Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Dec 1995, p. 21

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Durham West girls' hockey ATOMC Durbam Weut 1 <Amanda Gifford> Oshawa 1 llaliamWest 8 (Jacki St. Germain 2. Kaley Greer. EIaiIy Sand. Tamara Brfiton* Jeanine H" labh), (Jazzrnln McCurdy. 4 assiste> Clarqnton O Onde. Toumnl NOV. la to le -rMai Durbarn West 0O- Ciaringion 1 Whitby ringdette PETE 4A qonSoreWbMW" BUrothers Sqpil.. Dec. 3 Wbitb 9 (Jennah Cheeseman 3,' Cortnie Heny 3. DanMile Avery. Tara Rosail, Katis Oshawa 7 PETITE B qronsored by Wh*Uy Faec sec. 2 WhIby 2 <Lndsey UNy. Cindy Johnston) Marhham 7 Nov. 26 WhRby2 (Cindy Johnston, Jenna Smith) PETITE C uponaru by Dodd à Souter Whltby 3 <Mtai. QuesneIie. Candice Hodgson, Code Homwood> p4axi1 WhtbyO0 Part Pwry 4 BUNNY1 .pnrdby Roy*Enturpuse Whitby 6 <Aison Wllams,.Kiletie Jennings. KtySt.nlel. Megan Cehil. Deanna Dadait, Justine Duquette) Oshawa i1 Whitby hockey, MIDGETA aeoeruad byl I beu t eias Nov. 2 Whitby 4 (<Jerme McElhanney Z Cary NHes Adam Mcane) Quinte 3 Nov. 19 Whitby 8 <Rab Dancay 2Z Dan Clatfi Z Justin Colins, Cary Nies, Shan*eTerri, Gavîn Prou) Barrie 5 Nov. 18 Whrtby il <Rob Danoey Z Cary Nams, Stme Mathews, Steve Death, Dan Ciali, Ci" Prout. Tom DaSilva. Jerome McElhanney, Shane Terri, Justin Colline) Quinte 1 Nov. 15 Whitby 5 <Dan Clati 2. Justin Collins. Oarek Suddans Steve Malthews) Central Ont" 1 Nov 4 Whiay 3 Slow Oaath, Steve Matthews, Dan Clati) Quinte 4 Qinte wkatmulo Tousiauu Nov. 10-12 Whitby 5 Jeromne McElhanney 2Z Tom D&Silva. Gavin Prout, Steve Death) Hull 4 Whby 2 <Cary Nams, Shan e rri) Wellingtan 1 Whitby 7 <Dan Clti Z Tom DaSilva, Jeroma McElhanney. Rab Danoey. Justin Coline. Cary Nams, shutout - Ryan Unwvin> Grey-Bruce O Whiy 5 <Cary NHes Z Steve Deslh. Tam DaSilva, Dan Cioti ) Central Ontaro 4 Whitb 5 (Tom DaSilva 3, Rab Dmncey. Shane Terri) Quinte 4 MAJOR BMNAN AAA qxmruard by CWm ClAAAtuwniq ' -AA tumn Whlby 1 Jan Schlsifer) Grey-Bruce 5 WhUW 4 <Andrew Judd. Bro aitMoRuy. Pater Trwlanallu, Jason Sahleiffer> Bramalea 3 Whtby O York-siooe5 INOS ANTANMA epuueered ky MMe Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Deoember 6,1995, Page 21 Bayvîew tops i Littie Rock The Grog Larcina rink from Bayview Curling Club i Thornhill curled two strong games and was Whitby curling. club M&N M"etsbemple NOV. 24-26 Winner~ Brampton Country Club dnk di John Bgs, Pal Malgtt Souat Spidal and Brian SSut; unnar-up: WhNoy Curling Club rink of Grog Nelsan, Paul HilMy. Steve Pop and Frank Devn SecSd mi wu: uimr- Bronibey snk, University ci Waterloo; we-W - Tom Steen rink. Whitby Curling Club INul eves: wnner - Steve Toome Whltbt Curling Club-, wnner-up - G@e« unk, Uxbidge Curling Club Fesurlhewui: wu - Tim Morhcsn ,lnk. Wlaitb Curling Ci; runnar-up - Shl.ley rnk. Rchmond Hill Curling Club Firat plawa: bantam,. Lasco trcplay. Beawtnon rink ci Rab Wesiey. Kisy Da"I, i.Oan Didk and Kelly Nihl A Fifth: Whitby rinkci Soit Sonley. Nathan Sutan, Katherie Sait. Ieatber Blrd; sixth: