Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Dec 1995, p. 26

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Page 26, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, December 20, 1995 CHRISTMAS WON'TBE THE SAME THIS YEAR Christmas le coming I can tell by the amiles But to know you're not here That hurts me inside I remember the snowflakes That fell from the sky But you're ýnot beside me On this Christmas night A pure white hianÎket Lies stili upon the ground j The family's ail rejoicing But I mùake no sound With Tidings and cheer But Christmas won't be The same this year. As we gather'round the table I see an empty place One memory shines in my heart I recaîl that it's your face. 1Itry to, mile for the picture Tlook happy up here But-one feeling foul from my oye Iknow it was a tear. I hold dear ho your picture With that Fd nover part W. loved and laughted, memories Stili linger in my heart. CHISMTMAS Christmas le fun Happy feelings ta share Rindeer move Santas sleigh around the world It Is a fun season for children Sing Christmas carols Time to car. Many presents to find A happy time for ids Snow falling ho make blankets Mackenzie* Chapman-Cayford Grade 2 Robert Thornton Publc School sweet 0f course we all know That Christmas is hore But it just won't ho The same this year. I looked throuih the window Deep into the night To ho with you Fm praying that I might. Treos full of branches And covered with snow Though my houso is hore I don't feel at home. If I should ever get lonely I chorish the times wo had I wish th~e pain would go away And times weron't haif as bad. The littie onos ail know That Santa's finally bore But Christmas won't ho The samne this year. I k.now Ilil faîl apart When wo ail sing Silent Night' 'Cause something's wrong this Christmas And I just can't make it right. I need you bore so bad But this is se very true I just cannot survive This Christmas without you. Ail sitting around the tree My family's drawing near But Christmas juet won't ho Quite the same this year. Tho stockings are ail hung neatly Upon the fireplace But in my heart I feel Fm lost without a trace. Losing you helped me to see What Christmas really is Notbing's more important than close frionds, True gifts that lie within. This season my spirit is dying I fear.. That Christmas won't ho The same this year. Remember I arn with you Kee p me in your heart, F'm there But Christmas just won't ho Quite the sarne this year. Christa Collins Leslie McFarlane Public Sehool LE'ITER Dear Santa: I am very good this year. May 1 have Bat gameboy and some gamnes for it? How are you doing Santa? How is Mrs. Claus doing? How are the reindeer doing?. Do you have any sn'ow up there? Santa can you got my family good presents too? David Rostek st. John the EvangelletSohool Pleniy of donations JANET GRIXTI, building manager of 534 Mary Street East Apartxnents, and Justine Hetherington sort through somne of the toys, food and clothir)g donated by building residents and others. Grixti had originally planned to help out one needy family but now has enough to help out six and plans to make up gift baskets with the leftovers. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whhy Free Press MERRY CHBISTMAUS There was a girl named Merry and her last name was Christmas and a lot of people of ber school would cail her name. Jeif, ber Dad said, "You will make now friende." .And ber mom said the same thing too. It was Christmas ove and 50 she was invited ta, a party at ber friend's bouse. Sc were talking and eating pizza and talking about what they wanted for Christmas. Sa Moi-iy said "What I want for Christmas le a doîl and a car, a fake car." she said. Sa she went homo and told her momn and Dad what happened. At night, she was thinking of- what she said about what she wanted for Christmas and se she got what ehe wanted. Her mom and dad were happy. The End. Sarah Plastina St. Paul's Sehool SANTA LOSES WEIGHT One day santa decidid ta go on a diet. When ho went on the scale ho noticed that ho lost ta much woight. Ho went to check on the Elfs and then ho rememhered it was Saturday. Ho decedid ta get the sleigh ready for Christmas. Ho had bon roady for a test fly thon ho noticed the elf in the sleigh. Ho said, got out! The elf had takon off as fast as ho could. Ho had taken off for christmas shouting the names of the reindeers Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Cornet, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen. Ho had gat in a house ho notioed that sorneone was in the, house. Ho had tackeled the fake sanata and the family came down and noticed. They noticed the thin santa they thought the other one was real but he did hie Ho-Ho-Ho and thon they knew. Jason Colucci Grade 3 St. Marguerite d'YouvMle School CHRISTMAS HOCKEY STORY Santa was on my team. The score was 2-2. We needed one goal ta win the game. With a twinkle of hi eoye and a wiggle of hie nase, what do you suppose? My skates magically took me to the puck. I shot.- I scored. Thanks Santa. Merry Christmas.