Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Mar 1996, p. 19

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Whby sunr 14 4 à 5 5 3 Vkkh1u"snC 14 S 3 77 81 31 Bmabq u.yMc12 S 2 8S 40 26 AlgouppA il11 S8 4 62 51 28 AridmuVit.1il 8- 4 42 40 26 i@Wl lLkL. 10 12 1 72 82 21 BreOOInagnso S 17- 0 50 75 12 WhulbyKlunie 4 18 1 36 74 S Mach i10 Moose Lodgs 2 (kIn HedmbisoRb Muk), Lamina orw 2 (MoihewGrahan 2) Whltby Tayata7 (C"raLong 25"v.Hyland 2 SoohIEyMwun.LWed.,BlakeHaos),.K. Aut Body 2 (EllatFllzkmmaneAndre Hepbur) PbuaraPm aaauowajs 3 (Kyle ULidkie2, Greg ,bohnion), JohirsanBuildIg Products 0 V L TUGFM P Lmnnoxurn 1 0 1 8 4 3 PInrucbsha. 1 0 1 4 1 3 Man"iOMul. 1 1 1 4 6 2 kmoaiLodge 0 O 2 3 .3 2 Whby Tayola 1 1 0 S 6 2 C.K.AM*afody 0 2 0 5 il 0 Broaldn Kknsnen 4 (ChiliMoConnihi Z, Srdliy Willlarn, Andre Hamo), Part PNuy Matai3 (MU" iaspnigen3) Whllby Audio I6(ICIstIanHalkbaMarlcNats, Phkmler, Thmm m oVAOer, AdwCwem). LaminaDnrm 2 (irmunShe0cnCare Huas OneSco5 (Cois Martin 2, B.J. BaulseLiani Cay, Babby Verwiy. abt*utn- Jualin Cannas> Whuy Optkydats O Whitby minor hockey Ray»"Mo*ns 0 Whby at Kinsm 2; Aloom Appb Z 2, Mar ldLnwaki2 SERESA sadn im I Dr. Kagisua immsDiuk TAD Sinul SERESU8 Wht Fmu Pua Liacan AdvmftpgAir pkwk iigTi PtlIaiuilugs W L TUM 1 UMM NOVICE Bmakln Laglc2 (Michael Mite«. Brian Galamemu), Ckrus Contraatkng4 (TrevorMd<inney 3. Benjarniln S-YM The. Prudental9 (Shane Graharn 4, Jeif Watson, Jsffrsy Budiann Maftliew Slnyps, Bradley Srnftl. Ryeainsam). WMH Auxillary 2 (Slave, Ehheugla2) Cuit BroniElecli lIan Milar 3. S&oMtFreenun 2, Daid Turner,. Jordan Fits, Kady Musseilmn, SSct Hunt), OwaSc Volkamgen S (Michael Gorys"ld 3. M1tc1ell Sanlur 2, Geaffriy MadCGrgar Z chdslapherJuuaia) R4 a di dl Pa.t PoqM" l4 (MW"dias Figan 2, Gary RWIodi MW"hsl ud"l), OwaSci o <aeM armA) Whltby Audio 8<KietianHaitda 2, dMmiDeath, Pudc Miler, BdlanHeene, Ryan Taylor, Thamna MoWhhl> Dre W diI) Bmaklln Kinamen 4 QAné"HauanKarenFaqufiaronAionKelly, Evan Tagal UNOR ATOM MMO- FAutplyofl ari Klrty Surgem-7 <Jrd MMlar4. D"rAd 2Z AdeKaprwsld). Dr. SenMtlkW* Drile..2 (RabertCh.pnan, AndruFalzcn) WhhtbY'Kknone 4 <Mihew Ldey, Bila Farquiion. William Codirane Thamna Faqhro~,MoTeegueElsatrol (Noihanla Pl M.cêae 4 (g»n M 3,Krlan CunIffe), GMR Mediana3 (Julfray Miw ls'Rya PIhe) Bank cf Montr eS MUhen Rce ZMahhw Edmande2. 41.Ve.wey. ArdreCat), Jerirs Dffl Wwnhoers3 (@mvoB"id2. Rsily Andmee) M"rdi7 - bague Or. Semutlkw Drille 2 (Janus Stelgwaldd n-- loRnd4, VWMAy Kiosmen 1 an Bank ad Matreai2 (tuari PatrieGm Smfith, shUtaul - Ryan Barg-Veewaetd), Jerys Drug Werefiuse0 MAoR OVC RayvoNs Dr. Kagelsus TiGr" 5 <j. Thadrturt 2. B. i*Ioeina, J. Bidule. M. Moie«), Janm Did< 6 (M. Melisals, K. Homs, A. Md<Innn, C. Brnrna, R. SmlfnyDrill 5 6(K Mwpfry 3. A. No* e2). T&D B"eeà Burger O Laucani4 (D. Cousins Z M. Haughtan. D. Drak), Advantae Ah' 3 (C. Jakeer. C. Gebamne. M. Whitby F»s.Pries7(E. Baya. & C. MolArdi, . ComPkedngkie% ShareGruham.TaPrudsrltlal 1il 2 13 Scot Rumu, CuitBranElic. 