WhltbyFros Proe, Weckieday, November 29,19M, Page 23 ......... A....A.I......G UL~ A R YORKVILLE PHOTOGRAPHER - Keith Penner. Your family in your home at no extra char ge till Jan. 7. A lastin9 memory 1l 1X14 black & white heîrloom print (or colour). Gift oertificates available.. Special $150 (value $235). The Studio 428-7177, 416-929-1511. OLYMPIC PAINTING -professional p aining & walipaper. interiorléxterýior. No job too srnali. For good prices & good work, oel George at 725-7870. Free estimfates. PDELBA PAINTING. &Home Improvements. 10% seniors discounit. "Quality work at reasonable rates. Free estirnates 728-2969. FLOOR REFINISHING - wood renewers wiii dlo a professional job of your -sanding, refinished and staining- need s. -Ail work guaranteed. 655-3566. SUPREME WALLPAPERING & painting. Free estimates, residentiai. No job too srnall. Excellent rates. Cal John 725-5764. PAINTING & PAPERING "LET George Do It . Reliable expenienced, quality work. Spectal rates for seniors.flexible hours, p rompt service, free estimâ~tes. P ho ne George 666-1168. HEKKARELSEN Painting & Hre Repair. Qualit work, intenior/extenior. Over 20 years experienCe. No job too small. Free estimates. 1-800-423-0823. HOE RENOVATIONS & restoration., Plans, inspections, specifications, oerpentry, plumbing, eIçect'rcal, -wind.ows, energy conservation. Cal Jacques of Ail> Trades,, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. "HANDYMAN WITH a van" will do household movini clean-ups 'and removal, general repairs and electrncal 'work. Cali Doug (905) 434-7874. ABLE HOME improvemrents & Repair. Free estimates & senior discounts. John May 668-8272. Painting 'intenior, wallpape-ring window washing, tree tnimming& property clean-up: Ail types of work considered. END YOUR housecleaning nightmares. Call Patricia. for: immaculate resuits, low prices, efficient,. dependabie service, mature responsible individual. Free estimates. 430-3383. INTERIOR :PAINTING - our expenenced and professional people will take care of your generai painting' requirements. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Cal Peter at 655-3566. HOUSECLEANING available weekly or bi-weekly. Let us do the work for you. Cal[ Maid For You 725-4910. E LECTRICIAN, METRO lic. #E2268. Electnicai work and alarm systems. Reasonable, fast and efficient. F or a free quote caîl Frank at 666-0193. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS - Corne see us for ail your sewing needs. Leather, zippers, also men's tailoning available. Tues.-Fni. 10-5:3(, Sat. 10-3, 133 Byrn St. N. Pearson Lanes 430-6550 Please Recycle This Newspaperl VOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. AIl[makes. 10% &niors' discount. Complete tune-up from $29.95 + parts. Factory trained technicians. For free. pick-up & delivery oei 432-7375. rBOOK NOW for ail your snowploughing needs. Residential, commercial, industrial. Free estirnates. Seasonal rates availabie. Cali Blizzard Snowpioughîng at 430-8106. BOOK NOW Eavestrough cleaning, bungalow $35, 2 storeys $45. Tree prunung, removais. Don t get caught in the cold, snow rernovals from $250 per season (includes driveway steps & walkway) 428-1305. FURNITURE MAKERICABINET maker. Custom designer and builder of fine furniture and cabinetry. ,Specializinq in entertainment units, libraries and built-ins. Over 15 years expenience. Quality workman ship guarantee. References supplied. Designers welcome. For a free quotation caîl Gary at 428-1339. P RO0F E SS 10NA L HOUSECLEANING at affordable prices. Team of 2 wili dlean weekly or bi-weekly. Very reliable. References availabie. Free estimate. (905) 579-5657. TWO EXPERIENCED women to dlean your home or apt. Reliabie, hard workin , reasonabre rates. Cali Bonnie 696-8639 or Maggie 430-8769. AWAN'S FASHION can custom desig bridai gowns, bridesmaids, mothers dresses, business suits, prom dresses. No pattern needed, just bring a picture. Alterations aiso availabie. For. agpointrnent eill (905) 655-4748 W Ãtby. i~a '<eed a + titby L-w tFinancing .A val/a ble n I-325 Hopkins St.. Whitby LI N 2C 1 668-2252 * 686-1853 £ e d ee ly 668611 Soeimroemvlent her pbaientg, aret c lning AlTdoorsChritmaseor ating rubbe rmoai.nac Mara75-806or oAtiny7560 AVAILABLE DAYCARE, in my home. Fenced yard, lots of activities. Breakfast, lunch & snacks provided. First-aid trained srnoke-free. Any age. Please cali 666-9312. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home, Monday through Friday. Infants and pre-sohoolerse preferred. Palmerston Ave. 