Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Oct 1995, p. 21

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, Octobor 25,1995 Page 21 4. trom Whitby on region parent advisory. council Elections were held in seven municipalities in Durham Region last week for the new regional parent advisory' council established by the Durham Board of Education. cniae o Theére were nine cniae o tiie four Whitby positions on the 24-member coundil. Elected for Whitby were Debi A. Ben tley, who in the Town of Whitby's supervisor of administrative* services, Pam BeriY, Linda Smith Milar and Jan Ellison. The new council meets oach month as an organizing body for community consultation and as liaison to municipal or area parent groupe. For more information, cail Bruce Walker, suporintendent- of comrnunity services, at 666-5500. AWARD WINNERS at Father Leo J. Austin Cathoh Seconciary Scho ol commencement cerernonies were (from left) Neil Balan (valedtorian and Pnincipal's Award); Andrea Soholtes (Governor-General's Modal and Fail is i the air, and students' minds are turning te, preparations for the upcoming awards assembly, sud for sorne, the culmination of their higli school careors with the commencement cerernonies. On Oct. 27, Hawks will honour their own special achievers with the awards assembly, highlighted On Oct. 18 the wbole echool (158 cf us) loaded inte four school buses for a three-and-a-half-hour journey to, Stratford ta see sorme wonderful plays. One group- (Grade il te senior) wont ta the Festival Theatre ta see MacBeth, sud the rest (Grades 7 ta 10) went te the Avon Theatre te osSe 7 Gondalierg. Upon arriving wo doscended excitedily at a huge white building surrounded with rnulti-coloured posters sud flagesud, ta tep it alI off, this was surrounded by the geoso-EMild river Avon. The itorior was filled with long, art- ied corridors a ud mega- Postasecondary info at Austin A university/college information session (admission requirements, prograrna, costs, etc.) will ho held at Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School on Wednesday, Nov. 1, at 7 p.. Any parent of an Austin student can attend. Principal's Award); Juliie Bonello (Durham separate board Trustee's Award); Howard Uu . (Anderson Foundation Scholarship Award and Math Award). Photo by JoreMy Doeaar. WtIby Fmo Pmos by presentations te those excelling in academic achievement, as well as noting the rnany Hawks who made the honour roil. Musical entertainment will be provided by the Henry Street Senior Concert Band, under the direction of Vizma Makgins, with musical selections by the Henry Street Singers, featuring a solo by bathrooms. And the tewn! Stratford je a rovelation - a veritable Victoriana. I laughing groupe, wo waded through the fallen beaves, same of us hoadily full of anticipation not only for the show but for the promise of lunch insnecf the fabulous restaurants on the main street. I enjoyod the riverside and picnic with my find, Sam. The emeil of auturan was just tea appealing te resiet; besides, thousands cf waddling geese and guils bogged insistontly for aur attention.* Uptawn, rnany little shaps and ice cream parlours reminded us of a simpler era when you could get a Coke for 25- cents. By 1:45 p.m. we were ail in aur seats teôbe dazzled by the long- awaited show. The theatro was linge insido sud the sets minimal, even somewliat oblique, but they fit nioely with the era of the play. At about 4:30 p.m., we ail loaded back on the buses with aur new memaries. Tired and worn from walking sa mucli, we talked about the play sud its effecta, condluding that it was a truly magnificent exponience, ans wlucii wiIi stay with us for years te corne. Jason Caprietta. On Oct. 19, Henry was flooded with limes of parents patiently waiting their turn ta meet and talk ta teachers. The Henry helpers were there to extend a welcome ta everyone, as weil as to give directions te, anyone finding themiselves a little dieoriented. Aiea on hand were Students gantImpaired Driving (SAID) who manned a video display and provided information to interested parents and students. On Oct. 24 and 25, Henry Street rings were on sale at the school. Theso special mementoos will be a lasting reminder of happy days at Henry Street. Dates for ordering are llmited, so don't miss out. The Halloween dance is Oct. 26, there's another dance on Nov. 15, and the -Christmas dance is schoduled for Deéc. 15. Tho first issue of Hawk Talk, the officiai newspaper of Henry Street Higli School, hit the streets recontly and editer-in-chief Keir Moulten and hie staff did a super job cf keeping the Hawks informed as weil as entertained. For ail those students graduating this year, the deadline for university applications, Dec. 1, is fast approaching. For those Hawks iterested in college, the application deadline is Feb. 16. For more information, contact the guidance office. Upcoming is the annual Henry Career Week.. Speakers will be at the echool from Nov. 27 to Dec. 1. Any parent/guardian interested in participating i this informative presentation, can contact Cindy Pliair at 668-2731. Cabaret Niglit, put on by the Henry Street music department, je an entertaining evening consisting cf "a collection of sangs from Broadway's popular musicale." It will be held on Thursday, Nov. 