Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Nov 1995, p. 19

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ýWhltby Fise Pisa, Weckiosday, Novembor 15, 195,Pge1 EMPLQYMENT Bs:NEsS TANO WANTD SEVIC.SuSEMICE MACINTOSH DESKTOP publisher: 1 arn a reliable, dedicated employee who would love to work fuli-time for your com pany doing any kind of desktop design on a Mac! I have over three years expeience desîgning newsletters, flyers, business cards, ads, forms, logos, etc. using the major DTP software. 1 wilI fax my resume and design samples at your request. Please eall 905-725-9479 and leave. a message for Andrew. PROFESSIONAL Secrectay available.. to take Board& Committee minutes and free up- valuable staff time. Confidentiaity res pectect. Please cal 905-579-2692. EXPERIENCED IN catering& wedding business, assistant kitchen manager, licenced chef, 10 years experience own caterîng business. David Walker, New Horizon, (905) 436-8763 between 8:3Oam-4:3Opm. DEÀADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING US MONDAY AT NOON GREA T CHRISTMAS Gifi! Nokia 101 cellular phone, 1 year monthly service, airtime extra. No activation fée, no licensing fee. Qnly $199 glus tax. Speedy Business Centre 80800. PAGER SPECIAL airtime from only $4.95eplus 250 per message to max of $9.95 per month. Motorola pager only $9995. Speedy Business Centre 668-0800. PERSONALIZED, ONE on one computer 'training for DOS, Windows, Windows 95, internet installation & access. Consulting & programming services ailso available. Call Jeff at 666-8874. COMPUTER TRAINING for homne/office at times convenient for ïou! We offer: Computer Fundamentals, Introduction to Word Processing, Introduction to the Internet, Introduction to Spreadsheets and Databases,' Typing and Resumne Service at very atfpr cable rates! We can helpou Compeng Associates 725-5407o. BELL MOBILITY free phone offer N Nkia 101) free evening calling af ter 6pm) free weekend calling, no activation fee monthly service fee onl $3595. ô)ther plans from only $1 9. 95phone &monthly service included! Somne conditions apply. Speedy Business Centre 668-0800. RESUME TYPING service. Great selection of specialty paper, original prnnts taken from HewIett-PacIard 600 DPI _prnter. Speedy Business Centre 6638-0800. ?<4e ~ aeda 4a ........ RANDAN CABINETS Custom Woodworklng e - atwecanbuldet VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 1141 Brock St. S., Whitby (905) 430-3053 Also reflnlshing &,repairs Home improvements Finished basements -, Hardwood flo'ors All Types trim work e Mantles . e Winter maintenance CALL MARK 666-9429 p4~J The Mutual Group HEBTRAN caifor quotation OSHAWA RMIVI NO 0SCHOOL 12KnSt. E. Sute #301 Oshwa *.728-0091 Fuit Divers Education Courses DECEMBER 5TH Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course DECEMBER 9TH & 1 OTH DECEMBER 16TH & 17TH Saturdays/Sundays 2 week course JANUARY 2ND TO 5TH 4 day course PRIVATE LESSONS, REGISTERED & APPROVED BY THE O.S.A.O. AND O.S.L WINTEq SPECIAL computer courses $39.95, each. Computer fundamentals, uggrading to Windows 95. 2 Iou r session, Saturday & Sunday. TechnoPlus Computer Learning Centre 416-292-5253. WHITBY SCHOOL of Music -Piano/keyboard lessons <private & group), guitar violin voice, flute, saxophone, clarinet,' Kindermusik ( 3-5years) a nd music books. 103 u-ndas St. W., Whitby. 666-8780. LEÉcote Française small adult classes in an informai but results-oriented environment beginner to advanced courses designed to meet your needs Reasonable rates 20 years teachingexperience Private instruction also available Cal Jacques at 666-0993 à, - i "HANDYMAN WITH a van" MI do household moving, clean-ups and remfoval, general re pairs and electrical work. Cal Doug (905) 434-7874. FUSSY DUSTER housecleaning the old fashion way. Spning cleaning every visit. Guaranteed satisfaction every time. References if required. Caî (905) 668-0323. Bi-weekly services available. BUSINESS OPPS., TRAVEL AGENCY - INVESTMENT $14,995. Full Training and Ongotng, Sup- port. Fui-time/Part-time, Home or Office. Many travei benefits. LIMITED AVAIL- ABILITY. T.P.I. Canada Inc., 1-800-799- 9910 or 1 -204-987-3322 - Winnipeg. START YOUR OWN home-based busi- nessi Watkins Is todays best business opportunityl For free Information contact - Independent Marketing Director, 338 Braeshire Rise, Saskatoon, SK, S7V 1 B2, 1-800-263-2999., ATTENTION NETWORKERS! Quintrix Marketing has arrived. 10-25% downiine bonus. 1-800-896-8113. ARE You A HOME-BASED BUSINESS? Do you want your business to grow? Ontario home-based gift producers are invited to participate as part of Southex Exhibitions Toronto Spring Gift Show. Interested exhibitors must submit sam- pies of their best work by December 11, 1995. There is a non-refundabie jurying tee of $3500 and an additionai $1 50-200 for successfut applicants to secure trade show space that normally selis for $800:' For further information caii 1-800-672- 0 103 or fax (604)854-5530. GOVERNMENT FUNOS. Government assistance programs information avail- able. