Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Nov 1995, p. 17

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whitby IFree Press, Wednesday, November 8, 1995. Page 17 Cadets begîn recruiting campaign on 2Sth Members of RCSCC 226 Whltby are searchlng Durhiam Region for youtii aged 12 te 18 te become members of the. Whitby/Brooklin Sea Cadets. The Royal Canadian Sea Cadet program is available te both mial. and female teenagers at no cost. Training and competition are provided In the. areas of sailing, seamanship, firat aid, drill, swimming, band and navigation. Social activities may include dances, bowling, weekend camping and the, traditional annual Shipes Dinner. Altiiougii the.Whitby/Brooklin Corps is small in numbers, they have been most successful in both regional (flotilla) and provincial competitions during past y.ars. hn cooperation with the. Canadian Arin.d Forces, the. Navy League offers summer training courses at a variety of military installations across Canada. During tii. surruer of 1995, al- Whitby cadets participated in tbm.. training experiences in Nova Scotia, British Columbia and Kingston. Transportation, accommodation, meals and uniforma are provided by the. Navy League and DND. The. ma cadet program -combines military tradition and discipline with opportunity for success, personal growtii and achievement. This past y.ar, the corps participated in tih. Brooklin Spring Fair parade, tihe Fiesta parade and VJ Day ceremonies in Whitby. Again this y.ar, tiiey wiil assist the. Royal Canadian L.gion at the, Remembrance Day ceremonies. As weil, the. band will p.rform in the. Whitby Santa Claus parade, as escorta for Santa's arrivaI. at the. Whitby Mail on Nov. 25, and as part of a massed cadet band at the. Toronto Santa Claus parade. Traditionally, the. RCSCC 226 Corps bas remain.d amaîl. However, on their 25th birtiiday, tiiey are looking for new members. Regular parades (meetings) are held at the. boatiiouse on Front Street West in Port Whitby every Wednesday from 7 te 9:30 p.m. Any youth int.rested in learning' more about the. Royal Canadian Sea Cadets should oeil 430-2018. The Navy Leagu. bas been active in Canada ince 1895 - altiiougi the. Naval Service Act, which created the. Royal Canadian Navy, was not passed until May 4j, 1910. Early in tbe centuMythe. Navy League *ponsored- a training program for boys known as the. Boys' Naval Brigade. In 1923 the name of the. orgariization- was changed to the. Navy League Winning.! start The WVhitby mmnor atom select hockey team, sponsored by Master Bedroom, started regular league play in the North York hockey league with a 4-1 victory over Pickering. Whitby bad completed pre-season play with tbree wins, two louses and a tde, including a 5- 0 victory over Pickering. Pickering got off to a quick start, scoring at the. 1:20 mark of the. first period, on a s3hot that went in off the, crossbar. Whitby responded witbin three mirnites, on a goal by Jordan Hayes from Matt Race and Mike MacPhee. lIn the second period, Wbitby was aiiead 2-1 with Hayes scoring bis second goal, assist.d by Race. Whitby took control of the. third period with Race and Machee scoring, both goals assist.d by Hayes. Atoms gtin, tic Tii. Whitby -major atem AA j hockey team, sponsored by jBrooklin Lions bad two home gaes over tiie w.ekend and beat Markham Waxers 8-1 and tied Newmarket 2-2. lIn the. fRut period of the game against Markiiam, Brandon Fowler scored the only goal ofthie p.riod after only 35 seconds with assiste te Jef Hass and Andrew Martland. Whitby picked up the. tempo in the second poriod with Justin Haw, putting two by Mlarkbm's goa]keeper, assisted by Jef Seediiouse, James Liske and Andrew Lamiot. Markharn put one by Wbitby on a power play and Martland scored anotiier te end the. second period 4-1 in favour of Whitby. In the. iird period Whitby could do no wrong. Fowler scored bis second goal along with goals by Matt Annis, Martland and Liske and assista by Adam Thibodeau, Jason Connors, Sean Kerr, Hass, Hawe and Seediiouse te end the. game in a 8-1 victory. Sunday on home ice, Whitby tied Newmarket 2-2 witii goals by Liske and Hawe, assisted by Hawe and Walsh. Ian Upten made a rucial save late in the first period and Whitby ended tue p.riod 2-1. .Newniarket scored in the. second to tie tiie game. mhe Whitby 'major atom AA hockey team won two games in league play Whitby defeated Vaughan 4-i on goals by James Liske (two), Adam Thibodeau and Sean Kerr. Andrew Martland, Justin Hawe, Jason Connor and Làske had asss. lin the. second game Whitby defeated Barrie 5-1. Kevin Walsh scored twice, Matt Annis, Sean Kerr and Jason Connor