Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Oct 1995, p. 28

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Page 28, WIiltby free Press, Wedlnesday, Obct*ber25. 1995 ÂUNI* M PORTAUmuNT iMESSAGÂTU KSURYi Consumers Gas It's thuBe to prepaore your hing *.JLSystem for cold weathLer. For better heatLng economy and efftiency foillow titis easy step by step checkList. Heating Systein Check-up OOn warm air systems, dlean furnace filters or replace disposable filters befre the winter. A dirty fiter can reduce air flow and cause your system ta work harder than it has to. le Keep your electric mator and fan bearings ado pump) lubricated for greater efficiency. (Twa draps' of ail in the welI each year should do it.) *Note: Some new motors do not nccd lubricating. QIf you have a hot watcr hcating systein, - ensure that it is filled ta the propçr level by bleediîîg air from each radiator. If you observe these basics yau wilI soon llnd that using gas caî be. even more economical. CbmnmeyChek-up lt's difficuit ta know when you have a chimney problem. First, answer the following questions: 0 Does your chimncy have a metal chiînney liner? *Is your heating system connected ta a metal venting s'stem (tlîat s not a brick or stone clîùnney)? If you answer "Yes" ta cither of these questions, you probably îîeed îîot worry about your chimney beiîig able ta adequately vent your furnace. An>' brick orstone chimney should receiveperiodie inspcctioiiftomwa cimnciy expert. ** Howe ver, here are three simple clzeeksyou ean imakeyourseWf 0 Check the cleanout pit at the bottom of your chiinney: Shîould yau fn any debris, remove it. If it contains bits of mortar, brick or stone, ero shaî could be taking place. 4D Use a mirror ta look up your chimiiey, througli your cenu door, during daylight hours. You shîould have an unobstructed view ta the outside. There slîould bce no vistial evidence of crumbling inortar, brick or staîle. Your chimney may bce "offset", whîicli will îîat allow yon a visual inspection with a mirror. In sucli cases, we suggest an inspection by a chfinney expert. ** OCheck outshte chfinney brickwork. You should îîot sec a white chatkçy substance on the bricks, stone or martar. If you have a problem * If there is any chiinney blockage above the vent connecti on, turîl off your heating system (and your gas watcr heater) immediately. Cal a climney repair campany"t: for an inîspcction. 19 If there is more tlîan an i of broken mortar brick or stalle ini the cleanout pit and yau cannat sec daylight using a mirror, follow the instructions ini step 1. If (lîcre is no blockage, cail a chimncy repair campaîîy for an inspection. You înay aperate tlie furîtace and water lica,,ter uîîtil the chirnney is iuîspected, but you shouîld clheck the chimney periodically for blockageuntil you have the chiin cy contractor s* report. if you sec a white chalky staining on exteri or brickwork, stane or mortar, but the cleanout pit is clear and there are no obstructions in the chimney or ~'sigils of deterioratian on the chimney's exterior, ask a chimney repair campany** for an inspection. In the nîcautime, you may operate your heating system safely. *Colsult yolIr Yellow Pagesfor Chimiuey Builders and Repa ire rs. * Some conservation lp Foi low tliese simple rules and the resuit wiII be a lietter, more econiomical heating systein. QMake sure youi have weIl fittinig doars and windows. A good fit kecps cold air out anîd warm air ini. Praper weathcrstripping and caulIng also helps. ID Rugs, ftriiiture, drapes, etc. should îat lbc allowed ta obstruct warm air outlets and cold air rcturns. QProper attic iîîsulation means lawer fuel costs. ODampers ini open fireplaces should lie closed whcn the fireplace 15 îlot 1i1 use. 0 Hot waterradiatars will nat heat effectively if air is ini them. AI l air should be bled off. Make sure your hlumidifier is workiuîg corrcctly. Proper humidificationî can contribute ta heating economy anîd your comfort level. Drop by ou.r office and ask for our folders: "What every householder should know about carbon unonoxide" aiîd "Yaur haine iîeeds fresh air". '~i _ *'~t ~ t) ~ ~ &,~ k ~)jj Lt~' EnergySaver '~'Instaling an Eiuergy Savcrwatcr cficicncy it in your homn ciii save you water and enlergy. If you do flot already have one a low flow sliowcrhcaid could savc YOU Up to S4 a inonth, depeîîding an yoiîr usage, by lielpiîîgyou to use and heat less water. For oniy SI13.50 (îicludcs postage, liandliîg and taxes) you'll receive oneadjustable spray showerhead, mne kitclien-tap aerator and mie bathroom-tap aerator. To order your kit, fi11 out the couP)oil and mail it to: Coîisuniers Gas, EtzergySaiver, 10 Box 734, Stat.ion 'A: Scarborough, Ont. MI K 5C4. The cost will be chargcd ta your Constimers Gas account. Please allo)w 4-6 weeks delivcry.-Please nîote: thlis QIJèT is avaiIlabhe t( onusîîuîers Gias cdustoniers otuly. N A ME A L)01<ESS C':li'y POSTIAI. CODE ( ONSUIER S ( GA< I ctIN'r Ntimnib.a Offer Expires l)ecember 31, 199 5 m - - - - - - - - - iConsumers GasI

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