6 3 S KodyAisilnn, Cuitmamwn 4 4 8 BWIMar nsWy. Cirs conracl. 7 2 9 Rlaya Ns Mardi 10 MaCull iJweelers 10 (lan MoMurtrie 3. Tysan Twlnlng 3% Davi James 2. John Carrçbel- McLaren, Sean Cunlifoe). Play k Again Sports 4 (Eric Rgan 3. MW"hedMinan) Jey Drug Warehoueil (Jordan Plaft 3. Daniel, Taylor ZKyi* Fard 2. Danny Glesom 2. Daniel Malta. Ryan Plaher, hutout - Daniel Carrigan). Roughliy Insurance 2 (Kye Holdbroalc, MW"ae Tureski), Whltby Trqifiy House 2 (lcavi Stephen, CameramLomx Whitby Optimiste 6 Cary Ros 5. Derelc Bayd- Laing), Allway Mechiarical 6 (Tyler Jimmno 5. Jay s e fMarci10 W L TBF9SM P SERIESA Jury'sDrug 2 0 0 17 3 4 &«ulJough Jew. 2 0 0 18 6 4 PaylMtAgan 0 2 0 7 16 0 Pallard Rcg 0 2 0 1 19 O SERIES 8 RaughloylIns. 1 0 1 7 4& 3 AIwyMicli. 1 0 i 12 il 3 WhftWtbyopliy 0 1 1 7. 8 1 Whit Oplrrsts 0O 11 8 11il 1 Raos-mais of a Durham' indoor socécer Mar" 7 -CCSC Addla9, AI-Adharo; Whaby Stslsr7. OehmaaTurul 1; Durhanm Cehi l2,Nrican Stas 5 Mar" 10 - Tid" 6 . Orange Crush 4;, 0&hmW. EagleeS8. Red Rouge.'. 4; Whutby Inn 11,Oshwa Jazz6 IVIION0 Mardi 10 - Bicycles Plus 9. Parbron Unitsd 4;, WatzIng Wease 6, Oshawa KlUs 4; Barasion 10, Rudwus 7 Whitby figure. skatingy PRE-PREUtMAR B LADI: Kimi Poter, 4th fliht 1;* J«"sasBowermnin, Oth fUigh 1; Usa Bs. lotiiit2.Nicole i;. M hflight 2;- Kelly Elihr, Mlf li3;,Uane Ohamabsy. 11 h fllght 3; Jenler Owens.,losfrfight 4. jessi=s Mam MSdiflit. 4; FRE-PRELIMNARy A MER &w IryRuss, ad; PREUIINARY "4 LAMI: Brttany Moloney. 1st; PREUUNARY S-1i1ADIe: Shannan Alccander, Oth flfite 1; Janean Sharksy, 7th ffilghl 1; Lid..7 HarreSdiM flght 1; PRELUMARY &2 ADUE: Jossiaie. Sth fhl.- 1;Candice Bra*i 3d ffight 2;- MW"eS Koasbg, 4th flight 2; JUMO)R *flW0CE 9LADM: Candli Gnrele, Oth figl 1; Christnea.Jansen, SdMflglo 1; INTERMEDIATE W1ENPRE11VE-. Krsty Cleawr. So Te«dmy Foà 2 W SARAH COOK. Sdi figure <pi.1). MRON WHM0CK. aida sifrer dance - Paso Doile. Bkmu; AMANDA MEEK~ senior sifroer danas - Kilan;, ERNI CAMERON, gald dances -- Viennese walz Argentine; ANGELA HANSFORD, brum afytm; USA CRIJPI bamear"d Novices fait hiplaydowns The. Whitby major novice AA hockey team was swept in three straight by Ajax inthe Ontario pl!cowns- . ax won 4-1 (Whitby scorer Andrew Laramy) 3-1 (Justin Fox) and 5-4 (Laramy and Matthew Aniderson two each). In league playdowns, Whitby won three straight over Mark- ham.1 Scores were 3-0 (Dean Seton, Zack Greer, Andrew Meadows; shutout ÏJran Callaghan), 4-2 (Meadows, Stephen Foston, Seton, Fox) and 3-2 (Foston, Fox, Meadows). Kevin Rempel and Anderson each had three assists in the series. Whitby has a win and a tie in the. current four-point series with Orillia. Whitby won 3-2 (Meadows, Laramy, Greer) and tied 4-4 (Foston, Fox, Lararny, Greer). Whltby Fr00 Pros, Wecfnesday, March 13, 1996 q page 19 Locl sinershisynch Tih. Durham Synchro Club won medals at the. provincial championshipe Feb. 23-25 at the. University of Toronto. Tii. aged 15-17 team captured thie bronze. Team members are Lindsay Boriako, Jenny Burgesu, Anne