Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1995, p. 6

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Pao ri, Whltby Foe Pmss, Wodnesday. January 18, 1995 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents! MEMBER 0F: f ONTARIO CANADIAN *~COMMUNITY r~~ACOMMUNITY ~jNEWSPAPER NANEWSPAPER - ASSOCIATION WASSOCIATION I!~CANADIAN' CIRCULATIONS CNA DIVISION AUDIT BOARD ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as well as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. *_27,000 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GSI e Outside Canada $80 + GSI Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontarioa mc. Box 206, 131 Brook St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% #W_ recycîed content using vegetable based inks.%l oAil written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution shouid bear a credit line to the Whitby Free Press. More balanoe need To the sditor: Just a couple of thoug hts an the Jan. il version ot the Whitby Free Press. First, 'on your article 'New school tax takes effect.' The new educational development charges are another slap in the face for aur new -home builders, as well as for aur custamers, Wt a difficult period when we are trying hard ta keep the price of new homes affordable. In tact, these new development charges may well not survive as we currentîy have a battle going at the Supreme Court level ta have themn declared unconstitutional. As weIl, we have received a legal 1undertaking* tram bath schoal boards that, should we be successful, ail charges will be returned with interest. 1 raise the above points as this would have been an excellent apportunity for your reporter ta contact aur association for comment, thereby achieving a mare balanced story and, perhaps, g iven some hope to a family saving tor their dream home. Our president, Stephen Kýassinger, is always prepared to give our side 'of the story and can be reached at 728-7523. The other story that perplexes me, from a Whitb y standpoint, is 'GO train service to Oshawa.0 announcing the much awaited q>oo d news of extended service to Oshawa. This is great news for our builders and shouîd encourage families ta purchase a new home in this area. However, there was fia reference to the tact that these same trains will also make stops at Whitby, which is goad news for ail Whitby residents, incîuding potential home buyers in the Whtby area (I confirmed this verbalîy with GO Transit). I wouîd sure like ta see Whitby mentioned in our Whitby paper. John Stotta Executive otticer Oshawa- Durham Home Buildors' Association Money for garbage To the edîtor: The NDP government Is incredible. It tells hospitals they are overspending and they must cut beds, staff and services ta the tune of $52 million. f the public sutters becaus. of this, well, we must al bear the pain. ln the meantime, the NDP government has already. spent almost $60 million search ing out and testing new landfill sites. They have not bought anything with this monnri v xat rooorts.The sad thing is that they are still spending mare maney on garbage. I guess that, ln Ontario, garbage is more important than people's heath. Drummond White wrote a letter ta a local paper talking about the 'PU Choo Choo.' That train seems ta be caming straight tram Queen's Park and the people ot Ontario are the ones suif ering t ram the stench. f only a politician would care more aftten than Wt election time. Sad. Garry Raymond Whitby I ~ ~ ' üIty to do myjob."I False allegations made To the editor: The expression of opinion in a letter to the editor is legitimate; tact ual msersettohow- ever, is nat. Two recent letters concerning our 'Ly nde, Shores development crossed that line. In your Jan. il edition, Pat Perkins alleges. that the Rose Corporation has "broken the ruies" by cîasing Jeff rey Street and by beginnlng clearing and grubbing operations on. our land. This is not true. We have nether barricaded Jetfrey Street nor begun to clear out land. Rather, with the Town's permission, we closed the Scot's view on marsh To the oditor: A recent guest in aur home was Alan DreV/er,' director-ot Scottish Native Woods, a national arganizat ion dedicated to preserving what remains of Scatland's natural forests. Mr. Dreyer was on his way home tram British Columbia where he had gone ta examine the situation on Vancouver Island, part icuîarly at Clayoquot Sound. He was most anxiaus ta visit Lynde Marsh when we described the area to him and, having visited the marsh, let this statement ta be published: This le my first visit to Canada Vour wiId natural areas are ver>' special. You have so much more t han Scotland where Scottish Native Woods is working hard ta look ater our few remaining areas af naturel farest. You are, hawever, making the same mistakes as we did in the past because of the attitude that yau have so much in the way of natural resaurces yau will always have plenty, no matter what. 1 