Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1995, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Fr00 press, Wednosday, January 25. 1995 'Work' im, the treatment program wili pay, off ByMbark Reesor «Wo're- not medical profos- sionals, we're just women wboso bones are falling aparti» ThaVs the way M ret Mun- hall end Millie Dod begen a presentation on ostooporosis at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Contre recently. Dodd bas been involved in the osteoporosis, program at St. Micbaere Hospital in Toronto since discovering she had the diseaso ini 1983. 1"1 was sitting on a bus and (as) I went te gt off the driver slemmed on the brakes ta avoid bitting a car in front of him and 1 sat down. "I went te work and tbought I bad the flu. Meny borror sterios later including a 10-day stay in thelios1pital where they nover evon lookod at my back, I dis- vertebrae." Dodd says âhe went te an acupunrst for holp, with tho "excrciating"pain.I "Sho lookod at my back very carefully witb ber x-ray fingers and said 'This is a dog's break-. fast, what have you been doing te your back?'» T este at St. Michael'e showed - she bad tbree healed fractures in ber back and had lost a third of __ the bone mass in ber opine. S "When I looked at the x-rays I 01 was absolutely horrified because MilliE you could actually almost se spol through the bone, it was so dise, porous,» she says. vity Skateathon, By Stephon G. Leahy purcha equipi If ar KINSMEN SKATE-A-THON parto group Brooklin and District Kinsmen phono will hold their annuel skate-a-thon on Friday, Feb. 3 at PRE noon in Luther Vipond Mrena. Ktids from St. Lea and The Meadowcrest will ho out and Stoxy about collecting pledges from five-ye patrente and noighboure for each 7:15 P a s kated around the arena (100 21 an( laps maximum). Regist The money raised will go from towards the various pro)jecte Feb.« funded by Kinsînen, such as persai cystic fibroe. progr '~Kinemen will be on hand ta earlyi supervise the skate and te offer A the kids encouragement. and young rgoodie bags. Four prizes will also no lor begiven ta the top pledge-getters. branc] Kinsmen donated $4,000 lest cutbag faîl ta St. Leo and Meadowcrest Whitb so they could purchaso computer on TL rEOPOROSIS support group. volunteers mass in her spine when diagnosed wïth ie Dodd (above) and Margaret Munhali osteoporosis, in 1983 -- she now has, 94 per ke on how to combat the bone-robbing cent bone mass, thanks to an ambitious )ase recently at the Whitby Seniors'-Acti- treatment program. Centre. Dodd had lost a third of the bone Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Fme Press ROOKJIN 'Wheelslunheon pianned ise sanie new camping rient. nyone is interested in being of this very active service Sor juet wants ta help out, 3Albert at 655-5235. E-SCHOOL STORYTIM eBrooklin librery wiIî offer time for four- and rear.old children froin 6:30 ta p.m. starting Tuesday, Feb. d continuing for four weeks. îration for the program- is noon ta 8 p.m., ýTuesday, 14 and must ho done in )n. This is a very popular um, se ho sure te register in the day. previous program for ger ages, 'Tales for Tots,' le riger offored at the Brooklin eh hocause cf funding 3cks. The main branch in ,y still offers this program. 'uesdays through Thursdays 10:15 ta 10:45 a.m. Phone nain branch at 668-6531 for informnation. BROOKLIN PHARM-ACY0 ~F~65 BALDWIN ST.,, BROOKLIN LOB 100 905- 655- 3301 Vaginitis: common and annoying but curable Two medications are now involve itching, swelling, javailable without burning and a whitish, Jprescription to treat curdy discharge. vaginal yeast infections. Canesten and Monistat '(~~tcn'and 'Monistat' are verv effective treat- are available in phar- macies in both creamn and ovules. .. i ments. But if you are not sure consult your physician for a correct Infective vaginitis causea oiagrlosis. vagimIiub IIda by yeast organisms may many causes. I DESSERT AND CARI) PARTY Brooklin United Church Wornen will hast 'Cupid's Dessert and Card Party' on Wednesday, Feb. 15, at.7 p.m. Admission le $4.25, by advanoe ticket saes only. For more information, cali 655-4559 or 655-4141. WIEEI.S TO MEALS A Wheels ta Meals luncheon and 'Collector's Day will ho held on Wednesday, Fe. 8, noon at St. Thomas Memnorial ffaîl, Anderson Street and Winchester Road, Brooklin. Those attending are asked te bring items from their collec- tions, and tell other participants about their collections.' For more information, caîl 655- 3187 or 655-8716. Tho 1994 luncheons ended with a well-attended Christmas event on Dec. 14 that included a roast beef meal, Christmas pud- ding and other goodies. Serving up the meal were senior students from St. Lea School. The Brownies provided napkins and holders. A festive program organized by the clergy and featuring Janet Stachow-followed the luncheon. About $300 -- the excese funde raised froni the Wheels te, Meals program over a. year --- and food hapers were given.te the Salva- tion Army.