Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Nov 1995, p. 6

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Page 6, WhIthy Fr.. Pr..., Wednesday, November 1,1996l The onfy Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents! MEMBER O0k CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY VRFIDCOMMUNITY NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATIONAS0ITÃ" ISSN#0844-398X ASOITN The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in. Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as weII as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GSI - Outside Canada $80 + GSI Published every WedneàIday by 677209'Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-61 11 Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint wîth minimum 20%/. 491k recycled content using vegetable based inks. t 0 Ail written materiat, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright taw. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution shoutd bear a credit line to the Whitby Free Press. Open govornment? To the editor: What ~ve happened ta good, old- fduhied accurrablity 0f politidians ta the publc. They are sugPosed ta b. doing whai thegeneral public wants, nat have tiidr awn agenda Rememnber In the spd ng wiien Mayor TofflEdwards salde that nary a shovel vii ho put ln the ground at Lynde Shiores until everything was ln 'place. What happened ta that promise, Mr. Edwards? Rose Corporation startod cutting trees on the. Jeffrey Street rIght of way. Thoy installed security people wiîth guard doge. What le Rose thinking? If evorything le being done cormectywiiy are thoy ueIng these methade ta Intimidate people? They could nover accuse us 0f hoîng hoalgans when w. have neyer don. anythln9 than by the. book. Sa I wonder 9f they are feeling rathor guifty about the~ destruction they are abou ta wr.ak on Lynde Marsh? Our conservation aufthrity Iast March votoci for a peer revlew 0f the studis done on Lyndo Marsh. Tiiere was .nough doubt ln the. minde 0of the. CLOCA board members as ta whether or not the. studios wero complote enaugh. The peer review was not dons. It was ta have corne ta the Town of Whitby. They chose ta ignore a peer rovlew. The OMB coul have been notifled that this review was ta ho dons prior ta the. proceedinge. But what would have happ.ned If tuis rovew concludedtihat tho studios were not extensive enaugii? Tii.epliticlans rnlght have had ta o FOsome rsthinking. in bath tue Town 0f Whitby and CLOCA, the bureaucrats are runnlng the show and the politidians are nunning ta catch up. They are either not recoMvng enougii Information ta rnie a proper decision or not askl ng onough questions. W. asked ta see ail the. reports that Rose must submit ta the. Town ta See for ourselves if th.y are being don. corroctly. W. wore told politely that tiioy did not have ta do so because tii. public procees was avor. Do they have something to hide or are thoy just hoing difficult? Do we have an open govomment here or nat?*- Aiea, f the. Region le not goîng ta develop their property now and the. prnca govemment has cut back on sbsdlzed hoVsing and MlI not develop their lande east 0f Jeffery Stroat for a whie, how ls Rose golng topayfor ail those services thet they wllbDe requlrlng? A new Hydro station le supposed ta ho lnstalled as Weél.Are you gong tobe asked by your frlendly Town council ta subsidize this development that most of ýyou are not in favour of? Nover fear. The monitoring cdmmitee le galng ta salve ail your pro bleme. IR anty, has the abllty ta monitor the very narrow stnip of land botwoen the edge of the water and the devolopment, and has no authortty ta comment on anythlng happening an. eltiier side. ft lsn't a problem, or le t? Our govemmont, ail thre. levole, cauki have worked ta compensate Rose for the money tiiey have invested. They could have swappsd the. lands ta, the east 0f Jeffsrywith Rose and thon Ieft the Rose land as open space. That would have been boer than what le about ta happen. For my part I vlslted Lynde Marsh Oct. 27 et dusk wlth a candI. ln memory 0f what le happening and what shauld ho happening. Barb North Save the Lynde Marsh -o th editor...k 'Aduits make rules -in their favour' To the Oditor: - I arn wring bo respond to the. argumentsot0 trustees Ken Rdge, RuthAnn Schedllch and Colleen Jordran as quoted ln the article "Change of attitude: trustees allaw smoklng.0 (Fr.. Press,Oct. 25). Any educatar wltelyo that a basic teachlng strategy le to soi a goad example. Albwlng asmoing area et the. Education cete wNle boenling on. ln achoole sonde a clear message tu students: %Adufts make the niles In theïr favour.0 Mr.Rdges quoted as saying thi the. centre le an oeiuft place af workO Does ths mean that the spirtof the anti-smoking polcy only applies Io minors who are beîng assIgned deentions for smoking on Sinclair property only a few yards away? Or does it mply that rules can be relnterproted so that one group of people has to foîlow themn whlle another Is prMîieged to Ignore themn? If this Ie so, how can teachers sediously demand respect for schoî rules and class poldces if their leaders do not? Ks. Schedîich asks "who le going to enforce (a non-smoking policy)?o She makes wttty commente about empboyees being hounded by the director and sent homo, dlsclpllned or held back after work. *These are *adult,m she Impies. *We can't troat them like students1n But employees, as