Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Nov 1995, p. 27

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Wednesday night darts. LASTTS KUE UGUT DIISION asof aio. 22 Fabrlatng Tshnlcs nc. Dul's Flali & Chips Ciaremnt Coilsctor Cars GalyCoppins Service Wiilby Tmopti N ouas Dube Har & SIn R«s Enuerio BalerFuri'itum Rnhshing 555.5 Nov. 22 Roy'sEMprrls ô WbRlbyrophy 7 CbmntColsc. 7 Dulas Rsh & Chips 7 NOV. 15 Boy Coppins Ssr. 9 ua'. Flsh & Chips 7 Whlly Trophy 6 Fabrltng Tochnlcs 8 Guty Coppins Sou. 4 Baker Fumlture '3 Fsbrlcatng Tshncs 3 DubeHair&-Sldn 3 Baker Fumlturs 1 RoY'sEntorprses 3 ClareniotCoîlsc.4 Pub@Har &lUn 4 LADATYS CAJU.SUSRG DIVSION ms of Moi. 22 National Trust Suzle SShorse Fish &Chips Dodd & SoùtsrBmdioom asrattaOUicSerices 20 Î1l In-UJne Store Fduresp Dscs & Dats Nov. 22 NationalTrust 4 Desiratta Office Sv. 4 ln-UnreStore FIx. 3 Nov 15 Discs &Date 5 Natonal Trust 4 &a*laSeahore F&C 4 W L 23 13 21 15 21 15 le 15 21 13 23 cou"i Suzle Saorse F&C 2 D=cs& ats 2 Dodd &Soutor 3 In-Une Store Fix.1 Desrab ttaficSe«. 2 Dodd a Souter 2 Indiiulsistudlag as of Noy. 22 KUE UGHT ODIION PIlay N"euhot Daw Boyd Sr. 'George Hillard MI Pindar (hayçunmnngs UAILSBERGIVISION ilyan Corsnier Ooug Nswton JaclNWouwhof 194 169 18 105 184 107 70 53 Whitby duplicate bridge NVA BU and OlgaHI owden 144.5& Leona Biais and Bsony rq1U85 Lanm Bird "ndHida Richards 126. John Creeden and BM Kmr 124.5. John and Perd Peaoock 114.5. NOV. B Lana Biais and Bon Tony 204, UIl and Mary GaW 181.5, Big nid Olp Hmwden 170, Hilda Rcde s " Lanm Bld 160.5. Ruth Towns.nd adbblBe"y 160& Bil and Mary Gray 197.5. Audrey and Jim ýWilson 193.5,Big and Ola Howd.n 175, Phylle and Fred Rend 160.5, John Creedon and U Karrl157A Don and Doris oe 193=3,J"dand Marlon Moes192, John Colemn and Frank Mayer 175.5, James Alien and Joen Roger 174, Junev Oens and Maguerll. Button 172. Em. and Mldred Cortinan 13Z 'AnMI Gupta "i Seema Nundy 124, Audrey and James Wilson 118.5. Pat Rogersand Len Watldns 117.&, Karen Owens and Y&» Bettink 116. NO.8a AnlGuplaaid8eernaNundy 186, Marlon aid BgBurBges 182, Tony Jones aid Frank Maly 174.5. Emi. aid Midrod Cortman 174.5, Mrgera Wadge aid Ruth Melhven NOV.15 Margaret Wadge aid Ruth Methven 188. Albed aid Maron Kn,*b 182.0.Ia aid Bert Janvazy 17&%9,Lana Bilais and Bon Tony 1W-.,Ani Gupa and Seemn Nundy 1 68.5. Bob MacDonald aid Jec"loMoleret 2D4.5, Jim and Audrey Wilson 202.C Idoaid Boat JeNmy178.&, Abert aid Maron Knbb 1702, Margare Wadge and Ruth Methven 169.5. FREE FROM FEAR The Free from Fear Foundation offers support gF0UpB information and educational materials for those suffering anxiety disorders (panic disorders,, phobias, agoraphobia, etc.). For more information, call 905-3877. Whitby Free Presa, Wednesday, November 29. 1995Pge 27 OBITUARlE BILL GRYLLS1 A resident of Wbltby for 54 years, William James (Bill) Giylls dled at Falrvlew Lodge, Wbltby, on Nov. 23, 1995. H. was 85. A son of the. late Charles Wilmont Grylîs and Eleanor Frlcker Bandai, h. was boni at Biggar, Sask., on Feb. 20, 1910. On June 19, 1929 he was married at St. Paul's Anglican Churcb Biggar,- te Dora Elsie Belle Madill, of Haliburton, Ont., wiio survives him. lI 1934, the. Grylla moved from Saskatchewan te Haliburton. Mr. Grylîs worked for four years as a part-lime municipal clerk and as a trapper and fanmer. .I 1941 h. moved te Wbitby and worked during the. Second World War 'at- the DefencehIdustries Litdplant kx Ajax and building Mosquito bombera at General Moters li Osbawa. For manv vears Mr. Grvlls was a builder and contractor, first in partnership with Ernie Jones and later on bis own. From 1962 te 1979 h. was assistant superintendent of maintenance for the. Ontario Countyr and Durham boards of education. 