'P. . area. Excellent reférences. Cali 430-3387. SHOP TILL YOU DROP with no worries. Will babysit infants & toddlers in my home for day while y ou Christmas shop. Love children. PI enty of toys & activities to make theday special for them too. $25 per day. Cal 668-9891 if interested. BUSINESS OPPS. TRAVEL AGENCY - INVESTMENT $14,995. FuIl Training and Ongolng Sup- port. Ful-tlme/Part-tlme, Home or Office. Many travel benefits. LIMITED AVAIL- ABILITY. TAI.. Canada Inc., 1-800-799- 9910 or 1-204-987-3322, - Winnipeg. START VOUR OWN home-based busi- ness! Watkins ls todays best business opportunîtyl For free Information contact -, Independent Marketing Director, 338 Braeshire Rise, Saskatoon, SK, 87V 1 B2, 1-800-263-2999. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance programs Information. avail- able. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Cal! 1-800-915-3615. HOTI HOTI HOTI VEND-A-MINT. Highest profits in the vending industry. Canadian manufacturer. Earn- full time Income, workiÀg only one day a week. Exclusive areas available. For a FREE brochure, phone: 1-800-661-1832. CAR EER TRAINING COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute - Ontario Extension offers correspondence courses for the Diploma in Counselling Practise to begin November 30. For a brochure phone toll-free 1-800-665-7044. SALES .ELP W .ANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New prod- ucts availabie. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast deiivery 1-800-383-3589. MISCELLANEOUS CROKINOLE GAMES- QUALITY made from wood and piywood, hardwood but- tons, checker board on back, lacquer fin- ish $79 plus $5 deiivery'plus taxes. Wooden chess men availabie. Dealer inquiries weicomed. Satisfaction guaran- teed. No Sunday calis please. Northern Nook Enterprises, Kenabeek, Ontario POJ 1 MO (705)563-2136. PAY-T.E.LEPHONE SERV.ý PSYCHIC ALLIANCE. 100,000+ satisfied customers. October - 2 iottery winners. Solve ail problems...Answers about love, money, career .. .$3.49/mýin.'. Talk live 1 on 1 ... 24 hrs ... 18+...al calis confidential. 1 - 900-451-4336. RESPONSIBLE CARING mother will provide daycare for your child in Myh orne, fenoed yard, lot lunches & lots of TLC. If interested cali Nancy at 434-5950. Specializing in Early Childhood Education. For Peace of Mind. Peirry HIo use Chfid Care Services 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-94761 IAdvart'srg c ns PSYCHIIC MASTERS! Canada's Best Psychics.We can heipl Romfance, Wealth, Career, Lucky Numbers. Live and Personai. 1-900-451-3778. $2.99/mln., 18+ 1-on-1, 24 hrs. I.C.C. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS.' Friends of thousands, muiti-taîented Inter- national psychlcs. Relatlonshlps, Future, Finance, Career, LiVe 24 Hours, $2.99/Min 18+. 1-900-451-3783. PfERSONALS SINGLES INTRODUCTIONS'for Fniend- shlp or Maniage. Alil nationalities. Tlred of being alone? We understand and we care. Local, ail ages. Cati ToIl-free 1(416)554-0504. JERUSALEM FUTURE CAPITAL of the woridl Zechariah 8:20-23, Jeremlah 3:17, Zechariah 14, Matthew 5:35. Send for free bookîet to: Christadeiphians, -Box 488 Smithville, Ontario LOR 2A0 REAL ESTA-TE GOT A CAMPGROUND membershlp/- timeshare? We'Il take it! America's iargest, oldest resale clearlnghouse. Resort Sales International 1-800-423- 5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cali 24 hours a day. 'STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - Quonsets 25x30 $5462, 30x4O $6,595, 35x50 $8478, S. Series Straightwail 525x30 $5922, S30x40 $6999, Endwalis & Siiding Doors included. Cali Future Steel 1-800-668- 8653. BUILDINGS ... Some Straight Sides. Round or Peaked Roof. Quonset Style. 20x3O $2,998.00, 25x40 $4,388.00, 30x46 $5,844.00, 35x54 $6,744.00, 40x64 $8,366.00. Others. Ends Optionai. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Exclusive distributors of the MAGNUM series of buildings, Straightwal wood/steei and ail/steel buildings, Are- nas, Stables, Workshops, Barns, Etc. Contractlng and Financing Availabie, 24 hours 1-800-561-2200. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Strait- wali Type - not quonset - 32x54 $9,460, 40x72 $14,233, 50x90 $20,443, 60xl26 $31 ,314 - other sizes availabie - misc. clearance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263- 8499. *ItIr Affodable a ftk Fast a fte Easy e On. Dili Do«s It Ait e Northem Ontario $63 e Eastern Ontario,$91 Western Ontario $162 * Central Ontario $168 a Ail Ontario $380 eNational Packages Available Cail this paper for details! IW:hitby' Free Press 668-6111i Office Hours.:,Moriday to Friday, :0 arn t.o 5:00 pm* Fax 668-0594I CLASSIF E MARKETPLAC-E- '4dvertise A cross Ontarléo orA cross the Country'1 rRADI>JCABINETS Custom Woodworklng VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 1141 Brock St. S., Whitby (905) 430-3053 Also refinlshlng & repairs ACCURATE CONTRACTING* *Home Improvements *Basements < eBuilding Maintenance *Drywall * Stucco - Painting FREE ES TIMA TES - 905-666-21851 1-