b Bigger- system, bigger problems To the. .dltort ' arn a Grade 12 s Anidorson CVI and a sc taxpayer. I amn sorry1 Greater Toronto Area Ta Nol mor Té the'oditoir: Copy oflettor to Durhamr MPP Jim Flaherty. Re: Issues relating Golden Report W. don't need bigger ai goverrnment, w. need rosi government. Wo wish te k identity. *tMving forward toc la e8H contlnuing Its Investigation Into the QTA proposaI. A lot cf "dnt at people, myelf lncudd are fed up oon-to-b. wlth the idea. Lets face 1t4 the that the public would nover allowGTA to sok Force become a reà lItyý. t. bigger, just e rspo ns ibl1e provides respect,. sharing, complimentîng, botter i Centre understanding, a sense cf belonglng and a palatable solution wo can stomach. to the Plus, Itfs not bgger, lt's botter. W. know who is responsible, we keep our identity, w. are ln a ndmore position to, take action. ponsible You weroe lected to take of "our :oep our needs." Willi1am BMage. igethor"Oshawa -Siskel &Ebert -US Magazine - Las Angeles DaiIy News - pp Bigger in not botter. QTA will not work and it ls unfair te- Durharn and other surrounding. aroas. Torontonians have created their own proiblema and now they want us tojoin them and make us pay for their mistakes. I don't thlnk so. Ev eiron knows that by creating, this supercity, Durham and the othor surrounding reglons includod -in the plan will b. faced with tax hikes as we spread *our' wealth whfle they give us nothing In return but their debta and progr=&a Nothing would Set dono because more red tape would b. crated and project proposais would just get bounced back and forward between representative cf different areas. BIgger systems have provento be flawed. In the. pane scendal, Canadian taxpayors loat millions because national- defense, a big and supposedly organized Institute, wau toc busy te notice theirmiatke. Thoesame tIng willl happen If the. GTA plan goos ah"adMmh politiclans who already have thefr hands full will b. faced wlth oven more probloma. Mèney will b. wasted and thippg will nover getdon. if the. big and. complicated OTA bocome a reality. 1W. should pay our fr share te Métro Toronto for services that smm of us use daily. Mtros roada and highways badly in need cf repair are among the few things I Concorned student -- - - --- - - -- - - --- - - - - - - --- I ÀBEFtOUEST I ,,,~.,., tA4w't ~, OSHAWA tIA ~ would pay for. But la there a need te croate thus supoRclmty? Taxpayer'money shouldb. spent on smaler and Msimplersystu'i wbich the. snrounding rogionu cen help outMéo. There is15no need te wrap everydhdng into one- big package. Ikt ayotbaswell lfoW o abot ts stuaionas I would like te b., but, I know it will'net work. Runnlng a community la a tough job already, why make it toughpir? What w. want la common sense. Wo'll pay our fair share but don't expeet us te b. Metros guardian angels. Tom Thipeharoon 0I UI.i. I MM 1. r. THREE FOR TWO PASS I I I SKILLS' - TACTICS _______ STRATEGY * CUNNING _________i >1 (905) 404-9737 I 44 Bond St. East, OSHAWA THE [IL FIA7E :1 MROH J .37-FIThe Ultimate îV~ H..... oe. APVEN7YKE FOKÇ Three for Two pas iiamtollpmVaIid until Aprîl 30,1996. j 4 SPRING FLING. 1996 CANADA'S. LARGESI INDOOR MIDWAY MARCH 12 -17, SKYeOM E.. PAY - ONE - PRICE! MORE NEW RIDES! UNLIMITED RIDE ACCESS 1 Aduits S$15.00 Tues. 12 noon - 8 p.mn. Fri. lOa.m.- 1Op. Children $8.OO(ages 2 - 7)' Wed. lOa.m. - 8p.M. Set. 10&.m. lOp.in. Thurs. l'Os.m. - 1Op.m Sun. 10&.Mn.- p.m. Added Features Gct interactiv 'e with S:omip at USomp Grounds" sponsored by Mix 99.9 Watch Walt Disney's anmators bring Pocahani charactérs to life Wed. 10&.m - 3p.m. Special Musical Appearances of the Plaids Thurs. 2p.m.,& 4p.m. & Fni.2p.m. & 4p.m. Mix99.9 Night Thurs. 5prn - close admnission only $9.99 ($0.99 goes to charity) Beckers TICKETS AT SKYDOME (Gate 7) OR Whltby Free Prms.Wodnoscisy, March 13,1996, Pagl LEIE GA proposa Notice of Liquor Licence Application Oa ne following establishmnent lias applied to the Liquor Licence B3oard of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for Additions] Facilties The Bar 110 Dundas Street West, Whitby (mncluding outdoor area) Any resident of the municipalitymnay make written submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in the, public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of-the residents.. Submissions must be receivcd no later than April J3, 1996.1 Please'include your ninme, address and telephone number. Note: The LLBO givesthe applicant copies of al objections. Subinissions to be sent to: Licenslng and Permits Branch Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore BIvd. E.,,, Toronto ON MSE MA Fax: (416)326-5555 Ontaub