Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Dec 1995, p. 24

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Pé'~4,'Whlû~ Froe Prdss, Wedn~t1ayDeoèmbér 20,1995 FOR ENT RTILES RAVLI ** .*m.or & ouF WHITBY FRESHLY painfed 3 bedroQmn main floor of house quief area, fenced yard, no pets, td e, stove & laundry inc d. s Evans 655-8102. CENTRAL WHITBY, 3 bédroom apartentin tniplex available Feb. Cali 666-9626 affer Spm or leave message. BROOKLIN EXTRA large 3 bedrom.apt. Also one large bestigroom. Close 10 sbtbpping. Aalbenow. 655-5539. 2 BEDROOM basement apartment in quiet Chrisfian home. Sep. ont rance fnidge, stove, shared laundry $è50 ai[- inclusive. Cmli Alex 666-3263. WHITBY CLEAN I bedroom basement apf. sep. entranoe fridge, 5f ove & Iaundry. $59ý inclusive. Quiet area. Mrs. Evans 655-8102. ONE BEDROOM, parking & laundry-, utilities extra firsf & ast. $550/mo. Phone 4W6-1 09. WHITBY I BEDROOM apertmenf aveilable immediately, on Craydon Roed. $S65lmonthly includes heating & parking for 1 car. Phone 430-0959 or 723-6985. HOUSE, APARTUNENT FOR MENT If you had adverisod, here, 1 ,0008 mc. you would be roadlng Ouas now. "Loa'ns up to SDON'T BE CAUGHT SSHORT FOR CHRlSTMAS; Unes of credit, 1 st, 2nd & 3rd's SSave up f0 70% mont hly Please caîl today Neyer any Up front fees SROBERT BROWN t ..at Johnston &Cook~J 4281232J COMMERCIAL SPACE, MO RNT OR SALE DOWVNTOWN WHITBY - Brock St. ........G....G..S. MORTGAGES & LOANS L$ lst &2nd "Lines of credit "BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 Ater hours 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding Ine. WHITE FRIDGE and stove G.E. frosf free and self ciean. A-I condition. Must soul $250 o.b.o. Phono 436-2736. AIRTIGHT WOODSTOVE Coaibrook Darby imported from Engimnd beautiful cast iron design, bums wood or coal, heats unpto 2 000 sq. ft. Cosi $3,000. âesf olfer. 905-655-5219. ITEMS FOR SALE: Bianchi 14 speed racer $300 o.b.o. Wedding gow and veil size 9110 $300 o.b.o. Vrg Poly 800 synthesizer keyboard $200 o.b.o. Phone 430-7428. FIREWOOD weI-seasoned hardwood 12" facecord $70 deîivered. 655-4717. COLOUR TV, 20" PANASONIC with push-bufton converter, $100, vanious serving dishes and pIaffers $510o $10 each, 668-8273. MîNK COAT *PAIO $4500 wiII sel for $900, womn 3 times, size 14-16. Also includes mink hat. 668-7404. WELL SEASONED FIREWOOD for sale. Dry, hardwood, kindling, haîf face cords, face cords, bush cords. Pick Up or deliver. (905) 649-3183. KITCHEN CABINETS & counter tops $150. Also Regina Housekeeper vacuum, I year oid, $100. Cati 433-0775. DEEP PILE LIME GREEN rug, excellent condition. 12'wXl 5'Iong. $200. Tel. 721-1083. MENS STYLISH SUITS FROM $39.50. Don't wear the same old suit again this Christmas. Corne to Rugged Replays in Whifby and browse throughi over 200 sty.lish suifs with pnces starting et $39.50, you won't be disappointed. Other pnces start: sport jacket $19.50, dres s pants $12,jeans $10, cotton casuals $9, dress shirts $4, fies, $3, shoes from $7. Plus, plus, plus. Manufacturers samples of brand name ski clothing and outdoor wear (al new of course) are also available et wholesaie prices! Rugged Repîays is Durham s only upscale me-sale store exclusively for men, teens and boys (boys size 8 - mens, XXX 19). Take Hwy. #2 to Thickson Rd. in Whitby, go south to Bums St. (3rd light). Tum left, first plaza on Ieft (remember we're east of Thickson Rd.). Mon.-Wed. 10-6. Thurs.-Fri. 10-9, Set. 10-5. (905) 404-2063. WASHER & dryer excellent workin g condition, fuil size. Cal 434-8705. .......... N.R... RED OAK LUMBER 2" thick up f0 15" wide up f0 16' Iong8 year air dried $2 board foot. P hone (905) 619-M003 Pickering Village. DRY HARDWOOD. Cail C. Thomson 1-905-725-6763. A-I FIREWOOD, guaranfeed dry. (905) 436-6600. stv24inch, vt.uu, Osailina- condition. 