking orientation tour of Majotr's Hill Park f0 discover over 3 million bulbs, aying -tibute ta Nice, France, the Caoye r capital of Europe. Enjoythe. traditional crafts, faste French wne, sample Nice's renowned perfume and experience the Camival of France. Ve'Il watch the " Parade of Lights" cruise along the Rideau Canal and we have reserved seats for fthé "Flotilla Parade" featuring over 50 decoraied boats.A spectacular fireworks display af Majors Hill Park wiIl make our trip f0 Ottawa complete. For more inomain on these and other tours cmll Silverine 'Tours at Pearson Lanes in Whitby< at 430-2253. BISQUE-lT CERAMICS dJean fired & ready to go! Retail or whoîesale open every Saturda j10,5 ,15 Jacob Drive. (905) 998-k.89' SMOVING SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO NEEDFUL THINGS DY ELZABETH Unique craft & gift store. Christmas stock at wholesale prices. Choose from our inventory of many other in store specials. Specializing in fîower arrangements for weddings & funeraîs 965 Dilingham Rd. Pickering 905-839-6333 EVANLY RAYS servicing o ver 20,000 Ontario househoîds. Rated #1 in Canada. Police, politicians & corporations use us Concems about love, health, relationships, money. Just cal! 1-900-451-4055, 24 hrs, $2.99Imin., 18+, 1-900-451-4055. I CHANGEDI I changed m y shape, size & lweight. I changed my lifestyle ýand incomne level fo match my wildestdreamfs. You can too. i w , train you free. Cal! Joe (905) 571-5063. DAWN, SPIRITUAL Advisor, tarot reaiqq, $0.Past lives readings $20. tier'sonai astroîogy chart p [us predictions (+ compatibiîity chart) $35. For more'info please cal1 579-0254. a Condtonn Bodly Sculptlng e Personalize-d Ftnesàs Tahit CMR M CD Peter Koeyers - Tel (90W)66-4464 213 Byron St. S., Unit 101 (Montgomiery Pl.) Whitby TAROT CARD READNG. Twenty Yrears experience a sci as -M a medical registered technologist). Accurate readings for future, love, work, travel and for solving any problems. $6OIhr. or $401 I I2r. 1 a ointment only. Cail Violet, 905-6661073 Whitby. TALK UT -OUT! Run out of options? No one to talk to? Lonely? Unhappy? Confused'? 1-900-451-0362 TALK IT OUT! Personal I Live I Confidential 18+, 24HRS, $3.99/min; i Please Recycle This Newspper BATMAN FOEVER available A p Il1996 *SPIDERMAN a CINDERELLA' *WHITE RANGERV Calso Red, Green and Pink *Birthdays, Company Picnics Etc.. *NO VIOLENCE!. DOUG (416) 439-8133 (Cas h, VI1SA, :chaeque received before d eadline) $1 0.00 for 25 words; ($9.35 + 650 GST) 150 each additional word; (140 + 10 GST) $108 per agate lUne- (Ads with borders, pictures or graphics) Regular display rates apply - $1 .15 per agate line (14 agate Unes per inch) Minimum size 1 column inch $16. 10 CONTINUQUS RUN DISPLAY ADS 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no chaniges). G.S.T. is extra on ail ads uniess otherwise. indicated Monday noon -prior to Wednesday publication.' 668-6111 Please check your advertisemfent for errors on the first-' day.of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiIl. not be hiable f or failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a rnaximum-.cost o! the insertion. The Whitby Fiee Press reserves the right «to classify or reject akil advertisemnents. -1 1 1 ...........

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