had one goal each. Andrew Lamiot had two assista. Solid goaltending by Ian Upton and Chris. Nemisz and strong defensive play by Andrew Martland, Adam Thibodeau, Jeif Seedhouse, Glen Corbin and Lamiot kept a pressing Barri, team from adcing to the. score sheet. Minor noivîce AAAs sec tight action Whitby's minor novice AAA, sponsored by Dundas Centre Guardian Druge, looked great against Markiiam reoently. By the mid-second period Markhamiiad a 2-0 lead on Whitby, but late in tii. second, Luke Carson put one by their goalie to end the. second poriod on an up beat. In the third period, Whitby d.fensive lineup looked sharp and put Wiiitby in scoring positions tiirougiiout the, third.James Neal scor.d four nimutes into tiie period and later Michael Trudeau scored on a fine aseit by, David Mclntyre. Carson finish.d up the. scoring witii his second goal of the. night, assisted by Brad Smith. Both Chad Thibodeau and* Ben Fitzgibbon bad plenty of action at their net. The Wbitby minor novice AAA hockey team beat Richmond Hill 5" on Oct. 25. Bennett Fitzgibbon started the game i net and was solid, making save after sav. to siiutdown the, opponent's offence. Meanwhile, Whitby got goals by Nick Jardin, David Mclntyre and James Neal in the first period. lIn the second period Richmxond Hill scored twice to tie the. score. lIn the. third, with Joel Weber playing stalwart defence support.d by defenseive linesmen Daniel Dempsey, Jaosn Cassidy, Jan Farquharson and Adam Jolinston, the. game was turned around. At tue halfway mark i the third, Neal scored bis second, mnd Philip Mdflhone fimished tue scoring with 90 seconda on tue clock.. mhe Whitby team is sponsored by Dundas Centre Guardian Druge. cadets, as the Youn~g men abJected to being called boys. The. Navy League S ea Cadets cogitinued as a pzugram fully fund.d and sponsored by the. Navy Leagu. until Canada became dieply embroiled in World War Hl. 1At the begixnning of the. war, the, Navy numb.r.d lesu tha 1,000 officers and men. By 1945, it iiad grown te over 100,,000. Sucii growtii had cr.ated certain training problems and naval autiiorities came te recognize the. value of the sea cadet progra. Thei. support and assistance provid.d by the. Navy to the sea To the. editor trouble relafingiiow wbat they eat will affect the. way tuey play Re: Jo. Millage's coluinn, hockey. Coaciing for Mils. Most oftiie nutrition and fitness information banded out la very I found Jo. Millage'. article, good but la written for adulte mnd rR.ady, Set, Go, in the. Nov. 1 Free seeme to leave a minor atem Press, v.ry int.resting. Fmn hockey player a little confua.d. constantly lookingl for motivational I oft.n hear the. phrase, "Sugar information a 10-year-old hockey gives me energy." On Nov. 10 our player can read portaiming to team la staying ini Kitchener ail fitness or nutrition. weekend for the. annual Blueline teurnament and I dread the Most 10-y.ar-olda know tue thougiit of tue team's .ating and basica whn it comes to, food general preparation habits during groupa, etc. But I Ulnd they have our stay in the. botel. My son plays AAA hockey in Whitby amd always looks for bis team's write-upa in The. Fre. Pres on Wednesdays. He usuaily ends up readng aIl tiie sports pagea, lacluding Coacbing for ida. I would love te se. a motivational article on fltness, nutrition or jus;t general game preparation te whicii a minor atem, or even minor novice, competitive hockey player, can relate. Gieorge Brauson Whitby birthday Cadets b]came a formal partnership ln 1941 and the sea cadets became known as the, Royal Canadian Sea Cadets. hn 19709 Branch 226 Wbitby/Brhookin Sea Cadets were chrteed Shortly theresfter, the. Department of National Defense declded to admit females Into the, cadet program, so 226 Corps has been co-ed almost ince its inception. In June 1996, at their annual inspection, tii. Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 226 wMl formally celebrate 25 years of participation in the program. CO* STEEIL <LASCO. O Whitewall size Sale price Whitewall size Sale pilce P155/80R13 $49.00 P205/75R 14 $70.00 O Pl 75/80R 13 $57.00 P205/75R1 5 $72.00 P185/80R13 $59.00 P215/75R15 $75.00 S P185/75R14 $65.00 P225/75R15 $78.00 P195/75R14 $67.00 P235/75R15 $80.00 S~K CHWARENGR "WONU ER DRIEOREVSO UTMRSRC" SOS, NDs SSss,* BoLieR HOCKEY LERGUE, ROLLER HOCKEY CAMP Shinny & SkiIIs at Soccer.City Arena il wes pos àe Nvs16s Ja* s2 *Fun environment while learning hockey skills e Great for children new to the game *Excellent training for existing hockey players Don't just sit on a waiting listI Corne and play now! 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