Kevin Soniey. Keith Maxwall, Kathy Barnett, Brei McArthmr; aeventh: Jeif Smmth. Andrew Daie. Tanya Goracl Brent Clyde FlusI place: junior. Turner traphy. Tam Heathe rink af Daril Brill, Maithew Grant. David Oswaid and Wafren MoCourt Fit plac: Parky trcphy, junior ladiai - BaywimsTeam ci Tânika Ferguson. Elzabetha Krk. Be"ldLeeand Karen Strang Faum af oe O iroeslmbe: Wby tam ofScat Soniey, Sean Jaciçcra NadhanSutan and Heaher Boaocd COMIlO EVENTS: Dec. 16-18. Ontario Curlng Association mon and junior leva zone pie-ol. Nov. 23 Whitb 6 (Scott Beegan 3. 0"vi Kuxynski. Sean Haynes.Casey Dupat) Taronto 1 Nov24 Vhw2<(SmnNayn» 2) Nov. 25 Whby 2 <Nick Owen. Ryan Baylss) Larion 3 Nov. 20- bague Whilby 2<Sean Maynes2) Quinte 8 Nov. 14 -bague Whitby 6 <Sean Naynee 4, Jet Crelghton. Mat Fortier. shutout - Ryan CaIahan) Oshawa 0 Kitchar u emnar Nov. 10 Whitby 2 <Andrew Marehail, Kyle Crouda) Kkchener8 Whitby'5 <Sean Naynes 2. DavidFletcher 2. Kyle Crouch, shutout - Ryan Cailaghan) Chcago 0 Nov. 11 Wlaiby O Waterloo 2 MINOS BANTANA qnSoead by WM*y lIno Hokey Aaadiy elîverSIc Teiunentd Whtby 8 - Aurora2Z Whitby 3 - Wexford 2. WhitbY 2 - Goreown 1; semfinai: Whitby 2 - Toronto 1. champlanhip: WhitW 2 - Misissauga 11I. Toumafmnt MVPs: Andrew Hkey. Scait Wylue. Mark Unwin Nep oeunmurU Whit>y 6 <Danny Smai2Z Mark Lamer Z Malt Fotiar 2) Lao-St. Louis 6 DaM 2 Whithy 2 Jordan Fitzgbbon. David-Dittunar> Paebaroulh5 Whkhy O Sauth Ottawa 3 Nov. 30 - laue Whilby 2 Jason Turktingtan. Jared Brown) Vaughan 3 MAJOR MATMNAL spaneord by Broki Liane C"d RamallI TauRUrMus DM .1 Whiby 5<Saea Korr2Z Andrm wardl, Malt Annis, Brandon Fawler) Bemle1 Do 2 Whlbyl1 <Malt An")e RichmonxdHi-lli 2 Wib4 <Gien Caubin, Brandon Fowler. Jet Hase. Jemrnuinie) Yrk Tros 2 Daa 3 - serni-linal Whby 2 <ean Kart Justin N>ms Richmond il declared grand champion of the Ll1oyd SonlyeMmorial Little Rock bonspiel for children aged 8 to 12 at the Whitby Curling Club on Saturday. Larcina's toam defeated Stewart Cochrane's rink fromn Port Perry 9- 2, and then downed- Whitby's Ashley Koster 10-2 to win the early draw. The Andrea Grant rink from Tam Heather Curling Club in Scarborough won their two games to capture the championship in the Henry host to 500 W..restlers ,More than 500 students are expected te participate in the third annual Henry Street Hligh School invitational wrestling tournament on Friday, Dec. 8. A team from Boston, Mass. will participate i what bas become the Cs get a win The Whitby petite Cs won their firat game of the season before falling te Port Perry in recent ringette action. Corie Horwood scored what proved te be the winner in a 3-2 win over Ajax and their outstanding goalie. Wbitby fired 28 shots on the Ajax net before Melanie Quesnelle scored Whitbys first goal. Candioe Hodgson also scored for Whitby which bad a total of 43 shots on goal while allowing only 11. Whitby agaîn faced a strong goalie in. a 4-0 loss te Port Perry. Disa Mayhew was strong ini net for the Whitby squad, sponsored by Dodd. & Souter. Oaa. 