Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Nov 1995, p. 20

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Page 20, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 22, 1995 EPUÇATIONA CALL A CHLI> CARE CILD AE CL>CR $5V15kPOESI.......SSEVIE *U VIE Ipreaidncldes taxA fror 25 wCvoi rd So r 1es s CALLAL YORKV1LLE PHOTOGRAPHER - Keith Penner. Your family in your home aI no extra char ge tli Jan. 7. A lastinq memory11X 14 black & white heirloom print (or colour). Gift oertificates available. Special $150 (value $235. The Studio 428-7177, 416-929-1511. OLYMPIC PAINTING - professionai p)aintin g & wallpaper. nli-eriorfexterior. No job 100 smail. For good prices & good work, el George ai 725-7870.' Free estimates. DELBA PAINTING& Home Improvemrents. 10% seniors discount. Quality work ai reasonable rates.F ree estimates 728-2969. FLOOR REFINISHING - wood renewers wili do a professional job of your sandin g, refinished and staining needS. AIl work guaranteed. 655-3566. HENK"KARELSEN Painting& Home Repair. Qualit work, interior/extenior. Over 20 years experience. No job too smaii. Free estima tes .1-800-423-0823. EAVESTROUGH Cleaning bungalow $30, 2 storeys $35, ýsnow removal from $180 for the season (includes steps and sidewaiks). Book now. Macs Home Improvements 430-2525. lnsured. "HANDYMAN WITI- A VAN" will do househoid, movin, clean-ups and remioval, general repairs and electincal work. Cail Doug (905) 434-7874. END YOUR housecleaning nightmares. Caîl Patricia for: immaculate resulîs, low prces, efficient, dependable service, mature responsible individual. Free estimates. 430-3383. SUPREME WALLPAPERING& painting. Free estimates, residential. No job 100 smalî. Excellent rates. Cail John 725-5764. PAINTING & PAPERING "LET George DO Il". Reliabie expenienced, quality work. Special rates for seniors. flexible hours, p rompt service, free estimates. Ph one George 666-1168. LEcote Française smali adult classes'in an informai but results-onented environment beginner to advanced courses designed to meet your needs Reasonable rates 20 years leaching experience Pnivate instruction also available Cail Jacques at 666-0993 DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home, Monday lhrough Friday. Infants and pre-schoolersepreferred. Palmerston Ave. -P. . ares. Excellent references. Cal 430-3387. PLAYGROUP (drop-off>. Kindergarten preparation, ages 2-4. References, ECE training. Crafts/computer/piano/snacks& much' more. Mon-Fn 9-11lam. $SIhr. Cal Rhonda 430-è347. LOVING MOTHER of 2 will care for your child in my home, non-smnoking, Hwy. 7~ in Brooklin, ideal for those goîng into Toronto. 655-4705. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive 9uality portraits. Studio or in home. Babies, children, families. Christmas speciai from $29. Also: weddings from $299, oid photos copied & restored, corporate & promnotionai. No GST! (905) 427-9164. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Ail makes. 10% geniors' discount. Complete lune-up from $29.95 + parts. Factory trained technicians. For free pick-up & delivery oeil 432-7375. HOUSECLEANING available weekly or bi-weekly. Let us do the work for you. Cai?'Maid F or You 725-4910. FURNITURE MAKERICABINET maker. Custom designer and builder of fine furniure and cabinetry. Speciaiizinq in entertainment units, libranes and built-ins. Over 15 years experience. Quaiity workma nship gua rantee. References sup plied. Designers welcome. For a free quota lion oel Gary at 428-1339. BOOK NOW for ail your snowploughing needs. Residentiai, commercial, industrial. Free estimates. Seasonal rates availabie. Cail Blizzard Snowploughing at 430-8106. CINDY'S ALTERAIONS - Come see us for ail your sewing needs. Leather, zippers, also men's tailoing available. Tues.-Fri. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-3, 133 Byron St. N. Pearson Lanes 430-6550. HOME RENOVATIONS & restoralion. Plans, inspections, specifications, carpentry, plumbing, etlectrical, windows, energy conservation. Cali Jacques of AIli Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. INTERIOR PAINTING - our experienced and professional people will take care of your generai painting requirements. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Cal Peter at 655-3566. P RO0FE S SI10NA L HOUSECLEANING at affordable pnices. Team of 2 will dlean weekly or bi-weekly. Very reliable. References availabie. Free estimate. (905) 579-5657. B00K NOW Eavestrough cleaning, bungalow $35, 2 storeys $45. Tree pruning, removais. Don t gel caught in the cold, snow removals from $250 per season (includes driveway steps & waikway) 428-1305. EXPERIENCED CAREGIVER with references required for 6 mos. oid. In home preferred but wili consider someone offening reliable home daycare. BrocklManning area. Please contact Karen 666--4668. CAREGIVER required live-in/live-out for 2 children & 1 senior. Cail 416-947-4215. BUSINESS' OPPS. TRAVEL AGENCY- INVESTMVENT $14.995. Full Training and Ongoing Sup- port. Ful-time/Part-time, Home or Office. Many travel benefits. LIMITED AVAIL- ABILITY. T.P.I. Canada Inc., 1-!800-799- 9910 or 1-204-987-3322 - Winnipeg. CAREER TRAINING BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER ... with our ~reat home-study course. Caîl for your REBOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writ- ing School, 2441-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa, ON Ki L 6R2. MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNîTIESI Learn Income Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeeping. Tax deductible certificate courses by.*home study. For free brochures, no obligation, contact U & R Tax Schooîs, 1345 PEMBINA HWY., WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, R3T 2B36 1- 800-665-5144. Enquire about exclusive franchise territories now available. HARDWOOD LUMBER INSPECTION certification course offered in Haliburton January 15 to May 3, 1996. For more information contact Sir Sandford Fleming College 1-705-457-1680. Cail 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot cf money seîling chocolate bars. New pro 'd- ucts available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. MEDICAL ARTHRîTIS SUFFERERS: Amazing Dr's dream with capsaicin sold in over 30,000 outiets in USA now available ln Canadian 'drugstores to relieve pain from arthritis, muscles and tendons. Ask your pharma- cist or contact Oxford Distributors, Box 513, Truro, NS B2N 5d7, Fax 1-902-423- 6115. PAY TELE PHONE 'SERV. PSYCHIC ALLIANCE. 100,000+ satisfied cuslomers. October - 2 lottery winners. Solve ail problems ... Answers about love, money, career. ..$3.49/min ... Taik live 1 on 1 ... 24 hrs...18+...ail calîs confidiential. 1- 900-451-4336. PSYCHIC MASTERS! Canada's Best Psychics.We can helpl Romance, Wealth, Career, Lucky Numbers. Live and Personal. 1-900-451-3778. $2.99/min., 18+ 1-on-1, 24 hrs. I.C.C. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Friends of thousands, multi-talented inter- national psychics. Reiationships, Future, Finance, Career, Live 24 Hours, $2.99/Min 18+. 1-900-451-3783. RELIABLE DAYCARE in my home 10 years experience ai i ages welcome, ai Grden & Manning. Caîl Donna 430-7052. Please Recycle This Newspaper * PERSONALS SENSUAL PRODUOTS FOR INTIMATE OCCASIONS by Lady Caîston. Adult products for ladies and couples elegantly displayed in our Full Colour Catalogue. Un ique videos, books and aides that will enhance jiour personal enjoyment. CON- FIDENTIALITY GUARANTEED. All orders shlpped in plain unmarke d pack- ages. We don't selI, rent or trade your name. Only $4.95. VISN/MC holders bail 1-0-60529 Meet ladies from ORIENT, RUSSIA, WORLDWIDEI Frlendship - Office, #421 17,.Acadia P.O., Calgary, T2J 