Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, November 15. 1995,Page 21 EVE EXAMS ARRANGED. For al your eyewear needs. 2 for 1 - Bu one pair, get second pair of S .V free. Discount for seniors and children. TilIey Opticians 102 Byron St. S. 430-8849. AIRTIGHT WOODSTOVE Fisher "Grandma" firebrick lined double doors with viewingý screen and baffle plate $250. alI Tom after 6pm 668-6144. WEDDING DRESS size 4, long sleeves, full skirt and train, excellent condition, $500 o.b.o. Glider rocker, maple finish with upgraded mint coloured cushion, $175. 666-8660. DRUMS - LUDWIG BLACK Pearl,' bass with pedal, 2 toms, hi-hats with Zîld Jian cymbals, 2 cymfbal stands with cymbais, Tama chrome snare wvith stand,- new condition, $1100. Cail weekends only (416> 282-8760. FUR COAT, BEAUTIFUL RACCOON, size 12 lon g length like new, wom twioe, k675 firm. Cali (905) 435-0826. GIRLS "BEAUTY AND THE BEASTr" bike. Suitable for age 4-5. $20. Caîl 579-0659. MOVING SALE oak kitchen table, oak buffet and' mirror, 3 drawer legal size file cabinet, wainut dro p-Ieaf table and 4 chairs. Tail wicker sheives, lots of kitchen appliances. Ajax 683-8243. GENERATOR, HOMELITE $300; aimailer, Duofast $400; Makita beit sander $80; welding table on wheels $25; boit cutters $10; 27"X37" vinyl window , new, $15. Cali 666-6743 evenings. CHEST 0F DRAWERS $25; TV- centre $35; jumper cables, men's clothes size 40-42, do cage; kitchen table $50, miscal aneous. Da665-1030 ext. 306, nights IBM PS2 '386 AND printer. Best offer. Taîl dresser, wood grain finish, brand new best offer. Cal 430-1051. GE ELECTRIC range, white, almost new, asking $250. Cali 430-6161. CHEST OF drawers $35; 2 door wardrobe with mirrors $60; Hoover vacuum broom $12; breakfast table with 2 chairs $25; various lamps; old trunk $20. 668-3975. RATTAN TABLE set $400; stereo $35; GM hubcaps $50; bed/mattress $150; coffee table $65; vertical blinds $100; PVC blinds $20; Roller Shades $10; wicker chair $15. Cali 430-7319. GAS STOVE MOFFAT FULL size white older model but very dlean and good working order. Telephone 683-2045. JUDY'S BRIDAL RENTAL - affordabie wedding gowns to buy or rent. Large selection of sizes and stls'For appointment oeil Judy at ANTIQUE HOOSIER cabinet good condition $895, Columbia gramophone & records $150, new 3 seater couch green florai $399. Phone 579-5384. DICheVerfieTOsnites ou toa disoutss & m more r.Nv Enn ice Plac.SFOrsmore information cal 668-2226. poles $10 each; queen size water bed mattress onîy & heater with liner $35; drapes, variaus sizes, negotiable. 576-2358. TWO CAPTAIN beds one boys, the other girls $35 & $30. White microwave stand, like new, $35. L-shaped kitchen table set $30, two white six drawer dressers $40 each, Bentwood - rocker $35, aîmond Admirai frid ge, has no freezer, $150. Cal 728-6872. FRIDGE, STOVE, 3hp Toro snowblower, with electric start, dehumidîfier, Kenmore vacuum 725-1937. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY framed, plate glass, slant top counter display, slant top counter dispîay cabinet, 72"X22". 3. mirrored dronpside doors. $300. Cali 668d-4027. Please recycle ik this newspaper liJ WANTED AUTO REPAIR & SHOP manuals- bought & sold - ail types, car, truck, motorcycie, earth quîp. ngs, etc. Cash o0r one or a ton. Cali (905) 434-2786. I W1LL BUY YOUR unwanted items & contents. Cail 728-8485 leave a message. $$ ANTIQIUES $$ Instant cash paid for kitchenware, glassware, china and eiectrical appliances. pre 1960 Caf Denise or Doug in Whitby, anylime FOR SL* FRSL fil: rIUK A TSII.M FOR SAWF.OR.SM NURSERY ITEMS crib & mattress change table 5 drawer chest al solid wood, crib accessories included, excellent condition $275. Also Perego stroller over $200 new, seIl for $45. Cal 668-2588 after 6pm. MOVING - MUST SELL by Nov. l9th. Voyageur ST600 stepper $75, Kenmore 24" gold Mark 2 stove $200 Kenmore gold frid ge $150, Rail Fýider (neyer used) $30, Fisher Price wind-up baby swing $30. 