Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, January 18, 1995, Page il Rash otfgarage" breakiris over weekend Thieves went on a garage break-in rampage in the Thick- son Read-Dryden Boulevard area Saturday night and early Sun- da 21-speed GT Talera moun- tain bike valued at $1,000 and some change from a vehicle *was stolen froni a Waller Street garage. Police say the culprits got in through an unlocked aide door. A Toshiba laptop computer and a briefcase valiued a t $3,250 were taken from a car parked in a garage on Headlands Crescent, Girl injured A .16-year-old Oshawa girl remains in critical condition in a Toronto hospital afler a car acci- dent early Thursday evening. Lana Heer was taken to Oshawa General Hospital and then transferred to Sunnybrook after the crash. Police said she was in a coma. The accident occurred at 6:30 m n Rossland Road at kaverly,_ east of the Oshawa/ Whitby bor;der. Hebert was a passenger in a car driven by a INTRODUCES "A ward Winning Styist" CHERYL HANNAH (formerly of Valei-tino's) «00 0 " Please join me at my new location and receive a 20% discount on your 18-year-oid Toronto man which was struck while attempting to turn north on to Waverly by a vehicle heading west on Ross- land. The driver of the westbound vehicle was a 39-year-old Whitby man. Both drivers were taken to Oshawa hospital. DR. MICHAEL GREENGLASS 220 Dundas St. W. #102 (Dundas-Centre Medical Building> Whitby - LiN 2M3 430-4822 Evenings- & Saturdays Emergencies & New Patients Welcome è 43 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA (Between Shrimp Cocktail & Don Cherrys) 1 east of Waller. Thieves got in through aside door. A Craftsman air compressor, air wrench and impact wrench valued at $1,250 were taken frorn another Headlands Gres- cent garage. Entry was again gained through a side door. A Sony portable compact disc player and Sharp portable organizer worth $600 were taken frorn a car parked in a Daines Drive garage. Thieves caused about $50 damage by prying open an over- head garage door. Further west, two Snap-on tool cabinets and tools va ued at $2,800 were taken froni a garage on Jansen Crescent, in the area of Brock and Garden streets. Thieves foroed open a garage door to get in. DENTAL FACTS Root Canal Root canal is one of those dental terms thats olten talked about, but less often understood. The rool is the part of the tooth that is underneath the gumline. Inside* each root there is a channel, called the 'root canal'. This channet conlains the nerves and vessels that bring nutrients to your teeth. A fractured tooth, sustained trauma, or large decay can cause these nerves and vessels 10 become painfuIll intected and die. Root canal therapy s used 1to reat the infected canal and save the to01h. A smalt opening in the toolh is made t0 gain access 10 the root canal system. The canal or canaIs are cteaned of the infected material with special flies. When the infection s gone, the canal is filted with a rubber-tike material (putta percha>. The tooth is then restored wilh a permanent filling. Many people think that a root canal is a painful procedure, however modemn root canal therapy can be performed with little or no discomfort. Jan, 26th, Feb. lst & 6th - lpm Jans 24th& Feb. 7th - 7pm to 9:3Opm RRSP Selection and Strategy SeminarHghghs " Pay Iess tax and have sheltered growth " Use the balanced ap proach to enhance your R RSP returns. *The RRSP with 40% more tax savings! DEREK DUTKA M Integrate your RRSP into your overali investment strategy.' 0 And much more. Get the-most out of your RRSPU Cali for restervations NOW! Seating is Iimited. 16Stees -eon R S- Osaw Financi. CRicepe Galloway Financial Servicesm. Have your tax return prepared for FREE when you make your mutual fund RRSP contribution of $5,0O or more!!! For more details, cail Brian 430-3610