Whitby Fre. Presi, Wednesdy, Jà nuavy i1,,19»6', pig Hospîtal hol ds 'sympoium ab-outdeath Thýe palliative care education comMittee at Wbitby General Hospital is sponsoring a symposium on, dying and death from a medical legal perspective. Choioes & Decisions is the titie of this' year's symposium, says commttee member Peggy Primeau, discharge planner at the hospital. "The issue of euthanasia 'and palliative care from a legal, medical and spiritual perspective Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 2 1. The Whitby Arts Station Gallery, originally Whitby Junction Station, was Iocated a short distance east of the present GO Transit 'station on the C.N.R. line.' 2. Ashburn was originally called Butler's Corners, after Richard Butler who settled there in 1832. 3. A railway was built from Port Whitby to Port Perry in 1871 and extended to Lindsay in 1877. The tracks were remnoved in 1941 and sold for war scrap. 4. The trustees of the Ontario Agricultural Coltege considered Trafalgar Castie as a site for the school in 1872 ' butchose Guelph instead. are in the 'forefront of media attention and is. controversial option'for many people. "Vie have assembled a panel of experts from the legal,, medical and religious disciplines who will, share informatio n about this issue and offer an opportunity for those MPP]s asked'to attend chi*ld care forum A child care information night, Building BridIges III, will be held at the Durham Board of Education headquarters building on Taunton Road in Whitby on Thursday, Jan. 25, 7:30 te 9:30 p.m. Durham West MIPP Janet Ecker, coerdinating the provincial review of child cars systems, is the main speaker, and other local MPPs have heen invited te respond te proposed cuts te child cars. Thers is no charge te attend the forum. For more information, cal 427-8862, ext. 339. 1Crimestoppers and Durham Regional Police are asking for the public7s assistance in solving a break enter and theft which occurred on Hopkins Street, Whitby on Sept. 26, 1995 at approimately il p.m. During the late evening hours, Swish Maintenance Ltd., 500 Hopkins St., was entered by forcing open a door. Once inside, approimately 10- computers and nunierous industrial cleaning equipinent items and solutions were stolen. It iii believed that the company van, later located in the Toronto area, was used in transporting the stolen goods. The value of the stolen merchandise ls estimated at $85,000. Crimestoppers will pay a cash reward of up te $1,000 for any information that leads te an an-est in this incident or any other serlous offence. Callers neyer have te give their name or tesify in court. Caîl 436-8477. Adverlisement Are You Seeking Beter Health In- 1996? Louise Ciouch lias a long history ol'healthi- relatcd cmpioviient whichi she started as anl ae rohics i nstruetor at Canadian Womien s Fitness. eventuaily rnanaging the club 'o r a tèew ycars. Shie joined Dr. Greg MeConneil. chiropractor. in 1985 as his assistant until the. end of' I1995. During thc past 10) ycars. Louise reccived lber cerif ication as a Chiropractic Hcalth Assistant [rom the Canladianl Mernorhal Chiro- practie College and ber Fitness Leadership ccrtif-- cation [romi the YWCA. She reccntly graduatcd fromf the Canadianl Nutrition InstitUte and practices, as a Registered NUtritional Con- sultant with the offiïces of' Dr. McConneil and Dr. Peacock: Whitby Nutritional Consulting is the naine of* her husiness - straightlorward and to the Point! "I' believe there is a necd I[or this type of* ser-vice - anii opportunîty to discLuss diet. exercise. vitamins and supplements and the imn'pact that diet and I i l'style ha1Ve 01 onyUr healîh." sil'e s ays. There are no special lboods to huy. no vitarnins or supplernents sold (hut înay hc recornrncended) and no quick solutions. I also helieve that it takes al lot of dedicatiori and determnination to achieve ideal body weight and good health. but a'scnsiblc approach is the hest way to maintain it. Radical chainges do not Lsually work hecaUSe WHTÃNtTRITI>N'AI OU(NILTINt; For more information cail 430-1750 Louise Crouch, R.N.C. Whitby' Nutritional Consulting 519 Dundas St. E., Unit #1,,Whitby the ci icut is not likely' to stick to a'proli.i.zii tuat is in1practical or horiin2. The probleéin is. thiere are so manvii conitradictory ideas aind opiniions iin the lield (t. ilutriti<)l that it is easy te sce wise rnany aecn Lsdand don't reaily kniow whiat is hest l'or thel1l. This is where C(onSLlting rCali heip - to make jsenise of* the, Coni 1*1 ctîng poinits, Sof' vîew.", Services offèed are on a one-to-one basis and strictly conidential: *coînputeiicd hody coin- ositioni tesùnlg - this tells you the quality ot' youir wiltthe percent body l*iU. t ie iÃ::rîotnt o" ea weiite tearneunt ol',lean vvlithte body cxpressed ini litres. anld hasal mietaholic rate (how manly calories you are hurniitzi ii 24 hiours at a restitng stite ); " pcrsonalii.ed weight management programtis' l'or wvei lit gain or wei lit Ioss " diet analysis; " quest i 0111aires 1<o deteri ne n utrihiinai strengths and weaknesses: " review of' ail vitainiins o.s suppleinenits presently taking; " revicw olexcrcise: " advice anid guiidance on rinatiy aspects et* nuitriti*oni. health atnd weilheing "The purpose of a nutritioniai conisultanit is to educate and inilornii. The services are imeant to coînplemènt the heaith care systern. net to replace it. Theref*ore. you wiii neyer he toid to discontinue prescribed inedicaitioens." she says. who wish to, attend for questions to be answered." The symposium wili be held on Jan. 23, 6:45 to 9:30 p.m., at the Durham Board of Education headquarters, 400 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby. The registration fee is $20 and enrolment is limited to, 150 people. The symposiumn will feature promninent radio commentator and newspaper columniet Sher Singh, a lawyer, Dr. Gillian Gilchrist, who specializes in palliative care and who serves as president of' Hospice Durham; Rev. Anne Simmonds, director of chaplaincy at Wellesley Hospital in Toronto. "Dealing with life and dying in today's high-tech society means that choioes and decisions must be made from a spiritual, medical and legalistie point of view - this will help us better confront our decisions and choices and put us more, at ease. I urge anyone interested in this very hot topic te attend," says- Dudley, Walker, chaplain at Whitby General Hospital. Those interested in attending should contact Primeau aet 668- 6831, ext. 1291 for registration i:nformaation. w toWinter WitI, Sophistication and..Stye at Up to 40% Savings. Wben Ordinary FurnishingsJust Won't Do. The appeal of traditional style...the quality a nd value of fine furnishings from Hickory Chair. Enjoy it all and save up to 40% during our Wintter Sale.. HERITAGE HOUSE Iimited, 216 Mary St. E. Whitby, Ontario, LUN 5R7. (905) 668-3483 Toronto (905) <686-006 or 8007387t.0242 Mon. - Wed. 10-6, Thurs. - Fr1. 10-8, Sat. 10-5, Sun. closed