Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Dec 1995, p. 6

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Page 6, Whitby Free Pr-, "W,. fesday, December 20, 1995 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby residents'for Whtby resîdents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY V FDC OMMUNITY NEWSPAPER CRUAIN NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtle as well as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GSI - Outside Canadla $80 + GSI Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brook St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: .668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pjfher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% recycîed content using vegetable based inks. <Ail written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial p urposes without the express permission ot the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation ot Canadian copyright taw. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit mie to the Whitby Free Press. 'ýit's stili flot too late." T.o tere _______________________ Committed to truck safety To the edtor: Re: The possibiNity 0f raising Whtbys taxes by 10 per cent ta offset provincial development fée reductions (Free Press, Dec. 13). Rt Islime to recognize reelkty. Changes other than higher taxes thet are lntroduced ta reduce govemment deficits are acceptable. They must not, however, resuit In lncréesed tex demeands et other levels. We have ved beyond aur meens To the edîtor: Drvng home from work one nlg ht, my gaze was drawn ta the ditch et the side 0f Lakerdge Road. Loklng out tentatively was eaUtIe bleck eand white face. Carrying on north, various scenanios went through my mind. Meybe lVs a farmn dog just resting, meybe it's been injured, meybe someone wviIl stop and check il out, maybe nobody wilI bather. Cerefully executing two u-turns, someone was on the wey 10 investigate. What I discavered was a colle bitch epproximetely six months al and verY scared.1lsaw no sign of blood and put out my hend for the pup ta sniff. After checklng thet I meant no herm,.she struggled 10 her feet. I gently feh her aIl over then plcked her up and laid her on the front seat 0f the car. She let out a big sigh and snuggled down. On arrMvng home, I was able 10 gel e better idea 0f the condition 0f the dog. Several things were obviaus. She was not scared of people and hadnt fat bt her trust in humans. Her coat was healthy and shiny. She wes, however, totally canfused when she tried ta negotiate a flight of stairs. Also her reer end seemed quite out of proportion 10 her front endl. Four telephone calîs were made, one ta the Humane Society, two ta local veterinary practices and one ta a farmn in the vcinty where she was found. As you wouki probably guess, no one came forward ta dlaim this bovely animal. 1 can anly assume thàt she was purchased as a cute little puppy and kept In e cage. I do not thlnk that she wes In any wey deliberately harmed, fer toa long. Taxpayers understend that services must be reduced to the leva that we cen afford. Politiciens at al levels, and 0f aIl political leenings, must now wake up to the saefafct. They can argue and fight emongst themselves but they can no longer use deficit flnanclng or lncreesed taxation to pey for progrems thet we can't effard. If we can't efford R, cul il. This is today's reellty. John T. HulIey Brooklin but by nat beîng exerclsed, the muscles ln her hind quarters were underdeveloped. This bavely tle pup wes one of the lucky anes. Someone gave her a home. Three manths later, she had. aIl her needles, has been spayed and with regular exercise has built up the muscl n her hlnd quarters. She also been ta obedience tral ni ng, her place in the famiîy is saeeand secure wih enother dog and three cats ta play Wlth. Why was she dumped? Why did no one dlaim her? Her only crime was that she grew up. Sa many unanswered questions.. However, she has came intosameone's family's hearts and lives and we say thank you for aur early Christmas present. Irene Rabb Om mous To the edîtor: As a teacher 0f English at Anderson CVI, I tried ta help studenîs seek clarity in their use of language. For instance, their casuel use 0f awesome," with no understanding of is mystical background, made me shudder. Mike Harris should seek clarity in naming his new Bi 26. Omnibus is 100 neutral e word. Whet he bas really done is bning in the omînous bill. Donald M. Warne Whitby To the editor: Re: Trucklng standards May I expresst Sandra Pniauska, mother and her mr in a tragic accade described in her1 politiciens,' Free F Our governmer Stai by'I To the edîtor: Copy of letter i leader. Dear Mr. Rae, Take a good Iool here ln Ontario n( eny idea where ali - slahi ng of heaht Su bîic transit and, ut a few hacki victims? This ail came1 becese 0f a certai 'Bob,' who viciot young educators ii so-called social cx went on to splui savings and a lotr NDP spending spri Vas, despite smot of young teaci Ontario (and te collective egreeri dictatorial way), he rack up the biggest Ontenlo's hislary. So now Mike H- economic butcher overwhelming mai Ontario ta the bone neyerwoulhave ca former govemment 1: fiscal responsibilityi 1 guess what I Bob, is thet the viciai did not originate nowhere. They ane resuk 0f the fiscali your government. As a member Secandary Schc Federation, I wili doi to let whet you dii forgotten by our me you neyer enjoy th( that you once had, deserved. Those