Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Dec 1995, p. 20

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page 20, Whltby Free Press. Wednesday. Decomber 20,1095 UNNAMED ANDERSON SCHGGL Perkins responds to crîticism Batter up DE13BIE LÈRCH, assistant accountant at the National Bank branch in Whitby, serves up pancakes as Carolina Gomez looks on during Breakfast for Santa at Pringle Creek Public Sohool. The bank, which helped fund the event organized by Grade 7 students for the schQol's primary students, is one of the businesses involved in upartnershipsu with the sohool. Photo by JererM Dresar, Whltby Free Pres Jennifer Drummond ANDERSON CVI The girls' volleyball tearns have had an excellent start ta their season. The junior girls won the University of Toronta tournament and the G.L. Roberts tournarnent. Ail three teains, rnidget, junior and senior, won their flrst league games against Donevan. The senior girls had a taurnarnent at Durham College on Tuesday. In basketball, the guys are doing great also. Ail three have won their beague games so far. The basketball teains also won the Whitby Challenge Cup this past weekend, winning seven of nine, and the championship final. Our hockey team has also been sucoessflzl, winning flve of six games Sa far in their season. The most recent garne was an impressive 7-2 win against Donevan. On the music sceno, Anderson held Scrooge Dec. 9-11, a great show put on by aIl. Last Wednesday, Christmas Fantasia was held in the gym. The singing and music put ail who attended in the Christmas spirit. OAC drama night was on Friday. Judging by the audience roaction, the performers earned their A's. ickets for Anderson's draina production You Can't Take it With You are on sale every lunch hour in the main hallway. Tickets are $7. The ASAA held its annual Christmnas party for the staff's children last Thesday. Santa oven made an appearance and only goofed on a few ids' narnes. Judging by ail the chocolate- covered faes, everyone had a good time. Aiso Impact and the ASAA are holding the annual food, tay and clothing drive. Bring donations ta your homneroom teacher. Help make everyone's Christmas a happy one. The Ethnocultural Equity Committee of Anderson is orgamizing Winter Celebrationa around the world. If anyone has any information on their festivities, came ta the meetings held at noon in portable 9 ta see Mir Ranalli. Anderson's Christmas assembly is on Friday. Christmas asseniblies in the past have'hoen excellent and I can tell you it's worth getting out ofbed ta see ItL I know sleeping in sounda good, but you have two weeks of that ahead. To the oditor.- I would like to clarify rny position regarding the unnamed Anderson elementary school and the modified echool year. It is unfortunate that sorne members of our commuriity have chosen to make criticism without first investigating the facts. Although I support the modifled echool year concept, I would be 'I'ess than a responsible parent if I ignored the potential dangers of exposing elementary sehool children from age four to some of the things that can happen on and around a high sehool property. I do flot like to put my head in the sand and say the problems don't exist.I would much rather identify the .problems that do exist and make every attempt to resolve thern. Anderson CVI has a tremendous reputation in academics as well as sports and the arts. The sehool is fortunate to have extremely dedicated staff and a majority of good responsible students. Unfortunately, as was pointed out, there are always "Borne bad apples" in every crowd. Remember that students of high sohool age are supposed to ho responsible enough ta make their own decisions on how ta deal with these "bad apples." However, those students of elementary sehool age are flot. To wilfully put this age group of children in harm's way is irresponsible, and I would not be fulfihling my role as a parent if I ignored such a possible situation. To Aaron Kylie of Whitby, remember that at one time you too were someone's "preciaus little one." If you ask your parents, you will flnd they did everything within their power ta, safeguard To the editor:- Re: Unnarned Anderson school 1 have some concerris regarding the article in the Dec. 6 Free Press. Mr. Srnyka, principal of the unnarned Anderson school, has noted that the boundary area for the new achool is only a proposed boundary. If the sehool does not have enough registrations ta run as a fÙIly modified echool, then from where will corne the children to complote tho registration numbers? The current proposed boundary only. has- 260 eligible children. Material frorn the board states 50 chfldren will corne frorn Leslie MeFarlane, 50 from Dr. Robert Thorriton, and 160 from the Pringle Creek area. We ail cari add the numbers ta 500 that a school buiît for 450 students will still have plenty of spaoe. What area of Whitby will also ho included in