Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Dec 1995, p. 21

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Whiby Free. Pre. Wednesday, Doember 20, 199M ,Page 21 L Gavin Crisp.L FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN My time at school je divided. between two thinge: aniously staringý at the eits of rny ciassrooms as I await their opening at the end of each class; and Ùiunking of the many different things of wbich I could- write in thus article. Usually, stàring at the door je a boring ordeal, but in the festive spirit of Christmoas,- each homeroom is responsible for decorating its door, and so Ive decided to lond myself to conjuring up a colourful mural whlch would makes entering my English classe even more exciting. Now, it bas to b. something whicrh relates to the winter season white, at the same time, helping to develop a sense of yuIetide spirit in everyone who passes by. Perhaps depicting a group of id skating on a pond wouId do t.he trick. After ail, it was oniy last Thursday that the senior boys' hockey toam mounted a comeback against the Courtice High Cougars to win 6-4. For bis timely effort and dedication to the team's win, a special thanks goes te me for -mentioning the teami my article. Or, maybe something with a judicial theme wouid lure everyone into the Christmas season (... or, at least, law lass). W. ail know how jovial and light,- heartedjudges can b.. A picture on our door illustrating a Santa Claus in a black robe behind the bench would fit the bill precisely. We could even have thie reindeer depicted as jurors. As for lawyers, we could paint i portraits of the soon-to-be- established mock trial* teamn who will b. sent te take on Austin's reigning champs in round one of the 1996 mock trial competition. Seeing as how we're a Catholic echool and ail, maybe a scene representing goodwill and Indness is ail our door really needs. It would also belp te promote our Christmas food drive organizod tbrough the Rose of Durhamn. Congratulations te, the homerooms which don't require the added promotion: Mr. Mlekuz's 12E, Ms. Bentley's 9B. and the homeroom te which I belong, Ms. Ward's 0A2. Now that I think of it, a heart- warming design portraying our swim team diving inte, tho icy waters of a nearby pond bas nover failed te, lift my spirits. W. must not forge tot include the team members with their LOSSA modale - both individuai or relay - which they s0 proudiy garnered. Well, class is almost over. No matter wbat my classmates and I decide te, put on our door, I'm sure it will not fail i signifying the true meaning of Chrietmas whilo simultaneously grasping the seasonal spirit whoso heart beats soundly tbroughout our echool. And as it je our bolovod student council which decidos the winner of our "door decorating" compotition, F11l just wish Tosha, Jill and the. reet of the members a very Merry Christmas. And, te, you, the readeire, a special "Happy Holidaye" from Austin. Winger! Jason Collier HENRY ST. H.S. On Der. 13, Peer Helping Course students holped te organize and run a science olympies for Grade 9 math and science students. The. friendly competition bad teame trying te answer as many probleme as they could in a one- hour time period, followed by participation in an engineering activity. Twenty plus teame participated. Read next week's column for tue announcement of the winning teame. Henry's Students Against Impaired Driving -(SA1D) would like te thank those who supported them last year by buying a raffle ticket. The grand prize winner of the 1995 Nissan 240-5X-SE was R. Junti of Elliot Lake, Ont. SAID Dupont offers scholarships for fore*,g--study .DuPont Canada ie offering two full sciiolarships to study abroad for one scliool year. Students Wied 15 to 17 and attending eecondary school are eligiblo. The. AFS Interculture Canada program allowe estudents te liv. and attend echool in another culture. The. application deadine je Dec. 15. For more information, etudents can contact tueir school's career guidance counsellor or caîl 1-800- 361-7428. will soul tickets again this year, beginning i January. Tickets will seli for $3, and $1 fromn each sale will support.SA]]). The grand prize will again b. a Nissan. Henry students are stili seeking signatures on their petitions te shlow students to, wear coats inside tue echool. By now, I amn sure you bave been approached by someone asking you te eign. If you are stili uncertain as te what aide of the issue you are on, look inte the facts, epeak te both sides, and make a decision. Also etili making the rounds is tho petition expressing concern at the proposed echool board budget coas. This is a very important issu. affecting us ail, so if you are not well informed on the. proposed cuts, do some researvh