430-2275. FIREWOOD. EXCELLENT quality hardwood. Extra long timne fully seasoned, cut & split. Honest measurement. Free delivery. Kozy Heat Firewood. 905-753-2246. BEAUTIFUL HANDCRAFTED soîid cherry: continous armn love seat $400: double bed frame spindle headboard and footboard $600. T.N.T. 668-3635.% TANDEM TRAILER with electric brakes needs work, $425 o.b.ô. Furniture for sale: couch, loveseat & matching chair in beige $350 o.b.o., coffee table $100, recliner $75. Phone 723-6684 & leave message. WELL SEASONED FIREWOOD for sale. Dry, hardwood, kindling, haîf face cords, face cords bush cords. Pick up or deliver. (90ý) 649-3183. fPaper Products, including i Snewspaper, comprise 36 per cent of the garbage placed at curbside for ~. *pickup each week. A Ilof ;it is recyclable. ARTSCRAT$ CHRISTMAS 15 COMINGI WINDSONG at 900 Hopkins St. is opening it's doors t0 the public! Canadian gift items at manufacturer's prces. Open Wednesday-Friday 9-5, Saturday 9- noon. WOOD 'NI THINGS CRAFTS invites you to an open house. Great Christmas gifis ,folk art, toys and wood cutouts. Saturday, Nov. l8th, 10-4pm, 119 Fredenick St., Whitby. Sat. ov. 1 (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $1 0.00 for 25 words; ($9.35 + 65o GST) 15o each additional word; (1 4o + 1 c GST> $1 5.00 for 25 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST $1.08 per agate fine DISPLAY ADS ON CLASSUFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictlJres or graphics> Regular display rates appîy - $1 .15 per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) Minimum size 1 column inch $1 6.10 CONTINUOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes). 101.0off cfo e. - S t o e . .0ad ( S.T. is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated DIEAPDLINIE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. Thie Whiîtby Free Press wiII flot be liable for tailure f0 publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whîtby Free Press reserves the right to classif y or reject ail advertisements. 1988 DODGE CARAVAN 3L, asking $7000. 1988 Plymouth Reliant 2.5L asking $975. Phone 728-6337. 1995 GM BLAZER LT, $27,500, Ioaded, red,*grey leather interior, beautiful conditionï 44,000km. Caîl 666-8155 affer 6:OOpm. Need a car - Coedit Problemfs? Bankrupt - Undischarged? *We have lease take-overs (repossessionis> e Lease f0 owf any make or model e Cash for trade * Cail now for free quotes LEASEGUlDE AUTO LEASMN Caîl Jeft (905> 683-6230 MOTOCYCLSIRVs FOR SALE 28 ft. Holiday travel traiter fulîy furnished on site in Florida. Full bathroom, furnace, air conditioned. New roof. Sieeps six. $5200 Cdn. Phone 905-985-8139. 19 112- MAXUM, 4.3 LITRE, V6 Merc, cuddy cabin, with traiter many extras, low hours, excelleni codtion, $18,500. Caîl 666-8155 after 6:OOpmr. '87 VOLVO 740GLE SEDAN leather excellent condition, new transmission, ail winters in Flonida no rust, Volvo mechanic maintained $8995. Cali after 6pmn 668-6144. '89 DODGE 314 TON MAXI VAN 6 ply tires 318, good shape, $49§5. Caîl (906) 434-7874. 1987 OLDSMOBILE FIRENZA 4 door, auto, 87,000kmn, similar to a Cavalier, very dlean, excellent conditîon rust proofed, $2850 cert 1986 OLDS CUTLASS CIERA int. 4 door auto, 6 cyl, Iow* km fuly ioaded excellent condition, Ã299 cert. 4â3-1787. 1983 FORD conversion van, four captain's chairs, sofa bed, raised roof, auto,' just safetied, $2,650 o.b.o. Cal 723-5852 after Spm. CERTIFIED CARS for sale many under $3,000. McMiIIan & Wide Auto Sales 666-3361. 1985 DODGE CARAVAN, automafic 4~ cyl., golden brown beige intenior, power brakes and steering Ale,, good condition. $2000 ob.o. As is. Cali 579-4937. 196OLDS FIRENZA, 3 dr. hatchback. 5 speed standard, 140K block -hçater, PS radio/cassette, grey, excelleni condition, safetied $2,900. 434-6640 after 6pm.