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the csàfeterium. Watch for upeorning ticket sales. <Iw L A Gavin Crisp FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN .Afror-echool toachers' meetings have neyer been famous for thoîr excitornent. This woeks congregation was no exception. Doomod to fat patiently in a crowded room for an hour, two absont-mindod teachors rely on othor methods ta pas the time. WHow much longer bofore this meeting is over?" 'T'wenty minutes." "What Noahi had to go through pales in comparisan te, this!" "Actually, 1 quito welcome the chance to voice my opinions on the issues of our school that may have arisen during the past weok." "Hmmm, yes - what do you think of the 'Take A Student to Work' program that is beginning its inaugural run, here at Fr. Austin?" "Wfeil, I think it's a groat opportunity for the studonts to gain a bit of experience. It will also help them discovor what it is they fruly like and diiliko; and knowing this will help them make healthior choices i a few years whon they muet plan for, post-secondary education." "Speaking of which, are you going ta, attend the post-secondary. school workshop for parents this week?" "I would if I could rememaber when it is." "It takes place here, at Fr. AustQp, on Wednesday, Nov. 1, at 7 p.m." "I think I -wiil go. After ail, knowing what my students will have te do te be allowed entry into collée and university will give me a better chance of preparing them for what's to corne." "Whon you say, 'what's ta come,: are you talking about the workshop ... or, are you talking about the Wildcat Walkathon that wiil take place on Oct. 31 (weather permitting)?" "WwweeUfl, at firet I was talking ab,-out the workshop, but now that you mention it, I feel that the walkathon will be a great opportunity ta, develop some more achool spirit. Besides, the echool neoda a workout. "Our echool just had a workout last woek. Over 100 students participated in~ our annual Austin Sportathon. Ini fact, I was speaking te, Mr. Dobson, the co-ordinator of thé' ovont, and lie said that over $1,000 was raied i the name of Austin atletics." "... which, judging from the resulta of our sports teams, is a worthy cause. I hear the junior boys'soccer team defeated O'Neill 7-0 in Austin's first ever soccer buy.out game; and the midget girls baukethail team improved its record ta four wine and anes bas with a 30-27 victory over Bowrnanville." "Hrnmrn, indeed ... and the midget girls' junior counterparta, with their 66-3 1 win over Dwyer lait Tuesday, kopt their perfect season alive and irnproved their record ta 5-0." "How mucli longer is it now until this meeting is over?", "About five minutes and thon we can leave." "I wonder what this yeare graduating clasa is doing te cape with having te beave this great institution at the end of the year? Fm going te miss them ail, espocially Gavin Crisp." "Yee, Fim going te miss them ail, tea. I only hope they ail teok advantage of the 'University Liaison days that took place over the lait two weeks.", Wl hope so, to. Anyway,.it looks like the meeting is coming te a close. You know, I eznjoyed this weeksé meeting. Ses you temorrow." "See you, later, Winger!" Studients taken to work by parents' The. Durhamn Board of Education's third Take a Student to Work Day will be held Wedneday, Nov. 8, and boards of education across Ontario will bo participating this year, for the 1second Urne. Each of the Durham board's 19 secondary schools will take part. About 80 per cent of all Grade 9 students accornpany a parent, relative or faLnily friend te work for one day. Teacher will prepare students for the experience and encourage parents te, talk to their children about the environment, the dres expectations sud the type of work of work they will observe in the workplaoe. The board says many students at the Grade 9 level are lacking information about the realities of the world of work. By spending a day in the workplace with their parents, they may gather valid information about careers and career-relatod choices that will face them as early as February, 1996. For 'further information, cal Marie Gabriel at 579-1990. Jason Collier HENRY ST. H.S. Jean Templeman TRAFALGAR CASTLE 1

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