Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Nov 1995, p. 6

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Page 6, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, November 8, 1995 J à?WW The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby resîdents for Whîtby resîdents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY CRUAIN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in. Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtle as welI as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GST .- Outside Canada $80 + GST Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brock St. N, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Outof town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% recycled content using vegetable based inks. lm Alil written material, illustrations and adverlising contained-herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial p urposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation o Ca nadian copyright Iaw. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit fine 10 the Whitby Free Press. QuQueen's ark Report By Jim Fiah.rty The. new provincial government lias three main prioities: jobs, jobs, and jobs. Real jobs that will provide a longer-term job security are created by the private »etor, not by governments. Our government is encouraging the. private sector to spend their money here rather than in other provinces, or other countries. Tii. NDP government's labour legisiation (Bil 40) was a proven job-killer. Because of Bill 40, the. private sector would not invest in ' Ontario and, therefore, not create new jobs. This hurt working people acrosa the. province, including Durham Region. Our govermen repealed this job-killing legisiation. The new labour legisiation (Bill 7) passed by our government is a more balanced labour law package. Bfi 7 is more democratic than the prior legislation and will lead to greater balance between labour and management. The working person who is a member of a union will also experience increased powers under Bil 7. There will be a shift in power from the. union bosses to thie union member, and members Copy 0f later ta Anderson principal Sally Mcliveen cvi Dear Ms. MclIveen: k has came Io the attention 0f lb. Cauncil For a Tobacco-Fre. Durham Rogion, that Aniderson CVI is expeniencing somo difflouities lmplemenllng the Tobacco Control Act, spocifically the section wNich addresses students smoking on sohoal praperty. W. understand your conoern for the safety 0f those students who chaos. ta smoke close to busy streets. Studenîs safety la a primary coricem0of aur council as weII. Smoking la not only unsafe, but deadly. 0f wvery 1,000 Ontanans, aged 20, who smoke, one haif (500) WIl die as a resuft 0f smoking if they continue. Young people, aged 15, who smoke are more than twvioe as Nikely ta dis before age 70, as 15- year.Ids wha nover start ta amoko. Change is difficult, but in this case extromnely worthwhiîe. To assist Anderson, and any school In Durham Rogian, the caunail offors the fallowing sugestians: consul! with other schools un the region who have suoeessfully managed the change (the council can asslst); Invite members 0f your school community (parents, neighbours, police and students) ta attend a problem-saM4ng session; contact the counail for Information and consultation; offer students and staff Information about the hazards 0f smoking and envirogimental tobacco smoke, the benefits 0f quitting and cessation Information. This la a large and important issue. Careful planning MiI encourage an environment which supports th. intent of the Tobacco Control Adt, protecting the Ivysof aur youth. Long-term honefits could aiso result in improved relations among staff, students and neighbours. Mary Sue O'Connor -Councîl Chair To th *r.. Morals can't be taught To the odltor: Re: LoUer, *OId Press, Oct. 18 Fashioned,' Free WhIIeKMs. Vandermeulen may b. olfashloned, she is also quite nalve. She asked that "girls" walt unlil they are married before, they have chlldren, and that the demonstration held aeQueerVs Park In protes! af the cutbacks ta welfare was'In poor ta-te. k la nat always just "girls who are on welfarn. In a lot of cases, wamen dUd the naId fashlonedu thigig and gaI marrled before they had oblidren anly ta find aui their husbarids were abusive, alcohallcs, "iltos crimlnals ... the Est goos an. Unfartunate l: kIs nat a perfect warld and there are no guarantees when yau get marnied. A waman wha suffers physical abuse has wvefy rlght ta bsave the marriage, anid the finandial support the gavemnment praviesls needed for her tastay out 0f the marriage. WhiIe she may come from an extended family that affers a vas! amount 0f support, thats flot how Ik la for evorybody. I am sure that given the chalce, most people on welfare wauld rather riot ho, and lhey can't be blamed for not havlng relatins that welcome