Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Nov 1995, p. 26

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Page 26. Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, November 29. 1995 ANNIVKRÂRIES~A.......A... PRE iw;PAI D WORD AýDS (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $1 0.00 for 25 words; ($9.35 + 650 GSI) 1 5t each-additional word; (140 + 10 GSI) BILLED.WORD ADS, $1 5.00 for 25 words; PLUS GST i50 each- additional word; PLUS GST (Ads0ofth bors ptres ormgaphios euadisplayraespl- 6$1 offper vat n DSPLAYADSý 20% OFF ater 3rdiertio RGSI isplextratn als (n1esagatheriseinchte publicFafe rirtion Please ch oaesem n fr eros othe irs t day oft pulcton Te hityo re t or ubi aenead.oyo tpgahcerinpublication occupi ceckbyouthe err Up to maximum orso the fistiyo. pulco.The Whitby Free Pesrsre Pres rih t ocia for rjetailr todvertîsm n,r o THE FAMILY 0F THE late Ruth Agar appreciate and thank the many relatives, neighbours and friends for the countless kindnesses during our grief. Thank you also for the time you spent in visitation, the shoulders oif support for the famiiy and the meats 50 generously giveni durnng her sicknoss. Thank you Rev. Ron Pierce, Rev. Ken Juil and Rev. Jili Curd (Newfoundland) and Barb Mata. Thanks also to Brooklin United Church Women, OGH, VON, Red Cross, Hospice, Home Care, Dr. Mclntosh, Inez Curi, Joan Williamson, the Pail Bearers and Carson Funeral Home. Sincereiy Matt, Tomn & Sandy Keith & Gai 1, Harry & Tani, John k Judy, John & Celia. MARIA GERECS WOULD LIKE-to thank neig hbors, friends, nurses & doctors who helped her through the recent loss of h or husband, Louis Gerecs. THE FAMILY 0F THE late JIM COOK would like to express thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for their flowers, donations, cards and food reoeiyed at the time of our loss. With deepest appreciation to the ambulance, attendants Dr. Tack, Dr. S. Russell and the excellent. staff oif Port Perry Hospital, also the staff of the chemotherapy de partment at the Oshawa GeneralI Hospital and Doctors Chiu and Chang. Grateful thanks to Rev. Glen Eag le for his kind words and the Myrtie (.C.W. for lunch after the service. Sincere thanks to the Carson Funeral Home and Chapel. PlePI necpaper this ecycle r THANKS IN GLORY and praise tha nk you to Sacred Heart of Jes us f or favours received, and special thank you to St. Judo. St. Jude's Novena: May the Sacred heart of Josus be adored, glorified, loved and proserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Josus have mercy on us. St. Judo, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Judo, heiper oif the hiopoiess, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day. By the eighth day your prayer wiII bo answered. It has nover been known to fail. Publication must be made, in petition and thanksgiving M. WORLD AIS DAY 8TAMP CLUB PAREINON The AIDS Commttee oifDuha The Oshawa Stamp Club will Parkinson Support Group,, will hold World AJDS Day, nmton Tuesday, Dec. 5.,7 p.m, in Durham Region Chapter, will %Remembering our Losses,' for the Cafeteria at O'Neill CVI, meet on Monday, Dec. 4,7:30 p.m., fanuly mombers, friends and Oshawî. Collectors sud guesta are at St. Markes United Church, partuers who have losit loved omes welcome. For more information, corner oif Colborne sud Çentre due te A]DS, on Friday, Dec. 1,11l cal Roy at 738-2599. streets, Whltby. Potluck supper, a.m., in tho AIDS committee office. CPR followed by entertainment. For For more information, oeIl 905- A-basic rescuer CPR level C more information' oel 723-3183.' Th efamily of RUBY & B1LL ANDREWS would like to extend their loving best wishes for the celebration iof Rubv & Bill's 5OTH WEDDING ANN1fVERSlARY on Novemiber 3Oth, 1995 19 sud 28. caîl St. 434-7800. i D neiu initp uy vec. For more information, John Ambulance at ALZBEIIMER WORKSHOP Alzheimer Durhamn will hold a famlly support group meeting on Wednosday, Dec. 6, 1:30 p.m., at the Society office, 419 King St. W., Suite 205 (Oshawa Centre).-Ail caregivers are welcom e te attend. For further-information,oeil 576- 2567. GENEALOGY Whitby/Oshawa Branch (Region of Durham) of the- Ontario Genealogical Society will hold a Christmas get-tegether Tuesday, Dec. 5, 7:30 p.m., at the Arts Resources Centre, 45 Queen St., Oshawa. For 'Bring and Brag,' bring a goodie to share, and brag about your genoalogical research. ARl welcome. Cail 683-2476 or 723- 7460 for further information. WRF tEB'CLUB The* Durham Writers and Editers Breakfast Club will meet Sàturday, Dec. 9, 8 te 10 a.m., at Swans Marina, Liverpool Road and Lake Ontario, Pickering. Cost la $8 members, $10 non-memhors. Registér in advance by calling Maijorie Green at (905) 686-2085. OSTEOPOROSIS The Whitby Osteoporosis Support Group will meet on Friday, Dec. 8, 1:30 p.m., tLt the Whithy Seniors' Activity Centre. For more information, oel 668-' 1424. CHRISTRAS DANCE