Page 18, Whltby Free Pross, Wednesday, November 29, 1995 Team effortPays off or atoms iStoney Creek The Whitby minor atain AA hockey team defeated Wexford 5-1 ln the final ta capture a tournament in Stoney Creek over the weekend. Jeffreeman, Paddy Kelly, Sean Cunningham, Brad Arbour and Andrew Lebel scored for Whitby. Whltby opened the taurnament wlth a 10-0 win over Flamborough as Lebel and Aaron McMurray each scored twice, singles by Shawn Holman, Tanner Twining, Freeman, Cunningham, Arbour and Paddy Kelly. Devin McLeod got the shutaut. Under- 16s unheaten -in four The Whitby Raiders are undefeated in the first round of under-16 indoor rep soccer beague play at Markham's Mount Joy indoor soccer facility. Raiders have defeated the four other teams in the league ta earn first place. Work together to solve ice To the editor As chair for Whitby precision skating team, I have delayed my response ta the current rhetaric on rink expansion in Whitby, to ensure as objective a response as possible. From aIl I have read, it seems that everyone, including council, is dealing with only part of the picture. Loet me try ta enlighten the parents of the skaters who will be impacted by any decision on ioe pad expansion. From meetings with parka and recreation in spring of 1995, all ioe usera did support the $25-per-hour increase proposed at that time, on the basis of two new ice pada at Iroquois Parkin September 1997. Agreement by the Whitby Figure Skating Club and precision skating was based on a three-year phase-in, fot a start-up in 1996. This increase allowed parka and recreation ta operate within eisting budgets and void the need for increased taxpayer subsidies. For precision skaters, a $25-per- hour increase in 1996 would represent a 27.6 per cent increase on current ice costs - flot insignificant in these tough economic turnes. Then we corne ta the issue of the number of hours required. In my original letter to parka and recreation, precision estimated increasing weekly usage from 10 hours; par week to 24 hours par Cali fony 85.00/in. TELEHOP'"430-8031 week - flot an increase of 24 hours as the parts and recreation report indicates. This means the 192 hours quoted was actually 182 hours, if the hours quoted are correct from the other user groupa. Suddenly, in late September, parka and recreation called all user groups back ta the table for further discussions. This was the result of a private developer entering the picture with a plan ta build and open a quad, complex by September 1996. At the meeting of Oct. 3, we were asked ta review our original 1997 ice usage forecasts - incorrect in the parka and recreation report - ta determmne what we would forecast if arenas were available by 1996. Now we were faced with a ývery different turne frame and a rnuch more difficult financial picture. Additionally, parka and recreation requested aur answers for an Oct. 17 meeting. User groupe were not provided with tawn expansion plans or any demographic information from the Town planning departinent, but were now ta make firin commit- mente. As a resuit of the review, firrn commitinents now tataled only 123 hours par week due ta the heavy financial commitinent we al had ta weigh. This seerned ta disappoint parka and recreation staff who were looking ta guarantee 180 hours of ioe usage par week ta the private developar. This raises the question ofwhy Whitby user groupa should b. required ta give any private business a cash fiow guarantee. Retail buminesses ail take chances in opeming, why should a private ice supplier be treated differently? As volunteer leaders 'of aur respective user groupa, we had ta think of all the impacts a 1996 opeming would have. Shoulci 1996 have beon a reality, precision would have added one more team. Scorers for Whitby have been Mark Engelage (fIve), Danny Mattin (two), Brian Rainey, David Fillion, Jerry Zielinski and Daniel prblems of 24 ekaters, resulting in a total budget in trease of over $60,000. Ini taday's environment of funding, cutbacks, dowvnsizing and fiscal restraint, an increase of this magnitudle can not be taken lightly. Lastly, at aur meeting of Oct.17, the user groupa did propose ta parka, and recreation that other muncipalities be contacted ta determmne their needs for ice. It seema thia was not done prior ta presentatio'n to operations comrnittee, resulting in the current chaos. User groupa realize the frustration parka and recreation must feel with the process, but shifting th anus for the current situation t only five user groupa will hardly',solve aur ice shortage problein. We need ta, break the "we versus them" menta]ity that seems ta eit and share the responsibility ta keep aur kids involved. Let's find the ways ta break down the barriers ta progress instead of erecting new ones. I arn certain the user groupe would be happy ta work with council