Page 16, Whtby Free Press, Wednosday, Januaty 25,1995l Display to explain meaning of Islam The. Ahmadiyya Movenient ini Islam (Durham chapter) will have a display at the. Whtby, Public Library, Feb. 1 te 28. The. theme of the display will b. Rahmadhzan (month cf fasting). Tii. month of February ie very sacred te all Muslime, signfying devotion te tth. wjll cf Alah and te the study of the Holy Quran (holy book of Muslims). mhe display explains the meaning cf Islam. Materials on dieplay include pictures and bocks euch as the. hcly Quaran, in Arabie and in English, French, Ita]ian, Urdu, Ruesian and other languages. Other bocks include' Murder in the Namne of Allah," 'Man of God,' 'Jesus in India,' 'Gulf War Crisis,' « Philoeophy Teachinge cf Islam,' 'Lessons on Islam' (four-book series), 'Sayings cf the. Prophet of Islam,' ' Selected verses of tiie Holy Quran," 'Selected Sayings of the. Promised Mesiah.' For more informaticn on Islam or for timings cf fast, contact Lone Ahmad at (905) 666-9539. F DURHAM'S TOP FINANCIAL PLANNERS... aTFA lnvestment Planning Centre Any money that you manage to save for retirement is hard-eamned capital. Tlhe money in your RRSP is flot money you want to risk. And because building capital is a life-longactivity, you want a method of RRSP invesfing that is easy for you to manage. For many individuals, mutual funds are the ideal RRSP solution. They offer the benefits of professional management, investmnent selection, diversification and case of admiùnistration. For your complinntary appointment to review your currènt financial situation, contact Whtby's top financial planners at TPA Tnvestmient Planing Centre 223 Brock St. N., Suite 200, Whitby e 666-0896 Save an extra 40% im taxes on your RRSP contribution tbis year " Working Ventures Canadian Fund is a labour-sponsored investment fund that invests primarily in small and medium-sized Canadian businesses. " Such investments offer the potential for above-average returfs but involve higher risks than many other investments. " AnIIiV~IIcI inetetin YYUIIiIIn L Ventures requires a long-term commitment and cannot guarantee any specific rate of return or. any return. Redemption of shares of Working Ventures is subject to certain conditions. " Attractive tax credits available to investors in Working Ventures provide immediate benefits and are intended to offset these risks., Important information about this investment fund is containçd in its prospectus. Obtain a copy from a securities dealer t'ully qualified and licensed to distribute these secunities and read it carefully before investing. Share value and invesmrent return, will lucuate. *The extra provincial taic credits are available to investors resident in Ontario, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. r i OBLTUARIES JANE McJARGEY A resident of Whitby for 10 yeare, Jane Mcflharg.y died at Whitby General Hospital on Jan. 12, 1995. 8he was 86. 8h. liv.d at 225 Hickory St., Whitby, and formerly lived in Scarborough for thr.e years.,i A daughter cf the. late ALfd and Beatrice White, se.was born in England on Aug. 19, 1908. On March 25, 1940 she was married in London, Ont. te John Harold Mcflharg.y, who died before ber. 8h. ie survived by son John (and bhis wife EIly), daughter Nancy (Mrs. Steve Abba) and grandcbuldren Stephanie, Corrine, Shaun and Ryan. Mrs. Mcflharg.y was at the. W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, where Rev.- Jeanette Millar conducted the. funeral service, followed by cremation at Thomton Crematorium,ý Oshawa. Contributions can b. made to the Canadian Cancer Society. MARY TOWNSEND Mary Townsend cldied at Fairview Lodge, Whitby, on Dec. 28, 1994, at age 88. A daughter of Charles Smal and Rtos-Anne MeConville, se was- born at Newry, County Down, freland, on Mareh 28, 1906. Mrs. Townsend lived in Toronto for 20 years and in Brooklin for 42 years. She was a member of St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic' Church, Whitby. On May 20, 1928, se was married in Banff, Alta., to Henry Townsend, who died on July 16, 1971. Mrs. Townsend ie survived by daughter Dorothy, Marguerite (Mre. James Hunter) of Scarboroug-h, grandchildren Jaie (and hie wife Fran), Nancy and Marina Hunter and Colleen, 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Fainily Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments' 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointmenta gladly arranged FROM s12,995l GOLF "WORLD'S BEST SELLING CAR"f Power locks, tinted glass, dual mirrors., advanced safety system, and much more. Freight, PDI,& taxes extra. O.A.C. OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC.'3 Proven to serve you BEST since 1972. An »I CARE* and CM a ward winer. 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby 686-6410 KCathy and John Townsend, and great-grandchildren Brittany and Alyshia Hunter. 8h. ie alec survivd by sister Elizabeth MeKenna of Northern Ireland and many nieces and nephews in Canada, the. U.S., England, and Australia. 