Frazer, Amy McPherson, Erika Vanderhiiiden, Leslie Wickens, Jane Wilkinson and Brenle. Wood, and coach Holley Lundmark. Tii. aged 12-14 team of Katie Anuei, Jessica Coburn, Stephanie Crann, Amanda Damtsis, Shaina Dinédale, Jennifer Joiinston and Lauren Millar, coached by Lundmark, won the, silver medal. Tii. aged 12-14 duet team of Daintais and Dinudale', coaciied by Deana Shiaw, also swam ta a silver medal. Whitby ringette NOVCE C2 upcnSoed by Whlby KkneU Mardi 4 Whkby 4 (Krlten Milar 3, Sarah Quenle). Sawbomfh 5 Dunham swimmer. now advanc. to thie act.rn diviuionals in Winnipeg Marcii 28 to April 2, facing strong competition from Quebec,ý Manitoba and the Maritimes.. 'Whitby select hockey fflSm«Iu by Hsddn Capy WhitbY 1 (Jamis Milaege), Leaside 1 Whlby 2 <Krthan Hdas,. Brian Ohad), Ajmi Whltby 4 (l Vandedlp, Geoif Wall@. Erik Psfeese), NAS0 WM RNOVICE aponsaM u by R M cR sgU t4C L MarO -gamsel WNtby3 Ç"y UunsmaNik arson, Shane Mo<15O% shutout - AmnRenau, Sea Green>, WarrenParka çWhat do you do if you build a great new car, but then forget to tell anyone about it? A Youoffer a deal.that makes your Aecompetitioncringe, their customers.so Y, and your own customers smile a mile wide smile. Ithe "stili" brand new now only $l99hnonth* for the stripped down basemodel (whoops - that's the competition's ad). We humbly offer, among other things, dual air bags, alloy wheels, PIS, P/B3, rear spolier, power windows, Iocks and mirrors, AM/FM cassette, sport bucket seats, tilt, omuise, 60/40 split rear seat, fog lights, tachometer, mud flaps, tinted windows, fuît carpetÎng, remote trunk and gas releases, a 5 speed transmission, 115 HP, 51 miles per fuel injected gallon*,' bumper to bumper warranty, roadside assistance, oh, and a vanity mirror - so y-ou can check ,.your'smile... *24 month lease with $1511 down, plus freight, taxes and ,,security. Zero down leases available from $263/month over :36 months (taxes extra).- Leases based on a sale price of $14,995.> yI 1 k7ï*b 'o. H <D _ Whitby rep hockey IMAJRATOMAA epfia ww & y BoAfinUmms Ct* Marmo MWb 5 (Kovi Walsh-2, Brandon FoWler, Androw Martland Jason Connor), Petenboifugh 4 Mardi G WhIity 4 (James Uiske. K.vfi Walsh, Jason Connor, Gien Corbin). Peterborough 0 MardiS6 Whitby 3 (Justin Haw., Jan Cannai, Sean Ken), PWolehooh 4 Whâby leading best-oI-live siles 2-1. îR0~, WHITBY IROQUOIS iLf Lk, SOCCER CLUB Soccer Regîstration 1996 Summer Season DATE: SATURDAY, MARCH 16 &3Oth TIME: 9:00 arn to 4:00 pm PLACE: Soccer Club Office 1380 Hopkins St.., Whitby (South of Bums St. next to Ontario Ceramics and Armstrong Signs) Formns also at Iroquois Park& Library (Main.Branch) REGISTRATION FEE: $ 75.00 per player $1 85.00 per famiîy of three plIayers or moPre. .. _ '.. .. ".C I FOR INFORMATION CALL 682009.e Pleasè 'bring birth certifïàicte Clrusatra.3 O O curt Brn 2 0 1 22 BMkalagion 1 i 1 1il1 % iPrntl.l 1 2 0 201 WMH Audllaay 1 2 0O1il Osusc otLb..0 2 0 106 Ptayoff lscum suof mank 8

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