'Mr. Grylîs is survived by MiE wife; sons William (and bis wife Dorothy) and Douglas. (and his wife Nancy>, daughters Joyce (Mrs. Malcolm Bain), Bonny (Mra. Don Ferguson), Lillian. Gorveatt and Barbara Groves; 35 grandcbuldren and 36 great-grandchuldren. H. is also survived by on. brother Norman and sisters, Manion, Mary and Shirley. Brothers Cbarles, Harold and Fred and sister Daisy died before Mrl. Giylls was- at tii. W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, where Rev. Brian Cee of St. Mark's United Churcii conducted tii. flineral service on Nov. 27, followed by cremation 'and interment in Mount Lawn Memorial Cardens, Whitby. I If desired, contributions te St. Mark'a United Churcii. RETA TIRATJLT A former employee of Reitmnans' in tii. Oshiawa Centre, Reta Therault died at- Sunnycrest Nursing Home, Whitby, on Nov.19, 1995. She was 83. Borni on May 2, 1912 in $900OOOý« yet to be raised in campaign More than $900,000 still bas te be raised te reach tbis year's goal Twenty video game. cartridges valud at $1,500 were stelen from a West Lynde video store during a break-mn early Sunday morning. Police say the. culpirit(s) smashed tii. glass out of tiie front door at West Lynde Video, 273 Michael Boulevard, sometime between 1:20 and 1:30 a.m., and tok Super Nintendo games. «Damage te tthe door is estimsited- at $200. Police say nothing else ,was.taken. Collingwood, Ont., she was a resident of WMhy for 35 ypars. Mrs. Therault is survived by daughters Joan (and ber husband Robert Witherell of Barrie, Patricia McKinnon Of Scarborough, Helen (and her husband William Dettnmn) of Kinmount and many grandchildre. and great- grandcbildren. Her husband, Mac Therault, a former Whitby barber, dled before her. Mrs. Therault waa at the W.C. Town, Funeral Chapel,, Wbitby, whem tei.fimeral service was held on Nov. 22, followed by interment in Groveside Cometery, Whitby. LTITI KING A rosident of Whitby for 20 years, who formerly lived in Toronto for 40ypars, Liii. Adora King* died at Fairview Lodge, Whitby, on Nov. 18, 1995. 8h. was 91. A, daughter of the late Mr. anid Mrs. Napoleon Bowins, she was born at Coboconk, Ont. on March 289 1904.' ýMrs. King is survived by sons Clifford (and his wife Gladys), Donald (and bis wife Helen) and Robert (and bis wife Linda); daughter Ruth (and ber husband Herb Edwards); sons-in-law Thomas Forsythe and Vernon L..aCraw, and many grandcildren and great-grandcbildren. Her husband, Redverse King, and daughters Phyllis and Dorothy died before ber. Mrs. King was at tbe W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, where the funeral service was held on Nov. 20, following by interment in R.stbaven Memorial Gardens, Scarborough. THEESANORTH A resident of Whitby for about 15 years, Theresa Michelle North died çt ber, residence on Nov. 16,> 1995. 8h. was 22. 8h. bad formerly lived for five years in Pickering and five years in Ajax. A dàughter of William P. North and Ebba A. Mathieson, she was boni on Feb. 10, 1973 in Ajax. An active volunteer 'in the. community, she was a member of Christ the. King Lutheran Churc,. Whitby;- Dreameatchers and tii. Sunrise Youth Croup. Miss North is survived by her parents, William and Ebba North; master, Christena North; grandmotber, Nora North, and many aunts, uncles and cousins. Her grandparents, Ebba and Canute Mathiesen and Robert North, died befor. her. Miss North was at tii. W.C. Town Funeral Obapel, Whitby. Pastor Lowell Nussey of Christ the. King utiieran Churcii conducted the funeral service at Kendalwood grandson David, sisters 'Anne Duncan and Mary Andersen of Montreal, Sonia. Switzer, of Toronto, brothers Harry and Mike of Montreal, several nieces and newphews. H. rested at the. W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, and the. flmeral servie was held Nov.?. Internient at Groveside CemetMr. BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE USE 0F,, MOBILE SIGNS Thé Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby has passed a new Temporar