8h. was predeceased by sons John Edwin (Jack) Towns.nd (June 28, 1994), infants Henry (Sonny) in, 1929 and Robert (1930). Brothers John, James, Edward and Michael and sisters Rose, Kathleen and Bridget also died before her. Mrs. Townsend was at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whtb Rev. Father Andy McBeth conducted the Mass of Christian Burial at St. John the. Evangeliet Church- on Dec. 30, 1994, followed by interment in Groveside Cemetèry, Whitby. STELLA MACDONALD Stella Melinda MacDonald died at Fairview Lodge, Wihitby on Jan. 12, 1995. She was 88. 8h. was born in lqewfound1and. on Dec. 28, 1906. 8h. ie survived by -daughter Graoe (and her hueband Gr Ros) of Whitby, granddaughters CILD FND Child FInd Durhamn Begion needs volunteers. Cail (905) 420t.9917. Sarah and Jili of Lakefield, brothers and sisters ini Arizona, Toronto and Newfoundland ana mnany nieces and nephews. Sh. was predeceased by her husband Kenneth and a brother. Ib. funeral service was held on Jan. 14. Interment at Pin. His Cemetery. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 12 1. It cost $6,000 to build Brooklin United Church in 1867. 2. Robin Nicholson (1890- 1970) worked at the buokie factory for 58 years, starting at age 16 and retiring at age 74. 3. The King family (originally spelled Keonig) came to Whitby from Prague', Czechoslo vakia, in 1863, the first Jewish famnily in the town. They operated a tanneryfor 90 years, where the No Frilis store is now located on Brock Street South. 4. James Wallace (1814-1882) built Burr Lodge at 918 Centre St. S: in 1854-55. It is now divided into apartments. Here 's an exainple: Investiment in Working Ventures $5000 Tax Savings - $2.500 -RRSP tax deduction (at 50%Y assumned tax rate> Federai Tai Crédit (20%/) -$1.000 Provincial Tax Credit* (20% where applicable) - $1.000 Your Net cost $ 500 Your Total Savings $4,500 Your Financial Health Derek Dutka Secure alternatives to GICS* <Fourth ofa serie on RRSP%) The. most popular RRSP investmnent je a Guaranteed Investnient Certificat.. However, the low interest rates in the lait while have led many investors te look for alternatives. In January, of 1994, even the. banke and trust companies were expoundng the virtues of high returna throughmta unds. . Vhhle there are <fixed income' mutual g4fua theySURl fluctuate in value and are not suitable for everyone.Tw other fixed income investments that are suitable for RRSPs are stripped coupon bonds and retirement savings bonds. Thfese bonds are guaranteed by the issuer, such as the Canadian governnxent,. various provincial governments publicly backed comparies such 'as Ontario Hydro, and individual corporations such- as Bell Canada. (Jovernment bonds are guaranteed by the goverrnment, therefore no $60,000 limit applies. For pope with concerne about security, this le an important factor. A strippd con is the interest portion of a bond and may b. purchasedcindependently. Tii. coupon is purchased at a discount. The. amount of discount depends on the length te, maturity and the prevailing interest rates. On. thixng is for sure - once you purchase the coupon, you know exactly what the niaturity value will b.- at a specifi.d future date. For example, a stripped bond maturing in lOyears at an intprest rate of 9 per cent costs $42,260 today, and matures at $100,000 ten years from now. Retirement savings bonds (RSBs) allow you te, fix a rate of r.turn, at today's level, for, period of up teo0years, governixig both the compounding and income penod of your investment. For exaxnple, take a person retiring in 13y.r e dte wanting te draw on lier RRSPs. An Ontario yr RSB te fit tuis situation would b. on. that has the. firet 13 years of intereet coupons "stripped" and sold. separately, b ut the remaining interest coupons would provide an income te the maturity of the bond. During the "accumulation" phase, you are not receiving aniy intereet s50 you bu y the. actual bond at a discount <just like the. strîppedâ coupon). If rates were eight. per cent, thon $37,000 woulid buy a bond that would mature te $100,000 in vrear 13. During the,"payout" phase the interest portion às paid out te you. tIii example, we'lf us. a 10 per cent coupon rate, which means you get $10000 pr year for 15 years (the. maturity date of the bond). At that point in time the. government pays you $100,000 te redeemi your bond. This would work out te a 9.18 per cent annualizedgrield. Let me caution that the market value for the. bond still fluctuates, but if you hold te maturity you know exactly what you will g et. Although the. bond market je large, not aIl issues will reseil readily, and they will b. re-pricedte, match current intereet rates. When buying bonds, only put in the axnounts you are willing te hold te maturity. Minimum investrnent is usually *5,000 although some comparies inight differ. TMs column doesn't make you an expert on bonds, so consuit a profesuional. Der&k Dutka is an indepedent financial plannar it Financial Concept Group in Osha w& 1