on a prompt resolution of the issues. Gary Hansford Whitby Iroquois indoor Demmer. Eric Kolobutin, Adam Gruchala and Mike Schleiffer have been strong in, midfield. Keeper Brandon Cedar has played superb in goal, with the help of defencemen James West-Bentley, Bryant -Harte, Derek Pollock, Stefan Nicota and Stan Dymeeki. The team is sponsored bà y Kubota Canada Ltd. and Bank of Montreal. Atoms fai1 irm filna The Whitby Audio major atom house league team lost 5.3 ta Stoney Creek in the final of a tournament in Hageraville reoently. Ian Brook had two goals and Thomas -McWhirter the other for Whitby. Brook got the shutout when he played goal in a 3-0 win over Hagersvile Blues in the first gaine. Andrew Corner, Adam Death and McWhirter scored. Death and McWhirt;er each had two goals and two assists, single goals by Patrick Miller, Richard Thomas and Brian Heeney. Kristian Haîkias had the tying goal and the overtime winner in a 5-4 win over Glanbrook in the semi-final. Miller also had two goals, Ryan Taylor the other; Other team miembers are Drew Weaver, Jason Barton, Richard Grills, Mlark Tucci, Colin Barrett and Drew Dockrill. Zokuocd 2 Poder Rouinl2 WadicVI" soccer PEEWEE Nov. 18 Teurn46 DIayl Edwards Toam f4 Rlyan lreland 4 Roger Carmck 2 SimonThrow 2 Annaccmardi Nlandy Co Shawna kMenay John Speers Tam #2 Lusa Gouvia 2 Nathan Whtney 2 Tuam f3 Md c tuo Air3 Sarah Jeffercy DOM eahy JonathanlThompson Tem #10 Mk Welch2 David Bnnett Daniel Dubeau Nov. 25 Canadian lire Watson Mec Flego Clark Graes 1 Tourn#8 DanyflCain 2 Andrew Siclling Darien iller 12 Tm #9 Me .Radel' Lisu alornne .loason Vanular 4 Teurn#5 Blar Edmonda S Teum #1 David Crabbe 2 Davd Draper 4 Team #1 Neil MoCabe James Elîrmun Andrew Race Brnt head DidMForms 1 Brooldin Ladies AwLa Benvorauto 3 Cougalan 2 par*a 2 Paul Lallanc Douack Bob Johoson 5 Canadima"e Konos 2 TMon"m 2 Village ChrisWe wew 4 ongnun FoumRnanrial Nousbn riagechrysle Dubm 2 Wie. Tom ktalum Jon. ko&in Lades Atm L Zan Canadiana Mel Bob Johso Sandhaus2 Zdwecd Chdian Nov, 11 6 Pal labla Noa2 2 L.ea 5 Kaiob» IL Bud 0 Tom kMeduum Raid 2 3 FoatutuFnania 3 Kvi 80 D. BdM 4 WaltziWas Caugu 3 RÈW nPooh Lohner5 2 P.ii L.awb 1 ktc Fdgo ROUM Farrager Parafli 4 Casuduan Tm 7 Bob Johnson CaudnuhotLb I1Cane" Mme Kls~ Domensm McMurray fired the wlnning goal lni a come-from-beblnd 4-3 win over Riverside. Cunningham scorod two goals and Freeman the other. Freeman, McMurray and Wayne Turcotte scored ln a 3-2 win over Windsor in the division final that sent Whitby ta the championshi final. Other team members are Kevin Lomax, Cameron Langlois, Jason Michie, Ryan Johnston, Aaron Maguire, Colin. Harvey and Kyle Simpeon. The team is sponsored by Casey'e <irfflhouse & Beverage Co. A&Ilmni wanted The Durhamn College atliletic departinent wiil hold the annual men's basketball alumni niglit on Friday, Dec. 8. AU formner men's bae3ketball alummi who are interested can eall Ken Babcock at 721-3047 to register. Durham indoor soccer UNILEASIE MON 1 Noa.le DudumCddct OulwaTuni LS Rang«i Nov. 23 LS Rangers Durham Celtlc Whftby Steelers Nov. 19 odhw an Ba icks Nov. 26 Oshawa Kcks Bicycles Plus Whitby Inn Claringtan African Stars il CCSCAdrIa 1 14 OshawaTumul 2 4 African Stars 2 .vIsOeN0 WMbty Inn Cladnuton PMnhe PringleS Red Rougors Oshawa Jazz Trident Red Rougers Melanle PringleS_ Fltzgerald Mavmldis Sandhaus Puhm Clark 7 Grm VillageChmywe Wir, Tom mdcalum LYam.da 2 Wankeri Rid Fortune FOnda 5 Huston 3 Delnasti2 Dupis 3 NOV. 5 Village Chrysler Dubu Bonai S Ralnd Pools Lohnert 2 McLaughlin 0 Goddard Porter Whibney Seymour 3 Kavn Bull D. Bull 4 N. Bull 2 Denning 0 Dingnuon Marliin NIchOns mber Flgo Flego 2 3 Parali BromoktiLdiesAu Bainuto 2 pa* 4 Bmoldin Ladins Au Benvonito 2 O'Harlu Vanular 2 Rind Pools LohnotS0 ftLaughlln 2 Rossini 4. Kevn Bull N.MBi2 Wailce Dmnlning 7 Waltzn Weuse R. Oick 2 Tom McCalum 10 Fotune FnancWa Denmastm Dupin Houstin M:cMofly 10' wallzin Weas 3 Canadanire Bowemn Fftpatrick Sandhaus Watson 3 Bob Johnson Christian 4 Cana"as 1e IPaul Leblanc KIok Survey Information Application for Ice Permits The Parks and Recreation Department la currently gathening aurvey Information regarding future lce requirementa withln the community. Interested applicants should complote an application form avallable from the Parks and Recreation Department. Only those requests which offer a full and reasonable prograrn MI be considered for the purposea of the survey. The intent of the survey is ta gather relative information from Whitby- basod groupa wha propose to utilize facilities on a weekly basis, tram approximately September 1 ta April 30 of each year, starting September, 1997. Survey forma may be obtained al the Town Hall, 575 Rosland Road East, Whltby, at the Parka and Recreation Deparment or Iroquois Park Comlx or by calling (905) 668-5803, ext. 214, during regular businss nurs.