have visited Lynde Marst,; it cdean>' shauld be protected from an>' encroaching develapment, not just for the great variet>' of wildlife that dépend on it, but also for the man>', man>' people who enja>' visitîng it.AlnDer Aberfoldy The Whitby Free Press Welcames letters ta the editor an any subject of Penthshire, Scotland conoem ta our readers. Letters should be brief and ta the point - rarely more We join Mr. Dreyer in supporting than 300 words. Ail letters must be accompanied by the namne, address and the efforts of the Save the Lynde telephane ruiber of .the wniter. However, an request, your name may Ie Marsh campaign ta try ta prevent withheld fram publication if we agree there is a valid reason. The newspaper mare ecoloicai destruction. reserves the night ta reject or edit ail letters. Send ta: The Edtor, Whtby FreeDin co el PrsBox 206, Whitby, Ont. Li N 5S1, or drap through aur mail slot at 131DîeM onl -recss, -Sandyr Andrson BrctcSt.N... . _________________________________________~~"~~i' t. ;~Ih_:2 .,.. .-'- .- - - --Z.., :z unopened road allowarice which borders our land to discourage trespassing and preserve the marsh. With the f ulli knowîedge and consent of. the Town ot Whitby, we have taken protective measures ta preserve the expensive barrier plantings which were placed Iast spring, and which are designed ta, protect the neighbouring wetlands. Trespassers have dumped garbage and ridden ail-terrain vehicles in the vicinity of the plantings, causing damnage. Our fencing and barriers are dîrected against trespassing, and are flot a breach of any rutes. In the samne issue, Johanna Tito asserts that w... at the request ot the private developer, the Rose Corporation, the Lynde Shores proposed developmnent has jumýped the queue at the OMB.U This is patently taise. Our company's request for an 0MB hearing was properly f iled during the summer of last year. A pre-hearing on Jan. 25, 1995 is hardly "jumping the gun."1 Equaîîy relevant is the tact that several Region councillors at the Oct. 26, 1994 council meeting Breaking the chain To the edîtar: The Jan. 25 0MB preliminary hearing, cancerning the Rose Carporatian/Lynde Marsh issue, approaches. As very concerned citizens and envi ronm ent alists, we have read cauntless letters ta the editor and have heard the anger and, disappointment of citizens toward their eîected off icials and the provincial gaverfiment. We cannat keep stripping away, bit by bit, these preciaus areas ot wetlands. They are vital ta the ecochain ot which we are a part. Any break in that chain wiIl surely cause a cessation somewhere else, and nobody wiIl realize the devastat ion until it is too late. Theodore Roosevelt said, when asked of his opinion regarding development ot the Grand Canyon in 1903: "Leave it as it is. You cannot imprave on it. The ages have been at work on it, and man can only mar it A develapment near the marsh wouîd be the beginning of the end of the marsh. B111 and Bornîco Bottan WhItby recommendied an- early pre-hearing, and a request that there be a pre-hearing was the condition of the Region's referrai of the matter to the 0MB. Coming more than six months atter our ref erraI request, and three months atter the Region's, the timing of this pre-hearing conference is neither unusual nor improper. Johanna Tito's attempt ta so characterize it is inaccurate and misîeading. Stophen Richard Morrison Preaident The Rose Corporation 'Terrible shame y To the odîtor: 've lived in Whitby for the past 40 years and now realize, as I1loo around, that I see very little ta be proud of. In the not too distant past, I rocaîl an enlightened mayor, Des Newman, deveîoping a plan for Whitby which would have avoided the ývery thing that is now happening in the Lynde Marsh area -- the encraaching urban sprawl. In aur immediate midst, we have an environmentai gem. Do residents realize that we are about ta lose a class I wetland; that the Durham area is renowned in the environmental netwark as one ot the best birdwatching and migratory birding sites in ail of Ontario? Our planners must becomne more progressive and make the protection of these increasingly rare natural habitats a priarity. Let's keep and restore our green area to provide a continued sanctuary for the wiîdiffe and plant lite that they sustain and ta offer something special ta the present inhabitants of the reg ion, as weII as ta the future generations. We must send the message again ta aur eîected municipal, regional and provincial represent- atives. Write ta these people, phone themn or start by showing your support in the protest car rally being held this Saturday, Jan. 21, at il a.m., torming at the Whitby municipal buiding. What's happening right now in Whitby is a terrible shamre. We cannot pratect the Lynde Marsh area etfectiveîy if development takes place as planned. And we cannot replace it once lts gane. LlndsMoyi. Whiltby

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