Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Nov 1995, p. 20

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Page 20, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, November 29, 1995 M Cardwell a force for IWestern Michigan^ Now ln hie senior year at Western Michigan University, Whitby native Justin Cardwell ls having bis best season yet as a member of the school's hockey team,; And hie ecoring touch je contributing to the team's rise as one of the beet in U.S. college hockey. Ini 12 games, Cardwell bas il goals and hine assiste - bis 20 points ranks as second best on bath the Bmoncos teain and Central Collegiate league, behind only a high-scoring teammate. The former Mirkbam Waxer has already matched hie career point total conipiled over two seasons. In October, Broncos were iranked l3th in the league. But wins over seecnd-ranked Michigan (7-2) and fifth-ranked Bowling Green (4-2) aniong seven victorien in eight league games have propelled Broncos ta a sixth-place rankrng. The Whitby minor novice AA hockoey team sucoessfully defended ~their title at-a tournainent in Pickering over the weekend. Whitby held Wexford te only five sihots on goal in a 4-0 win in the final, with Dean Seton, Justin Fox, Andrew Laramy and Matt Anderson ecoring. Goalies Jordan Callaghan anid Justin White shared the shutout. Whitby- reached the final by defeating Ajax 4-2, goale by Tyler Whitby rep- hockey *MAJOR UNTAMAA spouard by Ferma Disposai Corp. Ploksdng Tourmmmnl Nov. 23 Whtby Paulllolnrlch Paul Chormbay Whltby Drk Ackford 2 Paul Mtuslk Bant Flahty MII. Fore Nov. 25 Whitby Luke Power Miko Fet justln Tory Nov. 26 - sorri-finaI Whltby MII. F««e Bob Schtlit Paul Chornobay 2 ThomhlII ô Leesde 3 Mrkham 13 Thunder MINOR SANTAMAA Nov. 20 - lague Whitby Maft Fortior2 Jordan Fizgibbon 2 Davld Dittr Androw Hoîmes Jàson Turldngton 7Clarlngton Healy, Stephen Foston, Andrew Meadowe and Seton. In round-robin, Whitby defeated Aurora 7-1 and Pickering 5-3 and tied Scarborough 2-2. Meadows had four goals and six assiste, Seton and Zach Greer tbree goals each, Anderson two goals, Cassidy a goal and Fostan five assiste. The team, sponsored by Recycle Filter Corp., also "won a tournament earlier in November and reached the final in another. MAJOR PEEWEE M muord Iy Cim»sSports Nov 25 Whftby Luc Chiason 3 Chis Trinkunas BMyn Rourice Nov. 23 Whitby Bryan Rourke3 MattRae Chrs Trnkunas Nov. 18 - exhibition Whhby -Dana Boom 2 Chris Van Duson Reom Robortson 3 Ryan Mhendes Nov. 10 Whitby Luc hiasson 2 Suon Holmes Kyla Ruttan 4(01) Whiby Dan VonEschschoftz Whftby Josh Turcotte Whtby KMn Pesi 5 Dan VonEschschoftz 5 Newnuerket à Rlchmiond Hill ô Agincourt 4 Ajax MINOR PEEWEE AM sponuord by WMHA Auxidiary Whb lhySlver StIck Toum§amsnt 1 Noth York 1 Dotroft 2 Lambton Làama..gafm Orangivllîs Toumament Nov. 18 Whitby Jared Brown Rkrk Unwln Nov. 19 Whitby. Jared Brbwn David Dittnu Nov. 15 - bague Whitby Jarsd Brown MAark Unwln fII. Hsffeulng Mark La.ms Nov. 12 -exchibition Whtby Jarad Brown 2 O.J. oddls 2 Mit Foir Mark Unwln Andrew Hoînus cil Vampe 2 Aurora 2 Nownarkat Rchmond HiII Whitby KWn Peel Mant Taylor Don Dluca Ryan Mtthews O Whitby Kein Peel Richard Min Man Taylor 4 Whitby James Hinlceon 2 KWn Peol Richard Min Cam VonEdmdHcolz 2 Nathn oft 4 Barrie 3 Oshaa 6 Peterborough MINOR PEEWEEAM Whtby Sillwr Slck Taumsnt S Dohmwa Nov. 23 4 Whftby Tom Rkicc Lucas Maylor Ryan Farrw Nov. 24 Whitby 3Hillcrest e ~*~-~3 ~ ....j~.i*. ~ ~**~$-.~-~ ~ .,t~ ~. Chwt&ief aims to -cash in WHITBY FIRE CHIEF Tony Vandoleweerd dropped in recently to buy a 1996 cash calendar from Rotari lubof Whitby Sunnise president Barry Mount. The calendars, which give their purchasers a chance to win'cash prizes each day of the year, are available from club members; catI 668-9433 for mnore information. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press Nlck Verlwyl 2 Tom Ricica San Nwport o Nov. 25 * Whitby Danny Caird 3 Tom Ricica Nlck Veriuyl 3 Nov. 20 - somi-final whitby Tom Ricica Shutout - Brin Sand 1 Nov. 26 - championship whitby Suan Newport Danny Caird Ryan Frrow Nov. 20 - bague 4 Whitby Lucas Naylor NlckV@rlcuyl Ryan Frrow Suan Newport Nov. 22 - lugus Whitby Ryn Frrw 2 Lucas Naylor 4 Jeff Pchut Danny Cird Matt Hircock 6 Rob Gwne 5 Orillia Whftby MINORATOMAA .pomiigd by Don Chenys rapuine WàItbySlilva Stick Taumamant 3 Toronto CamVonEschschotz 2 Adam Stein 1 Richmiond Hill 3 orcoros Whltby Whltby Whltby Cam VonEschschottz Kylo Mussulman Kyle Vandeloo *0 ,Oakvllo O Dotroi Lsgne gigfue 4 Oshawa MAJOR NOVICE M PIoImurng Toumammnt 4 Aummr 7 Bowmenvlle MJORATOMAA sposao.d bIsldinLon Club Nov. 24 Whitby 3 SuanKerr Matt Amis Jason Connor Justin Hawe Whitby 3 Nov. 25 Whltby Brandon Fowber Jof Suedhouue 0 Andrew Lamiot Sun Ker Whby Joreni Brln*lo Nov. 21 - lugue Whilby Brandon FmWle2 JmnConnior2 JeusiBrtn*ibo Justin Hame 2 JafmsLiske Kovn Wmsh PkhrlegTaumainnl 4 Plcb.rlng O Nopun Nov. 23 Whitby Dean Seton Zack Gro Whhtby Andrew Meadows 2 Dean Salon 2 ZakGS Tyler Healy ?Mathew Anderson Nov. 25 Whitby Andrew Moadows 2 Cameron Cassldy Zack Gr Matttew Andersn Nov. 25 - sami-finai Whhtby Andrew Meadows ¶ Dean Soton Stephen Foston Tyler Healy Nov. 26 -final Whilby 7 Dean Seton 2 Scarborough 7 Aurora ô Pickering 4 Aax 4 Wodcord Justin Fox Andrew Uramy 4 Saut Sb.Mrie 1 MatthewAndorsn MINOR NOVICE M sponsord by Leaoom Conoultlng PlkslngTaumami 1 Peterhorough 8 Orilla t $ ~qunvilIo,~., 3 Nov. 23 Whitby Mark MiMz MVP.Todd Collins Whitby Jeasse Bidule LWP - Calg Schoon Nov. 25 Whfby Nov. 22 -Iuguo Whftby Mark MIffI 2 Todd Colline 1 Wedord Sahrlm 0 Nwnurki 3 A#x A TALENT TO AMUSE? Novices hlanked Wexford to againwMn titie Act 19 Scene'i The settirg, Neds Restaurant n the basement of Victoria College, U of T. The players: Two clevgy types, aId frlends, late thlrty-somemn (by akin of teeth), havlng monthly sanity lunch id former unlvers4t hangaut. Bob: Youlre grumpy, I didn't drive twi hours for grumpy. By the way what are you doing pust for fun these days? Me: (Full 0f rlghteous Indignation over this false and baseless ' ccusation) 'Med grumpy?, Ha4 Im Just a'reallst that's ail, a simple reallst. Who voukln ?be slghtty Irritable these days? Wfith Luclen Bouchard, the Harris cits, unenlployment and the economy, l'm bé?glnnlng to reaize that Ebenezer Scrooge has been sadly mlsunderstood this past.1 00 years.a Bob: 7e11 me, what are you dolng for (un? Me (Incredulous) "Fun? Dont be idiculous, nobody has had (un since 1985. Its fot a lime for (un, .but ,serlous ,grlm-faced détermination in the face of implacable circumstances.,, Bob: . Ddl1teitlyou l'm buidig a canoe? Me: OYou cal that (un? The Iast thing 1 built was a wooden candleholder in Grade 7 shop. The teacher told me htlked .Lke a tugboatthat hadsetnxdan iceberg. That's not (un, that's self -inf(lcf ed pain. Bob: 80 do somethlng else, but for. heaven's sake, stop waIing like sorbefleid testament prophet.-LUfe's too short Scene 2, The home Me: (chuckling ta myseif in amnused and superlor sort af way) "Wendy, you won? belleve IL Bob hinted that 1 was a touch out of sorts today. He' even suggested ln bis usual subtle way that 1, was a: gnimpy okiguy. Boy, Is he wrong. Silence fram spoûsal unit, thon this: "Wel, you've been a ite gtnp> lately, why don'tyou find something Just 'for you to have fun at? Me: wWho, me, grumpy? FInd something (un to do? Nobody's had (un since 1985. It's not a time for (un but grim-faced détermination-...w Sc.no 3 Me at Whltby Courthouse Theatre audhlionlng far raIe ln Lend Mfe A Tenor. To my amnazement, 1 get part. I get ta play high-strung impresario who lurches from ane catastrophe ta the next. Heck, that won't take much acting at ail. Plus Wendy and I get ta share a stage. Il might acually, be fun.

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