Page 14, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, January 10, 199E Terriers unbeaten in elite soccer Whitby Terriers completed their third straight undlefeated year by hammering opposition in the Scarborough indoor league to remain unheaten league leaders in boys' under-16 elite division soccer. Terriers have yet to lose a leâgue game in one year as a rep team and two years previously as a select tearn. The Durham indoor and Central Soccer League A division champions entered the highly competitive Clairlea league to prepare themselves for the Premier division in, ftheir age group Durham West girs' hockey ATOM c Dc. 2 Durhîam 1 (Eily Sand) BeIeie 4 Nov. 26 Durham 5 (Chiistine Upton 2. Janrnin MIcCurdy 2, Jaclie St. Gwmiun) Cobourg 0 NOV. 25 Duham 4 (Jeanine Habibullah, Jackae St Germain, Ch"ine Ipton. Julie Srang) ClazngtonO0 Hwy 2* Dunds Si M, Subnatre GU tiBrownu 1 hvv .10 1 __________ next summer. The team has responded- by not only handing lopsided losses to future Premiér competition but defeating elite and Ontario Youth Soccer League teams who rank as best in the country. The latest games saw Terriers defeat North Toronto 12-2 and shut out a tough Vaughan side 5-0. Ail this was accomplished without striker Graham Maclean and midfielder Adam Moinar who have been out with injuries but wiii boister the team whenthey return in the new year. The defense pairings of Jim RoufoslMark Pilniuk and Zoli TengelicsfMatt Gennaro, have heen nothing short of brilliant in Whiotby- tops at Waxers 1Behind Kyle Simpson's shutout goaltending, Whitby's minor atom AA hockey team blanked York Torse 3-O in the final to capture the Markham Waxers Christmnas Classie tournament. ALiron Maguire scored twioe and Wayne Turcotte had the other. Jef Free'man was named the tournaments most valuable player. Whitby had opened the toumnament with a 4-3 vin- over Markham Isianders, two goals by Ryan Johnston, singles from Colin Harviey and Sean Cunningham. Simpson was game* MV?. Maguire, who was game MVP, Turcotte arnd Brad Arbour scored in a 3-1 vin over Great Lakers froni Michigan. In a 3-2 loss to York Toros, Aaron MacMurray and Maguire scoréd, Tui-cotte was MV?. *Whiitby's two earlier wins had earned themaà trip to the semi- finals in which they edged a strong Scarborough team in a shootout. Tie teams were tied 3-3 after regulation time and sudden-death overtime. In one-minute periods of four-on-four, then three-on- three, Cunningham broke free and scored on a backhand to send Whitby to the fInal. Maguire had two goals and Turcotte the other in regulation time. Other team members are Andrew Lebel, Shawn Holman, Caineron Langlois, Jason Michie, Paddy Kelly, Tanner Tvining, Kevin Lomax and goalie Devin McLeod. Whitby had a win and two ties in a tournament in Newrnarket 3 month warranty UPanasonic- ~ SONY Aulhorzed Warran'Y Service diffusing opposition attacks and starting the Terriers' devastating counterattacks, with pinpoint passing. '< The creativity and work ethic of midfielders John Gillingham, Nick Rosini, Jeif Littlejohn, Neil Bungaroo, Kieran Conway and Moînar have provided tremendous service for the lethal scoring tandem of Maclean and Anthony Whitby rep hockey MAJOR BANTAM M sponsored by Foam DIsposai Corp. Peul Colley Chrllme oumeament Dec. 27 Whitby 4 (Brion Handry 2, Paul Chomobay, Brant Flaherty) Washngton 4 Dec. 28 Whitby 5 (Malt Smith,.Malt Foran, Ryan Clumpus, Bob Schltt, Brion Hendry) Sarnia i Dec. 29 Whitby 6 (Brion Hendry 3, Mile Orviss 2, Mile Feret) Mississauga 4 Dec. 29 - semi-final Whitby 5 <overtîme - Mke Foret 2, Brion Hendry, Paul Heinrich, Brant Flaherty) Brampton 4 Dec. 30 - championship Whitby O Mississauga 3 MINOR BANTAM M sponsored by WMH AuaIlllry dan. 5 Whitby 8 (Danny SmalI 2, Jason Turkington 2, Mark Lamers, Ricky Mace, Mati Farier, 011 Vamplew) Oshawa 3 Jan. 4 Whitby 9 (Danny Smiali 2, Gil Vamplew, Mark Lamers, Ricky Mace, Mark Unwin, Mike Hetlering, Jason Turkington, Brian Rainey, shutout - Scott Wylie) Richmond Hiii 0 Jan. 2 Whitby 4 (Mati Farier. Mark Lamers, Jason Turlingon, Jare ;d Brown) Goulding Park 5 Clerînglan Tournament Dec. 28 Whitby 3 (GSi Vamplew, Danny Smnall, Mati Farier) Scarlborough 4 (overtime) Dec. 29 Whilby 2 (Mark Lamers, Jason Turkington) Peterborough 5 Dec. 29 Whitby 2 (Mark Lamers, Danny SnmalI) Mississauga 4 Dec. 21 Whitby 6 (Danny SmalI 3, Jason Turkington 2, Mile Mflonng) Oshawa 2 Dec. 20 Whitby 2 (Danny Snull, Jason Turkington) Pickering O Dec. 17 Whitby 2 (Jason Tuikinglon 2) Barrie 3 Dec. 15 Whitby 2 (Jordan Ftzgibbon, Jason Turinglon) Vaughan 5 MAJOR PEEWEEA oponeored by the Village oI Iokl Jan. 6 Whitby 1 (Sean MacRury> Peterborough 1 Dec. 21 Plastina. After competing against this talerited roster, the opposition has the unenviable task of trying" to beat provincial all-star goalkeeper Peter Mueleman who, since joining Terriers, has been outstanding. The team is sponsored by Tormina Homes and last week celebrated the holiday visit of MAJOR PEEWEE M pneedby CroweSprt Lndsay Taumrnaent Jan. 5 WhitbyO0 Kingson 4 Whitby 5 (Mal Rae 2. Luc Chiasson 2, Mark Cipparone) Barfle 2 Jan.B8 Whilby i (Luc hiasson) Mississauga 6 Jan. 4 - laque Whitby 2 (Luc Chiasson 2) Peterborough 5 Jan. 3 - league Whitby 2 (Paul Tat. Mark CIpparone, shutout - Mile Thorrnton) Markham 0 Rchmond HillI ntematianal Taumnanen Dec. 26 Whiby 6 (Bryan Rounte 3, Paul Taft, Chris Van Dusen, Grant Howe) Streetsville 1 Dec. 27 Whitby 7 (Mati Rae, Bryan Rourle, Paul Tat, Stephane Linklater, Dana Bloom, Luc Chiasson, Andy Allison, shutout - Mile Tharnion) Ajax 0 Dec. 28 Whitby 1 (Luc Chiasson)' Scarboraugh 4 Whitby 2 (Mark Cipparone 2) Richmond Hill 2 Dec. 29 - semi-final WhitbyO0 Mississauga 2 MINOR PEEWEE M Jan. 6 - league Whitby 5 (Sean Newport 3, Danny Caird 2) Ajax 1 Paul Coffey Toumamenl Dec. 27 Whiby 1 (Rab Gawne) Norh Toronto 1 Dac. 28 Whntby 4 (Danny Caird 2, Lucas Naylar, Sean Newpor') Aurora 3 Dac. 29 Whitby 4 (Lucas Naylor 2, Danny Caird, Ryan Farrow) Mississauga i Dec. 29 - semi-final Whftby 3 (Danny Caird 2. Mat Hircock) Dec. 30 - champîanship Whtby 2 (Lucas Naylor, Danny Caird) Newnuarket 1 Dec. 23 - exhibition Whitby 3 (Lucas Naylor, Nick Verkuyî. Chris Sirrpson) Lindsay 3 .Dec. 22 Whilby 3 (Danny Caird 2, Lucas Naylar) Richmond Hill 2 Dac. 18 Whitby 4 Jeuf Pichut, Tom Rîcica, Danny Caird, Rab Gawne) Peterborough 3 MAJOR ATOMAM aponaored by Broaklln Lions Club Neumenket Toumenient Jan. 5 technical director and Bolton Wanderers player Jeif Maclean, Graham's older brother. "JefT is an inspiration to our young lads, he is living proof that if you work hard and continually hone your skcills there is an opportunity to play professional soccer,ff says coach Bill Groden. JefT returned to the English team Jan. 4. Aaron Balcom) Central Ontario 9 Dec. 30 - exhibition Whtby 8 (Staven Seedhause 5, Jason Vlaclch, Michael McKenzie, Liam Reddox) Mississauga 8 Wayne GretzlcyTaumagneni, Brantford Dec. 27 Whitby 1 (Llam Reddox) Don Mill$ 5 Whitby 3 (Kenny Henry 2, Saon Seedhouse) Richmond Hill 3 Dec. 28 Whitbyl7 (Liam Reddox 3, Kenny Henhy, Michael McKenzie, Matt Snowden, Bobby Scott) Haftan 3 Dec. 19- league Whtby 3 (Jason Velacich, Llam Reddox, Malt Snowden) Ajax 3 Dec. 18 - exhibition Whtby 3 (Malt Snowden 2, Nicholas Coller) Wexfordl7 MAJOR NOVICEAM brumaleaslver Stick Taumamnt Dec. 27 Whitby 3 (Andrew Laramy, Andrew Meadows, Zack Greer, shutaul - Jordan Callaghan, Justin White) North Torontao0 Whitby 2 (Andrew Meadows2)' Onîllia 2 Dec. 28 Whitby 6 (Andrew Meadows 2, Dean Selon 2, Mat Anderson, Zackrner) Chingaucousy.i Dec. 29 -finals Whitby i (Dean Seton) Oakville 2 MINOR NOVICE AMA Jan. 6 Whitby 7 (Adam Johnstone 2, lyan Kerr 2. Michael Trudeau 2, David McInlyre) Ajax 4 Jan. 3 Whitby 8 (James Neal 4, David Mclntyre, Michael Trudeau, Adam Jahnston,ýBrad Smith) Barrie 4 Dec. 23 Whitby 6 (James Neal 3. Luia Carson, Philip Mclhone, David Mclntyre) Barrie 4 Christmas Tournanunt Whlby 9 (James Neal 4, Luka Carson 2, Adam Johnston, Philip Mlîhone, Brad Smnith) PortlCredit 2 Whitby 3 (Andrew Farlo, David P,*lntym,. Luis Carson) Haton Hilîs O Whitby 3 (James Neal 2. David Mclrlyro) Vaughan 3 WhitbY 4 (David #/clntyre, Philip Milîhone, Luka Carson, James Niai) Oakville 3 Semýi-nel Whftby 0 Toronto 3 MINOR NOVICE M eponaornd by Lescom Consulting Gretzky Tournanienl Dec. 27-29 elecromoîve na. technicians il £fl rhmtIin c.Aheh Fast turnaround time