* Bradley Clouthier Grade 1 St. Mark the Evangelist School LEITER Dear Santa: My name le Danielle Kellar. I arn 9 years old. I attend Kathleen Rowe Memorial Pubic School. My dad wants 1 million dollars. My momn wants a ring and a coloured printer. My brother wants a B.J. stuffed animal from Bai-ny and I want Sega, a computer and a tent that can go over my bed. Diuntelle Keflar Kathleen ]Rowe Memorial Publie School THE SNOWIMAN Once there was a- snowman whose name was Jeif. Jeff dld not 11k. ho sing. When b. sang b. sang b. got mad. When b. was in school, hie worst subject was singing. When ho went ho town he beard people singing sa bhe started ho sing. H. shopped singing and b. *gave the. money to the people. Katie Sanders Grade 2 West Lynde Public School THE TALKING CEI13ITMAS Once upon a time there was a litt.le boy bis name was Justin. Ho was a very nice boy. The next day Justin went ta get a Christmas tre.. Justin dld not know that the Christmas tre. could talk tbough. On Christmas ove the Christmas tre.e aid Merry Christmas ho Justin and frightened hlm. Ho ran ho tell hie mom. His momn said then jump Inho b.d and if you hear a sound again just ignore it. But the Christmas tree kept scaring hum. Justin could flot get ho sleep because of aIl the scary noises. Justin was so0 scared. Ini the morning Justin ran downstai-s and opened ail of bis gifts. Thon bis littie sister that always bugged hlm came downstairs ho open ber gifts. Justin i-an upetairs ho tell bis mom. 0k, Justin, telli Aiison ta came jump inta bed with me and your dad. Alison did not listen. Alilen was se mad se jumped on Justin. Justin started ho cry.They got a lot of gifts. The end. Alexandra and Sarah Robert Thornton Public Sehool STORY I'rn always excited about Christmas. I'm always cold in the snow. Mre. Claus and Santa are my favourite people. Chelea Brown Grade 1 Bellwood Public School 'GBROOK F itness in '96 By Steve Leahy This year you don't worry about those Christmas calories and New Yoar's foasting nudging out the aid waistlino 'cause pay-as-you-go fitness classes for women begin the week of Jan. 7. For more information, ta register or if you noed a ride, caîl Jennifer at 655- 8974. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT This Friday, Dec. 22, at 7:30 p.m., Broaklin United Church members celebrate the season with a Sunday echool concert, wlth participation fi-cm ail groupe in the congregation. Ail are welcome. The United Church service calekadar for Christmnas Evo includes a regular Sunday service on Dec. 24 at 10:30 a.m. and two Christmas Ev. services, at 7 p.m. with carols and scripture and one at 8:30 p.m. KLINSMIEN CIIRITMAS St. Leo, echoal says thanks to Brooklin and District Kinsmen for [J thoir substantial and vory wel- corne donation to the school's tech- a nology fund. Just in time forY Christmas. OCTAGON CLUB The Brooklin BOYS Octagon Club bas à new president Mike MilIson, are are assisting, the Brooklin Redinon with their Christmas/ turkey draw. MAKING SANTA CONES This Saturday morning the id at the Brooklin Branch Children's Club will be creating Santa cones, starting at 1:30 a.m. Ail id aged four and'older are welcome. Q.Why does Santa enjoy gardening sw much? A. Because ie WMes té hoe, hoe, hoed ISteve Leahv 's coliimui appears Ievery week. He ean be reached at 55.4398 0or 655-5888 (fax). WF 1 WAS SANTA CLAUS If I was Santa Claus I would make the. poor rlch and famous and wealthy and wise and tben the. world would b. good. AleanerJames Brown Grade 1 John Dryden Publc School TuBS 15 WHY I IKE CHRISTMAS Santa Claus took 'me with him on Christmas Eve. I saw ail the presents in the Back of the sled. They were piled in the back. I saw Rudolph in the front. Charlie Van Warmerdam Grade 2, St. Bernard School KRMIE THE ELF Once there was an elf named Ernie. He worked as bardas he could, but he only got two candy canes an houri On. of the lowest paying jobs in Santa Ville! Ernie's job was running boxes, ribbons and wrapping paper over. .to the other elves who needed them. Ernie's otber job was worsol Ho had ho cdean up the reindeer shed and neyer even got paid for it! Crunchi Crunchi Cruncb. The snow made a lovely sound as'Ernie walked over ho the stable. Ernie opened the. stable doors and ... "Uhh! Peeuuu!" Ernie said as b. squisbed bis face linto a strange position. That borrid smel b. always hated on a daily basis. Somnetbing was wrong! Rudolph was not in bis staill WIier. could h. b.? Dancer was eating bis carrots. Vixen was talking ho Blitzen, while Donner was eating. Ernie cbecked in the. barn, but Rudolpb was not tbere. "There b. is!" said Ernie. Ernie ran over ho Rudolph and gave hlm a big bugl Ernie hook Rudolpb back ho bis stali, and hold hlm neyer ho run away again. "E'rnie the e11 please corne ho the office. Santa would like ho se. you,"1 a pretty voice said over the. intercom. Down the bail Ernie marched, one foot after the. other. Ernie reached Santa's office and bravely stepped in. "Ho! Ho! Ho!" sald Santa. -I brougbt you ber. ho give you a raise!", Santa gave Ernie a sleigh, Rudolpb and five candy canes an hourt Ernie was the. happiest elf in the. world!!!ý Meny Christmas ho ail and toali a good nigbt!!! Janean Sharkey Palmer.ton Avenue Publc School CHR ITMAS TIME Christmas is a tirne that fille me with glee, I tbink its the egg nog that makes me go woe, Looking up at ail of tho lights, Some are duds and seme are bright, I like ta toboggan on Christmas Eve, Look out for that low hanging brandi witbout lbaves, With this dent in my head and a busted leg to match,, 1I .now that ail this Christmas stuiffbas some kind of catch.* .Adam Luke Grade '7 Meadowerest Public Sohool

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