Page 22 , Whitby Free Pros, Wednesday, November 29- 1995 HOW TO BQQOK YQOJR ÇLAS$IFIED AD.ýM4 ~d,4Q44~ Calil 668-6111. Ads placed by Fax y ur ad to us at 668- Pr g Milyuad:Wby Fe "W'eoe 9ant m ody U ,,....-Manday at noon will be ,.,. 0594. Please ensure you 7~t~ Pess, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, to Fniday. Place your ad by Monday published that Wednesday. provide ail pertinent 'Z~ LIN 5S1. Ads should be mailed at noon for Wednesday publication. P repay by 5 pm to save .- information, and a to arrive by Monday at nocn. I If you can't make it in during office W f W money! Or, prepay with your nme weewe can MU hoursnweohave a mail slot to the left VISA card when placing the ad. nue wh ereYouf enclose your proieblgifraint of our front door. We're located at reac yo, ifnecssay. o prvidebilinginfomaton.131 Brock St. N., Whitby. CAflEERS CAREORSREERs H __________........ ceseNose.,. 1 *. olofs BUS NES BUSNES EARN FROM $400 TO $2,000 US weekly pari-time or fulI-time for an investment of $250 US. Caîl me at 432-7034 for details. YOUR HEALTH STARTS WITH Fre lie &opp,,ortunty.,Join Ãooui, jst- ial100O-572-8446, Y our. sponsor Anthony Mayhew ID# 39401 24 hr. nsaecl 1-501-954-é559. .msaecl $1,000 WEEKLY possible, stuffing envelopes. Free supplies. Send stam ped, addressed envelope f0: L&R Enterprises, 8 Midtown Drive Box 404, Oshawa, Ontario. L1J 8L2. COMPUTER TRAINING for home/office at times convenient for rouf We offer: Computer undamentais, Introduction f0 Word Processing, Introduction to the Intemnet, Introduction f0 Spreadsheets and Databases, Tying and Resume.Service at very afforcfable rates! We can helpyýoul Compeng Associates 725-5407. Iprepald, Inclucles tax,I for 25 wvordls or ess I nterested on a career. involving, COMPUTERS?. Durharn College prograrns offer you the skills and knowledge that today's employers wanr; backed by a guaranree that they can, rely on -- itat's the Dutrhjam Advantage! Choose from over 60 high-quality, job-focused,dipionia or degree courses that run from 8 nonths to 3 years. Programs such as Office Administration - Secretarial, Legal, Medical, Executivei-mfOffie Systems, Business Administration and rnany, many more. You may qualiif for Financial Assistance. This january corne to Durharn College-and start to prepare for emipioymnent in the real worid! Pieuse cali for more information ut 1-800-461-0549 or' 905-721-304,6 or e-mail Get a head smort on your career and caîl today for January 8th enrolmenti Educating-You for the Real World, EDO"TINA ISER VICES LEcote Française smaîl adult classes in an informaI but results-oniented environment Jbeginner to advanced courses Idesigned to meet your needs I Reasonab/e rates 20 years teaching experience Pnivate instruction also available Cail Jacques af 666-0993 NEED EXTRA HELP WITH reading & wrîting skills? Let's g et back f0 basics. Experiencecf English teacher, honours grad. Reasonable rates. 668-2156. WINTER SPECIAL computer courses $39.95 each. Computer furîdamentals, upgrading to Windows 95. 2 hour session, Saturday & Sunday. TechnoPlus 4162925253enr EMPLOYENTý FOR HIRE - moving truck and driver. 430-1080. CALL A PRO! FOR WREN LIFE BRINGS YOU A SHOCK OR TWTO! Just check the CALL A PRO section Yu and let the pros do the job Yucan compare and choese from the serices youlI find there! WHITBY SCHOOL of Music -Piano/keyboard lessons (private & group), guitar 'vioin, voîce, flute, saxophone, clarinet,' Kindermusik ( 3-5 years) anid music books. 103 -undas St. W., Whitby. 666-8780. EARN UP TO $2OIHOUR from home! Limited positions. For free details rush self-addressed, stamped envelope f0:, Maxxumn Distributing 15-75 BaRyly St. W. Suite 191,Ajax, Ontano, LIS 7K7. CRUISE -SHIP JOBS! Eamn $300-$900 weekly. Year round positions. Hiring bothý men/women. Free room &.board. Will train. Caîl, 7 da s,1-504-641-7778 ext. $35,0O0IYR/ INCOME potentiai. Reading, 'books. ,, Toit -"Free 1-800-898-9778 'Ext. R-5365 for details. $40,OOOIYR. INCOME potential., Home Typ ists/PC users. ToI! Free 1-800-898-9778 Ext. T-5365 fJor listings. TORONTO STAR, delivery- occasional. Good knowyledge o& Garrard & Manning" area. Car required. Phone (905) 430-2598. THE MUTUAL G3ROUP seeks, a,. self-motivated ,individual -' -with. excellent people skills and ari interest in achieving entrepreneurial independe ne. > Co rnplet trainingIbnefisfnnigporm available. Send resume VPearson. Lanes ,129 Byron -St. N., Whitby, Ontanio LI N 4M8., NORDIC INSTRUCTORS required certification preferred). Appiy at Dagmar Ski Resort, 1220) Lakedge Road, Ashbum. 686-3207 or 649ý-2002. EARN, UP f0 $550 a week - we need peopte to make jewellery <neckîace, bracelet, eamng). Job available coast to coast, fromyour home. No expenienoe needed. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope f0: Kevinchnis Corp.,'991 Matheson Blvd. E., Unit #5, ref. 139, Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 2V3. FAX YOUR ADI 668-0594 Co OSHAWA c)DRI SCHOOL 17=t..E. Sufte #301 Full Drivers Educaton Courses DECEMBER 5TH Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course DECEMBER 9TH & 10TH DECEMBER 16TH & 17TH Saturdays/Sundays 2 week course JANUARY 2ND TO 5TH 4 day course -PRIVATE LESSONS . REGISTEREO A APPROVED BY TNE O.S.A.. AND O.S.L mim r- -1 L- r- L-