Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1995, p. 14

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Page 14, Whitby Free Press, Wednesdiay, January 18, 1995 PHYFO CLUB The WhIdtby Photographie Club wiil meot on MondayJan. 23, 7 p.în., in room i11 at Hnry Street High School. The topic for the ovening will bo the evaluation of entries for the print and slide cinics. Anyono interested in photography, at whatever levol, is weicome. For furthor information cali Peter at 430-0823. LEARNING DL13ABILiTIS The Learning Disabilities Association Oshawa chaptor will inoot on Thursday, Jan. 19, 7 %hab>ilitation & Gradvao Contre, 600 Townline Rd. S., Topic for discussion will ho « Testing -What does it tell uÊT For more' information, cail 436-7706. AD3S The AIIDS Committoo of ill ho henld t pm. ner Febet22, at tbhe CAW all m, 1425 Phillip MurtheyCAve. hawa. To25hoi eligvb.e Oohvote, Tme bep muiie torone e b Jan. s Nmiatiornfr ebersJpan. 2 thominardios dr eors wii o tebdofved until Jan. 22. i eoie &n an 2 Applications are available at the' o -ce. Nominations will not ho' accoptod from the floor. For further information, oeil 905-723-8201. ITC CLUB The flrst Oshawa ITC Club, which beips develop confidence in public speaking and leadership, will meot on Tuesday, Jan. 24, 7h ihe tr Bidnfirst floor, 33 King St. W., Oshawa. For more Durham Region Izrjured Workors Group wiil meet Wednesday, Jan. 25, 7 p.m., at the CAW Hall, 1425 Philip Murray Ave., Oshawa. For more information, cail 721-9158. ALZEJMR AWABENESS Azheimer Durhamn will have an awarenoss display inthe Oshawa Centre fromJ an. 23 te 25, 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Voluntoors wiii ho on hand to distribute literature as well as answer questions. Registration for the wandering person regitr will also ho available. lFor further information, oeil (905) 576-2567. MacINTOSH USERS Macintosh Users East Club wiil meot at Anderson CVI, room 135, Whitby, on Wednesday, Jan. 25,.7:30 te 10 p.m. lho agenda wili include a special presontation on Newton MessagePad. Ail welcome. For, more information, cail 905-404-9874. BREAST CANCER The Reach To Recovery breast cancer suppourt group for patients, family anýd frends will meet on Thursday, Jan. 19, 7 te 9 p.m., at the Family Trust building, southoast corner of Bayly and Finley in -Ajax. For more information cail 905-686-1516. SCRIZOPIRNICS Ontario Friends Of Schizophrenics (Durham Chapter) support group meets tonight (Wednosday), 7 p.m., in building 30, auditorium (use rear ontrance) of the Whitby Mental Hoéalth Centre. For more information, cail (905) 404-1301. CEIAC The Canadian Celiac Association Association support group meeting and potluck willhoe heid on Thursday, Jan. 19, at Courtice North Public School. For more information, inciuding the time of the meeting, oel Liànda at 666-1993 or Cassandra at 728-8531. AL-ANON Is somebodyes drinldng a problom wth you? We understand. Cail Al-Anon at 728-1020. RD TYM COUNIKYDACE The Womon of the Moose Lodge wiil hoid an 1 Old Tyme Country Dance' (with a Scottish theme in honour of Robbie Burns), on Sunday, Jan. 22, 2 p.m., at the Moose Lodge 731 Wilson Rd. S-, Oshawa. Music by The Shades of Silver Band. Admission is $4. Non-memhors welcome. For mor information, call 666-1449 or 728-5630. jhLicHRE Euchre wil ho held at the Whitby Logion hall on Byron Street South on Thursday, Jan. 191 8 p.m. Cost is $2. Cash, prime and lunch. STOP KIDS FIGBTING The. Family Education Rosource Centre of Kinark is offering a six-session parent study group on 'How testop your kids from flghting,' starting Thursday, Feb. 2 fromn 6:45 to 8:45 p.m., at St. Mary Catholic Secondary- Schooi, 1918 Whites Rd., Pickering. The fee is $36. For more information or te register, cail 433-0386, ext. 26. SESSION A six-session study group that wiil focus on dealing with maladoptive ways of dealing with life that were or origiaily learnéd in ones famiiy of ongn, will bo offered at KinarkChd and Fazniiy Services, 1916 Dundas. St. E., Whitby, on Thursday, Feb. 2, 7 te 9 p.m., for six sessions. To register, cali 433-0386,, ext. 26. AQUATICS OPEN HOUSE Lorashton Aquatios will hold an open house on Sunday, Jan. 22, il a.m. to 5 p.m., at 7 Glenhili Dr., Whitby. Lorashton offors sjwimmig instruction for childron and aJtults; acozypri- vate setting with qualified in- structors; pool rentai for private parties; five per cent discount on ail registrations at open house for Mis series (can't ho used with any other discount); free draw for assorted case of 24 300-millilitre containers of natural tropical fruit juics. For more informa- tion, cail 905-666-0906. LOVE 18 N(YP ENOUGE A four-isession worksbop that focuses on recognizing good and bad roiationships and how te have a good one, will ho heid at tho MPP Druxnmond White's constituency office, 1121 Dundas St. E., 7 te 9 p.m., on* Monday, Jan. 30. Cost is $32 per person. For more information and te, registor, cail 433-0386, ext. 26. ASSRTIVENSS A goup to promote 'loarning about yourself' and assist in self holief and confidence will ho offered at Chiidren's Service Council, 1650 Dundas. St. E., Whitby, -ta"ig Thursday, Jan. 26. Cost is$6 pe prsn Pre-registration and pe-ayont is required. Caîl the- Family Resourco Centre at 433-0386, ext. 26. BROOKLTN } Brooklin's marsh connection Bertha Eim 1 dies at 82 Funeral services were held Saturday for the mother of Whitby councilior Gerry Emm. Bertha Emm, 82, died last Wednesday tOshawa General Hospital. dhethad ben suffering fromi cancer in recent months.. Born in Mariow, Buckingham- 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust- " Famiiy Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers. " Cemetery Letterrng " Sandblasting. Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Homne appointments gladly arranged sbire, England, Mrs. -Emm emi- gr ated te, Canada with her late husband Sidney in 1965 to ho with their two sons Gerry and Tony, who had earlier moved te Canada. Among her hobbies, Mrs. Emm enjoyed gardening. Predeceased by ber busband in 1988, Mrs. Emm is survived by sons Gerry and Tony and their wivos Betty and Sharon, ail of Ashburn, granddaugbter Julie and ber husband Terry, grand- daugbter Andrea, grandsons Michael,,Paul and Gregory and great-granddaughter Sara. Mrs. Emm was at the Carson Funeral Home in Brooklin where Rev. Sheila Smith conducted the service on Jan. 14, foilowed by interment iBurn's Cemetery, Ashburn. JESUS PRODUCED BsvJOHN HEYMAN a CO-PODUCEDGGNELAUUCE BY RICHARD DALTON - scREENPAYBBARNEI GrEEÀ% UINE FISHBEIN - DRICTED EiY PETER SYKES AND JOHN Ail Ages Admitted q= KIRSH - AN INSPIRATIONAL FILMS PPESENTAM1N OFA GENESIS PROJECT moDucToN - D5flMB1D BV INSPIRAllONAL MEDLAJm "Jesus " is the înost authentic filmn ever produced about * the life of Christ. Don 'rmiss "Jesus'", the powerfid, life-changing motion picture at... MEADOWCREST BAPTIST CHURCH 40 Vipond Rd., Brooklin Saturday, J4inuay 21, 6:30p.,m, By SteveL1eahy ANOTHFER SUBDIVISION COMES TO BROOKLIN A draft plan was submitted to the Town's planning and deveiopment committee to build a 130-unit subdivision on the east aide of Anderson, south of Winchester Road -- across the road from Joe's Pizza. Tii. committee has recommended that council approve the plan. If yo want te find out more about tis, Don Mitchell is probably the host person teo il. NATUREWORLàD Thore is a home for nature-loyers right behind the Quik Bite restaurant on Baldwin. Natureworld has become a popular local store offering an axn.azng collection of bird feeders, outdoor gear as well as books and, tapes. More than a store, workshops on monarcli butterfiies and decoy-carving have been given. Owners Leslie Carmnichael and Anneke Preyde say they wil host workshops on drawing nature and wild edibies in the near future. Phono 655-1163. TUE LAS'T SERVICE STATION Whule the village of Brooklin ne longer lias a service station, there And that will have an impact on ail of us. The Lynde Marsh development doesn't have the green light te proceed -- yet. It is the llth bour for tbe marsh. Perhaps the last chance te speak up about your concerns will ho at the Ontario Municipal Board pre-hearing at the Whitbycouncil chambers on Wednesday, Jan. 25 at 10 a.m. The board wiIl decide if the growing concerns that the development wiil harm the marsh are legitimate. To find out more about this meeting, cail the Whitby Planning departmnt at 668-5803. There is another way te show your support. On Saturday, Jan. 21 at il a.m., the Save Lynde Marsh citizens' committee will hoat an llth-hour rally for the Lynde. The raily is hoing heid te demonstrate the concern residents have for the future of the marali. It will start at the Whitby Municipal building on Rossland Road, travel te Drununond V Wesoffice and thon on to the marsh. WIR~S NEYER DULL Upconiing events over the next couple of months include the Ashburn Spring Dance and the Brooklin and District Kinsmen Beach Frlic. Details te come later. is still one left north of Taunton ]Road. Thats the- Esso station on Baldwin with the adjacent car wash, just north of Fazniiy Kartways. Operated by Steve Jaciw, who, his mother informs me, has lived in this area ail life, Steve's Auto Repair offers a ful ropair service with ciass A mechanics. P.S. While there is a sma]i sbop that offers car stuif as weiI as pop and coffee, I holieve Steve s romains a donut-freo zone. BROOKIN'S LYNDE MARS The future of Lynde Marsh is a concern te many even thougb we live well north of it. On the one hand there is the pleasure of visiting the marsh on Lake Ontaic osee all the birds -- or to go for a skate at this tinie of year. On the other, our area is directiy connected te the marsh through the many small creeks and streamis that flow through our yards and flelds and feed the branches of Lynde Creek. While the water flows downstream, the trout and many birds that travel up to, our area, got their start in the marsh. Just as development is cbanging Brooklin, the proposed development beside the marsh wiii have a big impact. The marsh itself won't disappear, but it could easily ho permanently daxnaged. 'Most translated' film to be shown «'Jesus,' a motion picture that bas been translated inte, more than 215 different languages, will hopresented at Meadowcrost Baptist Churcli, 40 Vipond Rd., Broolin, on Saturday, Jan.- 21ï" 6:30 p.m. The two-hour* documontary-, initiaily distributed by Warner Brothers to, theatros throughout the U.S. and Canada, is beig translated and distribiited internationally - by ' ý-Campus- Crumade for Christ' an interdenominational organization. Jack Valonti, presidont of the Motion Picture Association of America, says it is the moot extensive translation of a feature film -iii the -history of 'the motion picture industry. At t/we resource centre an uxrnpact on ail of us 10

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