and ensure that you understand the possible conequences, and then decide whether you wish te sign the petition or not. The fourth Henry food, toy and clothing drive is quickly drawing te a close. If you have not yet contributed, please do so as soon as possible. Henry's drive has alwaye boon on. of the most sucoessfil i tue area, so let's keep with past tradition and show .veryone that tii. the true spirit of the. season je alive and weli and living at Henry Street. On- Dec. 21, classes wiil b. shortened and the. annual Christmas ass.mbly will take place in the new gym. On Dec. 22, ail classes wiii b. an hour in iength with lunch scheduled from 1 te, 2:15- p.m. There wiii b. no cafeteria service on Dec. 22.' or a warm Christmas ASHLEY RICHARDS, student council treasurer, adds to the Mitten Tree at Sinclair Seconcfary Sohool. The sohool donates the many mittens as weII as food Lo needy familles for Christmas. Photo by Jeromy Dresa, Whltby Fme Proul I SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL Everyone looked absolutely smaehing at last night's serni- formai. There wae a great turnout and everyone had a blast. Wo are looking forward te the spring semi- formai in May when w. can al strut our etuif once again. You won't want te walk past the tantaiizing aroma in the student common room tomorrow without your loonies in hand. SAC je once again providing a iunchtime treat with pizza from Joe's. Hope you're supporting the much ioved newspaper staff as th.y are trying te raise. money for tho upcoming issue by selling chocolate aimonde and mint choclates. Make sure you're not planning te mise that last day of school thie Friday. SAC le planning our second annuai holiday assembiy that' je eure te beat Friday's episode of Polk-a-Dot-Door. Come on, the poor guy aiways misses the Polka-roo. Congratulations te last Friday's winner of a Canada's Wonderland season's pass. Thanks te ail who brought in food for the food drive. Have you seen ail the. food in thi. resource centre? You have al made a difference. The mitten tree je laden with mittens. Special thanke te ail the knitting mome and grandmas in the Sinclair community. Intramurals are adding te the holiday excitement for students. Boys' and girls' "six-on-six" volseybail tournaments have been taking place at lunch time in the. double gym. Tournaments have been coming te an end thus past week. Congratulations te tthe winning team. Congratulations go te tth. students of the. montii for December Danielle McCann and Romi Raina, chosen for their academic excellence, extra- curricular ivleet and Sinclair spirit. W. are ail talcing a well- deeerved holiday in' two days. Sorry te disappoint our faithful readers, but youl have te live witiiout our article for a few weeks. Have a good on.. ST. CHARLES GARNIER Deoemberis a busy month for al tiie students of* Saint-Charmes- Garnier, and it is a rewarding montu for some of our sports teams. Threo of our teame attained a varying degre. of success in matches againet loal echools. Our hockey team defeated Father Leo J.Austin 1-0. Lucas Malloy, assisted by Sean Mutton and Marc Vincent managed te score tue one and only goal in tue last minutes of-the third period. Way te go, guyu The other proud members of this1 team are, Justin Squires, Daniel Grondin, Simon Giguêre, Marc-André Bédard. Marc Chiasson,. Bertrand. Lolièvre, Andrew Hoît, Carl Chouinard, Daniel Chabot, Christophe Thériault Joëil Boivin and Hawloy [Hébert. Coach Dave Booth will undoubtedly lead them on to numerous other victories this season. Our girls' junior volleyball team won five out ofeseven matches last Wednesday agfinet other local echools. The team, coached by Yvon Brunet and RoxaneMontas, is comprised of Nérissa Cricblow, Lindy Martini, Brigitte d'Auzac, Nadia Petryshyn, Isabelle Hodge, Julie Côté, Sanya Bertrand, Callie Osborne and Christine Catsburg. Congratulations, girls. Keep up tii. good work. Our girls' midget volleyball team put in a great effort as weil. Coachies Luc Larocque and Yves Piette were proud of the. performance of tue team. that je made up- of Caroline Brooks, Nathalie Caron, Anick Charbonneau, Amy Fan-Lun, Julie Jobin, Rende-France Lanteigne,'Julie Poulin, Annie Turcotte and Nathalie Zabizewskj. Other special activities, such go tiie Christmas concert and the. homeroom.door decorating conteet have been organiz.d, te put studonts in the. Christmas spirit. Besides such special events as tiie echools annuai Christrm mass and tue Christmas tey drive, many other thinge have been occupying, Garnier students' minds. Throughout tue echool, teachers frim vaiious departments have been assigning numnerous projects and essays te b. completed before the. end of tue q7à,

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