daj Concerned and supporter, truck safety on the hlghways of Ontario. Reforms have aîready been Industry safety intmoduced as part of our road safety offensive which also includes automnatic, immediate license my condolences to suspensions foir dnnklng drivers is on the loss of her blowing over 0.008. tôthers campanlon MW personaî invoivement ln truckç Dnt near Kenora as safety dates back more than six letter C Do the job, years when as a triai Iawyer 1 acted Press, Nov. 29). as counsel for the husband and nt is commltted to young chilren 0f a family In which the young mother had been kIIIed by CI a wheel whmch came off a transport truck. This taey notntlI rea similar to the tragedy which befeîî the y Worona family. My commitment to this Issue begari years ago. Now thot Bob ~we form the governmrrent, action has been taken and further action will be taken. Ms. Worona met With me et mny community office on the Friday ta Bob Rae, NDP before the coroners inquest began. 1 shared with her my past legai, invalvement in this issue. She told me about the family's plenned participation in the coroners inquest. ) at whet we have 1I confirmed my own and our ow. Do you have govemment's commitmnent to reformn I Of this came from of truck safety standards. h care, education, I also made it clear that eîected the arts, to namne representatives are prohibited from ,ed and bîeedîng commenting on or in any wey interfering with judicial or quasi- to be in Ontario judiclal proceedlngs whiîe they are in in former Premier, progress. This is a very- serious isîy ettecked the separation 0f powers (IegisIave v. in Ontariowith his judicial) Issue, the breach 0f which mntract and then has resutted in resignation of more rge aIl Of those thani one member 0f parliament. more on a typical Quite simply, we cannot interfere in ree. such praceedings and must respect therlng the hopes their independence. hers throughout The inquest Iasted several weeks. earng up their The coroners j urys 1 lent in a Most recommenldations sup epor ted the1 3stilî managed to changes sought by the Warone provincial debt ln famiîy. -lars, averiable Foîîowing the coroners inquest, I laus vrtbespoke with the tUnister 0fi rhimself, has an Transportation. A Iengthy. meeting indate to slesh took place between the minister and - somnethlng that the Worone femily. At her request, I Dme to pass if the had a further meeting With Ks. behaved with any Worone ln my communlty office on whatsoever. Nov. 10, 1995. 1 affirmed ta her once am trying to sey, again my personal coemmhmtrent and us spending cuts that 0f the minister and the )from out 0f governiment to the needed reforms.t e rather a direct FM. Worona stated that she had ae irresponsibiîity of petiti0fl 10 be presented to theC legisatre but that the femnily had noth of the Ontario deaided wehrt aea mis eacers gov*ernment member or an mY very best not opposition member present the d to us ever be position, the consideretion being that iembership. May an opposition member might keep ie union support pressure on the govemrment. I , and long ago offered to present the position in the ys are over. legislature.d In the end, FM. Worone chose 10 f 1resentful ex- have the pelition presented by thed Liberel transportation crltic on Nov. Michael StrahI 22, 1995. This Is the famîly's rlght CortS and It is ta be respecte. FM. Pnlauskas ln her latter says she dld not see me ln the legislature on Nov. 22, 1995. 1 do not know what lime she errlved at the legîsîeture that day. I was present ln my seat ln the legisleture during the usual proceedings that day unlil near the end 0f Question Period at about 3 p.m. when I wes obllged Io leave ln aider ta char a legisletion cammittee of the Mnistry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, commencsng et 3.115 p.m. 1 have been and remein evallable ta assist the Wâona family as. e government member.' Jlm Flaherty MPP Durham Centre A chance to *be 'creative y Re: Whltby Generai shered services proposaI Hospftal Difficult limes oei for creetive thînklng, and for meny 0f us, RIt l herd to remember more difficuil economlc times then what we are nwexpencng. Durham R gbn's hospitais are not the only anas being effected by provincial budget culs. Other centres, however, are worklng cooperalvely ta maintain the best passible level of service given the Whigtby Generel Hospitl has been presented with e similar opportunity, first by the doctors and then by e broal-besed community group. Bath 0f these have put forward a proposaI whlch suggests a framework, for Integration or sherlng 0f service between Oshawa Generel and Whitby General, which constitutes e wln/wn situation for bath the haspitels and the communities they serve. For some reason the Whltby General Hospital board 0f directors doas not wish 10 consider this proposai. When you realize that.the chair 0f the WGH board ontrlbuted ta the fine tuning 0f warding ta meake it palatable ta everyana on the committee, you have ta wonder why il cen't make it onto the agenda, especially when items of lese Importance do. ht would saamn that anything that affects the future vkibity 0f WGH would meke ilta the top 0f the liaI for discussion. The board 0f Whitby General -ospital has a chance 10 lamnonstrata that R la rasponsIve, flexible and creative. Les hope Rt loesn't miss this opportunlty. JoAnne'Prout co-chair Save Our Gsn.ral Hoai Beyond our means Puppy rescue 'To the editor,

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