* GUPID'S DESSERTANI) CARI) PARTY 18 RACK Those Brooklinites who favour the dessert table are ini luck. On Wednesday, Feb. 15 at 7 p.m., Brookin's United Churcb Women CUlES WINTER CAMAP Last year it was cold - really cold. This year it was wet - realîy wet -- for the' boys who camped out in the log cabine at Osbawas Camp Samac a couple cf weeks ago. r'nitald everyone -- leaders, adult helpors and id -- survived being cooped up indoors for moet of the weekend. wlll host an evening of carda and ail the fancy desserts you cen eat in the church hall. Prgrssive ouchre will ho the main card geme but groupe of four who wish ta play something else are welcome ta, do so. Juet phono in advanoe so, that the tables cari ho set up for you. Now as ta, the desserte, rmn told there will bo virtually every calorie-rich - creation available. Coffee and tea will aIea ho provided. And if that isn't enough, there are prizes galore. This evening has always been a great succesand numnbers are limited. Tickets are $4.25 per person and muet ho ordered in advence. CaIl 655-4559 te get in on the fun, friendship and the banquet cf sweet delectables. BROOKL1N BRANCII CHI 1LDBEN'S CLUB While Teddy Bear nionth is winding up, aIl chiîdren aged 4 and up are welcome on Saturday fromn 10:30 ta 11:30 a.m. POTLUCK SUPPER The Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Beethoven Lodge No. 165 (Brooklin), will ffioîd a pot- îuck supper on Monday, Feb. 6, 6:30 p.m., at the lodge on Bagot Street. The supper will ho foîlowed by an open meeting with1 guest speaker Jake Morrow, who wiîî discues bis work with Ontario native people. The evening wilî end with caf- fee and refreshments. For more information caîl 666-0814. Steve Leahy's colurnn appearsI every week. He can b. reached ai 655-4898 or 655-5888 (fax). vhy you're walking, *xou shouldn't be walking around.. But Dodd says bier experienco proves youL can fight the disease. After il years, of treatinont, 'What started out as 66 per cent bone mass ie now 94 per cent, 50 I can give you a personal guaran- tee that if you concentrate, and work at the program, you can inprovo your situation tremen- DÎl treatment program in- cluded drug e, diet changes, nutrition andl special exorcises. She did loso an inch and a baîf in height. "My sons love it becauso now they can look down. and pat me on the head end I hate itt I cen no longer dominato themi» Most doctors cen't help people deal with osteoporosis because «they haven't been educated,» Dodd says. "I know myseif, I got a slap on the back and was told 'Hey honey, you're just gtingod What do you want? Youyve got to live with this.' «Well, no, man, you don't have to live with it. You cen do somo- thing about it.» Munhaîl found out sho had osteoporosis tbree yeare' ago, «by sheer chance,» when a gynecolo- gist suggested she have a bone index reading.~ sebdls bone mass and a haif an incb in bellit. She began taking calcium end the drug 'Didronel' about two years ago, and bas stablil- ized. Regular bone index readings are .important --"(for) 'anyone ovmer the age of' about 40j', it should be a mandatory part of your checkup every year... mon, too. Don't ignore this, giye because you, too, can ho at risk.» The test shows whetber :youre stable or losing or, gaining bone mass, says Munhail. "The doctor will say 'Oh well, you're doing not bad.,Juet'keep on the way you're doing.']But you need more answers tan tbat... vuhave to manage your own 'elast tbiri yu at te do je W ait until youre walking down the street one day and you heer this tremendous snap, faîl fiat on your face and discover you have a broken hip -- and that happons te people, believe me," adds Dodd. «You usod to hear 'Oh ehe fll and broko ber hip.' No, she didn't the hip broko and ehe felI down.ý' Studios show many Canadiens don't get enough calcium, a lack of which is a contributing factor in osteoporosis. It's recommended women aged 19 to 49 take 700 milligrams of calcium a day (1,200 mg. if preg- nant or nursing), eîther through diet and/or pille. Mon aged 19 te 49 should ho gotting 800 mg. daily. That amount increasos te 800 mg. a ay, for both sexes, in the 50- ested in joining or wbo wents more information on osteoporosis to phono 683-3948 (Munhiaîl) or 725--1683 (Dodd). The VWhitby Seniors' Activity Contre is considering sta.rting a support gonp. Call Peggy Lewis at 668-1424 if interested.

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