3 -final Whitby 7 JeffNasa 2.Jaremi Brintie. Justin Ha»e, Jason Connor, Sean Kerr. Malt Annme> York Tarae 2 INOS ATO AA pnerdby Dan Chuerys Grapevine Dec. 2 WhhLby 2 <Kyle Poemvicz, Adama Stein. ahutout - Andrew Braithwaite) Quinte O Nov. 30 Whiby 2 <Kyle Peraewczi. Kyle Musselman> Rchmoand Nl V1 INOS ATOM A Whiby 3 (Wayne Turootte 2Z Ryan Johnaton) Potrbamugh 1i Whltby 10 <Brui Arbaur 2. Jason Michia 2. Aaron MoMuray. Jeif Freemnan, Shawn Nolman, Tanner Twlning, Aan Maguire. Andrew Lebel) Ajax 3 Whilby 8 <Ryan Johnaton 2Z Aan Maguire, Jason Michie. Wayne Turcotte, Jeif Freeman, Shawn Nolrrsn. shutout - Devin Md.-eod> Cobourg O MAJOR NOVICE A BOUlVlk Tauwnament Whkby 2 <Andrew Laramy, Andrew Meadows) Beleville 3 Oar. 2 Whitby 8 (Dean Satan 4. Tyler Neaiy 2. Jordan IFitzgeraid, Mathew Anderson) Aurra 2 Whly 5<(Justin Fox Z Mathew Anderson Z Dean Salon) York 0 Dec. 3 - semi-fnal Whkby 2 <Andrew Laary. Andrew Meadaws) HurmberValley 3 Nov. 30 -league Whby4<(Andrew Meadowa Z -Maithew Anderson, lINO NOVICE AA Dec. 2 Whkby 8 (Luke Carson Z Nick Jardin, David McIntyra, Philp Mclhane, Daniel Derfpsey> Peterborough 3 UMMOSNOVICEA aparurd by Lscorn Canuaiti Dam 3 Whby 3 (radd Colline, Malt Arbour, Jesse Bidule) Clarirqgton 9 Oaa. 2 Whitby 7 (John Hughes Z Tadd Colline Z Malt LAbour, Staphen Rodger, Jais Bidule) Orilia 5 Nov. 29-' exhiiion Whitby 10 (Mark MâziZa2 Jesse Bidule Z Mat Arbaurf Z Tadd Collines2Z Staphen Rodger. John Hughes) Nov.27 Whtby 4 (Jesse Blduke 2. Todd Collins, John Hugh») largest high echool wrestling tournament in Canada., Divisions are cadet (aged. 14 and 15), open (under 20) and femnale. late draw. Bryan Yeates' team, with lead Chris Chew, second Warren Slute and vice Matthew Bremner, were the top finishers from the host Whitby club i the early draw. They downed Annandale's Paul Boyland 6-5, thon dropped a 4.3 decision to Katharyn Hyatt of Scarborough to finish fifth. In the late draw, Andrew Brotherhood's rink of lead Kyle Costello, second Jason Pesesli and vice Gordon Dale led the local contingent, placing fifth as weIl. They defeated Tim Ham 'of Donalda 12-1 before Grant's team beat them by a 10-5 score. A total of 24 teame, including five from-Whitby, competed in the event. CO* ST EEL < >LASCO ~'THE BROOKLIN WHITBY GIRLS FASTBALL REPRESENTATIVE ASSOCIATION ~LSFsi~is hosting a conducted by Robin Sluce on Dec. 10, 1995. Robin is a NCCP Level 3 National Coach and Coach of the Canada Summer Gamès Team. Registration tee is $10 per person ALL GIRLS WELCOME To register, please cali GEORGE MATSUMURA JIM INNES 430-2649 655-3454 SEMPEI L ~SNAAS Whitewaii s'ze Sale pnce HOOSIER AT 99300n P155/80R13 $49.00 P235175R15$ S P175/80R13 $57.00 - i.zgaeo P185/80R13 $59.0 1ý14 S P185/75R14 $65.00 FREE with every tire purchase P19575Rl $6700 i Computer Tire Balance Pi 95/75R1 4 $7.0 i Installations O P05/5R 4 70.00 i6 Valve Stem P205/75R1 5 $75.00 îd Road Hazard Warranty CONSUMRDER. VE N UTO RICE' gn e ZSSS.0SS

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