these boundaries? Sch~olai#fereO by local business Hligh school seniors who are the children of independent business owners i this area are eligible for a $500 scholarship offered by Padgett Business Services. Scholarship applicants must b. graduating high school seniors who plan ta, attend- a post- secondary accredited institution. In addition, the legal guardian of the student must ho an active owner ofat least 10 per cent of the stock or capital in a local business tiiat employs fewer than 20Opeople. The deadline for applying in March 1, 1996. For an application and further information about the Padgett Schlarship Program, oel yaur local Padgett office 430-6284. Ail regional winners will become eligible for a grand prize scholarship of $4,000. Local winners willhoe announced inMbay, and the grand prize will be awarded in June. you thiroughout your very young years. It is part of the duty of parenting. Someday you rnight have the privilege of raising a child and I hope you will also dedicate yourself in the same manner. Perhaps then you will understand how important an issue such as this cari ho.' To Martyn Beckett, a teacher at Anderson CVI, there rnay ho considerable benefits ta an association between an elementary sehool and Anderson high sehool, but at what cost? Anyone who sees only the good side of anything without considering any negative impact from their actions is hiding their head in the sand. Please wake up and look around you. You, as a trained educatar, should ho more aware of this than others might ho. The only thing I arn at "war" with is the idea of a The "risk factor" rnontioned has boon of caricom ta rnany, parents, lts the two per cent of the teenage population that could make life very stressful for school age children. A fonce ta separate the properties was prornised by Mr. Srnyka. 1' Ho stated that he has requested that the Town install lights at the Crawforth and Anderson intersection. But the Town notes Anderson is a regional road, 50 requests must ho directed ta the grand littie, educationa. experiment our board of education wants ta 'play, using our elementary school-aged childron. There may ho great benefits ta ho had, but only after the problems are worked out. Corne out ta some of the meetings and get informed. You have ta satify the concerns of the parents before we will willîngly turn our childron over to you for your experirnent. I will nover ho sulent when I think the well being of any child might be. endangered. If that bothers some people, thon 80 ho it. I arn not "politically correct" ail of the tirne, but that's just tao bad. If I feel it must ho said, rm nat afraid ta s ay it. To those who like ta write letters, please check out the facts before you do so. Need the facta? My number is in the book. Pat Perkine Whitby 'Specu.ation' To the oditoi'- We wish ta correct the misperoeption of one individual as reported in the Dec. 6 Free Press article on the new Whitby elementary school, "If nuinhors don't warrant, rnodifled calendar ta ho dropped." At Anderson we are proud of the safe school enviroriment and the positive attitude of our students. The suggestion that "bad drug deals" and "weapons" are rife at Anderson is the speculation of one parent who admits that the cancopt of associating with adolescents "is scary." We are involved in promating academic and extracurricular, achievernent at Anderson. The building of a new elementary echool on our campus offers increased opportunities for learning partnerships and sharing of facilities, Our door is always open ta anyone who would like ta visit and find out what a Whitby high school is really like. Saily Mcflveen, principal B4 lRakuinar, student Collncil pr«Iident Region. But when it was discussed with the Region, it was stated that the intersection doos not'qualify at this tirne since walking traffic is not criteria for consideration. Once again, as taxpayers and parents, we are very concerned over thiD issues surrounding the unnarned Anderson school. Doug and Anne SiJk Whitby Januaryý start at Trent for high sohool graduates Hligh school students who graduate i January have a chance ta enrol imrnediately ini university. courses at Durham College. Trent University will offer a 12- week spring academic program from Jan. 29 ta April 25 at Durham College. Four courses in anthropology, physics, psychology and sociology will ho offered. Each course consista of two evemings a week. The session is open toalal part- time students but is scheduled especially for the convenience of high-school students graduatîng early ini the new year. For more information, cail 723- 9747. Bellwood raises $350 Bellwood Public School students reoently raised $350 for Dense House, the Oshawa shelter for ahused wamen and children. The funds were raised from a raffle. The presentation was made Nov. 24. Boundary, safety concerns LETTERS

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