725-1937. 2 WINTER STARTER JACKETS, Bulîs & Raiders, both large, like new, $50 each. 655-8081. "Much f0 my p leasure, I received 9 phone calîs t he very first day my ads ran, and as a result, sold every article 1 had advertised within one week." C.C. ~l_ COLECIBLES HARBOR FRONT Collectables Estafe Antique blowout plus 1 000's of buck-a-book deals at a special 2 day blastarama ovent. Garrard and Highway 2 Set. & Sun. only WRTED I WVILL BUY VOUR unwanted items &; contents. Call 728-8485 beave a message. CLEANING OUT your basement/attic? i will buy most of r' our unwanted comic books. bease beave a mesÉsage at 430-6306. AUT-OSITRUCKS FO SLE 1981 RABBIT DIESEL DELUXE good motor, good body good Inteior, good rubber, M5 MPG, needs electrical work asking $650. Cal 723-5852 affer ýpm. CERTIFIED CARS FOR SALE, meny under $3,000. McMiIIan & Wife Auto Sales 666-3361. 1965 OLDS DYNAMIC 88 convertible body restored & painted, new top, seat covers, door panels & carpeting 10 be installed. $5000 invested. Best offer. 905-655-5219. Need a car - Credit Problem*s?. Bankrupt - Undischarged? " We have lease take-ovrs (repossessions " Lease t0 own any maka or modal " Cash for trade , Cal now for f rea quotas LEASEGUID AUTO LEASMN Cali Jeff (905) 683-6230 CLEARWATER FLORIDA. Fumished mobiles, heated pool, hot tub, minutes to beaches, B lue Jay B1asebaîl, NHL Hockeydg - horse tracks. Chiidren weîc oe(Pesta motel). 683-5503. HALIBURTON NATURE Retreat: jpn fult ime in Wilberforce, OtCotg sfy qppedto Excellent walks, cross country wiîdlife, etc. Starting $200 576-7989. Hlot Air Bgalloon Fhghts Ideal Christmas giftl Gift certîicate valid for one year. I$125-$175 per person Up N9 Away 1800-35-~ SPIDERMIAN POWER RANGERS (White, Red, Pink, Green) CINDMELLA UGLY STEPSISTERS Birthdays Christmas Parties, Store Promos. a bllons, Games, Giveaways. Dress-Up Fun! NO VIOLENCE (416) 439-8133! Ifor HaçpyBirtIy or Annivexsay. Mmeclassifieds am a specia way tosaxlgetùgs! Cail 668-6111 SICK 0F being overweig hi & tired? Make a change for the New Year to corne. Call (905) 571-5063. VIDEO FOR fun. Rent your videa man for dinner, sues artyfr 0o5-576ffl65. pc * s o e $10,0 PERSONAL S MY BILL - take off the masks. I know your loving ways. You've won my heart. This Wilb a Chrisfmas to cherish forever. Your Maggie. PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Rated #1 in Canada. Police use us. Taik live with gifted psychic. Instant answers about love money career & lucky #'s. Eyanly-Rays. Ï8+, $2.99Imin., 24 hrg. Ca Il 1-900-451-4055. BAHA'IS BELIEVE THE- SOURCE of ail evil is for man to tumn awey from his Lord and set his heart on things ungodly. BAH'A'U'LL'AH. For information cail toll-fres 1-800-433-3284. FOUND, MALE, brown & white tabby. Completely declswed. Rossland and Cochrane &rea. 666-4214. ........... . o. .. ...x . FOR YOU LAST MINUTE Christmas shoppers. Dwarf mixed bunnies, ready f0 go. $15 each. Cali 43037, please leave message. PERSONALIZED DOG training. One on one consultation to address ail our otiedionce needs. Cali M-1Ž825 or 434-6304. BLACK LABRAlDOR retinever pup, ready for Christmas,pubrd $250. Cati 428-6009. PRE-PAID WORD Abs-: (Cash, V ISA, cheque received before deadiine) $1 0.00 for 25 words; ($9.35 +650 GST) 15o each additionai word; (140 + 10 GST) BILLED -:WORD AD Si .. $1 5.00 for 25 words; PLUS GST 15o each additional word; PLUS GST DISP.LAY ADS IN, CLASSIFI EDS (Ads with borders, pictures or graphics) Regular display rates appiy - $1.15 per agate line (14 agate Unes per inch) Minimum size 1 coiumn inch $1 6.10 ÇONTINUOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes). GST is extra on ail ads 1 1 I *854224~ I

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