Malta Social Club, Durham Region (Whitby) Chiistmas dance will ho hold at the Knights oif Columbus Hall, 133 Brock St. W., Whitby, on Saturday, Dec. 16, 8 p.m. Door and spot prizes, raffles, roast beef and turkey dinner. Coot is $30 per couple or $15 per person. To reserve, cail Joe at 668- 7683 or Claude at 668-3060. IILDBIRTH The Childbirth Education Association oif Durham and Midwifeiy Services of Durham will hold a filin night snd discussion te help expectant parents gather information, In the Pickering Public Làbrary auditorium, Monday, Dec. 4, 7 te 8:30 p.m. For more information, cali 430-9581. FIRST AM St. John Ambulance will hold a standard irst aid course in Whitby Dec. 20 sud 21. Caîl 434-7800 te register. CANCER 5kmn caro, wigs and makeup techniques wil ho discussed at the Facing Cancer with Confidence seminar at Oshawa <ieneral Hospital on Wednesday, Dec. 6, 7 p.m. To register, caîl 433-4301. WIUTERS'81CICLE' . The Writers'Çlrcle will sponsor a workshop, "Hèw To Make Your Readers Sweat," at the Oddfellows Hall, 211 Brock St. S., Whitby, Saturday Dec 2# 10a.m te4 pm. Cost ia J26 memnbers, $31 non- niembers. To register, cali Bian Henry at (416) 503-3134. VIGIL A caudlelight vigil, hosted by the Oshawa YWCA and St.- Andrew's United Churcli, in memory <of the 14 women who died iu Montreal on Dec. 6, 1989, will ho held Wednesday, Dec. 6, 5p.m. Meet at the YWCA parking lot at 1 McGrigor St. and walk to St. Andrew>s for a memorial service. For further information, -cal Christina at 576-8880. POETS NIGUT Pes Nightila Monday, Dec.4, at' 7 te 9 p.m. at the Clmaic Coffee ieuse, 1410 Bayly St., Pickering. Sponsored by the Writers' Circle oif Durham Region. Pes wishing te read can cali Dawn Hembling at (905) 831-7737 or Owen Neill at (905) 985-4356. DMNCE Whitby Professional Firefightes, Local 2036, will hold a Christmas dance Saturday, Dec. 2, 7:30 p.m1., at Heydenshore Pavillon. Cost is $25 per couple (mnidnaight buffet, door prizes). Al prooeeds wiil b. donated te Whitby minor sports. For ticket iuquires, cail 668-3314. CYCLING GROUP The Touring Concept Cycling Group wiil hold a Christnmas general meeting- on- Dec. 7, 7:30 p.m, at Henry Street High School, room 213, 614 Henry St., Whitby. Guest speaker la chiropractor J.Rusinek. For more information, calI 905-420-4275 or 668-0424. CANDY CANE RECITAL The Oshawa sud District branch oif the Ontario Registered Music Teachers'Association will hold a Csudy Cane Recital on Suuday, Dec 3, 2 p.ni, at the Arts Resource Centre in the Oshawa City Hall compleL. The program includes performances by students under age 1L2, a visit from Sauta sud a carol sing. HANGING GREENS The Oshawa YWCA will host 'Hanging oif the Greens9 on Sunday, Dec. 3, 1:30 te 4 p.m., in th. YWCA gym, 1 McGrigor St. Activities include- decoration- makiug, entertainment by local groupe, home-baked Christmas treats. Items from the'YWCA international boutique wil ho available. DANCE A Christmas dinner sud dance wiil ho held on Saturday, Dec. 9 at Heydenshore Pavilion. Cocktails at 6:30 p.m. dinner at 7:30 p.m., door and spot prizes. For tickets ($20), Mail 430- Q2984-or-571-1834, qjuij,%JUUJL. nniivnjm xxAll Ikd% Ibý1à1 %*- y%-- --ATE--- 1 L- CAN4DJAN CLUB MEETING' Thé Canadian Club oif Durhamý Regon lilmeetTlhursdayt Dec. 79ï at 6:30 p.m., at the Holiday Inn,;. Oshawa. There will ho Christmas,' music"' by Oshawa Youth Orchestra. Dinner is -$22 (non-' members $23). Cail (905) 655- 4530, (905) 668-2484 or Holiday Inn for reservations. QUILTERS The Durham Trillium Quilter's Guild will meet Dec., 5, at 7:30 p.m., at the Caribbean Cultural Centre, 600 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa, for a social evening, craft sale and Christmas stocklng competition. For more Information, caîl 905-6231-7892. ABOUTFACE The newly established AboutFace - Durham chapter, a support group for those with a facial difference (cleft lip and pelate, etc.), will meet on Monday, Dec. 4,7 to 10 p.m., at the Fernhll community centre, Oshawa. For more information, oeil Elaine at 905-985-2613. AJIDS For World AIDS Day, a time of remembrance will ho held at il' a.m. on Friday, Dec. 1, at the AIDS' Comniittee ofDurham office at 209 Dundas St. E., suite 305, Whitby. There have been reported 178 HWV cases and 73 AIDS cases reported in Durham Région. For more information, caîl 665-0051. AIL-ANON Ai-Ânon and Al-Ateen -are for teenagers and adult children. of alcoholics. For moreinflormation,, cail 728-1020. A workshop that focuses on feelings and learning more about emotions will be held at Klnark Child & Family Services, 1916 Dundas St. E., unit 2, 10 a.m. to li p.m., on Saturday, Dec. 1. Cost js $8 per person. Cail 433-0386. eaft sows BAAR& TEA A Crsia bazaar and tea will ho held on Saturday, Dec. 2, 10 a.m. te 3 p.m., at Perry Terrace, 9M~ Pebrry St., Whitbxy M. ero wi

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