7A6. Ph. (403) 271-4654. ADOPTION. ADOPTEES/BIRTH PARENTS/FAMILY- MEMBERS, Canada Wide National Reg- istry and search assistance 1-800-871 - 8477. If you are an adoptee/birth parent, cal for more information 1-800-871-8477. REAL ESTATE -GOI A CAMPGROUND membership- /timeshare? We'lI take iti America's largest, oldest resale clearinghouse. Resort Sales International 1-800-423- 5967. Timeshare rentais needed. daîl 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - Quonsets 25x30 $5462, 30x4O $6.593, 35x50 $8478, S. Series Straightwall S25x30 $5922. S30x4O $6999, Endwalls & Slidin8 Doors included. dali Future Steel 1-800-668- 8653. BUILDINGS ... Some Straight Sides. Round or Peaked Roof. Quonset Style. 20x3O $2,998.00, 25x40 $4,388.00, 30x46 $5,844.00, 35x54 $6,744.00, 40x64 $8,366.00. Others. Ends Optional. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. NOVEÈMBER SPECIAL! 50'Wxl 00'Lxl4'H AI-Steel Building $29,995. 26ga painted walls, 26ga galvalume roof. Limited'offer for November onlyl Serious buyers SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Exclusive distributors of the MAGNUM series of- buildings, Straightwall wood/steel and ali/steel buildings, Are- nas, Stables, Workshops, Barns, Etc. Contracting andFinancing Avaîlable, 24 hours 1-800-561-2200. BESI BUILDING PRICES - Steel Strait- wall Type - not quonset - 32x54 $9.460, 40x72 $14.233, 50x90 $20.443, 60xl26 $31,314 - other sizes available - misc. clearance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263- 8499. Perry LHo use Child Care Services 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-947 MATURE WOMAN to babysît infants (6 wks & over) & toddlers in her home. Children wiil receive plenty of. TLC and~ one on one attention! We wiil grow together. Central Whitby near parks and schools for future. Everything provided (as mother of 3 found il easier) except special. formula. Please oeil 668-9891 for interview. SHOP TIL you drop with rio worries. Will babysit infants & toddlers in my home for day while you Christmas shop. Love children. Plenty of toys & activities 10 make the day special for them. $25 per day. Cal 668-9891 if interested. LOOKING FOR Mrs. Doubtfire. Young grandmotherlhousekeeper (non-smoker) to care for 2 children grade I & JK, Monda y 10 Fnday in our Whitby home. Shouid enjoy spending lime doing crafis, games, etc. Please cati 666-0673. MATURE BABYSITTER required 10 provide childcare in our Whitby homne for 8 month old commencing January 1996. Flexible hours non-smoker, references. Cal 430-837710o arrange interview. Wèe The systemn that provides... *Unscheduled home visits ensure quaîity care for your child - Fuily trained providers receive ongoing Agency support - Reliabie local backç-up covers Provider iiness or holidas - CompYete insu rance coverage - Income tax receipts *ChUJdren six weeks and up - Full or part-time For more Information caîl: 686-3995 -a ioensed Agency Whitby Free Prss *668-611i *Offîce Hour:Mody oF ri day, 9: 00 arn to 5: 00-p M Fax 668 0594I *ft 'sAffordabfe @ ft k Fast 0 ft's Easy a One BilIDoec ItAi , Northemn Ontario .$63 * Easte.rn Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 @ Central Ontario,$168 a Ail Ontario $380 *National Packages Available Cail this paper for details! "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To rwach a wier market, adverlse uhgjut dm . rnai me sip of the Ontario and Canadian Communly Newopapoie Aasocladon& t .Central Ontario 50 newspapers - $168 for 25 worcls NIl Ontario 178 Newspapers - $380 for 25 words eAil Cnadla 583 news"pprs - $1,183 for 25 worde For lurthor Information pu.,oel 1th. Whltby Fr.. Prmu Cluul f fds* 611 Specializing in Early Chiidhood Education. For Peace of Mind. CLASS.IFýIED. MARKETPLACE, "Advertise A cross Ontario orA cross the Country" ----------- " 1

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