Page 28, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 29,1995 Sealtest Sour Cream 500 mil Inquire about our ,meat, cheese,. vegetable, fruit & combination platters for your Christmas parties. Produce of U.S.A. Caniada.#1 * Apples Granny Smith, Red & Golden Deliclous 99C/ lb 2.18,kg Everyday low price. Peps Regular and Diet 24. 6.99 355m1 Plus receive a FREE 1 litre Schweppes Product Windsor' Iodized Sait 2 FOR99 1 kg box o e - Sc hneiders Roast Beef 4. 99) o 1.10 per 100 g Produce of U.S.A. Canada #1 Cantaloupe 99c each FRESH Chicken Breast BONE-IN 189lb p ae you Chlt Westons. D'. Italiano Bread 1.29ea. Sliced Bread, Buns, etc. 1 Groei SunlighjAt LIQUID DISH WASHER 2.49 1. 14kg Fresh Atla ntic Salmon Steaks 6.99 lb JUIMO Black Tiger Shrimp 12099-l'lb Freshly Baked Foccacia Breadý 1@79ea. Visit DeVille Gourmet for hundreds of ideas for Chrismas Gifts which-include unique and different food items to personalized gift baskets., Taunton . e-