adults, should be expected to foîlow office poliois without belng patrolled or disciplined& Aiea, If our adult dignlty le hurt by disciline, perhaps we should consider the studont's dignlty when we disciplne in echools. I doubt students want detentions ether. Ns. Jordan makes the case that «aAbacks and many other concerne have weakened staff morale. Taking away the smoking area would uhurt them eagain.0 For two and a ha# years, wage freezes, unpaid days off and reductions ln stafffng have speared empk>yee morale. Why shouki trustees choase repeallng the non-smoking polcy as a way to boost our spirite? Most staff do not work gi the Educallon Centre. Most staff are demoralized by drastic changes ln worklng conditions, not h'aving ta Obutt out.0 And what about student morale? English teachers encourage .Trustees To the editor: R.: Free Prose article about Reduce the RIsk, Oct. 18. I would Ice to thank alI the parents who filîed the gallery sa the Durham Board of Education meeting Oct 10 ta volce their objections ta the. Implementation of this seaaly expict , highly contentiaus document. I l leImportant that our children get the best material available on AIDS education and not b. demorallzed ln the process. Presentlng sex as a garne, makes it a game. As the communtty representalive wha sat on the famlly Nf. educatian advlsory committe. for the Durham board, I found parents were not opposed ta AIDS education from a scientlftc, clngcal prespective, but that they strdngly resented AIDS education being used as a vehicle ta promote festyl.preferences. I aiea opposed .the Inclusion 0f homaosexuallty and the many sex games ln the document, as dld the onstituente ln my area. I want to thank trustees Nicholson, Neumann, Hamilton, Rose, RMoLean, Willard, Hopper and Kular who stood Inrn againet the Implementation of thus document, ln the. face of. foerce opposition. It was a vote for decency students not ta, be fooWe by what they hear or reari, but ta look for the subtexi. Tii. argument idden under the statements 0f Mr. Rlidge, Ms. Sciiedlich and ks. Jordan le clear. uRules are made ta be broken Nf you are aid enough or have the dght job.0 Students understand tuis and they resent Doug Crayon Whltby thanked and a vote for moraliry. ft was a vote for the chîldren and for the pursuit of excellence ln education. Hopefuly, the. oemmlttee on whlch I serve wl ho IookIng at the. excellent materlale used by Aiberta and Saskatchewan echools calied Taon- Aid and Teen-Ed. Educating studenits from an abstinence perspective le not archalc or polhlically Incorrect," iVe jlue lite. Because, 20 years 0f comprehenelve sex educatian and the safer-sex condom message has proved to ho a dismal failure aiea ln Arnerican schools, tiie Clinton administration has advanced $400 milon Iowards abstinence education and training. Pure and Proud, Wrgln Is Cool and Tue Love W* s te ti message students are now gMvng and getting, an bath sides of the. border, as the AIDS virus does nat respect boundary linos or border crossings. Just samne 0f the excellent pragrams usod ln the. U.S. are Faclng ReaIty, Sex Respect and Chooslng the Besi. Hopefully the. Durham Board of Education vI do Uikewise'- choase the. beet. Our clkren are worth IL. iJule WI.t Oshawa Reduce spending?.Abolish CLOCA, council To the edltor: If Mike Hardes and the. Tories are looking ta slash prograrne to reduce the debt and brlng sp.nding under control, thon I'm the. man ta talk ta. FMro f aMrd have my good buddy Mike get rdof CLOCWhat do tioy do anyway? TheÇCentral Lake Ontario Con servation Authonity hasn't don, a single thing ta help prote«t and save Lynde Marsh from construction by the Rose Corporation. If you can't protc thtii onV class 1 wetland noar the. shors 0f Lake Ontario, thon what can you do? CLOCAs board le made up 0f a bunch 0f rogional councillors Who seem ta be unaccounitable ta the population. Secondly, Wike, why not get nid 0f Whhby council? This would save tançayrs abt of roney. Tiey seem ta do everythIng that's opposod ta what the people want. They couldn't have possibly missed ail those wiio are againet tue contamination 0f the. beauty surrounding the. marsh, lit aione tue destruction 0f vildlfe tiiere. Ire too bad the. almighty dollar vine out over tho onyvironment ln every case. Whltby coundil, unfortunately, letiobusyrylng ta doveiop on every possible piece of open space just ta, braaden its tax base - an amazing lack 0f foresight. LastIy, Mke, 1 can savo you so rnan illions of dollars, you could affrdtobput all the peopleof Ontario on sciÀal assistance. Just elminate the. Mnistry 0f Naturai Resources. The minisry cannot oven ksep thoso industries wftii an Incrsdlbly bad environmental record from changlng (tiie Oshawa-Whitby arsa has the. worst air pollution ln Canada), lot abonlisten Io tue public doalinge over thie rarsh. At an 0MB hearing where Indigenous people, onvironmntaî scientiste and yoLori peoplo wiio want a promlislng future, wero passionately pîeadlng their points for the protection of tii. marsi, IR was arnazng ta se. theo miltry tum a bilnd eye ta It aIL bo, js[gei nu of the minlstry and sllow industry ta do what tiiey want, whorever tu.y want, bocause that's whar El ft s happening nw. This way, thouhyouil esca e tihigh ovenieadlovd wlhei.uselese paper pushing the. ministry dos. Geoif North Oshawa M To the oditor.,,,

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