Sign By-law to regulate temporary signs and other temporary advertising devices in the Commulnity. EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY, 1, 1996, EVERY F'ERSON WISHING TO USE A MOBILE SIGN FOR ADVERTISING OR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES WILL BE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN A TEMPORARY SIGN PERMIT FROM THE TOWN. THE USE 0F MOBILE SIGNS WILL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ANNOUNCMENT 0F NEW BUSINESS OPENINGS -AND BUSINESS RELOCATIONS. ANY PERSON WHO CONTRA VENES THE PROVISIONS 0F THE NEW TEMPORARY SIGN BY-LAW WILL BE GUILTY 0F AN OFFENCE AND UPON CONVICTION WILL BE LIABLE TO A FINE IN AN AMOUNT 0F UP TO $5,000. The Town is taking this initiative in response to public complaints regarding the large nUm ber of mobile signs throughout the.municipallty. The primary goal of the new by-law is to reduce the number of temporary signs thereby enhancing the appearan e, safety. streetscape and distinctiveness of Whitby from other communities while allowing for public expression in a manner that meets the COMMuinitys expectations of a cl'ean, safe town. The Febmuary 1, 1996 implementation date will permit businesses sufficient time to phase out their mobile signs and to Imove to other forms of advertising and promotion. For a complete oopy of the new Temporary Sign By-law or for further information, contact: DONALD G. McKAY, CLERK The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossîand Road East Whîtby, Ontario LiN 2M8 Phone: (905) 668-5803 TH1E REGIONAL MUMOIPALITY OF DflHAM' PUBLIC,,NOTICE * * ,RE. ADVERTISUNG SIGN8 * o ON REGIONAL ROADS Pleose be advised that the Regienal Municipaiity of Durham hou enacted a by-low to contrai and regulate the erection, placement, maintenance or dispiay of private signs within the limits of ail Regional Roads. Private signs -within the limits of Durham Regional Roads are permitted subject to the foliowing: a) no persan shail erect, place, maintain or display a Sign on a median, traffic isiand or on a ny officiai or authorized Sign erected and maintained by the Region; b) no Sign shail be iocated clouer than one (1) metre from the curb or two (2) metres f rom the edge of the, traveliedportion of a Regional Road where there is ne curb; c) no Sign shahl exceed a height of. 1.2 metres above, the, surface. of the curb. shoulder or boulevard, os the case may be, or be greater than .8 metres in width; d) ne Sign shah', remain in its original location, or within 500 metres of its original 'location,. for -a total cf more than 72 hours (excluding statutory holidays) during any consecutive 7 .day period; e) each Sign shahl clearly indicate the namei oddress and telephone number of the persan. corporation or organization responsible for creating and erecting the Sign; f) no sign shaîl be erected, placed, maintained or displayed on a sidewalk; g) ne sign with a height greoter than 0.6 metres shailbe erected, placed, maintained or displayed within twenty .(20) metres of the curb or the edge of the trovelied portion of any intersecting, Highway, private road, driveway or Regionai Road; and h) ne persan shahl erect, place, maintain or disploy any Sign within 400 metres of any limit of o Regionai Road which, by reason cf its size, location, content, coiouring or manner cf ilumination, obstructs the vision cf' drivers entering or leaving a Regional Road from another Highway or private road or driveway or which obstructs, detrocts f rom, or i nterferes with the visabiiity or effectiveness of any traffic sign or traffic signal light on any Regional Road, o 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monuments *Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 Aftcr Heurs 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointments gladly arranged

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