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Cali 1-800-915-3615. CAREER TRAINl1G BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER. .with our great home-study course. Cali for your FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writ- ing Schooi, 2441-38 McArtU'ur Ave., Ottawa, ON Ki L 6R2.* COUNSELLOR TRAINING 'nstitute - Ontario Extension offers corre pondence courses for the Dipoma in C-unselling Practise to begin November 30. For a brochure phone toit-f ree 1 -800- 565-7044. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-30 with agricultur- ai experience to ive/work wlth famity in Australia, New Zeaiand, Europe, Japan. Costs/details - 1-800-263-1827. #105, 7710-55t. S.E., Calgary, AB, T2H 2L9. NORTHERN NEWS SERVICES is accepting resumes for generat news reporter. Minimum two years reporting experience, photography, wiliing to accept term assignments in smalter com- munities. Fax or mail: Bruce Valpy, Man- aging Editor, Northern*News Services, Yellowknife, NWT, X1A 2RI1, fax 403- 873-8507. FOR SALE GET READY FOR THE COLD with Inter- dictor Electro-Static Air Cleaner. Nothing to .Iose-only indoor poilutant. The oniy fur- nace filter you'Ii ever needl 416-283- 7616. HELP WANTED COMPUTERS. No previous computer experlence necessary. Exciting opportu- nities now availabie In computer pro- gramming. We wiii train suitabie appli- cants. CMS 1-800-477-9578. SALES HM'ELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money sellIng chocolate bars. New prod- ucts avaliable. Nothlng to pay In advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. PAY TELEPHONE: SERV. PSYCHIC ALLIANCE. 100,000+ satisfîed customers. October - 2 lottery winnerà.' Solve ail problems ... Answers about love, money, career...$3.49/mln ... Talk live 1 on l...24 hrs ... 18+...alt calis confidential. 1- 900-451-4336. PSYCHIC MASTERSI Canadas Best Psychlcs.We can helpI Romance, Wealth, Career, Lucky Numbers. Live and Personal. 1-900-451-3778. $2.99/mln., 18+ 1-on-i, 24 hrs. I.C.C. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Friends of thousands, multi-tatented inter- national psychics. Rel ationships, Future, Finance, Career, Live 24 Hours, $2.99/Min 18+. 1-900-451-3783.' LATE FOR A DATE? Dont leave your romance up to fate. Cai the National Dateline. Connect wlth other singles or leave your message. 1-900-451-3286, ext. 408. $2.99/mln, 18 + only, touch tones only. Infoservice/Studio City CA 213-993-3366. PýERSOINALS SENSUAL PRODUOTS FOR INTIMATE OCCASIONS by Lady Caiston. Aduît products for ladies and couples eiegantty displayed ln our Fuit Colour Catalogue. Unique videos, books and alds that wiIi enhance your personal enjoyment. CON- FIDENTIALITY GUARANTEED. All orders shlpped in plain unmarked pack- ages. We don't seit, rent or trade your name. Only $4.95. VISAJMC.holders cal 1 -800-690-5239. WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian people across Canada for companionship or marriage? S.A.S.E. Free information. State age. Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1iMO. REAL ESTATrE GOT A, CAMPGROUND membership/timeshare? We'll take lt! Americas largost, otdest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1-800- 423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cail 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - Quonsets 25x30 $5462, 30x4O $6,593, 35x50 $8478, S. Series Straightwall 525x30 $5922, S30x4O $6999, Endwalts & Sliding Doors included. Cai Future Steel 1-800-668- BUILDINGS ... Some Straight Sides. Round or Peaked Roof. Quonïset Style. 20x3O $2,998.00, 25x40 $4,388.00, 30x46 $5844.00, 35x54 $6,744.00, 40x64 $8,366.00. Others. Ends Optional. Ploneer 1-800-668-5422. NOVEMBER SPECIAL! 50'WxlOOLxl4'H Ait-Steet Building $29,996. 26ga painted, walls, 26ga galvalume roof. Limited offer for November ontyt Sertous buyers please cait 1 -800-663-7538.DURA BUILDING SYSTEMS. It ftsAffordabte » It k Fast e It IsEasy a On. BilI Does ft Ail aNorthem Ontario $63 e Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 e Central Ontario $168 e Ail Ontario $380 National Packages Available Cati this paper for details! AS ABOU OU SP- AL TREE CUTTING & TRIMMUNG FuIIy Insured s Free Estîmates 433.140 '4304622 pager 721-7304 -- - - - -- - .. . . . .. . . . . FLOOR REFINISHING - wood renewers will do a professional job 0f your sandin g, refinished and stainin g nea s. AIl work guaranteed. 655-3566. HENK KARELSEN Painting& Home Repair. Quality work, interior/exterior. Over 20 years expenenoe. No job too small. Free estiates. 1-800-423-0823. "Advertise A cross Ontario orAcross'the Clountry", imaimmu'UV r m. v . - EST 668.SU4697 CAL r- L- -J Whitby Fr dâv., 00 am lo 5 Fax 668-0594.- rée-Press 668-6-111 Offide.:Hourslý Mon:day to i :00

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