Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1995, p. 32

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Page 32, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, January 25, 1995 HANDYMAN WITH special interest in assisting seniors, reasonable rates. Painting, plumbinq, electrical, carpentry & other vartous needs. Robert 430-8148. SPANKY'S PROPERTY Maintenance. Snow clearing service for driveways and parking lots at competitive pnices. Free estimates. No obligation! Cali Jim now and ask f0or details at -.668-6803. DRYWALL & FRAMING. Complete residential & commercial renovations. Taping & textured ceilings. Cai Dieter for a free estimate, 430-1207. CINDY'S ALTERAllONS, 133 Byron St. N. - Pearson Lanes. Corne see me for ail your sewing, needs. Tues. - Fr1. 10 - 5:30, Sat. 10 -3. Caîl 430-6550. CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY. In ryOur home or studio. Fashion/glamour with FREE make-up from $35. Portraits from $2999, weddings from $550, modeis,, actors. FASHION PHOTOS 905-571-5008. HOME.- RENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, inspections, siifications, carpentry, piumbing, electricai, windows, energy conservation. Cati Jacques of Al Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. LADY. LOUISE CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Alterations and repair on draperies. Affordable prices. For your free in-homne sho ping and estimate cati 432-1714. &ustomner's fabrics are weicomne. HOUSECLEANING: residential, commercial and apartments. Free estimates' and reèences. Some Thurs. and Fni. a ppointments available. Please oeil 728-5622 alter 6pm. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive gquality portraits. Studio or in home. Babies, children. families: Packages from $29. Also: weddings from $469, christenings, groups, boudoir, copy & restoration, anniversaries promotional. No GSTI 427-91ë4. VOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE.' Sewing machine repairs. Ait makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Compiete tune-up f rom $2à9.95 + parts. Factory trained. technicians. For free pick-up & delivery catI 432-7375.. QUALITY DAYCARE available in my home. Nutnitious breakfast, lunch & snacks inicluded & daily outings to play groups, library, etc. Reasonable rate. No children under 1 year. For more information cal 666a-5452. EXPERIENCED PRIVATE home daycare. Garden/Bassett. Part or full-time. Caîl Maisie 430-8346. EXPERIENCED & reliabie mother will provide daycare in mv home. Any age welcome. Close to Anderson/Rossland. Cati Mary 430-0011. edm iwd 4ad. p anPnniting Conult eairs frmingppleth eeInf r emotonadvl fry ee aestpriate cs. 432 5-70 ENGLISH NANNY DAYCARE - 2. mums provid e loving care for your infants & toddlers. Cleanl, safe, happ environment, gentl structured program. Toys, cia, g mes, music soytime circle. Safe outdoor play, nutntious snacks &lunch. Small number of children. BloorlTownline area. Cali Karen,& Alison 723-5640. EXPERIENCED MOTHER of 2 19 available to provide- full/part-time care to pre-school & schooi age children. Reasonabie rates. Rossland/Andersofl area. Cali 666-2685. MOTHIER 0F TWO WILI, provide reliable daycare for alil nes in a simoke-free environment.I Stories, crafts & lyts of 1toys, nacks& meals . included. Brokit.&401 area. 668-3505. LOVING MOM of one year old would like to care for your child. Smoke-free environment. Gien Hitl Dr. - DundaslThicksofl area. References availabie. 430-0345. CARING MOTHER wili provide daycare in our smoke-free home, lots of activities indluding Y-Drop-ln. Bonacord & McQuay, Col. Farewetl school in backyard. Caîl Susan 430-2238. CARING & RELIABLE mother wili rovide daycare in my home. Nuttious lunches & snacks, fenced backyard with play equipment. Lots of fun provided. Thickson/Ro5Slafld. Cali Elaine 430-3059. MOTHIER WITH 10 years ECE expenience offering loving home care. Large, bnight playroom set.up as kndergarten class with ongoing educationat activities provided. Fenced backyard with play equipment. N utritious meals. Non-smoker. Manning & Thickson. Cali 436-7857. Specializing in _ Eariy Childhood P Education. ' For Ppace ef Mnd. Perry House Child Came Servces 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-947 PFITZGERALD"\I ROON CARPET OR EN i GenemIwJarpentryÀdiUtions= Home improvement i FRIHE OM fr rent, C em8IfiC Mirng $80/week.' Share bathroom & M O 01L kitchen. Student or worr DrywallAndPainting p referred. Walk to al amenities. 19uramn Please caIl 666-3776 AFTER 6PM. IRegion e 1254 Lu Cail: AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - clean mor in Whitby. Ail facilities 468-4686." inciuded, parking & close to GO station. $85 mnonthly. Firstllast. ____________________ Cati 668-9736. The Mutual Group HRTRAN calfor quotation 668966 e432-7216 COUNTRY LIVING - 2 rooms for rent, $75lweek. Cai 430-8501. FURNISHED OR unfumished room, full use of house, washer & dryer. Male or female non-smoker. $350 month. Leave message 666-8388. CLASS1F1ED MARKETPLAC !'AveriseAcrssOntario or A cross -the Counr .US.NESS......U..T.ES LEARN 0F A BUSINESS opportunity, new to the Canadian marketplace, on how te make 'prof ossional residual Inceme loveis" on everyone's 'uttimate product.