themn with open arms. Bill 7 a step back To the edftor: Tadays fe finds everyane busy but, no persan jgi this province should b. sa busy that l1sey dont .stop anîd look al the prapased changes IoaOntrituo Labour Law. knawn as EN11 C-7. and realize the Impact these changes oil have on theirs and their family(s work Ives. Bil C-7 rot anly eliminates the Rae govergiment labour law refarms 0f 1990s, k also elimînates labour laws passed by the former Progressive Canservative govemment BÎI1 C-7Isl not about rallng labour Iaws back ta 1990, Ils about rolling back labour laws ta the 1940s and 1 950s. The govemment must hold fui public heanings across the prince ta examine the entire Impact 0f Bill C-7 hofore any changes are miade ta Ontaros labour law. Joan A. Gates VIce-poesldent, Reglon 3 Ontario Public Services Employees Union Oshawa k may b. Immoral for a woman ta have sex before mafrlage, but wake up - il has been galng an for years, and aur free sodcty encourages it. When aur sohools teach sex educallon, they do It ln an attempt ta reduce the number of unwed mothers, as weII as provide much needed awareness of sexually transmitted diseases. f aur educators stapped teachlng sex ed., and coencentrated an teachlna marais, as she suggests, h wauld b. a virtual waste of lime. Morals arenl samething that yau can teach - you are, barn with them, and they are nurtured by your family. Thora 15 nothlng wrong wlth belng ol-fashboned -etall, andiff he Me has allawed her ta stick with her marais, then al the, pawer ta her. Unfoltunately, there are -a lot of people whose Mle daesn't go as planned. I dont thlnk thase people, wha are already havlng a taugh lime just maklng IR through the day, shauld be further put down. When people are dissatislled with what the gavemment 15 dalng, they demanstrate.. That, tao, has been galng an for years, and Its odd thae the only ime h ls descrlbed as wrong, Is When R is poar people wha are dolng IL. Hol agi ta your dreams, Jeanette. But yau'd botter hope that yaur whale warid daoesn1 fait apart aone day, causlng you ta go welfare, because If yau continue supportlng Mke Hams there wan't be welfare ta go an. Sandi. Findlay Whltby Participate in remembering To the editor: Remembrance Day this year is of special-significance, because 0f the, many events whlch look place 50 years ago when World War Il came ta an end. Rirst was V-E Day, Vudtory ln Europe, with the signing of unconditional surrender by Germany on May 8, 1945. Although the war ln the Paclflc ended on Aug. 15of thet same year, the peace agreement was nat signed in Japan unli Sept. 2 on the U.S. battleshîp Mssour lIn TokYa Bay under Commander General Douglas MacArthur. This was folbwed by the'signlng in Hong Kong on Sept. 9 and in Singapare on Sept. 15 under South East Asia Commander Lord Louis Mounibatton. The 501h annlversary la also significant ln that vworid p-c has hoen retalned since Word War Il ended. whle poace ai the end of Word War I lasted for only 21 years. Does this mean that a lesson has beeri Iearned thal wars do not beneft elther side but only croate more diestructon ta mankind? Lot us hope thîs is the case, sa peaceful existence can ho maintained. The cessation ofWorld WarlIl not onVr braught the long awaited end ta human sufferIng and destruction of chties, but also brought ta light the killng 0f Innocent man, women and chIldren and the horrible treatment aur soldiers suffered under the handa 0f the eerny. These atrocities can haudly ho Imagined unles hey were tld by the survmng vidma and viewed flrst hand at the sites where these crimes were committed. 1On the 501h annlversaiy, we can look back with pride on the viclcxles won and wlth sadness on th. sarraws that were faced i the loss 0f bved ones. As upright citizens, we shauki aricpaI. in one 0f the RemembrneDoa miicas on Nov. 11 thatwMI b. heU al cenataphe In towns and ciisaross Canada. Let us give thanks toa al the women and mon who fought In the war or warked al home In the munitions factornes or shlpyards. And as we bow our heads i the saund of The Last Post, lot us pay speclal tribute and honour ta the unsung heoes who unselfshly gave ail they had but dld not make ht home. Lewis Chow Whitby To the edltor: Durham Reglan shauld ho complmeeted for the pamphlet, Why Continue 'Bagglng Vour Grass? Ms! residonts have changed their Ne pattm and nature has honefited through dlirect composting.' Thé next stop la a pamphlet, Why Continue Balng Vour Leaves? Whenleavmsare chopped ln mowl ng 1h. lawn, they pravide excellenit compost materlals. Why shouid taxpayers pay ta have their neighbou rs' loàes carted away toaa central compost heap? The money we save as a reglan could ho botter spent in supplementing the nutritionally hInMequate diet for those on the Tory social assistance allowance. Donald M. Wamne Whitby To the ditor: Compost leaves

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