Page 12, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, November 8, 1995 Swîft action needed FROM PAGÈ 1 confirmed," she said. "I'm not a lawyer and I won- dered at times if I was out of my league. For me to be sitting there and trying te keep up was very intimidating." Worona, who was livîin i Brit- ish Columbia at the time of the accident, moved back te Whitby afler Angela's deatli. She and other family members NUTRITION CE NTRE INC* 121 Brock Street North (just N. of the four corners) OPEN MONDAY TO SUNDAY spent numerous hours writing letters, lobbying politicians and bureaucrate and researching the history of truck safety legisiation or perhaps, the lack of it, in On- tarjo. "What we found just added fuel to the fire," said Worona. "Why couldn't the goverrnment and industry work together? They talked about it and talked about it but nothing was done," she said. wEveything made us frustrated. 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A 56-page report listing the acci- dent record, convictions and out- of-service detentions of Universal Am-Can Ltd. over the past five years was filed by the Ministry of Transportion. Further, the me- clianic who signed the safety certif- icate for the tractor-trailer in- volved in the accident, neyer per- sonally inspected the rig even thougli he approved it. The mechanic testified that com- pany policy did not require him to personally inspeet, each vehicle before signing ita safety certificate. Instead, he relied on the reports of the mechanics who did the ac- tual maintenance 'work, the in- quest heard. That policy lias since been clianged, ho added. "They (company) waited eight monthe. Am-Can wasn't going te change until the media started asking questions," said Worona. "If that inquest hadn't occurred, you can ho damn sure nothing would have changed." (An official. at Universal Am-Can's head office in Warren, Michigan, told the Free Press the company would not comment on the inquest.) Aithougli one would think the' Woronas have, grounds *for a substantial lawsuit, current pro- vincial legisiation limita what the faniily can receive. "We couldn't afford a lawyer at the inquest and anything we get would basically cover what we lost in wages," said Worona, who left her job in B.C. while brother im also teok considerable time off work. Among the jury's recoinenda- tions was one calling for repeal of sections of the no-fault insurance legisiation so that truck operators can be subject to negligence law- suite. While looking forward to meet- ing with Palladini, Worona admits that she will only be happy if the minister backs up his words with action and the sooner, the better. "F'm cynical about government and what tliey will put someone through," she said. While ii opposition, Progressive Conservative MPPsa criticized the former New Democratic Party gov- truk safety. ernment for failing te implement recommendations of ite own "Mlue ribbon" task force on truck safety, Worona said. But ini 1983, the Ontario Com- misésion on Truck Safety pointed out many of the same problems which are only now being ad- dressed, she said. "There were recommendations made over a decade ago when the Tories were in power," she said. "They lambasted the NDP for not foflowing through on their report, so we would expect swift action from them." Whble lias not yet read the actual recommendations, Flaherty does not forsee any significant problems preventing most of the jurys proposais from being acted upon. "The minister lias already com- mented on some pointe - demerit points, graduated licences, manda- tory programs for meclianice and wheel installers," said Flahierty. "The coroner's jury went a bit furtlier on some of them, but I agree with the Worona family that we have to be persistent with this," lie said. "There is a tendancy for some coroner's jury reports to end up on someone's sheli. But I promise that this will s3tay on the govern- ment's agenda and that the minis- try pute meat on the bone." Police. learning truck inspection at Durham Durham Regional Police and the Mliistry of Transportation ar 'e holding a truck safety inspection course at the Police Learning Centre at Durham College in Oshawa. The two-week intensive course is tauglit by ministiy enforcement officers, giving police officers Ws and qualifications necessary te get unsae trucks off the highways. Thirteen police officers are being trained, including officers from Durham Regional Police. Metro Toronto Police and- OPP. They are being trained te Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) standards, the standards used by the ministiy and several other enforcement agencies across North America use. The course is made up of both classroom instruction (examination of vehicle parte) and physical examination - of commercial motor vehicles. ThanksForL vin')Ur (OVen! Celebraing Biais Master's l8th Anniveîswy n wm for l vk 0 (Coupons valid until Sunday, November 12, 1995) ~13 ~85eii 1@151,H5. dozen 'doze 111oa Deiiu!Fesh! WhiteRound Dellcious! BORNHOFFEN F eq ecua Reg. 2.19 Limit 3 doz. - Thursday OnIy' Reg. 1.35 -Lmit 3 doz- - Fniday OnIy!' Reg. 1.95 -Lmit 3 loaves - Saturday OnIy! Reg. 55c -Limit 1 doz. - Sunday OnIy! Buns Master 750 Hopkins Street, WhiWtby 666-1177 ilt PIE ASTE T/fAT tYERYIODY:AFTERI Photo by Mark Rooso. Whitby Fr.. Prou Meanwhile, the Woronas will flot let the issue go away, Theresa Baia. "We've got the reet of our lives te miss An2gela. This can't wait." Among the jury recommenda- tions: *Fines sliould be increased for existing offences (currently about $250 for fafling te maintain a vehi- cle), with significant fines for fraudulently issuing annual safety inspection certificates (which can be bouglit for as little as $100); * Failure to report runaway wheels should be a punishable offence; * Commercial vehicles involved in collisions should undergo ful safety inspections to deterinine if any defecte contributed to the acci- dent; * Drivers must be required te maintain a log book witli their signature anid the log book must state who did the last mechanical work; * Trucks sliould ho taken out of service if a single nut or fastener. is loose, missing, broken, cracked or stripped. Noise FROM PAGE 4 "It's noise why we're here tonight, not their business," said Cullen in explaining that no one was opposing a change in the property's current agricultural zonmng. "The only thing we object te is the noise and proposed location of the.bowling alîey," lie said. Cullensaid that two weeks ago he could hear the go-karts as far away as Cochrane Street and compared it to, the sound fi-rma lawn mower neit door. "You will regret the day you ever allowed this type of racing (two-cycle) and machines on their property," lie said ini looking aliead to plans by Markborougli Properties for residential deveblopment on the opposite aide ofllighway 12 from the part Cullen alo dismissd the resuits of a consultant's report on noise levels tliat is being prepared for the Sorichettis. "I can tell you riglit now that we won't be happy witb the noise study. It wifl be favourable te them." Aithougli planig staff recommended thatte property revert te a residential designation but with exising uses being allowed te romain, councillor Don Mitchell did not agree. "If the noise issue is resolved, Fim not sure Fd rather see a bunch of bouses there instead of a race trckU said hMitchell. Theresa Worona shows Seagram a photograph ti h er iate sister Angela and the dog in happier limes. Angela was killed by a runaway truck tire on Highway 401 earlier this year. A coroners jury probing the deaths of Angela and a Mississauga maný recerffly madle a number of recom mendations aimed at improving