* Free report .1-800-700-5822. SEARCHING FOR A CAREER alterna- tive? Watkins, rated one of the top 10 home-based business opportunities todlay, has a proven, century-long history of hetplng entrepreneurs tind success. Cati Independent Marketing Director 1- 800-300-8573. BE VOUR OWfM BO S. Estabttshed pet food company nee s part-time home based and f uli-time rgionai distributors. Develop and servicé regular pet food customers. No MLM or deor-to-door. Min-' imum Investment $1 ,ý50., Jeff (416) 736- 9500. . .ARER ......TIE University/Cellege Graduates - NATION- ALACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE - $30.000 StartIng Saiary - THE PAUL REVERE INSURANCE COMPANY - For an Interview, fax your resume te Neil Paten - 905-632-1152. CA EE -RAINING BE A SU CCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home-study course. Cali for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829 The WrIt- ing Schooi 2266-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa, Ontario KI L 6R2. LEARN AUCTIONEERING aI the South- western School of Auctioneering. Next Ciass: MARCH 18-24. Information , con- tact: Southwestern Ontarlo'Schooi of Auctioneerîng, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ont ario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTITUTE of Vancouver et fers corrospondenoe cours- os for the certiticate of Counseiiing Stud- ios to begin the lSth et the month. For brochure phono: 1-800-665-7044. A NEW CAREER! Loarn Incomo Tax Preparation or Basic Beokkeoping. Tax deductibie certificate courses. For free brochures, no obligation: U & R Tax Ser- vices, P.O. Box 6052, London, Ontario, N5W 5R6, 1 -800-665-5144. Enquire about exclusive franchise territertos. EMPLOYMENT ,*OPPS.. ALBERTA FARM DEALERSHIP requires service manager. Must pessoss working knowledgeoetf farm equipment industry and experionce ln mechanical field. Must be neatlin appearance and able to deai with public and feltew employeos ln f riondly marnnor. Computer experienco nocessary. Forward resume to: Blankel Classifiod Box 101, c/e OCNA, Box 451. Oakvitle, Ontario L6J 5A8. ALBERTA FARM EQUIPMENT dealer- ship roquires additional experienced parts persons/managers te stock and maintain ag parts inventory. Cloan appearance and ability te deai with public in f riendiy manner necessary. Computer experionce necessary. Send resumne to: Bianket Ciassified Box 102, c/e OCNA, Box 451, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A8. WE ARE LOOKING for an enthusiastic, seif-motivatod person te be our sales rop. Farming background and experienco in f arm ag sales f ield required. We offer f air reisum ionkeitCbassled Bx 103 c/oum QoA Box 451, akvIleBontarlo L6J5A8: RURAL ALBERTA Ford dealer wIth multi- pie locations is seeking quailty personnl ln the followlng areas: mechanies, parts- men, new and used vehicle sales. If you feel yeu are qualifled and would like te dlscuss a future ln our organization please cati Lynn Warrlner at 403-842- 4400. SL ESHL WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a lot ef money seliing chocolate bars .-NEW $2.00 PRODUOTS. Nothing te pay ln advance, fast dellvery 1-800-38-DELUX. GALETTA LIVESTOCK SALE. Barn under new management, Emie Smith et Pinto Valley Ranch welcomes everyone. Cattie Sale every Wednesday. Herse Sale ln Spring. For Information please cail (613)623-3439. LEARN THE SECRETS et cherding on guitar. New home study course. Fast, easy methed. Guaranteedl FREE Infor- matIon. Popular Music Studio G42, 103 - 1054 Ellis, Kelowna, B.C. Cal. 1-800-667- 0050 Ext-77O. (*A cest will be incurred) LIVE PSYCHICS. Police use us. . . Har- ness your destiny. Yeur présent and future revealed. *Love *Success *Money. Flnd out now. cai 1-900-451-4055. $2.99/mIn. 18. REAL SAE GOT A CAMPGROUND membershlp/tlmeshare? We'ii take If! Amertca's largest. eldest resale cleaing- house. Resort Sales International 1-800- 423-5967. Tîmeshare rentais needed. Cail 24 hours a day. ST EL UILDINS BUILDINGS ... ElImInale the mlddleman. Faclory Direct. 30x40 $6,944.00. 30x48 $7,794.00. Our stralghtsidod quenset style is economicai, easy to assemble and built te last. Pioneer 1800-668-5422. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Top Ouality Straightwall Wood/Steel & AlV/SteeI Buildings, CSA Cerif led, Work- shops, Barns,, Arenas, Stables, Etc. Large or Smali, Contracting & Financing Available, 24 heurs 1-800-561-2200. STEEL BUILDINGS- QUONSETS 25x30l' $2,179.00, 33'x36' $3,741.00, 35'x50 5$6,037.00 , 42'x56' $7,157.00, 45x66 5 7,894.00, 48'x80 5$10,588.00, 50'xlOO' $14,970.00. Many te choose trom. Ends optional. Future 1-800-668- 8653. WANTED: Top Dollars paid for heavy trucks for wrocklng. Any quantity, any condition, running, tired, retired or sai- vagoable. Prompt cash . Cati Provincial Truck Salvage (519) 843-1126. *It's Affordable a It's Fast It's Easy e One 9111 Does It Ail a Northern Ontario $63 -,Easternà Ontario $91, -Western Ontario $162- Central Ontario $168 - Ail Ontario $380 -National Packages Avaitable Cail titis paper for details! "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACEu To reach a wIer market, adverflse throughout dm. regloimemmbesMip of the Onario and Canadian CommuriIly PNwopaperAssocIaiofs. tentral Ontario 50 newvspapers - $168 for 25 words - Ail Ontario 178 Newspapers - $380 for 25 words eAilCanada 583 newsalp.rS - $1,183 for 25 words I N*'.'X X««ý***'**..~::» . 1 91 M. IR M m , M. M. - 'Ze e r" a l 1 U

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